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RE: Meet the Mods - Reens! offline!

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5/11/2005 15:59:18   

'ello, Reens!
*Hi mademocrat!*

OMG no one has asked this yet. What's your favorite video game?
*oddly enough, I don't have one. and no console either. we got rid of our PS a couple of years ago.*

Favorite band?
*don't really have a favorite, but I'm listening to the new Rob Thomas right now...*

What was your favorite book in the Wheel of Time series?
*I think number 10. Just because Mat's in it more...and I like him.*

I know. I must find one mod/AK who likes Rap. Thusfar, the only two people I've found on the entire forums are H4rold and I. This is my new quest from God...
*sorry, not me.*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:13:39 >
Post #: 26
5/11/2005 15:59:53   
Princess Jaoli

Heylo....I've seen you around everywhere, now I can meet you! : )

Why does everyone say you are so snuggly? Are you really?
*Probably because I give lots of *snugglehugglewuggles* out in IRC. And yes, I'm pretty snuggly IRL, too.*

How many AQ characters do you have? Just one like me?
*3. Level 90 hybrid, level 80 mage, level 45 nothing*

So sorry to hear you were sick. Feeling any better?
*not much, but thanks for asking!*

Your name makes you sound...a little older...but your avatar doesn't. How old really are you? Or must we stay in the guessing mode? ^^
*well, let's just say I'm on the other side of 30 than most of the forum-users*

Are you just a mod? Or a little higher? Do you know Seahawk? If you do....isn't he nice?
*I'm a Forums Mod. and yes, I know SeaHawK. He's wonderful. And very snuggly. for a hawk*

-.- I hope I haven't asked too many questions....I always have way too much....cya later!! ;)
*nope..it's fine. Later!*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:05:14 >


ALERT! My care-taking starts tomorrow. And I leave now. Terribly sad, eh??.... CYA ALL! *sniffsniff* I shall miss Blade, and especially my Irish friend jimbo_99987. Not to mention many others.
Post #: 27
5/11/2005 16:00:52   

Hey Reens, it's the coot! Just wanna ask if you got over your "on the couch coughing" epidemic? Luv coot
*nope. still there :(*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:02:12 >


AQ  Post #: 28
5/11/2005 16:04:31   

O Mighty Reens!, will you Answer my almight Question(s)?

Would you like a Crumpet/Toast?
*toast please*

What is the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything?

What does "If" mean(Bet you can't answer that one!)
*you're right. no brain*

Would you rather smell Vephoma's or Wallo's feet?(Had to do a bit that's random)
*ewww. neither*

And My final Question, the Question that will tax your Brain to breaking point.
*ok, fire away*

what is your view on The 2 types of Pie, Sweet Pies(Like Apple) and Savoury Pies?(Like A Steak and Ale Pie)
*They both have their place in the wonderful universe of food.*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:38:08 >
AQ  Post #: 29
5/11/2005 16:07:53   
Chibi Coronet

Hola, Reens! Thought I'd catch ya while there are still questions to ask! Which, surprisingly, by this point, there still are... for me at any rate... <_<

First off... *snuggles Reens*
*snuggleswuggles Coronet*

Zokay... questions...

Firstly, how did you come across AQ and Battleon?
*from someone on LiveJournal*

What's your favourite part of the community?
*I like the interaction between the staff and the gameplayers/forum-users*

What inspired you to accept the mod position?
*I thought I could help*

What inspired you to expand your territory to the Character Ratings section?
*I was quite interested in the process, and Spelly kind of coerced me into it*

Do you like Pineapples?

Ice Cream?

If so, any specific flavour?
*homemade vanilla. with pineapple chunks.*

Your quote back from your ol' stortrooper Avatar, "I don't fear the Reaper, but I do respect him." Is that a personal quote or something from somewhere?
*Zach from #yulgarsinn is a huge classic rock fan, and we would quote lyrics from "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult back and forth. So I decided to stick a bit of the quote in there.*

Is there a particular weapon type which catches your fancy?
*I tend to like spells...but throwing knives and garottes are quite nice.*

Favourite type of mammal?
*hmm, human followed closely by cat. And Wolf.*

And... I have more questions... just... they're hiding somewhere... <_<

*runs off*
*chases Coronet for more questions*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:46:14 >
AQ  Post #: 30
5/11/2005 16:31:16   
Clockwork Aardvark

>.> <.<

My turn to annoy Reens. =D
*annoy? never!*

My first question, as always, is: How feel you about sporks? Tools of evil? Saviour of mankind? Snazzy?
*amusing. why weren't they called foons?*

Dogs or cats?

