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=AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn

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8/25/2007 12:21:05   

Finally! Now it is time to ask me those questions you've been storing up for months! Crazy, silly, serious, whatever; you may or may not get a serious answer. If the question is too personal, count on pure silliness

Let's go with a baker's dozen for the limit. That's thirteen questions.

Here's a bit of random infoz:
1) I AK in both AQ Suggestions and DF General Discussion
2) I'm not good with numbers
4) See what I mean?
6) Sometimes I am awake before 6 AM
8) Next year my birthday will be 08/08/08
13) This is an odd number

What's today? 8/25/2007 ... so this will stay open through 8/31/2007

Now, let's have some fun!

This is how my answers will appear.
Post #: 1
8/25/2007 12:23:09   

Hello! I like chocolate, do you?
Hi! Oh yes, I love chocolate. *runs out to buy a candy bar*

I have seen you!
*le gasp* I've been Seen!

Favourite Food?
Too many to list, but nothing beats a freshly-picked tomato with a bit of salt and pepper

Favourite mod?
I adore them all

Favourite AK?
Too many to list! I adore them all!

Do you like strawberrys?
Dipped in chocolate especially.

Favourite place to travel?
New York City and ocean beaches so far, but I want to go all sorts of places that might be my favorites in the future


I like shiny things.
Do you keep them in a nest?

That's all! See you!

EDIT: W00t! First reply! (Long time since I said this)

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 12:36:45 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
8/25/2007 12:25:58   

YES ! Finally. I've been waiting for centuries :P
*giggles* Has it really been that long?

/me snuggie Mae ^_^
/me splashsnugs teh Rico

How are you today ?
Tired from dancing last night!

It's cloudy here.
It's sunny here, but cooler.

What's your favourite smilie ?

You know any jokes ?
I always forget them! I'm better at spontaneous humor, really.

If you had to invent a flower of any color of your choice what color would it be ? (it can be multi-colored).
I really love roses, so I think I would choose a pale cream rose (not too yellowy) that has deep maroon edges. Kind of like my Bella Roma rose, except he is more yellow.

Do you like to write with colored pens ?
Yes! Purple, green, or brown, and sometimes maroon.

I have school in 10 days T_T do you know who invented school ?
Dunno, but learning is much more fun when it happens because you're curious, not when they lock you in a room and talk at you XD. School is nice for the social aspect I s'pose. I'd like to re-invent school.

*gives Mae a Rice-cake*
*smears honey on it and takes a bite and shares it*

If you had all the water in the world what would you do with it ? (I would make the biggest pool in the world and have killer whales as pets).
I would give lots of it away to thirsty people and also invite many otters to make homes!

hmm that's all from me ^_^ Bye
/me byesnugs teh Rico!

/me goodbye snugs.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 12:52:03 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
8/25/2007 12:27:30   

Ha, first question. (Darn, Tag beat me)
Ricobabie too!

What's your favorite color?
The color of a river on a windy day, or the color of a field just before twilight when the sun is low in the sky. Or perhaps a sort of greenish blue.

What's it like being an AK? (You owe Rimmeh)
It's, like, crazy, man. And Rimmeh owes ME XD

Who's the greatest person in the world besides me?
That's a tough one. I'll have to go with "too many to list"

Do joo sp34k teh 1337? Sometimes? Never?
Not v3ry well, but I can read it.

So you have any brothers or sisters?
Nope, only child. But 2 of my cousins are like my brothers.

What is the greatest non-AE video game of all time?

Meh, that wasn't enough questions. I'll be back!
Ok! I'll be here, or on my way back!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 13:04:05 >
Post #: 4
8/25/2007 12:28:12   


Do you play DF?
Now that I have a better computer, perhaps I'll play more. I don't have any good characters yet, though.

Which is better AQ or DF ?
Well they are both good in different ways, but I play AQ way more.

Are you smart?
No, I'm brilliant! Unless I haven't had my coffee yet ...

