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Meet the Mods - Reens! finished!

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5/11/2005 10:20:48   

Hey everyone,
Due to Beleqwaya being insanely busy this week, I'm stepping in for Meet the mods.
Ask away!

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/16/2005 7:38:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
5/11/2005 10:23:37   

Can I have a snuggle please?

*of course, silly. *snugglehugglewuggleglomps*
Post #: 2
5/11/2005 10:24:11   
The One Wolf

First post, w00t! CURSE YOU, NECROMANCER!!!! >.> ^-^

How's the sickness?
*it's not doing so well. but...I've got some killer cough medicine so that is helping*

How's the munchkin?
*he's fine. :D not sick at all*

Do you like wolves?
*of course I do!*

Wanna snuggle?
*of course*

*tacklesnuggles Reens*
*snuggles Wolf and skritches him behind the ears until his back leg thumps wildly*

RP a lot?
*nope...that Mod/AK is my first one!*

Read a lot of David Eddings?
*yep. all of it.*

What else do you read?
*hmm, mostly I stick on the SF/Fantasy side of things...leaning towards the Fantasy. Anne McCaffery, Mercedes Lackey, David Eddings, Robert Jordan.....*

Ever read the Reality Dysfunction? (Note, that series of books is not meant for kiddies.)
*no..never heard of it*

What movies do you like?
*mostly comedy. I don't really like to think much when I watch a movie...they are truly my escape*

Not wanting to pry, or anything, but how old is the munchkin?
*he's 2 and 1/2*

Do you frighten him when he's naughty by telling him that the big bad old Wolf is waiting outside to eat him up? ^^
*naaah. he sits in a time out chair...or stands in the corner depending on where we are*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:38:37 >
Post #: 3
5/11/2005 10:26:08   

do you like mmorpgs

*well, I'm not a big fan of FPS games, I mostly stick with AQ*
*suck-up loyalty points ;)*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:27:49 >
AQ  Post #: 4
5/11/2005 10:36:42   

*Aardvarkambushuggles Reens*
*snugglehugglewuggles morgensturn*

Do you think that Bunnies are evil?
*evil? or course not! Devious? maybe ;)*

Are Pink Fluffy Bunnies really trying to take over the world?
*I wouldn't put it past them...they just LOOK sweet and innocent*

If so, how can we stop them?
*excessively snuggling their leader, Fyrel*

Am I asking questions that are too silly?
*too silly? naah. No question is too silly*

*Byesnuggles Reens*
*byesnuggles morgen*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:41:42 >
AQ DF  Post #: 5
5/11/2005 10:39:52   

*Hi there!*


Where are you from?
*Ontario, Canada*

Do you know/play the FF series?
*I've heard of it (I mean, who hasn't...) but I don't play it.*

Are you a Harry Potter fan?
*yes! I have all 5 books and 3 movies so far.*

Well thats all

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:46:11 >
Post #: 6
5/11/2005 10:40:40   

If you were a mushroom, what kind of mushroom would you be?
*hmmm, a soft and fluffy one.*

*'cause I'm snuggly*

If you were a herder, what animals would you herd?

*have you ever herded a cat? you can't! so...no work for me!*

How many Frogzards does it take to screw a lightbulb?
*hmm, do any of them even have arms? They can just use the EnergyZard for light...*

Huggles, snuggles or glomps?
*all 3 please!*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:45:21 >
AQ  Post #: 7
5/11/2005 10:42:59   
LegendElven Valkyrie!

Hello Reens
*Hi Sarah_Renee!*

1. What is your favorite type of book to read ?
*I'd have to say SF/Fantasy...I like the escapism.*

2. How do you like being a Mod ?
*I really enjoy it. I like being able to get rid of offending posts, plus I like being able to help.*

Those are all for now I must get some sleep
/waves to Reens
*/me snuggles Sarah_Renee off to bed*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:47:56 >
AQ  Post #: 8
5/11/2005 10:49:43   

Can you use the Force?
*hmm, don't think so*

If you answered yes to the first question, how powerful are you in midi-chlorians?
*answered no*

Can you wield a lightsaber?
*probably...if I could find one*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:50:27 >


AQ  Post #: 9
5/11/2005 10:52:00   
The Patriot

okayz my turn.

have u seen me aroudn the forums?

