Outsmarting Bugs
Mehehe...perfect >:D Qweshtyans for j00! So, 15 questions then? Plenty of time to ruin what little sanity you have left. Okee. So yeah. I was right in predicting that this accursed board would drain you of your sanity by the Friday after you were AKed, wasn't I? I totally win that one. Naw, it's still there. Curled in the corner. If I were to throw you out the window, would that produce kitty litter? ....*smacks* You're not Radagast. So, there's this kid named Dale. I hear he's a complete loser. What's your take on this? Dale > u y iz u buffing UM? i nidz it 2 beet monsters, withot it it's imposibibile! (Sorry that the spelling, grammar, and diction are too good, I tried my best but it wasn't good enough) UM go poof. D:< Wolfwing was your fault too wasn't it...thanks a lot. (Don't give me that "I wasn't a KoO until the day after", we all know that's just a cover up) Yes. So, I bought a new computer, and I'm gonna be on the interweb :D I'm gonna be surfing up the email and hooking up to net pages and such! I'm trying to find out if latex will bond to stockem, so I was gonna do a "search" for...oh I don't know..."Latex Bondage". How does that sound to you? ...lyke ew. if you were so interested in preserving your sanity, why didn't you limit everyone to, like, 2 questions? I think you could answer two of these without going insane. Or better yet, why didn't you put "LM, no questions for you." in the topic post? I'm sure he's asked some questions already and I bet they wore on your nerves a lot. The goal isn't to drive the forumites nuts too. XD You know, it never occurred to me to ask before, but where exactly do you go to college? Tri-State University. Is getting hayt mail any fun? I wanna get hayt mail but people don't hayt me enough for it. Yes, very. That's probably enough for you to nibble on, eh? Naw, I'll take your tuna too. Gone insane yet? No. /me snugglelicks teh LBeh *licks* kthxbuhbaisecksay ^_^ A closing line - I love giving cats baths. People always say they hate it, but my cat really enjoys it. Fun for her, fun for me...Of course, the fur sticks to my tongue, but... O.o
< Message edited by Lord Barrius -- 7/21/2007 18:25:51 >