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Separate Passive Tree!

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8/28/2014 4:40:56   

We all know that ever since the passive to active change, classes have become relatively boring and lacking identity.

And this is mainly due to passives being removed however it is also due to them compensating for each class giving them a means to both energy gain and drain, as such consider these changes complimented by certain skill changes that would need to be adjusted as a result of bringing back passives.

Anyway here is my attempt to bring back passives WITHOUT, Reintroducing the original problem which was (according to the devs) passives where to high of a priority and were a "must have" for each skill tree.

So what is the solution? A separate passive tree of coarse!

This idea is definitely not mine but I shall attempt to design it in such a way that it fits epic duel.

So lets begin!

First off here is a picture of how they can fit passive skill tree into the character details section: http://i.imgur.com/OzBKpod.png

So how will the new passive tree work?

I will be similar to the skill tree however you can only place 1 point into each passive (so it is either you have the passive or you do not) and you only get 1 passive point per 10 levels, (so at level 40 you will have 4 passive points and 4 passive's to choose from)

What does this mean?

It means that the choice comes down to what does your build need? rather then placing many points in each passive just because you can, it also means you will have to choose very wisely because their is only 4 points (if your level 40) or less you can use for passives.

Ok on to the tree and amount of passives per class, I think their should be 9 passives for each class to choose from, and it should work similar to the skill tree now as in a tier system where their are 3 passives in the first tier then another 3 in the 2nd and 3rd tier.
But enough of me trying to explain it with words let this image explain it

Ignore the blank red picture and just pretend each picture represents a passive which is yet to be made.
Note that some passives require a certain passive before it in order to be used and others are less restricted and can be placed from any passive from the tier below it.

Ok here comes the part in which I will need help from you guys,

Creating 9! passives for each class! Try to keep the identity of the class with each idea and I shall start of with a few for each class and add more as I think of them,
(NOTE: Each passive is a one-off thing you can't put more then one point into each passive)


Tier One
-Hybrid armor: passively give +30 defense and resistance
-Potent Ballistics: All explosive damage (Auxillary, artilary strike, bunker buster and stun grenade) are increased by 10%

Tier Two
-The Real Juggernaut: When your HP falls below 25% you reduce all further incoming damage by 50% (calculated after defenses not before).
-Critical Weakness: Your chance to crit is DOUBLED! the extra damage these crits deal is reduced by 50%

Tier Three
-Raging Berserker: Triggered passive, when you obtain a full bar of rage instead of getting a stronger attack your receive +10 stat bonus in each stat and 10% armor ignoring attacks for 2 turns, upon reaching full rage this passive triggers and your rage resets to zero.

Tech Mages:

Tier One
-Reroute: Passively return 15% of damage received into Energy

Tier Two
Telekinetic Reflect: Reflects 10% of damage received from projectiles back at the attacker.

Tier Three
-Energy Manipulator: Halves your total max energy, but you gain 25% of the new total amount back at the start of every turn.
-Destructive power: Reduces the cool down of all attack spells by 1, but they now reflect 10% of the damage they deal back at you.

Bounty Hunters

Tier One
- Blood lust: Passively gain 15% of damage dealt as hp.

Tier Two
-Lethal Poison: Poison damage can kill your opponent if they fall below 0.
-Shadow Arts: Your chance to block is increased by 5% and blocking someone completely negates all damage.

Tier Three
-Blood Magic: All energy costs become HP costs! And your total energy is reduced to 0, gains in energy now restore HP equal to the energy gained amount, you are immune to energy drains.
-Speedy Prep: You start first, but you cannot use an attack in your first turn (any attack that deals damage)

Tactical Mercs

Tier One
- Mineral armor: passively gain +60 defense
-Potent Ballistics: All explosive damage (Auxiliary, artillery strike, bunker buster and stun grenade) are increased by 10%
-Reroute: Passively return 15% of damage received into Energy

Tier Two

Tier Three
-Hyper Energy Protector: Reduces your hp by 50% of the max, but your energy acts as a damage absorbing shield which will take all incoming damage until you run out of energy, Note: poisons will ignore your energy protector and attack directly to your HP.
-Speedy Prep: You start first, but you cannot use an attack in your first turn (any attack that deals damage)

Blood Mages

Tier One
- Blood lust: Passively gain 15% of damage dealt as hp.