you you think i have a problem with flaming people?
*I think so...just a bit.*

do i think i have a problem with flaming people?
*I'm not sure...I'm not you*

how come your not my favorite mod?
*I don't know. There's no accounting for taste. :)*

why is it that im afraid of you?
*I don't know..*

how come i cant say censored?
*Because it is disguised swearing*

why am i such an idiot?
*are you?*

do you think im a zylo wanna-be? >.>
*I don't know*

why is it my tummy hurts?
*sorry, no idea*

are you gonne be the mod that bans me when if i go too far?
*It all depends who's active*

do you think my signature is cute? ^^; afina made if for me
*it is! She does great work*

is there too much corn in yoru diet?

now do u think im a zylo wanna-be? XD
*I don't know*

hey my tummy stopped hurting~!

okayz.....um...why cant i think of anything else to ask you?
*because you don't know me?*

oh! do u play any musical insturments?

whats yoru favorite forum on the newsgroup?
*probably Equipment Strategy and Ratings*

have you viseted the clan fourm b4?

what did u think?

does teh clan forum need more mods from keeping the flaming to a minumum?

ok im done for real this time. bai bai ^^;

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 10:57:36 >


PM me if you're interested in working updates on a published video game as a character modeler, animator or texture artist.
AQ  Post #: 10
5/11/2005 10:52:04   
Mistress of Magic

*snuggletacklehuggles Reens* Weee...I can finally hopefully get my answers that I'm looking for ^_^
*snuggles Spelly*

Was it you who gave me the origional "Ratings Queen" Title?
*yep. ;)*

Were you the one who asked for me to be an AK?

Why ask you might say because I'm currious and everyone else just vaguely says I don't know or it might have but I'm not sure. Besides I need to know who to properly Snugglehugglewuggle thank ^_^
*it was me. XD*

So would you believe that the AK/Mod RP is actually my first one too :P
*actually, no. You write well!*

I noticed you prefer the Sci-Fi / Fantasy genre of books have you ever tried Forgotten Realms or Dragon Lance?
*I read the Dragon Lance series a while ago...Dragons of Autumn Twilight series...haven't read any recently. I've never read any Forgotten Realms*

We'll I'm outa questions already :P So I guess I'll let you take care of your cold so it doesn't drag out to be 11 days like mine was -.-
*snuggles. Thanks. 'Tis brutal, this cold*

*bye-snugglehuggles Reens*
*snugglehugglewuggles Spellfire*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 11:02:16 >
AQ  Post #: 11
5/11/2005 11:23:39   
Hero of Winds

Reensy-weensy! Sup!

I assume you're a girl, right?

Is Twilly Form of your own design?
*no..I just like it.*

Why did you pick Reens as a screenname?
*It was my nickname as a kid*

Why is everyone so snuggly? I have nothing against it, I'm just curious.
*snuggles are good. helps reduce stress. ;)*

May I snuggle you?

*Kokirisnuggles Reens anyway*
*/me snuggles HOW back*

If you could give me any other good title besides the one I have now, what would it be?
*I think the one you have is perfect*

Pizza, burgers or nachos?
*hmmm, all excellent....nachos*

Who is more ebil: Zorbak, Morgul or Twig?

Do you hate reality TV? Because I do.
*I don't hate it, I just don't watch it.*


Ever heard of homestarrunner.com? It's a Flash-based riot.
*yep. Burninate!*

If you had to pick, who is your favorite mod? (No, you can't pick yourself)
*you know...I don't really have one. They're all so great to work with...*

Fave non-anime cartoon?
*the Backyardigans*
o_O. That's a little kid show. I mean for preschoolers...

*Kokirisnuggles Reens byebye*
*bye-snuggles HoW*

< Message edited by Hero of Winds -- 5/11/2005 18:19:04 >


AQ  Post #: 12
5/11/2005 11:26:49   

Reens Reens Reens, How are you?
*right now? I'm horribly sick. blah*

I haven't been IRC for a long time, BUT...I haven't forgotten, *Ubersnuggles Reens*
*snugglehugglewuggles AqMath*

What is your favourite music?
*I listen to all types of music...it depends on my mood*

What does 'vephoma' mean to you? :P
*hmm, snugglywugglyhuggly cuddle-bear*

Why do you play AQ?
*Because it's fun. The level of interaction between the staff and the players is phenominal, the art is incredible, and I like that my 2.5yr old can watch me play without seeing a lot of blood and gore. He loves Twilly*

See ya!

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 12:31:34 >
Post #: 13
5/11/2005 11:30:19   
Blue Dragon Star

Am I the darkness Elemental lord?
*I have no idea*

Am I the ultimate Hybrid ninja?
*see above*

Do you like Yulgar?
*yeah...he has a good inn*

Join my club?

