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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKitten: Lord Barrius

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7/10/2007 17:54:43   
Mystic Endevor

How come I didn't see this here? You once gave me wisdom. Well, now I'm repaying that genrous deed with taking out a bit more of your insanity! :D FUn, no?

So, can I bribe you to spy for me with cheesecake? >.> ... <.< With cherries on top?

I have to send my computer in for repairs. Can you fix it for me instead? It's kinda... well... you have to put it together first and I don't know where some of the parts are but I'm sure you can find one in my dog.

Beagle, case you were wonderin.

Do you get easily distracted by shiney things like Cysreo does?

Ever been in a telephone booth? I haven't. My city's too cheep, they just have payphone >.> Makes it hard to change into costume.

How did Superman change in the phone booth? You know, the one with clear walls....

Lon or Xan?

Rice or Beans?

Moogles or ducks?

If you could go one place in the world, where would it be?

If you HAD to change your hair color to something other than red, black, brown, blonde, or grey, what would it be?

Why Barrius? Reminds me of a berry bush.

Ever gaze at the stars? Ever have one slap you for stalking them?

SOme girls can run fast in high heels 0.0

Chocolate is... my... obsession... it's like Artix's undead obsession... must kill the chocolate with my mouth!!!

Do YOU read Deathnote?

Anyway, grats and hope to see you around! Chao!
DF  Post #: 126
7/10/2007 18:51:10   

what is an archkittern?
Post #: 127
7/10/2007 19:01:47   


So, what's it like to be the one and only ArchKitten?

Do you want a kitty treat?

What'dya think of that war?

What's your opinion of Cysero's backpack?

Dang, I can't think of any questions!

I'll be back! Mwhahahahahahaha!

I'm back.

What's your opinion of.... Baseball....? >_>

Aww.. I'm all out.

Here's a cookie for the road!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 128
7/10/2007 20:10:03   
entity azirius

Hey LB! I've seen you around before so I thought I'd poke ya, hope your not minding? (I've decided that is a rhetorical question, answer if you like though!) =p

1) So, how’s things? 2) Been tempted to press that 'The Fart Button Limited Gold Edition? I sure as hell have!

Anyway, back to some sanity... 3) would that be good for you?

Damn three questions already! 4) Can I have an extension?

Oh noes! FOUR!

Um, yeah, now for the serious questions (pffft)

5) Favourite Genre of music?

6) If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? (Lets be fair, nobodies perfect, not even you ;p)

7) Cheesecake... I've always had a, um, dislike of it, I don't know why, but any words of advice to overcome this dislike? There’s some Cheesecake in it for you! *shows cheesecake!*

8) *insert question you'd most like to answer here*
*insert answer to question you'd like to answer most*

9) All time favourite moment?

10) How many cats do you intend to own? Kitty Kats RU1EZ!!

11) What makes one of your cats 'spawn of Satan'?

12) Most wanted object/ability?

Okies, I think that'll do now, I wouldn't wanna fracture your mind anymore, that'd be harsh! ;p

See you around LB. Hopes life’s treating ya well!

< Message edited by entity azirius -- 7/10/2007 20:14:44 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 129
7/10/2007 20:11:22   

isnt this more than 15?

what is your most prized possesion besides the cheesy goodness of cheesecake?
AQ MQ  Post #: 130
7/10/2007 20:24:20   
The fanciest of moustaches

I am back. Again. *evil snicker*

Whaddaya think of my Suggestions thread?

Am I annoying?

Do I seem repetitive?

Do I seem repetitive?

Do I seem repetitive?

Have I annoyed you by taking your edit color?

Have I annoyed you by taking your edit color?

Am I annoying now?

Am I annoying now?

How about now?

How about now?

Could you please rate this with the same system? Please?

That is all... for now... again...

< Message edited by hiayspeople -- 7/10/2007 22:04:35 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 131
7/10/2007 21:50:55   

Hola Lord Barrius!

What is your favorite type of cheesecake?

I have no favorite, all cheesecake is good!

Do you play any other games such as WoW or evaquest?

If you do, maybe Ill see you in there!

Other than cheesecake, what is your favorite dessert.

Who am I kidding, Cheesecake is a meal! A meal for anytime!

Whats your favorite element? Mines Ice!