Im i Dumb?
Have you had your coffee yet?

IF you said im not dumb then you are wrong!
I am Nevar wrong, unless I'm wrong, of course.

well my brain hurts from thinking so Bye!
*gives you some chocolate* (it helps the brain) Bye!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 13:13:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
8/25/2007 12:28:42   

Yay finally!

Congrats!! *Snugglehuggles*
*splashsnugs* Thanks!!

1. WHy the name?
I made it up, kind of Welsh-sounding.

2. Why the avvy?
Ah, because Maegwyn of Nautica is an otter-maiden! My friend relykswalton made it for me.

3. Any plans to control the forums?
mwahaha! *locks every single thread, even teh Offical FAQs*

4. Spots or Stripes?
Do freckles count?

5. What gave you the mad urge to create this thread?
Actually having the time to check it and post replies!

6. Was it a need to be ill and get a day off school or work?
Oh, I don't need to be ill for that! I'm off all week.

7. Blinds or Curtains?
Depends on the room.

Good luck, I’ll be AKing along side you!!!
Hooray! Good luck to us both o.O

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 13:21:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
8/25/2007 12:29:50   

Yeah finnaly
hehe the mystery slowly unveils

I am not good with numbers either
That makes 7 of us. Or something.

Do you have Animals
I have one cat named Little Bear. He's a black cat except when you look at him in the sun you see that his fur is actually very, very dark brown.

Do you like pie
I've known pie since before he was an AK, and I've always liked him a lot!

Do you like Cake
Double-super-extra-Chocolate cake! Pound cake! And cheesecake!

Do you like Fish
mmmm Sushi! Lake fish, river fish, ocean fish ... raw fish, cooked fish ... Fish! As long as I don't have to catch it mahself.

If you like those three tell me which you like
oops I should have read ahead XD

How old are you
As old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth :) Well, guessing games on my age are kind of a tradition. I'm Quite Old, but younger than some.

If a kid do you go to school, if adult do you have a job
I used to go to school & I am thinking about going back. I used to have a job and I am trying to decide what to do next. (The last stage of closing the bookstore I half-own will be done in September.)

If so what grade, what job
duh I should read ALL the questions before typing o.O See ^

Do you like my sig
Yes, the art is really cool!

It is for the new game Prototype
Hmm I have not heard about that game yet.

I Will Be Back
Yay! I will be here, or on my way back, or backing away, or something :P

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 13:36:43 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
8/25/2007 12:30:06   

Tola! I'll be back later to answer! I'm going swimming :)

Ok, it's later now. And I'm back for a few minutes.

Good Grief...you were one of the most attentive Truth-Seekers(Always there, from what I remember), and now this. When did you get the post?(I don't even recall you being an Archknight for suggestions....) Congratulations. Hope you can manage.

I used to read the S&T threads and the Official Stories, but I never had time to get involved in the IRC part of Truth-Seeking. I was made AK for AQ Suggestions first, back on May 6th. And then sometime after that (I forget the exact date, but it was when the DF Dragons hatched) that I got involved in AK-ing for DF. Thanks for the congrats! It's a lot, but it's fun to help out.

Heh, you share my mother's birthday.
It is possibly the most awesome birthday of the whole year. I like having a summer birthday.

How long have you been here(As in, playing AQ and DF in general)?
Hmm, my first character in AQ was born ... when? Sometime in summer of 2005. Before I realized that logins were limited and that you really weren't supposed to have a zillion characters. I helped a bit with beta testing DF, but my computer really didn't handle it well.

What keeps you coming here, other than your duties?
Here, like the forums? I have a ton of friends to PM (and I need to get caught up with that!) and I always have to read up on new AQ content, and ... and I've been trying to participate in the forums more as well, so I suppose the answer is: The Community.