What happens when Twilly can't make it all better?
*Well, I guess you take a visit to the Reaper*

Whats your favorite smiley ?
*shudder* I like text smilies...not the evil ones. I'd have to say ;)
I use that one the most.*

Can I twist your answers to my own evil means?
*hmm, even if I say no you'll do in anyways, right?*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 17:01:34 >


AQ  Post #: 14
5/11/2005 12:13:10   
Doctor Zhivago
Professor of Ratings

Reens! *Huggles the ES/CR Board Overlady*
*Dr. Zhivago! *huggles the uber-ratings guy!*

What would you say is your favorite part of being a mod? Your least favorite?
*hmm, my favorite would actually be the ability to keep the boards clean, and helping people. Least favorite? The nasty PMs.*

Since you read Sci-Fi/Fantasy, have you ready any of the Ender or Dune books? Just curious.
*I read Dune a while back, we have the whole Ender series, so I'll get around to it sooner or later*

Since I know what a wuggle is now, can I have one? *Makes puppy dog (Or kitty cat, if you like em better) eyes*
*/me snugglehugglewuggles Doctor Zhivago*

What would you say is your favorite type of food (Or plain ol' favorite food) to eat?
*home-made burgers on the BBQ in the summer. with Fries and a salad*

Speaking of movies, what are your expectations for Star Wars Ep 3 and Batman Begins? Do you think they'll be better than the SW/Batman movies that came before? I just hope BB is better than Batman and Robin...
*I don't think it would be humanly possible to be worse than Batman and Robin. I hope Batman Begins is good...I want to see it. I'm pretty much staying away from Ep. 3. There are so many things I don't like about that set of movies that it would take Waaaaay to long to go through.*

What is your favorite movie of all time? In that same vein, what movies do you love that everyone else seems to hate.
*Princess Bride. Love it. I like silly movies...but I also really liked "O brother, where art thou"...and a lot of people didn't.*

Ooh... TV. Do you think that there is anything good on at all anymore? Just trying to continue HoW's Question.
*hmm, I watch CSI, Desperate Housewives, NCIS and Dr. Who. I love Dr. Who*

But wait! Speaking of TV, have you ever watched Gargoyles, Pirates of Dark Water or Reboot?
*yes! I loved Gargoyles! and Reboot of course - it's Canadian! But I've never heard of Pirates of Dark Water....*

*Hugglesnuggles Reens for no reason*
*me takes the hugglesnuggles and raises you a snuggleglomp*

If Ninja are awsome, and Carriers = Instant Win, what about Carrier Ninja?
*umm, what?*

I've got a serious one now. If there were one thing you could change about the Boards, what would it be?
*I'd like that for the first week or 2 of having an account that it be read-only. No posting ability. That might cut down on the spam, and would definately lead them to the "search" function.*

Well, that's all for now, but I might just come back *Snugglewugglehuggles Reens bye*
*bye-snuggles Doctor Zhivago*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 12:47:17 >
AQ  Post #: 15
5/11/2005 12:17:30   

Woo! Reens!
*hi there!*

Do you wear Reins?
*umm, no*

Are you a Reindeer?
*nope...a Snugglekitty!*

Sith or Jedi?

Samurai or ninja?

Tea or Coffee?
*Coffee. lots of it.*

Gal or Captain?
*as an NPC? Captain. ;) Gal's hiding behind all that armour and stuff*

Coke or Pepsi?
*Coke, of course*

Beer or Wine?
*Caesars, actually.*

Army or Navy?

Do you like Star Wars?
*the original set? yes. The new set? no*

Do you like Lord of the Rings?
*Books? yes. Movies...kinda*

Star Wars VS Lord of the Rings?
*LotR...it's the book thing again*


Internet Explorer or Firefox?

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 12:55:07 >
AQ  Post #: 16
5/11/2005 12:18:53   

What do you think if dishes that include organs? (Liver, kidneys, etc....)
*steak and kidney pie has it's merits. Liver is icky*

Only 3 Mods/Archs like them so far....Will you be the fourth? *crosses fingers and preps some liver and onions*
*hmm, won't take the liver and onions, but a steak and kidney pie would do.*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 12:56:44 >
Post #: 17
5/11/2005 12:47:53   
I poke badgers with spoons.


*snuggles reens*
*takes the snuggles happily*

How are you?
*I'm sick right now, but thanks for asking! >.<*

Whats ya real name?

Any pets?
*yes. Ruby the one-eyed wonder cat*

If yes, what are there names?
*see above*

Same with siblings.
*2 older brothers, 1 older sister*

Ever poked a badger with a spoon before?

Do you like pie?

*hey! you stole my answer!*

Am i the ultimate lord of the universe?

Bow at my feet puny human!

*ahem* Is my title cool?

