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RE: =AQ3D= Question & Answer Thread

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11/26/2015 10:45:18   

@ckdrgonck this might be an issue with your internet connection or DNS cache.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 301
11/26/2015 16:23:48   
Undead Lunatic


So, recently I had been clicking the server only for it to never load, then Unity to crash. So I figured, "Hey, why don't I clear the cache?"

I thought that worked, since Unity no longer crashed. ... But now it always says "connection to the server has failed" despite my internet being fully connected.

Is it offline or is the game just trolling me now?


That is very odd. I'll look into it and see if there's anything I can figure out, though for now I can't imagine what it could be.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 302
11/26/2015 16:26:52   
Frost Moglin

What will the guardian tower be like? I havent played a lot so I dont know if it's already in there.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 303
11/26/2015 22:35:28   


I doubt it. My service has had no changes and I was able to connect to them just fine, then one day - nope. As I said, I can access the other games just fine, so. 0.0 I've also reset my router and it didn't fix it.

How about your firewall/security programs? ~ Gjappy

Edit: I was just able to log in. Whatever happened in the update fixed the problem. :)

I know this is late to ask, but how do I connect my AQ3D account to my AE account, or atleast to my AQW account? :O

< Message edited by ckdragonck -- 11/28/2015 4:57:46 >
DF AQW  Post #: 304
11/28/2015 19:16:06   
Lord Noonien Soong

So for our rewards for supporting AQ3D's kickstarter, will we get our reward after the kickstarter is over, and the game is still in Alpha, or will we get it when the game comes out?
AQ DF  Post #: 305
11/28/2015 20:52:14   
Undead Lunatic


So for our rewards for supporting AQ3D's kickstarter, will we get our reward after the kickstarter is over, and the game is still in Alpha, or will we get it when the game comes out?

@Lord Noonien Soong

The expected delivery date for the kickstarter rewards is set for July 2016.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 306
11/28/2015 21:09:20   

I have a few questions.

1. I'm probably gonna wait until around Christmas to make a pledge for the Kickstarter. If the goal is reached days before the deadline, could i still make a pledge and get the rewards?

2. Will there be more opportunities for Founder outside of the Kickstarter?

3. And how does "Guardian Status" exactly work? Is it some kind of membership that would have to be purchased?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 307
11/28/2015 23:04:59   

Lord Noonien Soong: Adding to what Undead Lunatics said, here's a word from Artix about how the Kickstarter works:


Dear AdventureQuest 3D Backers,

THANK YOU! x9999

We have never done a Kickstarter before, so naturally I have been getting questions from backers on how this works. Specifically, when and how do you get those awesome rewards? So I made you a guide!

AdventureQuest 3D Kickstarter Guide

-Our Kickstarter campaign runs until January 1st
-We are going to succeed and reach our goal of $200K.
-But it is nice to know that if that goal is not met, you will not be billed.
-Upon success we will celebrate like crazy!
-We will also send you a email with a Form/Survey-- this will get you set up to start receiving your rewards on your AdventureQuest 3D account.
-AdventureQuest 3D Badges will then appear immediately.
-We set the "estimate delivery date" of the rewards to be Summer, but we expect to fulfill them much faster.
-As the various versions of the game go live: PC/Mac/Steam/Apple/Android we will send you and the other Backers early access invitation links. Your accounts will have permission to access servers and devices that other people will not. It is ironic that you are -called "backers" of this game when you are really the front line!
-Classes and Items in your reward tiers will be available on your character as they are created! You will get them early... so we will need your help testing, balancing and deciding on the final skills for them.
-The Kickstarter exclusive items, badges and abilities in your packages including the variant armors, Alpha Pirate armor, Shadow Wolf transformation, and the insanely amazing looking Founder Sword will never be available again after the Kickstarter ends. You will be the only ones with these items.
-These exclusive reward items are certain to become the more rare, historical artifacts of the game, and will prove that you were here, and made AdventureQuest 3D happen. Item fusion will make sure that you can always use them!

mattkuk1120: About question 1, the answer is yes, even if the goal is met before the deadline you can still contribute and have your tier's reward! About question 2, though, I think only the team knows.

< Message edited by Azan -- 11/28/2015 23:07:23 >
Post #: 308
12/4/2015 9:50:24   

I have a question. Since paypal is unlikely to be accepted, what would be a ood way for a Uk player to contribute money instantly rather than wait for the 31st? And will we be able to upgrade pledges later on?
DF  Post #: 309
12/4/2015 10:17:47   

@Megakyle777 You can back the Kickstarter with any Creditcard. And yes, you actually CAN change the amount that you pledge before the 31st.

@Mattkuk1120 2) Likely there will be no other chances on Founder after the Kickstarter. But don't pin me on this.
3) Guardian Status means that you will have access to the Guardian Tower and the Guardian Class. It's sort of a membership that only gives you access to 1 extra area and quests. Needs to be purchased and is not kickstarter only, so can be bought later on too.