Strangest suggestion you've seen yet?(Not best, not worst, just outright....weird.)
One that sticks in my mind is the Paper Golem by mastin2. This is neither an endorsement nor a criticism of the idea, and I'm sure there are lots of other ones, but the Paper Golem is truly a strange, weird creature.

Most intereting aspect of the mod job?
When things aren't going too fast, I really get to read a lot of fascinating threads that I might not have otherwise clicked on before having Responsibilities. (People tend to see the locked threads or my PMs when something has not gone right, and I really need to comment more on the awesome stuff so that people are also seeing the positive feedback ... now that I have more free time again, I can start doing that!)

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 19:15:49 >
AQ  Post #: 8
8/25/2007 12:30:48   

Otter or Beavers?
What an otterly obvious answer I must give! Otters, naturally.

Are as...(don't tell anyone) mean as Balos Omnis?
Much, much meaner, I'm sure, as Balos Omnis is very nice and lots of fun ... oh, wait ... I wasn't supposed to tell o.O

Other than pink, what is your favorite color?
Heh, pink is not really a favorite of mine. My edit color is pink because its number is F08080 and I figured it would be easy to remember because of my birthday. I answered the favorite color question already, so I'll maybe c/p it in if I remember later. Otherwise, scroll up.

How hard is it to become an AK or mod?
I imagine it's pretty hard to become a mod since everyone who is one is so good at it that it seems quite rare that a new one is needed. As for becoming an AK, well ... I wasn't trying to become one, so in that sense it was really easy as it was utterly unexpected and shocking.

Do you watch anime? If so which one?
Not yet, but when I get even more time I might ask for recommendations. What's good?

Will you not answer all mah questions?
Do you want me to not-answer all of them, like every single one? Then the answer would be no. Do you want me to not-answer just one, but answer the rest? That could be a "perhaps." Is a non-definitive answer still an answer?

Pae or Seahawk?
Both, of course!

Aww well. Cya. Just don't major summon otters to attaack me!
Ok ... /me summons otters to protect you instead.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 19:43:14 >
Post #: 9
8/25/2007 12:32:51   


Hope you get used to random questions....
I am sort of used to them ...

You're the first AK i've ever asked questions. (mostly because of your name)
Wow! I'm honored! Thanks!

Do you play DF? What level are you?
I don't play enough yet, but I've got a better computer and plan to play more. My highest level character is L9, I think.

Do you like pie?
Along with the answer I gave to the person who asked earlier, I'll add that I like pie and would like to learn to make delicious piecrusts from scratch.

What kind?
Every kind I've ever tasted, including mincemeat!

Why are you bad with numbers?
They tried some kind of fancy new math teaching method using blocks and different bases, so the base-10 system freaked me out when I switched schools. Finally got past that, learned to subtract and add like a normal person, memorized the times tables, and did great until highschool trig when I spent all my time passing notes instead of listening in class. That was the end of my dreams of becoming an astronomer.

Global Warming!
Walk instead of driving! And other such stuff.

Why do you answer in pink?
Because its number is my birthday, sorta kinda.

Blue is a cool color. do you like blue?
I do like blue. It is cool in the sense of being not-hot and also cool in the sense of being awesome. But I used to work for someone whose favorite color is blue, and she painted the walls of her store blue, and I got awfully sick of being surrounded by so much blue, so I'm only just now starting to like it again.

Thats all for now... I shalll be back! *vanishes in puff of blue smoke leaving behind a dagger* (Rogue representin!)
A Rogue shall return! Bye for now!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 19:58:36 >
AQ  Post #: 10
8/25/2007 12:35:58   

ZOMG! Heyas!
ZOMG!!! Hey!

creepy, last year my birthday was 06/06/06... i feel VERY unlucky for some reason...
That was your Golden Birthday! I have a friend with that same birthdate and she got teased for it by her brothers. But she is a very lucky person, so it's not the kiss of death or anything of d00m.

do you like baord games/ tabletop games?
Sure! Sometimes I play them with friends.

do you think they should come up with a DF board/ table top game?
If they have the time and interest, I think it would probably sell fairly well. Dunno if that's a direction they want to take, though.

i wuv your cwute avvy
Thanks! I wuv it too! My friend relykswalton made it for me!

do like being asked 20 questions?
Was that 20? Oops! I said I'd do 13, not 20. Well, I must like it if I forgot to count ... or maybe it's that bad-with-numbers thing ...

i love the 20 questions game!

has it been 20 questions yet? 0.o
Nope; I just counted, and it hasn't even gotten to 13 yet. I think we're now at the 4th actual question. But I might have miscounted.