Whats ya favourite song?
*too many to choose from*

Whats ya favourite food?
*today it's a grilled cheese sandwich, because that's about all I can handle*

Whats ya favourite book?
*David Eddings - Belgarath, or Redemption of Althalus*

Whats ya favourite film?
*The Princess Bride*


I cant think of anything else.

oo!oo! Where you live?
*Ontario, Canada*

Why cant i think of anything else to say? :'(

Right. Im done.


WAIT! Can i call you Reensey?
*why not. Spell it Reensie, though*


< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 13:07:29 >
AQ  Post #: 18
5/11/2005 13:44:32   
The Infinite

Were you an Archknight first and then a Mod, or did you do straight to a Mod status?
*I went straight to Mod*

And could more huggles/snuggles/somethinginvolvingthose be thrown around here?
*hmmm, probably. *snuggleshuggleswuggles The Infinite*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 15:23:46 >


Post #: 19
5/11/2005 13:47:10   

Which contry do you live in?

WHats the best food?
*don't really have a favorite*

whats the best movie
*Princess Bride*

night in or night out

and and deck

*I like it.*

*I have a cat*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 15:25:45 >


AQ  Post #: 20
5/11/2005 14:52:01   

okay time to start to answer these.
*what, I hadn't already started?*

what are you sick with?cold?flu?chicken pox?
*I have a horrible upper-respiratory infection. lots of coughing, headache, upset stomach. *

when one wolf said "muchkin" did he mean a pet or a child?
*a child*

are you jelous of fyrel for having blackhawke?
*naaah, I had him first. :)*

why does he get all the proposals...
*cause he's big and muscular and mysterious and stuff.*

hmmm all i can think of right now.i might be back.

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 15:28:32 >


AQ DF  Post #: 21
5/11/2005 14:52:29   

Let's see...

*Pauses a moment* Can you think of any questions for me to ask you?
*hmm, nope. sorry. I'm horrible at these things*

Have you ever been in any roleplays?
If you mean forums RP, then yes. 1. The AK/Mods RP that is on right now. Any other kind? nope*

Have you ever played Ultima Online?

If you haven't, then you should. It's really a good game.
*I don't have a lot of time online, but if I ever do, I'll check it out.*

*sniffles* I think I'm sick too. We make the "Sick People" club!
*/me hands alexia a hanky*

Bye bye... *waves hanky away and then walks into a tree* Ouchies... trees are evil!! Eeevil!
*Tree's aren't evil! Twig is evil!. bye!*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 15:31:39 >
AQ  Post #: 22
5/11/2005 15:44:40   

Finally get to find out the vital information that i have to know for every mod :P.

Do you hate having your picture taken?

If someone offered you an ace of hearts would you take it?

If you were stranded on a island and you could only bring whatever you wanted what would you bring?
*hmm, laptop, wireless card, cellphone.*

By the way the island was Hawii :P
*I read ahead. so I knew. ;)*

What is your favorite type of tree?

Have you ever eaten chocolate covered gummy bears?

How about gummy bunnies

Do like the penguins?
*yes. love them*

If you dont why?

When you say something do you think about what you just after you said it?
*what I just what. what I just said? sometimes.*

Name one thing

Do you consider yourself a nice?

Have you ever had to eat your own toenails out of starvation?
*umm, no. ewwww*

If so name the most well known mouse in the world

-the penguin poet

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:31:39 >
AQ  Post #: 23
5/11/2005 15:52:27   

Hy Reens! Can I ask questions?

Okay, first question, what is all the snuggling about, looks like oodles of fun by why do you do it?
*snuggling is just that. hugs and snuggles. Because it's fun.*

Do you like chocolate?
*I ADORE chocolate*

What is your favorite food?
*don't really have one.*

Do you have a favorite NPC?
*I'm kind of partial to Blackhawke, but Artix is cuter. ;)*

Do you play AQ much?

If so, what would u like to be added to AQ?
*sure. I'd be honored*

Is answering all these funny/interesting questions amusing?

Are you having fun yet?

Do you like me?

Ok i am out of good questions. (OKay the last 2 werent great but...) ill be back later.
*Bye! see you then!*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:34:01 >
AQ  Post #: 24
5/11/2005 15:55:44   

Yay it's Reens!
*Yay, it's Deathmage*

Can I have a snugglewugglefuzzlymuggle?
*sure*snugglewugglyfuzzlymuggles Deathmage*

Thank you in advance!
*no problem.*

Do you like Star Wars?
*The original movies, yes. the new ones, no*

Do you have any videogame systems?

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:35:49 >


AQ  Post #: 25
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