Can I have permission to kick Kodi in the shins?
*nope. sorry.*


Do you recognize my avvy? =P

Will the unholy Aardvarkian army rise up and drag Lore into the flames?
*what, all 2 of you?*

Would you rather be hot or cold?
*cold. can always add blankies*

Favourite meal?
*don't really have one...maybe steak? on the BBQ?*

Do you like italian food?

=P Weirded out by the utter random-ness of my questions?

Bah, everyone keeps trying to out-do eachother on names for a snuggle. Methinks they all have something to prove. By that logic, then, I'm just going to ask: Can I have a snuggle?
*sure! *snugglehugglewuggles Shagronicus*

I'm out. Time to go soak in the pool and wait 'til it dips below 90 degrees. ^.^

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:52:22 >


People demand freedom of speech to compensate for the freedom of thought they seldom use. -- Søren Kierkegaard
Post #: 31
5/11/2005 16:34:47   
Sage of Time

Hello, you know who I am right?
1. My sister likes Apples with ketchup on them, isn't that gross?
1b. Also, an M'M once fell in her kechup and she ate it and said it was good, Isn't that gross as well?
2.Have you heard of The Aq card Game?
*I've seen some of the cards that sp3tt made...those cards?*
2b.What do you think of it?

2c.Want a Camio?
2d. Wanna try it when its ready
3. Are you feeling any better yet?
4. Like my avatar, I put it together myself (i just looked for shippo and lego on google XD)
*it's cool*
5. Every play Rangnrock Online?
5b. If so want the info for a privete server? (no i will not tell any one else)

Umm thats all i can think of now bye.

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:56:04 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 32
5/11/2005 16:49:13   
The Drifter

So, what's your opnion of rootbeer?
*I love rootbeer!*

What's your favorite sb email on homestarrunner?

What's the square root of one?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a totsie pop?
*I have no idea*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 16:58:41 >


DF  Post #: 33
5/11/2005 17:09:21   

Hello Reens.
*hi evilmikey!*

What do you respect about the Reaper?
*hmm, his ability to take souls, probably.*

Would you believe me if I told you The Reaper owns a daycare service?
*sure, why not?*

Ever taste a fried trobble?
*tastes just like chicken!*

Is it true a army of fried trobble salesmen are rising up and plan to take over AQ? >.<
*it is possible...anything is possible*

If you got stranded on a island with one other Mod then who would it be?
*hmm, too many to choose from*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 17:15:08 >
AQ  Post #: 34
5/11/2005 17:37:40   
Blue Dragon Star

do you like my sig?

What is your favorte cheese tactic for video games?
*I have no idea what this means*

Why is Darth Vader is always askin who's your daddy?
*because he's a lost and lonely soul?*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 18:51:32 >


AQ  Post #: 35
5/11/2005 17:52:00   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 36
5/11/2005 18:15:54   

^ Jeebus.

Um... how are you feeling today? Get some good rest last night?...
*still feeling pretty horrible. didn't sleep much due to the coughing.*

Fill in the blank: Kinder Eggs > *anything from a vending machine*

If you could take a vacation... what would you take pictures of?
*sand. beach. warm place*

Do you have to take your trashout?
*not my job. ;)*

Can I babysit sometime?
*sure...once I've met you, and you've undergone a police check. ;)*

Why is everyone jealous of my awesome sambrero?
*'cause it's so kewl*

If you could declare one nation holdiday.... what would it be? And what is the date for this day?
*I kind of like one that's already there. Canada Day. July 1/05*

Who's your favorite Arch Noah of B's?
*well, you of course!*

EDIT: you might have whooping cough... it's going around.
*naah. just a virus. Doctor checked me out yesterday*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 19:09:26 >


Post #: 37
5/11/2005 18:19:00   
Legendary AdventureGuide


zomg will u grdianze mee!!!1111
*snicker*Wallo is now teh banned*

I came up with a really good idea. It's when you fight other players. Brillaint, huh?
*wow! I can't believe we didn't think of that!*

Is it worrying when your heart goes and you see a tunnel with light at the end, and the light is coming closer to you? That happened yesterday.
*yes...very worrying. Take care of yourself please*

The heart problems have stopped now, since I had a defibrillator thingy to get rid of the weak beat, so I am okay.^^

How are you?
*still sick. ugh*

Has the munchkin stopped being a miscreant? Young tearaway.
*he's a good kid. :)*


< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 19:11:47 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 38
5/11/2005 18:25:19   
Golden Dragon

hey Reens!!
You seen me around the boards right?
If i was to ask you to guardianize me, would you?
*nope...I'd ban you*
o well, i come back later

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 19:12:48 >
AQ  Post #: 39
5/11/2005 18:33:20   


....i cant think of any questions...
*aww, are you sure?*

...i already said i couldent....
*are you really really sure??*

ok fine lots of ebil text smilies will ambush you so you leave me alone

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 19:13:53 >
AQ  Post #: 40
5/11/2005 18:43:50   

Do you like Green Day(the band)?
*they're not bad*
fav food?
*don't really have one*
can I make up for what I did to Destined Darkness?(you know, flaming him and all)
*just don't do it again*
What would you rate me as a good guy so far including everything i've done on a scale of 1 to 10? (be honest!)
*honestly, I don't remember most people...so that is a good thing. If I remember you it's because you've been very very bad. or very very good.*
where were you born?
*Edmonton, Alberta*
Are you married?
If not, can I marry you?

Can you PLEASE post a pic of yourself so I can see how you look?PLEASE?
*no...I don't have any that I like*
You know what? Honestly, you're the best moderater on the message boards, even better than ARTIX! I'm SERIOUS!
*awww. *blushes*
I'm in 7 grade, and I LOVE physics!! It's so awesome, I SQUEAL like my little sister! Do YOU like it?
Umm, nope. Sorry.
My favorite is Quantum physics, do you like THAT? Have you even heard of it?
Physics? yes, I've heard of it.
Seriuosly, my IQ is 157!! Had to take it for my Accedemicaly Inttuelectualy Gifted class! (Not sure how to spell it)
Try and put some of that 157IQ towards learning to spell, hmm?
Have you ever read Stephen Hawking's book "A Brief history of time?" It's amasing!
Yes, we have it.

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 20:30:52 >
AQ  Post #: 41
5/11/2005 19:38:49   

Hi Reens. 'Member me?
*yep. I know your name.*

Do you like Suzi Quatro? If so, have you seen her latest concert? (yes, I know I ask everyone this one. I'm trying to find another Suzi Q fan!)
*I have actually heard of her...unlike a lot of the others, but no I haven't seen the newest concert*

I heard you have a cold. I'm not feeling well myself. Get well soon!
*you too!*

Have you ever seen the three 'Smokey and the Bandit' movies? I reckon number three was the worst of them.
*heh. Yeah, I've seen them. and I agree...3 was horrible*

Well, Cya!

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 20:32:57 >
AQ DF  Post #: 42
5/11/2005 20:11:52   

Squee! It's Reens Week! Of course, since it's early I don't have a full line of questions yet...
*squeee! It's SeaHawK!*

Are you sad that by starting your week on Wednesday, you are depriving us of two whole days of Reens-y goodness?
*naah. It just worked that way*

As a fantasy fan, who lists her favorite movie as "The Princess Bride"... hopefully you've read the book? If not, do so now!
*I have it. In both hard and soft cover. I love the bit at the end about "did they live happily ever after? of course not!"

Heh... we both picked the DeLorean as a dream/fantasy car. Are we revealing our ages to all these youngsters on the forums?
*yep. *snuggles*
Vampire, Werewolf, or Werepyre?
*hmm, I prefer Immortal, but I'll take Vampire of the three choices*
Hawk(e): With or without the trailing "e"?
*that's a nasty question. and one I'm not going to answer. ;)*

You're not on chat right now, so can I have some snuggles in absentia?
*sure!* /me snugglehugglewuggleglomps SeaHawK*
OK, that's all I have for now... trying to keep from re-asking you stuff you have already seen.

/me heads off to a depressingly Reens-less chat
I'm kinda there!

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/11/2005 20:36:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
5/11/2005 20:47:38   
general greivous


do you think that dadrik dog is awsome?
*of course!*

standart question
*standard answer*

whats your favorite zard?
*I'd have to say the Zard X3*

whats the speed of a fully grown african male ostrich?

i heard that you are a mother, so happy mothers day!

is snugglin adicting?

is huggles better then snuggles?
*hmm, not really. snuggling is much more snuggly, ya know?*

tchauzinho person that haves a cool avi
*I have no idea what this says...are you asking me who has a cool avvy? If so....Cyrus. best avvy evar*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/12/2005 7:38:45 >
AQ  Post #: 44
5/11/2005 20:51:57   

A fellow Suzi Quatro fan? Yay! At last! <.< >.> hehe, that was a bit over the top, wasn't it?
*umm, kinda. ;)*

Just out of curiosity, do you think I'm doing OK with the Combat Training Arena in the academy? I didn't think it would be so popular.
*if it's popular, apparently you're doing a good job!*

Hard work being a mod?
*yeah, some days more than others...like when the forums are so laggy it takes 5 minutes to reply to a post...*

What's your favourite part of the job?
*being able to move threads to the proper boards, deleting the nasty ones on sight*

Done pestering you (for now).