Otterly uncertain!

what does AKship mean for you? a trip to Paris?
I'd go to Paris in a heartbeat. Well, I'd probably go in an airplane. Or on a ship. That would be fun. Then I could take all the AKs with me and then it would be an AK ship!

Seriously? AKship for me means first of all an awesome honor and also that I get to help people and help keep the forums as nice as possible for everyone, which sometimes (lots of times) means a lot of work, but it's also fun to get to work with the other AKs and moderators, and lots of really fun and funny people here on the forums. That's probably not the best and most complete way to say what I mean, though, but it's a start, anyway

is it fun being AK?
A lot of times it is a TON of fun! Sometimes it is not so fun. It is not fun at all to have to give out warnings, for example. Mostly, I'd say yes, though.

Do you know me? I know you!... mainly cuase i read the answers to other ppls questions..
I remember seeing you post in a thread or two

cn u undrstnd the abbrviated lnguge? I cn its nt as difclt as 1337, bt its stl anoying
I cn bt lyk normal English much better

Do you like my suggestion about Ninjas?(its in siggy)
I will have to look at it later Ok, it's later now! Well, I am no expert on Ninjas and have no idea as far as game balance is concerned, but I do know that I like this description: "Ouch! Pointy! watch where you throw these!" And I wish you the best of luck!

=0 i Wanna be a Ninja now!

ok.. im not going bug yous anymore byes!
You weren't bugging me! Byes!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 21:11:17 >


Signatures are to be no more than 6 lines of text if text only.
Signature has been SCAKK'ed
DF  Post #: 11
8/25/2007 12:39:22   

Congratz on becoming an ak.

Just how long have you been an ak?
Since early May, so ... about 4 months now, if I counted right.

How do you like my new color?
It's very nice and goldish!

Favourite food(s)
Well, I already mentioned the fresh tomatoes. I like tons of different foods ... another favorite summer food is just-picked corn, cooked on the grill in its own husks with butter slathered all over it. I could talk about food for pages and pages; I think my favorite meat is beef (although I do love fish, especially sushi/sashimi). I'll probably answer other food questions with more foods.

Do you like Hockey? Who's your favourtie player?
Hockey is exciting, but I don't watch it at all any more. I used to think that Bobby Orr was godly, but I don't think I know the names of any current players.

That's all and congratz again on becoming an ak.
Thanks again!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 21:23:41 >


DF MQ  Post #: 12
8/25/2007 12:39:25   


so what do you like best DF or AQ?
They're both great games, but my first 'love' is AQ.

Are you joining the MQ beta?
Yep! At least, I plan to, if life doesn't get all busy again.

Who is your fav out of Cysero or Artix?
They're both great!

What do you live "country wise"?
Midwest US

ever heard of clock day?
Not until I just Googled it just now. I'll have to check out Lord of the Clocks!

Which websites do you play your games at
Battleon, Dragonfable, and sometimes JayIsGames for the odd escape-the-room type game.

if you could be 1 person in DF or AQ who would you be
My old avvy; no idea of who she is/was in Lore, but it's that redhaired young woman in the Lore avvies. One of these days I'll remember to ask Suikoman who that is. Anyway, in AQ, I think it would be cool to be Jackel Sano. In DF, perhaps Robina.

Nice writing to you bye
Nice writing to you too! Bye!