~ Gjappy

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 310
12/4/2015 10:40:06   


why did you make guardian member only...?
and are free players unable to enter the guardian tower unless they pay?
Post #: 311
12/4/2015 11:11:56   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

@LyRein: Guardian has always been a special offer class in all AE games. I don't see why you expected it to be different in AQ3D.
DF AQW  Post #: 312
12/4/2015 11:33:46   


This isn't a normal Guardian though.
This was supposed to replace Healer.

taken from alpha FAQ


What classes are coming to AQ3D?
In the Alpha we will be adding 4 classes:





Each class will have its own unique skills and it’s own way of interacting and synergizing with other the classes. There will be more classes in time, but these are the four that will be released during Alpha Testing for sure.

now it's a backer-only class.
and was added late after alpha began.

this was said before kickstarter was even planned.

< Message edited by LyRein -- 12/4/2015 11:38:17 >
Post #: 313
12/4/2015 12:30:27   

We should be able to get Guardian if we have it in AQ. Just saying.
DF AQW  Post #: 314
12/4/2015 12:47:33   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

@LyRein: Guardian wasn't supposed to replace Healer, as far as I know. In fact, they aren't going to make any "Healer" class since it's a class that forces people to work in a group and has an hard time functioning alone. and it has been stated AQ3D will be solo-friendly.
DF AQW  Post #: 315
12/4/2015 13:28:01   

Guardian Class is not 'backer-only' it's a class you can unlock by payment at any time.

~ Gjappy
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 316
12/4/2015 13:36:37   

Gjappy: Thanks for the answers, but what I meant was 1: Is there any way I can just pay you guys the money right away rather then waiting till the 31st, since I know you guys will deliver and I prefer paying when I have money then subbing in case I don't have it later on, and 2: I was refering to how with some Kickstarters they allow you to up your pledge after the Kickstater has ended, so for example If I paid for the Alpha Pirate Class before the 31st but because I had could pgrade y pledge later on to Shadow Wolf before release.

1) Unfortunately, no. Kickstarter works that way that they will exctract the pledged money from the backer's creditcards when the goal is achieved within the set time. And not before.
2) I currently do not have any information about this. If it is possible at other kickstarters too then I assume yes. But don't pin me down on that, Artix made the kickstarter personally. I'd have to ask him to be sure.
~ Gjappy

< Message edited by Gjappy -- 12/4/2015 13:50:07 >
DF  Post #: 317
12/4/2015 16:05:54   

@David The Wanderer

Replace as in take it's place.


pretty sure someone said it would be released like the other 3 classes before all this "pay 2 get guardian" stuff

How does the level-up-to-your-friends-level work exactly?

from what i've heard it makes leveling look unnecessary or pointless.

< Message edited by LyRein -- 12/4/2015 16:09:28 >
Post #: 318
12/4/2015 18:48:21   

So, I think I heard somewhere there might be the ability to choose your race later on down the line? Did I just mishear something, or is that an actual plan for character customization later?
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 319
12/4/2015 19:04:16   


Taken from AQ3D Alpha FAQ


Will AQ3D feature different playable races?

Due to the size limitations of the game, we can’t fill it up with drastically different body types and animations for each gender of each species, but we will probably offer different skin textures on the current model for humanoid races like elves, elementals, cat folks, half-horks and zardpeople for example. If it’s a highly requested feature we might even give each starting race different starting stats, but if this does happen it will be post-beta.

So no Darkbloods.
Post #: 320
12/5/2015 4:30:02   

Mmm, I'm hoping that you can change races later? If they're not all released upon game-release, I mean. qvq); I was honestly hoping to create a male Darkblood, but since that seems a bit out of the picture, it would sort of suck if I redeemed kickstarter rewards on a certain race and then a totally rad one came out later.
AQW  Post #: 321
12/5/2015 8:39:55   


Wouldn't make sense to be honest.

Darkblood race before Darkblood expansion?
Post #: 322
12/5/2015 14:36:55   


True, true. ^^); But I mean, it's not always necessary to have a location readily available that's relevant to the race. Their origin could just be covered in a quick lore profile. Sort of like the Khajit in Skyrim, for example. Their homeland, Elsweyr, isn't included in the game, but it's understood that they've come to Skyrim from another place. But anywho, there's no promise that they could be implemented to begin with because of their horns and hooves, so. qvq); I might just go with a female Gattan or Human if they can't.

Edit: I just finished watching the recording of the livestream, and on the topic of races they mentioned Darkblood in specific! o/v/o) So maybe there is hope? It wasn't a matter of "we're going to implement it", but it was certainly an idea.

< Message edited by Syldiva -- 12/5/2015 15:59:32 >
AQW  Post #: 323
12/6/2015 5:03:53   
Miss Cellaneous

How do you chat in Alpha?

Hitting enter does nothing.
Post #: 324
12/6/2015 10:35:38   
Undead Lunatic


How do you chat in Alpha?

Hitting enter does nothing.

@Miss Cellaneous

It is enter to send chat, however there is currently a bug on macs that causes the enter key not to be registered.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 325
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