But the game is (still) called EPICDUEL, that's why I think duels should be epic. I like the idea to make skills cost a fixed price. Since skill points are limited, you choose your skills by your preference and not by the amount of energy its cost increase for each point. If you want do be a defender, max out your shields and healing. But if your opponent max out defense ignoring and faster raging stuff you're dead. In the way things works, shields already have its drawbacks (opponents rage a lot faster) and ALSO the costs make it impossible to be used twice, thanks to energy manipulations and too high costs. I like skills with a fixed cost. Healing should always cost 250 for example, because if you choose to Max it you will have less points to make offensive skills stronger and will not be able to do as much damage as someone that maxes blood commander and berzerker for example. There is already cooldown to prevent repetitive use of some skills, so I think it's about time to think of a fixed cost for all skills. If there's a problem with this idea, let me know! I know it's hard to find perfect ideas because abusers will always exist but I wanna think of something to bring diversity to the game, and not make us fight like robots and against robots. Oh, and I still think retraining shouldn't be so expensive. And don't tell me it's easy to get credits because we only get lots of credits in the end of the year.