PS:Congratz on becoming an AK for the DF GD

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 21:37:18 >
Post #: 13
8/25/2007 12:46:46   

Hi! *Snuggles*
Hi! /me splashsnugs

Well, lets start!

1- Do you like pies (the food)?
Yes, I do like pies, the food. This winter I plan to learn more about baking them, too.

2- Do you think that the life have a meaning?
Both yes and no. I think that the meaning of life is each person's responsibility and choice; we are the authors of our own stories, mostly. While we can't choose what happens to us, we can choose how we react and act. But I don't think there is one single goal or meaning or purpose that fits everyone.

3- How is a AK life?
"The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on on hearing this; but all he said was, 'Why is a raven like a writing-desk?'"

4- The power can take you to the dark side?
Me? Nevar! ... or can it? mwahahaha!

5- What do you think about this?
Hilarious! No, wait -- cruel! A great thing to accuse someone else of doing!

6- Is true that AK can fly?
Teh Iggle can. Also Seahawk. And Elnaith. I'm more of the swimming type.

7- What about the plan to conquer the world?
The world is my oyster, and I shall place it on my tummy and crack it open and ... oh, that would Destroy/Devour, not conquer. I'll have to talk to SCAKK and get back to ya with the revised plan.

Well, its all....for now....
It was fun! Later, tater!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 21:59:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
8/25/2007 12:47:50   
Mr. Snugglebunz
Banned - Requested


whats cracklelackin?
Snap and Pop by themselves!

Your an Ak huh?

Whats it like?
Sometimes it's kind of like trying to walk to Paris from Chicago. And sometimes it's more like chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Well, actually, I've never roasted chestnuts on any kind of fire, so maybe it's not like that at all.

Does it have shiny buttons to push?
Shiny! Hammers!

ACK I'll be back!

Sorry ... it was dinnertime. I r back now.

You not good numbers HA! XD

Guess what I'm thinkin*its 4*
Wow! Amazing!

Any favorite show?
My TV has rabbit ears. I hardly ever watch TV, and without cable we get about 3 channels.

Mines Lazy town XD
I used to sell books based on that show!

You think well have lazy town references in DF?
Maybe you could suggest some!

Or maybe*gulp*Dora
My next-door neighbor is obsessed with Dora. She even has Dora shoes! She's only 3 or 4 years old, though.

Last question

Do you understand Otters?
If I ever get the chance to converse with some, I will let you know!

More psycho torture next time for you*Flies with puff the magic dragon*@_@
Yikes! Or Yay! *waves to both you and puff*

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/25/2007 23:16:25 >
AQ DF  Post #: 15
8/25/2007 12:48:50   
Purple Armadillo

whats your faveorite element
In AQ, I am in Nautica, so I do love water but in AQ I really love the sound of darkness (when I play with sound on). In DF, definitely water. Again, I love the sound. In real life, probably something like potassium or magnesium. No idea what those might sound like. XD

if you had your own class what would it be
Some kind of a Berserker for mages, where having very low life and mana would give you a chance for a strong attack. Not sure how that would work, though. And mages don't need a power boost in AQ!

where did u get the idea for ur name
Well, I've always been fascinated by Wales and the Welsh language. "Gwyn" means "white" or "fair" and the "Mae" part is kind of hard to explain but it's also Welsh. So I thought it looked & sounded like an interesting name, and kind of had the 'fair maiden' connotation with it. Alas, I was not the first or only person to come up with it. If you Google it, you find a bunch of WoW and RP characters. But I didn't Google it at the time. Good thing, because I would have decided it was unoriginal!

do u like cafeen
Yes, especially as morning coffee!

faveorite thing about df
The silliness and the sound of water

how did u become a mod
Ah, I'm an AK, which is different! Kalanyr sent me a PM asking me if I would be interested/would have time to help out with AQ Suggestions.

