Chibi Coronet
Earthquake Hammer Level: 35 Power Level: 35 Price: 1000 162 Sellback: 500 81 Location: Yulgar’s Beginner Shop Type: Melee Element: Earth Damage: 4-19 BTH: 4 SPECIAL Hits: 2 Type: Magic Element: Earth Damage: 443.3% Base, Random and 190.5% Stats*; 147.8% Base, Random and 63.5% Stats* BTH: +15, +10 Rate: 15% *Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs. «Standard Special attack (591/591/254, +10 BTH); Damage split up in 3:1 ratio» EFFECT: All normal Player attacks and Specials deal *85/80 damage and have -5 BTH, apart from the first hit of the above Special. DESCRIPTION A hammer with the might to move the earth! (idea by PringlesGuy) Image thanks to Mystical Warrior. Updated stats from In Media Res and Aelthai. New Prices thanks to In Media Res and BlackAces.
< Message edited by Carandor -- 9/14/2017 9:12:48 >