Do you think Im crazy? The voices in my head say I am. :)

Name your favorite Staff weapon plzthxbi!

I have started a new system for myself, called PRAOK. It stands for Practice Random Acts Of Kindness. Sounds cooL?

Ice cream or cake?

Cake or granola bar?

Do you like tarantino films?

Kill bill or Pulp Fiction?

Kill bill or resivior dogs?

Out of all three?

I should stop before the question police come after me. SO LONG!
AQ DF  Post #: 132
7/10/2007 22:25:34   


I dislike cats.

Congratz on AKship!

Tell me what you think of the following











Damp pits

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 133
7/10/2007 23:29:34   


Ohh a cat-loving staff member.

3 questions thats all.

1. Whats it like being a staff?

2. Do you actually like cats?

3. Do you enjoy answering pointless questions?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 134
7/11/2007 1:56:15   

Hey dude! Congrats on the AKship :D


Feeling powerful? Or is it just like being a normal member with a button to lock threads and the ability to edit other people's posts?

Did you notice within these last few months there have been lots of AK's ... ? Why do you think this is so?

Thoughts on monkeys?

One word that describes yourself?

Gatorade or Powerade?

Favorite l33t or chatspeak word or phrase?

Favorite typed-out smiley?

Favorite super hero?

Would you consider the Hulk more of a super hero or a big green guy that grows huge when he's emotionally disturbed and causes havoc O_o?

Favorite TV character?

Favorite cartoon character (if it's the same as above, chose your second favorite XD)?

Favorite comic character?

Do you think my name is Iguan or Lguan O_o? It's Lguan, but if you had thought it was Iguan that's no big issue ... Many people make that mistake. In face, I believe Bela and Reens have both made the same mistake :).

Favorite sport?

That's it, and I don't want to make you too busy. Cya :D.
AQ  Post #: 135
7/11/2007 2:10:36   

whats a question you have asked your self about a thread

do you like sneevils and\or boxes.
DF  Post #: 136
7/11/2007 4:23:41   

hey Lord Barrius

1.) autobot or decepticon?

2.) Xan or Warlic?

3.) favorite robot?

4.) cysero's socks or hamburgers?

5.) favorite color?

6.) favorite food?

7.) favorite NPC?

8.) favorite transformer?

thats all, hope you can answer them

< Message edited by zero94 -- 7/11/2007 4:24:00 >
AQ DF  Post #: 137
7/11/2007 4:37:07   

Hi, just some random question. *snuggle kitty*

What are your thoughts about Global Warming?

What are your thoughts on Live Earth concerts? Does it really educate the public about Global Warming or is it just an ordinary concert?

mm, I hope you could give a long (not too long though) answer.. :)

See ya!
AQ DF  Post #: 138
7/11/2007 4:43:16   

yet again

do you play the game or just monitor the forums.

if you do play the game how many fish shaped swords have you gotten.

do you know if cysero likes donuts or yogart more (you don't have to say which he likes more just if you know).

do you like the shrek movies and have you met boots.

why did you change your picture under your name from boots to what it is now(i liked it as boots).

and last question for now can you make those sad eyes like boots does in the shrek movies(after all you are a archkitten who at one time had a boots picture under your name).

okay thought of a new question

what do you think will happen if the friday the 13 and beach war overlap

< Message edited by 12233e -- 7/11/2007 5:56:58 >
DF  Post #: 139
7/11/2007 7:12:42   

Hi from me

Now i have always wondered if i was to big to play df but if u're older then me(i'm 15) i got ask:do u still play df or are u in just for being a mod in the forums?

Second:what music do u listen to?

And last do u watch cartoons(nothing personal i just wonder)?

< Message edited by opticalram -- 7/11/2007 8:05:07 >


pls help it hatch and ClickY it wont bite... for now Muhahahahaha
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 140
7/11/2007 8:34:16   

Ooo you made a MtAK thread!

Some day, perhaps I will do one too. Is it fun?

I'm really just stopping in to skreetchle the kitty behind the ears. And under the chin. (Don't worry -- I dried off my paws first.)

