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RE: =AQ3D= Question & Answer Thread

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8/16/2015 19:02:37   
Undead Lunatic


Undead Lunatics I was wondering if it would be possible to get a list of known bug or at least common ones. It might help out if you guys are getting duplicate bug reports.
If possible maybe see about getting a topic sticked at the top about bug reporting in general(beyond the Acc/Dis topic).

I'll PM you.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 151
8/18/2015 11:31:38   
Space Robin

Hey Undead. I'm just wondering how does a monster choose its target, specifically the Smash Mash Trolluk? Like it'll hit the first person who causes damage, or the most damage, or just completely random?

I keep dying all the time. People now think I'm weird for running around them by using great colourful words. But I'm glad that there are more people signing up for AQ3D.

Is there any chance to fix Undead Terror?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 152
8/18/2015 14:12:02   
Undead Lunatic


Hey Undead. I'm just wondering how does a monster choose its target, specifically the Smash Mash Trolluk? Like it'll hit the first person who causes damage, or the most damage, or just completely random?

I keep dying all the time. People now think I'm weird for running around them by using great colourful words. But I'm glad that there are more people signing up for AQ3D.

@Space Robin
The mob will attack the person who has done the most damage, or done 4x the value of the highest damage in heals. Example, so say you and a friend are fighting Smash Mash and he just spawned. You attack and hit him for 24 damage, and he starts to attack you and you run around in circles and stop attacking him. Your friend starts to heal you and as soon as he has healed you for 97 health (24 x 4 + 1), Smash Mash stops chasing you and starts to attack him.

Since Smash Mash is level 10 though, he's extremely difficult to hit because of the level difference. So what usually happens is the first person to hit him will be chased for a while since other players have to get lucky and not miss attacks + be able to do more total damage than you have before you get a hit in again. Anyway, if you ever want to lose aggro the best thing to do is run in a tight circle (holding Q while tapping D every half second or so works very well) and turn off auto-attack while you wait for someone to do more total damage than you.


Is there any chance to fix Undead Terror?

Zhoom is working on a fix to prevent mobs from getting stuck right now, so mobs like Undead Terror shouldn't be able to get stuck anymore after the fix is out.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 153
8/19/2015 10:41:42   


Zhoom is working on a fix to prevent mobs from getting stuck right now, so mobs like Undead Terror shouldn't be able to get stuck anymore after the fix is out.

Until Zhoom gets that working, why not just put a timer on his respawn? Let's say, 5 minutes. That way every 5 minutes he simply auto-respawns no matter what. If people get pissy, code in a check system "Op! 5 minutes are up. Are we being damanged?" "Yes sir we are." "Okay, don't respawn right now." (I'm uncertain on how difficult any of this would be to code, but it sounds nice in theory)
DF  Post #: 154
8/23/2015 1:50:51   

Will there be a wipe after Alpha?
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 155
8/23/2015 7:47:49   


Hasn't that been asked like 10,000 times?

< Message edited by LyRein -- 8/23/2015 7:48:16 >
Post #: 156
8/23/2015 9:54:03   
thulsa doom

According to Cysero's FAQ:

Probably. At the very least we will want everyone to be able to start the full release of the game on equal footing, even if you already know the game inside and out. BUT, we won’t take your names from you in the wipe. Those are yours now so choose well.
AQ AQW  Post #: 157
8/23/2015 17:33:45   

I'm fairly certain I participated in the "Multiplayer 3d movement and chat" part of the tech demo, but didn't receive a badge. Is there anyway to check/verify or an e-mail address I can send a message to?

< Message edited by Nightmarefang -- 8/23/2015 17:36:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 158
8/23/2015 17:38:27   
Undead Lunatic


I'm fairly certain I participated in the "Multiplayer 3d movement and chat" part of the tech demo, but didn't receive a badge. Is there anyway to check/verify or an e-mail address I can send a message to?

Visit the bottom of http://aq3d.com/help/ and contact the help team, they'll be able to verify whether or not your participated and they'll be able to reward you your badge in AQW.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 159
8/23/2015 17:42:05   

thanks, but is there an actual e-mail address? when I click the contact button it opens up the windows 8 mail app and nothing loads beyond the blue screen and white envelope

thanks both of you

< Message edited by Nightmarefang -- 8/23/2015 18:03:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 160
8/23/2015 17:52:24   

By Right clicking the link at the bottom and clicking "copy email address" I was given:

< Message edited by afterlifex -- 8/23/2015 17:53:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 161
8/24/2015 17:10:12   

Well they were unhelpful at best. Was effectively told, if you don't already have the badge you're not getting the badge.

I remember participating in the tech demo test though when it was just yulgar's inn. Nothing really in there, just able to chat and move around. when you logged into the test it'd give you a randomized character.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 162
8/26/2015 0:50:39   
Gorillo Titan

Verify your email for the game and you should still get the badge.
Post #: 163
8/26/2015 3:45:12   
Muril Sis

Hello all, couple of quick questions. I'll put them all in this post to avoid spamming...

