*checks calendar* Good, it's not 8/1/07 yet! Hi, I'm InterFed, which is short for Interstellar Federation, a game series I plan to make someday. Which brings me to my first question: lol i'm only a month late in answering XD sorries. Do you have any dreams for your future? College, career, family? If so, list 'em pl0x. hehe :) all of the following? and flight. definitively flight. that was a good question :) actually i'd like to be able to travel to exotic places (and not get malaria or dysentery, or ebola o.O) and really see as much of the world as i can. i'd also like the time to work on some fine arts and such :) Also, do you... Hmm... That's one goooooooooooooood question... I'm not sure I have enough chi to summon another question like that... Well, I guess there's just a few faves questions I tend to ask in MtAK threads quite often, and they are as follows: hehe ok :) Fave AQ Über? That means armor/shield/weapon set, not some lame copout answer like Mighty Mosquito gave me when he answered with UIK. Golden :D i <3 AuSet not only because of its rarity but because i use it all the time. and the newly buffed (well not so new but new to old people like me :P) heal function is quite the nice bonus to add to it that wasn't there before. Fave TV show? friends probably. although mythbusters and quite a few other shows are great fun. Fave movie? ooh a lot :P gladiator, amadeus, batman begins, the pirates series...um....*wanders off to go watch something* Fave book/play? ooh play :D that's quite a new one. i really liked faulkner. absalom, absalom was quite an amazing text, although i've heard that sound and the fury is also amazing. as for play, i'm a big fan of the greek tragedies and shakespeare. i think the entire oresteia is pretty good but i'm torn between the tragedies and crazy aristophanes and his comedies (clouds and lysistrata). i also really love hamlet (trite but the language is amazing) and julius caesar. Fave anime/manga? lol i don't really watch anime or read manga. i've only really seen two...inuyasha being one of them and bleach being the other. i <3 them both. End of the world: Will it be via meteor impact, another ice age/ice caps melting, or will mankind destroy itself with a nuclear war? hmm...i doubt it will be the third due to the fact that everyone now knows about the blow up the world issues :P i'd say that the "end of the world" in reference to the implosion or whatever of the earth will come in about 10 billion years when the Sun becomes a Red Giant (i think is the prediction) and swallows up the solar system. as to the destruction of mankind as a species, i'm not sure exactly what may happen there as evolution is a very slow process but my guess would be that if something does happen, with the current level of science and medicine and technological advances the biggest danger to humans are humans themselves. That's all the chi I can muster for MtAK questions at this time. Have fun going crazy! Cuz it's fun to watch AKs go crazy! :3 lol i'm glad you enjoy watching us tear our hair out ;) thanks for visiting me! :)
< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 9/4/2007 0:43:09 >