faveorite food
Let's see ... so far I've talked about fresh tomatoes and freshly-picked roasted corn ... I also love to grow and eat arugula. What's that you say? Never heard of it? It is a green leaf, kind of tangy. I like to make a salad of it, but you can also cook it like spinach. One of the best salads in the Multiverse is just arugula and marinated sun-dried tomatoes with balsamic vinaigrette drizzled over it.

what is the meaning of life
Scroll up; included in an answer to someone else's question.

why am i asking questions?
Because you are curious? Because you were bored? Because other people are asking questions? Because I would be sad if you hadn't? So many possible reasons!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 0:03:19 >
DF  Post #: 16
8/25/2007 12:49:58   

Hmm. Kinda late eh?Well, onto the important questions....But first
Ah, so of the notorious zillions, these are the important ones? XD

Placeholder-You understand, gotta beat Nix.

Now, I can never find out, are you male or female?
As a human on Earth, I am female. As a Nautican in AQ, I am female but go out disguised as a male (character has male name and male face, but the hair is a 'female' choice) and so Maegwyn the Otter Maiden fights as SonOfMaldar in the AQ game.

Why otterly? Are you one of those AKs that Kick Otters instead of Kittens. OMG, just realized. Lord Barrius is a AK, all AKs kick kittens, and he is a kitten...Hes a cannible!!!!
I'm a mean ol' kitty stomper! But only by accident in the dark! I would Nevar kick a kitten on purpose, nor an otter, nor LordBarrius!

Z0MG! D0 Y0U UND3R574ND 13375P34K?
OMGBBQ!!!11 Only if you write it slowly.

Cysero or Artix...(Pick Cysero)
Scroll up XD

Are computers made out of donkeys, or cows?

Why did you choose Maegwyn?
Scroll up XD

AQ or DF?
ZOMG I maek u scroll up again!

What level is you best AQ and DF chars?
Almost to L99 in AQ ... and L9 in DF

Are you going to play MQ when it comes out?
I plan to. If I'm too busy, I guess I'll have to wait, though.

Now I must copy some AKs questions...Ice first-What did you do when you became a AK?
Like nearly everyone whose MtAK thread I've read, I stared at the PM in utter astonishment and disbelief for a really long time!

Nix second-Your opinions of Zombies, dragons, and zombie dragons, please.
Zombies are funny or silly or scary but I could probably outrun them. Dragons are noble or scary or beautiful or evil and I would love to ride one if he or she would allow it. Zombie dragons are an abomination!

Now to Rico-R U 1337 45 1 R?
Rico R 13373R

13? Are you superstitious? Because Ill be back...that is bad luck :o
I am not particularly superstitious, but very lucky (with both good luck and bad luck). So do you mean that the bad luck part is the 13 part, or the "Ill be back" part? XD

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 0:22:06 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
8/25/2007 12:56:23   


Weasels are better then Otters IMHO.
Otters are better than weasels IMNO (In My Noble Opinion) but weasels always make me think of Stoats And Weasels in The Wind in the Willows, and I don't know much about them ... yet. Thanks for making me curious about them!

THIS JUST IN! Otters are in the Weasel family!

I've seen you around teh forums before...
I've seen you too! XD

Otters CAN crack shells on their bellys, right?

If so, Otters tie up with Weasels and, of coruse, Kitty-Katz.
Nice logic!

Thats all I gots...



Kthxbai XD

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/27/2007 13:45:39 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
8/25/2007 13:01:37   

An AK <eyes go shiny> OOOOOOoooooooooo .
Shiny eyes!

AQ or MQ?
AQ first, MQ later.

Are you evil?
My evil grin usually is described as "cute.'

Are you semi-evil?
I am not very much like a semi. I'm more of a rollerskate.

Are you ebil?
Like a pencil!

DF or otter-food?

Do you know the muffin man?
He lives on Drury Lane.

Do you wanna hear a secret...? Because I know wan... and it's sooooo good to hear it.
I know-how to count-all de way to schifty five.

Do you?
I can shift into fifth gear ... that's about all I got.