1) Chat box. I'm a Mac user, is there an update on when this issue might be resolved?
2) Sword drops. I've got 5 so far, are there more?
3) Armor drops from same source 'Bone Terror?' Are there any?
4) Will our current inventory be wiped for Beta?

Many thanks. I'm enjoying the Alpha thus far, good work :)
Post #: 164
8/26/2015 20:03:43   

Trolluk Boss drops 4 swords, and Terror boss drops 5 swords. There are no other drops.

I don't think the inventory will be wiped, at least not all items, I guess. They said that the swords could be collected for "bragging rights", so I guess they won't just delete them.
Epic  Post #: 165
8/26/2015 20:17:40   
Undead Lunatic


Hello all, couple of quick questions. I'll put them all in this post to avoid spamming...

1) Chat box. I'm a Mac user, is there an update on when this issue might be resolved?
2) Sword drops. I've got 5 so far, are there more?
3) Armor drops from same source 'Bone Terror?' Are there any?
4) Will our current inventory be wiped for Beta?

Many thanks. I'm enjoying the Alpha thus far, good work :)

@Muril Sis

1. No idea on an ETA for the chatbox fix. I'm sure Zhoom is working on figuring it out as soon as possible.

2. 5 drop from the Undead Terror boss in Doomwoodforest, 4 drop from Smash Mash the Trolluk in Battleon and 1 drops from any Trolluk.

3. There aren't any armor drops yet.

4. I believe the plan is to wipe everyone's stuff before Beta so that everyone can start on equal footing, so it's definitely a possibility that our inventories will be wiped.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 166
8/27/2015 16:51:01   
Silver Sol Los


Until Zhoom gets that working, why not just put a timer on his respawn? Let's say, 5 minutes. That way every 5 minutes he simply auto-respawns no matter what. If people get pissy, code in a check system "Op! 5 minutes are up. Are we being damanged?" "Yes sir we are." "Okay, don't respawn right now." (I'm uncertain on how difficult any of this would be to code, but it sounds nice in theory)

It's fixable by player hands. When it started bugging out again a few of us figured out how the bug worked and managed to kill it in it's "Nigh-invincible" state. It reset as normal and it's like the bug never happened. We did this a few times over to ensure it wasn't a lucky break.

Also, it may not be that easy to implement the idea you have for it. That kind of programming is likely to create more issues than it resolves. It's the curse programmers have to live with :P

< Message edited by Silver Sol Los -- 8/27/2015 16:56:10 >
AQW  Post #: 167
8/27/2015 17:46:18   
Gorillo Titan

Has anyone obtained the last Artix sword I don't plan to attempt that since the game will just get reset and killing 5000+ wolves to get enough gold from the quest seems pointless to me.
Post #: 168
8/31/2015 13:18:06   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I heard from a mate on Skype this will have VR support? I have an Oculus Rift DK2 and will be buying the Crystal Cove upon release. Is the VR support for the cardboard variants or proper Oculus Rift?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 169
8/31/2015 13:43:14   
Undead Lunatic


I heard from a mate on Skype this will have VR support? I have an Oculus Rift DK2 and will be buying the Crystal Cove upon release. Is the VR support for the cardboard variants or proper Oculus Rift?

@Digital X
I'm not too aware when it comes to the VR support at the moment since it was only recently thought up, however I'm under the impression that it'll support both Oculus Rift & Google Cardboard. I'll check in w/ a dev when they're available and see if I can get some confirmation.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 170
8/31/2015 14:10:59   

@Digital X

It will have VR support. At the moment the developers at the AE lab are trying to make the game work on both Google Cardboard and Oculus Rift.

Artix von Krieger: "We have an Oculus Rit and a Google Cardboard here. The goal is to make the game work with the rift primarily... and some features for the cardboard. Plus a downloadable game client for oculus."


I do not use signature pictures, the requirements change too much. 0:)

~ Gjappy
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 171
8/31/2015 15:24:46   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Brilliant thanks!

How will this work in game though? AQ3D is third person where as Rift games are primarily first from what I play.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 172
8/31/2015 16:00:16   
Undead Lunatic


Brilliant thanks!

How will this work in game though? AQ3D is third person where as Rift games are primarily first from what I play.

@Digital X
I know this one! Korin is working on creating some first person animations just for VR! I imagine the special downloadable client for Oculus Rift will be playable in first person.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 173
8/31/2015 16:37:36   
Gorillo Titan

If its going in that direction shouldn't we be able to control sword swings with are real life body?
Post #: 174
8/31/2015 17:49:18   


Sorry bro mobile limitations (it's possible irl but not in the sword art online/log horizon way), how will you click on your skills like that by the way xD

< Message edited by LyRein -- 8/31/2015 17:52:09 >
Post #: 175
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