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/12/2005 7:42:18 >
AQ DF  Post #: 45
5/11/2005 20:54:31   

Hi Reens *snuggles* A few questions.
*Hi Acci! *snuggles*. sure!*

What's your favourite kind of pet?
*favorite pet? cat.*

Do you like cats?
see above. :)*

If I had a cat what should I call it?
*depends what it looks like*

If you had to choose between a gecko or a hawk which one would you pick?
*oooh....I don't think I could. I'd steal both of them.*

Do you like to read?

Fiction or non-fiction?
*fiction, mostly*

If you like to read fiction what is your favourite genre?
SF/Fantasy...leaning more to the fantasy*

If you like to read non-fiction what is your favourite subject?
*I like to read biographies...and travel diaries*

Ever read the entire Three Musketeers Series? Which was your favourite?

Did I ever tell you about the time I had to go downtown to get the first and second book of the last book of the three musketeer series?
*I don't think so...*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/12/2005 7:46:15 >
AQ  Post #: 46
5/11/2005 21:56:19   
Sage of Time

Hi again.
6. Ever read the book Maximium Ride: The angel Experament?
7. How about The Two Princesses of Bamare?
(both are good books)

8. Do you watch anime
8b. Do you have a Favorite.

9. Did you ever read Idyells of the King? I need help understanding it
*nope, sorry*
10. How do you make a Witch itch?
(Hilight the line to see) Take away the W
Was that funny?
*old joke. but still faintly amusing.*

Can't think of anything else right now

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/12/2005 7:48:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 47
5/11/2005 22:57:56   

Squee! I get to interview you! *hugglesnuggleVephuggles*
*squee! ok! *snugglehuggleReensnuggles*

Huggles, snuggles, or Vephuggles?
*well, Vephuggles from Vephy are the best, of course.*

For some reason, everyone in my school was wearing ties :P
*ok, that was random*

What is the flattest thing you have ever seen?

Favorite animal?
*it's a tie...wolf, gecko, hawk and hawke.

Favorite food?
*don't really have one*

Favorite band?
*don't really have a favorite...I'm listening to the new Rob Thomas though. Must say I like the Matchbox20 stuff better*

Rate U2 from 1/10
*shudder* old stuff = 10. anything Joshua Tree and newer...3*

Are you hungry?
*no. I'm too sick to be hungry*

If you got the Staff of the Pancake King, what would you do with it?
*mmmm...Pancakes. Probably get some pancakes*

Did you know that Rhubarb is a plant?

What would you do with the Blade of Artxrhbubarbgalanoth?
*cut my way through tons of 'zards*

Define fqwhgads
*Acronym: feeling quite werewolfy has gone all dairy swoopy*
(you didn't say it had to make sense...)

How about Antididestablishmentarianism?
*no thanks*

Now Supercalafragalisticexpealadocious
*Even though the sound of it Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious*


< Message edited by Reens -- 5/12/2005 8:03:33 >


AQ  Post #: 48
5/11/2005 23:05:44   

Just a few quick qustions

1. Whats your favorite kind of cheese?
*extra-old cheddar.*

2. If you had a pat wombat, what would you name it?
*a pet wombat? hmm, Ozzie?*

3. If E=mc squared, what does J=?
*a killer artist*

4. ....My train of thought just derailed
*oooh, pile up at the station!*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/12/2005 8:05:13 >
AQ  Post #: 49
5/12/2005 0:04:39   
Randall Flagg

umm if your sick should you snuggle with people?
*sure, why not. It's not like I can pass it to them over the internet...*

Stephen king yes or no?

if yes what book?


and sunggles i guess *cough cough*

hey was i the first non person to post in the rp you in
*and the first one deleted too!*

if so who deleted me?
*I'm not sure*

ok im a leaving Snuggles
*bye-snuggles Randall*

< Message edited by Reens -- 5/12/2005 8:06:59 >
AQ  Post #: 50
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