Finally...would you be willing to work for a secret organization?
oo sekrit! Is this a job offer? Would I get a shoe phone?

Goodbye. <does the uber 2 finger salute>
See ya! *does the uber 5 finger wave*

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 0:45:00 >
Post #: 19
8/25/2007 13:04:12   

First, congratulations!!!!!!!!!

13? But that's so few...

Why did you choose that name?
Scroll up XD

Favourite noise?
Hmm ... it might be the zizzy sound of the fireworks that crackle in the air for a while. Or that might not be my absolute favorite of all, but it's a good one.

Favourite animal? Otters, right? Ignore that one.
Actually I also like cats, hedgehogs, and crows.

Favourite thing on television?
The "OFF" switch XD

Favourite part of any of the AE games?
The Grenwog Festival is a big favorite; I'm terrible with "favorite" because I start to think, "Well, I like this but I also like that too, and for different reasons ..." XD

Favourite toppings on a pizza?
Ricotta and spinach and garlic, or pineapple and ham and onion, or ... see what I mean?

Favourite kind of music/musician(s)?
Well I am a HUGE fan of Manu Chao. I have so many favorites in so many different genres, but let's go with Manu Chao and flamenco/Spanish-influenced music as "the" favorite here.

Question mark, or exclamation mark?!
How could a curious person survive without the question mark?

What was the first thing you did when you became an AK?
After the part when I was asked and stared in shock for an eon? When I actually started doing the AK stuff? I read the instructions and then I PMd Alac and Reens with some dumb question about how to do something simple ... too nervous about making a mistake!

What was the best question in this thread?
It's not over yet, so I don't know yet!

Favourite AE game? (AQ, DF, AK, ZW, Firespawn etc.)

Who is your favourite forumite? (Except Maegwyn. She's everyone's favourite! ;) )
Flattery and Liez! XD As usual, I don't have one single favorite. I have a ton of people who all share that niche.

What do you think of my characters?
I look upon them with a measure of envy and respect combined with a degree of mystified puzzlement about the AQ Balanced Hybrid since I've only just barely started a Hybrid and don't plan it to be equal in all stats.

Favourite form of locking?
When I have time/inspiration to make it funny! Also, the one teh Yeti made up for me that I hardly ever use: "Topic placed on tummy and smacked with lock." People seem to not think it's nearly as cute and funny as I do ... guess they don't see the topic as a shellfish XD

Coffee or tea? (AAAGH! That's 14!!!)
Eh, I made you scroll up for at least one, so I'll tell you: Coffee. Tea is nice sometimes, but coffee is Necessary!

Hope you enjoyed those questions that I give to pretty much every AK!
Thanks! I did! Hope you enjoy the answers!

That's all for now!

P.S. *snuggle strike!*

P.P.S. W00t! First Page!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 1:18:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
8/25/2007 13:07:00   

i think your good at locking threads over 100 in the past week i think...but do you?
Wow, over 100? ZOMG that's a lot! I'd rather be reading good threads than locking those that ...er ... phail in some crucial way ... but I guess I'm glad to be good at locking them when it's necessary. Do I think I'm good at it? I think I could be better. Anyway, thanks!

whats the name of the 1st mecha in mechquest?
Was it announced? I have forgotten if it was; if it wasn't, then I never knew.

whats your favourite chocolate?
Real Godiva fresh from Belgium, but I only had that once a long time ago as a present from some people I babysat for who went to Belgium to visit family. So I look for good expensive organic/fair trade chocolate at the health food store when I can, but otherwise I eat Dove milk chocolate and Heath Bars and/or Skor Bars.

what do you eat most?
I'd say probably beef. I try to eat a wide variety of foods and flavors, but beef is good all year and easy to cook in different-tasting ways. (So is chicken, but I probably eat beef more.)

do you play AQ or DF?
Mostly AQ, but I'm planning to start playing DF more.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 1:52:18 >


Music Is My Life
Devoted Enter Shikari Fan :D
Post #: 21
8/25/2007 13:10:03   


You lock quite a few threads @_@
Alas, it is necessary. And sometimes it makes me look like that ... er ... this @_@

So I was in the shower and a lufa fell on my head and I fell......what do think about that?
Attack of the lufas! R U OK?