Tier Two
-Deadly Aim: Your sidearm now deals 90% damage but is based on your dexterity rather then strength.
-Critical Weakness: Your chance to crit is DOUBLED! the extra damage these crits deal is reduced by 50%

Tier Three
-Blood Magic: All energy costs become HP costs! And your total energy is reduced to 0, gains in energy now restore HP equal to the energy gained amount you are immune to energy drains.
-Destructive power: Reduces the cool down of all attack spells by 1, but they now reflect 10% of the damage they deal back at you.

Cyber Hunters

Tier One
-Plasma armor: passively gain +60 resistance.

Tier Two
-Deadly Aim: Your sidearm now deals 90% damage but is based on your dexterity rather then strength.
-Lethal Poison: Poison damage can kill your opponent if they fall below 0.
-Shadow Arts: Your chance to block is increased by 5% and blocking someone completely negates all damage.

Tier Three
-Energy Manipulator: Halves your total max energy, but you gain 25% of the new total amount back at the start of every turn.
-Hyper Energy Protector: Reduces your hp by 50% of the max, but your energy acts as a damage absorbing shield which will take all incoming damage until you run out of energy, Note: poisons will ignore your energy protector and attack directly to your HP.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 10/23/2014 14:32:14 >
Epic  Post #: 1
8/28/2014 5:15:48   

Common Passives for all classes: (they'd better be at the 3rd tier)
1. 10% bonus credits for each win
2. 10% bonus exp for each win
3. 30% bonus credits for each loss
4. 30% bonus exp for each loss

1. 10% more damage on a critical hit
2. 5% life steal
3. Increases damage output by 5%

1. 10% more damage on a block
2. 10% energy cost lowered
3. 10% increase on base Resistance

1. 10% more damage on a deflection
2. 10% more auxiliary damage
3. 10% increase on base Defense

1. 5% block chance increase
2. 5% life steal
3. 5% primary damage increase

1. 5% more damage on a critical hit
2. 5% damage increase on Range attack skills
3. 5% defense and resistance increase

1. 5% deflection chance increase
2. 10% Sidearm damage increase
3. 5% energy returns from damage

These ideas came out on the top of my head, so they're pretty raw. Definitely needs some kind of polish or even changes.

< Message edited by theholyfighter -- 8/28/2014 5:18:26 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
8/28/2014 5:37:09   

^ Not bad, holy fighter,

When I start getting more I will polish and add some.

I need more right now in order to establish tiers.

Thanks for helping BTW. :)
Epic  Post #: 3
8/28/2014 5:47:13   

Well obviously Supported because i feel bad for classes having no difference between one and other.

Some passive skill suggestions...

For tlm

Tactical buff

All defensive debuffs reduced by 10% (e.g. Malf, smoke, black abyss thing...)

For CH

Anti resistor

Passively decreases opponents resistence by 5%.

For BM


All strenght debuffs are less effective on them by 20%. (e.g. Intimidate, the core wich reduces their highest stat....)

For M


Shields that directly increase their def/res are now more effective by 7% (not affected by reflex boost, technician but affected by hybrid armor, energy shield ect...

For BH

Smoking hot

Reduces the opponents dex by 3%.

For Tm

Robot specials are now 10% more effective...
(Affects things like assault bots, but doesnt affect things like bunny borg.)

And as usual... Great suggestion and keep up the good work
Post #: 4
8/28/2014 5:52:27   

^ Thanks for the ideas,

I will add the ones I think are the most appropriate and polish them etc. as I get more ideas.

Keep them coming guys :)

Also one thing to add,

Don't be afraid to do crazy passive ideas for example.

Blood Magic: All energy costs become HP costs!
(Bonus is that you become immune to energy drains and you don't need to invest into energy at all however your skills now cost HP)

< Message edited by Remorse -- 8/28/2014 5:57:05 >
Epic  Post #: 5
8/28/2014 8:14:36   

But with blood magic the field medic needs to be removed because you already can use energy gains and MoB.
Post #: 6
8/28/2014 8:19:30   

^ It has a lot of upsides yes,

But mark of blood also costs energy to start right?

So it's like an investment you cost some HP to get some more back later.