Post #: 141
7/11/2007 9:06:45   

final fantasy or kindom heart?

favorite soda?

laptop or pc?

oust or lysol for a air freshener?
DF  Post #: 142
7/11/2007 11:03:21   
Banned Multi.

i only have two questions that will tell me everything about you
1. naruto or DBZ
2. Aq or Df
and also do you know of a game called rakion

p.s. if you like cheesee cake i make mean cheesecake

< Message edited by XxDragoon -- 7/11/2007 11:05:35 >
Post #: 143
7/11/2007 11:10:22   

Hello, and congratz on becoming an AK and KOO but don't you dare try and snuggle me (seen you do it to others).

Do you capitalize the letter e if so you will be punished?

Do you like elves?

Do you sick your kittens at lawn gnomes?

Can you do the moonwalk? Have you seen a kitten do the moonwalk?

I own a bakery and our special is cheesecakes, so will you put a little word for me to become an AK? jk.

Can you nerf forumites?

Well I'm done c'ya.

P.S. I got a snuggleproof barrier, just incase you tried to snuggle me.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 144
7/11/2007 11:21:14   

hmm....*thinks up some 3BiL questions*

What is the meaning of life?

Whats the square root of 9.87678434765433257?

Why is the sky blue?

Did you take me cookie.....?

A cow says moo, what does a flower say?

What is your 3BiLness?(1-100)


Did you think my questions were stupid?

That is all....


See no 3BiL
Speak no 3BiL
Hear no 3BiL
DF  Post #: 145
7/11/2007 11:31:58   


heard of n-game

omg somthing is shiney

look a ball of yarn

if jimmy cracked corn and nobody cared why is here a song bout it


omg a horde of chickens cows atre attacking what do you do

do you like upside down cheesecake

is timmy rrealy in the well

ever seen a gator

mmm cat nip

have some complementry cheese cake on the castle

do vegatarions eat animal crackers

are you waring any jewrly

are you alergic to shellfish

do you like tuna

got doom?

inn russia the yarn plays with you

like ice-cubs

fav kind of cheese

datsrenu em od uoy?

blah blah blah

<insert question here>


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 146
7/11/2007 11:35:04   
Snuggably SiLvEr!

just stopping by to *snugglehuggletackle* ^_^

oh! and you're KoO too? o.O congrats ^_^

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 7/12/2007 12:20:39 >
Post #: 147
7/11/2007 11:54:20   

YAY you finally have one LOL

I like asking questions ^_^

Congrats !

I like your title, it's fun ^_^

So how are you today ?

What's your favourite place to hang out on the forum ?

Do you like to answer questions ?

Do you have any pets ?

What's your favourite fruit ?

Oooo time for fun questions !

If you had one super power of your choice which would you choose ?

One morning, you go out into your garage and sees a racoon in your trash can, what do you do ?
a) get him out of there
b) dont' touch him cause he might have rabbies (sp?)
c) call the wild life center
d) run around an panic

If you had to invent something for the world, what would it be ?

If you had to create a NEW candy/candy flavour what would it be ?

What would you do if you saw a fish jumping out of the water and suddenly started talking ?

Anyways...that's it from me


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 148
7/11/2007 12:23:45   
Paladin Dracomancer

The lights go dim... ghastly blue flames appear... Paladin Dracomancer has arrived!

*cough* Sorry for the dramatic entrance, I like to add a little flair to the festivites, you know...

So, down to business... *strokes LB, and gives him Cheesecake flavoured catnip, and Catnip flavoured cheesecake*

Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360? I'm more of a Nintendo fanatic myself...

What's your favourite Smash Bros. Strategy? In Melee, I love pummeling foes with Ganondorf, then hitting them sky high with his up-smash... I've said too much already.

Favourite AQ Element(s)?

In real-time fighting games, do you prefer power or speed? I personally love dismantling foes with raw force...

IYO, what is THE most unbalanced thing in AQ currently?

Favourite cat species?

Favourite fictional cat?

Rate your time as a AK from 1-10, 10 being the highest.

Rate your time as a KoO from 1-10, 10 being the highest.

Favourite Weapon of all time in AQ?






Oh golly, hope I haven't wasted too much of your precious time! Remember, keep up the tongue baths, and be careful to avoid Hairballs! We'd be devastated if anything happened to you!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 149
7/11/2007 13:52:51   

I only have one question.

Can I borrow $5?
DF  Post #: 150
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