And technically field medic will be fine,

Instead of say giving 50 HP it would instead give 30 if say it costs 20. In this case it can be compared to battery back-up, it's free but it's doesn't give as much as a result.

Not overpowered just different.

And at the moment what we need is huge amounts of different in the game.

Also I changed energy gains to instead be HP gains, which can be a big upside, but I think with all the downsides the passive will have it will become a passive that is more suited towards niche builds and especially not caster builds.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 8/28/2014 8:24:47 >
Epic  Post #: 7
8/28/2014 9:10:51   

1. Energy taking skills are 25% less effective

2. 50 energy bonus per block/deflection

3. Changes the element of your primary weapon from battle start according to our opponent's starting def/resis

I was thinking 9 passives are too much. May decrease the amount and as well add some 2vs2-only passives?
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
8/28/2014 10:00:40   


1. Energy taking skills are 25% less effective

Instead of doing it like this,

Try look at it from a different perspective, how can you make energy drains less effective with a new feature?

For example blood magic makes you immune to them, but your skills cost HP, this sort of thing.

9 passives is a high amount but remember you can only use 4 at one time providing you are 40,

9 is for the variety and the freedom to select from things.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 8/28/2014 10:01:32 >
Epic  Post #: 9
8/28/2014 12:04:09   

Supported x10000% love this idea and its a must on a update. With this the game would be 1 million times more fun and enjoyable. Plus it would increase variety in builds and way more players online.

< Message edited by suboto -- 8/28/2014 12:11:14 >
Epic  Post #: 10
8/28/2014 13:09:07   

What do you guys think of this passive idea for tactical mercs and cyber hunters:

-Hyper Energy Protector: Reduces your hp by 50% of the max, but your energy acts a damage absorbing shield which will take most incoming damage until you run out of energy, Note: poisons will ignore your energy protector and attack directly to your HP.

Upsides: can be a very effective shield and can be reused with energy gains,
Downside: reduces hp, energy costs reduce your shield, energy drain will be highly effective, and poisons counter it.

This passive has potential to be very strong but it can easily be balanced with number adjustments, plus their is a direct counter to it (poisons)


I have added many more interesting passives check them out and see if you like them/ have any issues with them.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 8/28/2014 13:46:08 >
Epic  Post #: 11
8/28/2014 14:16:03   

I would rather a 1st piece update for this but with the old passives. Then after some balanceing implement these others
Epic  Post #: 12
8/28/2014 14:21:11   

^ I have reintroduced most of the old ones as well, or similar versions of.
Epic  Post #: 13
8/28/2014 15:37:05   

Players have been waiting for a change like this for ever BUT there are few flaws

Flaw nr 1.) If you gain them when you level up then it makes the level advantage EVEN MORE OF AN ADVANTAGE. & cutting player range would damage the game ect.
(every 10th level)

2.)The skill level required would be a way more and a lot of people that i know love the game just because of its simplicity.

3.)Npcs is a HUGE part of ED and they would eather end up as punching bags for high damage classes or close to impossible/impossible to kill without a class that tanks well.

4.)Not to mention the balance tool they have been working on for so long (atleast 4 months would have to just be thrown away/ would need huge improvements)

5.)The % of skills/passives would need to be reworked...

Imagine if I am a techmage with 1k energy.
I have Energy manipulator

I go against a blood mage

Who has blood magic...

He uses the parasite...
+ you have BLOODLUST... That is currently OP
+and did I mention the free hp points that you get when you heal because you dont need as much energy as you regenerate hp?

6.)Time.(yes everything takes time but not like a year)
This would take so much time and all the testing and balancing... That a lot of people would quit the game in the mean while... Even now the only motivation I have is that they will release the balance tool that they have been working on for so long.

Post #: 14
8/28/2014 16:23:15   

^ All these factors are true and valid,

Yes the level advantage will be present but unfortunately this is something present in basically all RPG style games and it is something that good variety helps to reduce.

Yes the complexity of the game would increase,
However I structured the passives to work in tier so the less complex passives are available first and the 3rd tier passives aren't available until level 30 and by then I think they can handle the complexity change no matter the age.

NPCs need to be adjusted anyway because they have to fix the mechanics of the game somehow and which ever way they do it would require NPC changes.

And lastly your point of energy manipulation,

This passive actually drastically reduces the max energy you have which would intern make you far less susceptible to energy parasite.

It reduces the max energy by 50% but then allows you to regain 25% back per turn, so if you had 1000 energy you would actually only have 500 and you receive back 25% per turn (25% of 500 = 125) so you get back 125 energy per turn for free.

But with 50% less max mana you can be drained to levels not useable by skills much quicker and then have to regain to use skills.

But I do understand you point of these changes requiring constant balance monitoring,

I would like to point out that great and powerful variety can actually more or less balance itself, as long as viable variety exists and as long as it can all be countered then balance is much less harder to reach a standard acceptable for this style of game.


+ you have BLOODLUST... That is currently OP

Energy parasite may have to be adjusted to fit the passive tree but like I said some skills will need to be adjusted to fit.

Or perhaps blood magic will have to work where you don't gain from energy regains and instead gain nothing,
or again perhaps energy gains could give you HP but then also energy drains could drain HP.

Unfortunately I don't have the ability to test these things but I think I am pretty good at getting a rough idea with just concepts.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 8/28/2014 16:32:06 >
Epic  Post #: 15
8/28/2014 19:34:59   


But with 50% less max mana you can be drained to levels not useable by skills much quicker and then have to regain to use skills.

Yes that is true and it is clearly my bad

But you got the point....

Also the battle duration would be increased by a lot... Meaning rewards should be raised.

And I also suggest that gaining energy should not be allowed when you convert your ep to hp.
Drainers and gainers would be even more op that they currently are and it just seems abusive.

Apart from that it looks pretty good and I cant seem to find any more flaws with it. Well done
Post #: 16
8/28/2014 21:25:00   
  Exploding Penguin

Here are my suggestions:

Merc Tier 3:
-Repeated Blows: Each consecutive melee strike adds a stack of repeated blows. For each stack of repeated blows, your next melee attack will deal a small % of extra damage. Note that double strike will add 2 stacks rather than one of repeated blows, and zerker will add 3. Static smash does NOT add stacks but will maintain them. Using anything other than a melee move will reset your stacks to 0. Caps at 20 stacks.
-Morale: Buffs and heals will increase your damage dealt by 3% and reduce damage taken from all sources by 3% for 2 turns. Stacks.

TM Tier 3:
-Heated Plasma: Plasma bolt, overload, plasma rain, and supercharge all reduce the target's resistance by 3% for the next single turn. Stacks up to 3 times, and stacks will refresh whenever they are reapplied
-Energy charge: Every time you expend energy dealing damage to an opponent, you store 6% of the energy spent. Upon the next use of assimilation, you will remove additional energy equal to 1/2 your stored charges, and therefore recover 25% of those stored charges as extra. If you use battery backup instead, then you will recover additional energy equal to 75% your stored charge. Using either skill will empty your stored charge.

BH Tier 3:
-Second Wind: At 35% HP or lower, any form of healing is 15% stronger.
-Razor Strikes: All melee attacks will apply 1 stack of razor strikes on the enemy. Enemy defense/resistance is reduced by 2 for every stack of razor strike. Energy primaries on the BH -> reduce resistance, and vice versa for physical weapons.

TLM Tier 3:
-Damaging an enemy with skills, cores, or your robot will give you a 1-turn shield which blocks any form of damage and can surpass your max health. The shield's strength is equal to 35% of damage dealt on the skill.
-Thorned Armor: Direct attacks received cause 6% of the damage dealt back to the attacker.

BM Tier 2:
-Red Immunity: Poisons and over-time energy drain effects are reduced by 25%

BM Tier 3:
-Resilient Bloodstream: Upon receiving a lethal move, you are revived with 10% your max HP. One use per battle.
-Sanguine Vengeance: Taking damage stores vengeance equal to 20% of the damage received. Your next rage attack or critical hit will deal bonus damage equal to your stored vengeance, and heal you for 25% of the stored vengeance regardless of how much damage reduction your opponent has.

CH Tier 3:
-Blue Rage: Draining enemy energy gives rage. This includes drains from cores.

Epic  Post #: 17
8/29/2014 2:50:54   

^Some really nice ideas there penguin,

Some of the belong and different tiers,

I reverse tier 3 for really big changes (these changes should have both huge upsides and downsides)

And number increase style passives should go in tier 1 or 2.

I will ad some of these as I go :)
Epic  Post #: 18
8/29/2014 18:57:06   

Supported, I hope this improves the game
Post #: 19
8/31/2014 2:08:47   

Supported,This is Grate Idea
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
8/31/2014 8:03:17   
Envy and Jealousy

Supported, Remorse. Love this so much. Will give my ideas (if I can ever think of some, lol).


His choice led him on a path of anarchy

Her choice led her on a path of fulfillment
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
8/31/2014 8:25:30   

^ Awesome,

I still need a lot of ideas to get 3 for each tier for each class.

Rule of thumb:

Tier 1: Basic Stat/Percentage addition.

Tier 2: Same as tier 1 with minor mechanic changes.

Tier 3: Major mechanic change.
Epic  Post #: 22
9/5/2014 22:07:48   
  Exploding Penguin

Passives (Too lazy to tier them):

-Sorcery: All unblockable skills (meaning everything on the rightmost branch of your skill tree) deal 5 extra damage
-Conservation: Reduces energy cost AFTER applying any other passive effect (this means previously suggested passives like energy charge are unaffected) of all non-skill core skills by 5
-Mass Destruction: Critical hits and rage attacks on unblockable spells ignores % extra defense/resistance and deal bonus damage based on level
-Energy Blast: Expending energy through any manner (does not include getting it drained by opponents) gives a stack of Energy Blast. At 2 stacks of energy blast, your next skill will cost 20 less energy AND heal some HP based off of a % of your max energy pool
-Blue Bond: Your energy-damage spells deal more damage the more max energy you have.

-Bleeding Strikes: Melee attacks cause enemies to bleed, dealing a % of their current HP per turn for the next 2 turns
-Exploit Weakness: Deal increased damage when an enemy is debuffed by any source
-Executioner: As your opponent loses HP, you deal more damage. This is based off of a % of their max health

-Dominating Presence: When an opponent is at 40% health or lower, you gain the effect "Dominating Presence." In 2v2, this stacks to a max of 2. For each stack of dominating presence, your critical hit chance is increased by a very small %, and your bunker buster's critical hit chance is massively boosted. If an opponent heals back to above 40%, you lose the effect of this passive.
-Unstoppable Force: Status debuffs are reduced by a %, and the chance of being hit by a critical hit or being stunned is also reduced slightly. Enemy rage attacks ignore a small % less defense/resistance
-Crushing Blows: Crits and rage melee attacks deal bonus damage based off of support.

-Blood Pact: You deal more damage on non-skill and non-skill core attacks the more max HP you have.
-Expose Blood: The lower HP you currently have in battle, the more damage you deal
-Second wind: At 35% HP or lower, heals are 15% more effective. As a BM exclusively, at 35% HP or lower, health costs on skills are also 15% less.

-Liquid Veins: Heals recover % more health. Enemy poison and energy drains are % more effective.
-Charged Blood: Static charge heals HP upon use. This amount of HP increases the more max energy the CH has
-Charged Armor: Gives bonus %-based damage mitigation based on your max energy pool.

-Energy Guardian: Your max health increases the more max energy you have. Your max energy increases the more max health you have. This passive does not stack with itself.
-Defender: In 2v2s, you absorb 15% of the damage that would have been done to your ally. Your ally takes 85% damage of what they would normally take.
-Resource Recycler: Losing HP or energy through ANY means adds to your "Recycler" stacks. You gain stacks equal to 20% of the resources lost. On your next buff/heal/supporting skill (includes field medic, skill cores, field commander, etc...), the target heals health equal to your recycler stacks.
-Regenerate: You passively heal a small % of your max health and max energy each turn.
-True Juggernaut: The more HP and Energy you have (adds both pools up), the less damage you take (%-based mitigation). As you lose HP and energy, you take more damage.

Epic  Post #: 23
9/6/2014 11:32:00   

Balance comes first, then comes variety.No point in adding more variety if balance isn t good enought.
Unique passives are mostly impossible to balance, passives shuld all come with cores, that are easier to balance since they re accessible to all classes and they come with a cost.We just need more cores, but as I said before balance comes first.
Epic  Post #: 24
9/6/2014 22:09:03   
  Exploding Penguin

I strongly disagree.

Even if it's balanced, if it isn't fun then no one will play it. If everything is the same (like it is now, where all classes have extremely similar kits), then it isn't fun. I'd rather have a game be fun and have sever imbalances than have it be boring, bland but fair. Would you rather have a system where every class has their own OP strategies, or a system where everyone uses the same generic build and there's almost 0 variation in fights, even if it's balanced?

More suggestions:

NOTE: Multiple suggestions does not mean they will all work together. If I suggested something in the past and suggest something in this specific post, then, unless otherwise specified, THEY ARE NOT MEANT TO COEXIST

-Barrier Charge: A small % of damage blocked by shields whose source is this person (meaning any shields the CH casts, including skill cores, and including shields cast on allies) is stored. On the user's next static charge, their static charge will recover bonus energy equal to the stored charges.
-Hyper Cutters: Wrist blades only. Melee attacks penetrate a % of enemy defense/resistance equal to the user's current resistance (meaning buffs and debuffs can modify this passive).
-Energy Leak: Melee attacks remove a small amount of enemy energy. This amount increases with the user's support.

-Expose Wounds: If the enemy's dexterity or resistance is debuffed, physical/energy attacks (based on the debuff) will increase the severity of the debuff by a set amount. Does not increase duration of the debuff, only the debuff strength.
-Destructive Venom: Dealing damage to a poisoned enemy or poisoning an enemy (including through using a robot special) resets venom strike's cooldown to 0, and allows you to apply it on top of previous poisons. Reapplying poison does not reset the previous poison's duration, and if two or more poisons are inflicted on a foe, they will be counted as separate status effects with separate durations. Note that dealing damage to a poisoned enemy will reset venom strike's cooldown for use the next available turn, but the source of the poison doesn't have to be you.
-Blood Fever: Killing an enemy causes your next attack to deal significantly increased damage by a %. This % increase is applied after calculating bonus damage from rage/critical hits.
-Massacre (passive): Massacre (active) grants bonus % lifesteal on its use and will permanently reduce enemy defense/resistance by a %. Killing an enemy with massacre causes the user to instantly recover HP and energy equal to a % of their missing HP and energy.

-Short Circuit: While being affected by your malfunction, the target's sidearm, auxiliary, and robot damage are decreased by an additional set amount which scales with the user's technology
-Blast Cast: Your first offensive skill in a battle on an opponent explodes, dealing bonus energy damage to both the target and their teammate (if there is one). This bonus damage increases with strength.
-Technical Mastery: Your buffs from skills and skill cores are a % more effective.

-Rend: Your basic attacks (including gun, auxiliary, strike, and robot basic attack) rend your opponent, causing them to bleed a very, very small amount of damage over the next 2 turns. Reapplying a stack of rend resets the duration of it and adds to the damage, meaning the damage per turn of 5 stacks is larger than the damage per turn of 2 stacks. Caps at 5 stacks.
-Severe Wound: Your next damaging skill, excluding skill cores and bot specials, consumes all stacks of rend to halve the enemy's healing by 5% per rend stack the next turn, as well as 10 bonus damage per stack of rend, and healing the user for 5 HP per stack of rend. This bonus damage ignores all defense/resistance.
-Rusting Blood: For each stack of rend an opponent has, their block, critical, and deflection chances are decreased by 1%
-Status Mastery: Any skills and cores which apply status effects, including energy parasite, intimidate, defensive buffs, and any other buffs cores provide, are a small % more effective.

-Rageborn: You lose the ability to rage. Instead, your rage meter is transformed into a status bar like HP and EP. Taking damage and dealing damage both increase your rage bar by a very small amount. Dealing critical hits on enemies increases your rage by a larger amount. Stacks of repeated blows (mentioned in an earlier post) increase your rage gain. Being blocked or deflected causes you to not gain any rage from that attack. Lionhart bot special and adrenaline both give you a decent amount of rage. Once reaching max rage, your rage will drain back to 0 over a span of 2 turns, and you will be healed for a % of your max HP once this happens.
-Fury: The more rage you have, the more damage you deal
-Recklessness: The more rage you have, the higher your critical hit chance is. However, your block/deflection chances are decreased. Enemies who block or deflect you also negate an additional 15% damage.

< Message edited by Exploding Penguin -- 9/6/2014 22:43:31 >
Epic  Post #: 25
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