Pirates or Ninjas?

Well bye....hope you answer these......OR ELSE!
May all your hopes be realized so easily! Wait ... what was that last part? We'll have none of that! XD

HA! you though it was over! Bwahaha!
HA! You thought I thought it was over! Meheheh!

So did any lufa's ever hurt you at all?
Yes! They are just too harsh for my skin! But I've never had one dive-bomb me.

If I was planning on stalking you.....where would you be?
That's just creepy.

*Writes that down*
Now write, "Stalking people: That's just creepy." One hundred times.

How many licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Do you like my sig as a poetic stance?
It's certainly poetic and ... what's a poetic stance?

Well Im actually done.....so go on with you life. k?
k ... you watch out for those ninja lufas, now, k?

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 2:17:33 >


I Will Be Your Ticket Taker, Come Inside It's A Dream
Enter The Fun House Of Mirrors, No One Can Hear You Scream
We Can Supply Anything, That Your Heart Desires
But The Consequences, Will Surely Be Dire
DF  Post #: 22
8/25/2007 13:15:56   
Shadow of Chaos

1. Can I ask more questions later?
Sure, but I might answer first-time questioners first and get back to your next round of questions after.

If so, I'll be back.

2. Pancakes or waffles?

3. French toast?
Once every couple of years or so

4. Why did you take so long to make your MtAK thread?
First, there was a wave of new AKs, and then I got too busy so I had to wait until I had free time.

5. Where did the name come from?
Probably as a way to identify people when mankind developed language and conversation. Or you mean the name Maegwyn? Then scroll up :)

7. Favorite song?
Something Manu Chao, of course. La Primavera is a really good one. Or maybe one he produced but is actually Amadou et Mariam with him making a guest appearance, and that one would be Senegal Fast Food.

8. Favorite movie?
Mystery Train

9. Favorite video game?
Is a video game something you play that uses some device like a PS2 or whatever? I don't have any of those.

10. Did you know question #6 was missing?
I thought you might be bad with numbers too.

11. Did you look up to see if it really was missing?
Yeah, I double-checked, but I noticed. Then I laughed.

12. Daffy Duck or Elmer Fudd?
Shh! I'm hunting wabbits!

13. This is Sparta?
It's all Greek to me.

6. Does this question have mystical teleportation powers?
And I'm still laughing! Thanks!

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 2:41:59 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 23
8/25/2007 13:20:46   

:o Mae!
XD bb!

Didn't know you hadn't made one of these yet... More fun for me, anyway. :p
More fun ... hours and hours and hours and hours of ... er ... fun for me too :P No, it's fun! But it's taken me HOURS just to get this far! And I'm not even to the bottom of page ONE yet? hours and hours and hours more of more fun ...

Questions, then...

What's your favorite sport, if any?
The only one I actually watch is baseball. My idea of "sport" is more along the lines of Jeopardy.

Pencils or pens?
Pens. Ballpoint medium, black ink or green or purple. Also fine-line felt tip in brown or aqua-green or maroon.

Favorite AE game?

How'd you find the forums?
I guess I was too unobservant to notice the in-game LINK at the bottom of the page >.< and the LINK on the home page ... but if you are confused by stats like I was when I was first playing, Google will give you the link to A Beginners Guide to Stats if you plug in the right search terms ... and I started reading the guides and the 'pedia and registered.

Are you looking forward to playing MQ?

Do you play any other games (online or not) other than AQ, DF, etc.?
D2X, mostly in Single-Player mode (although the recent ladder reset reduced the hax, it's still laggy on bnet, but I've been building a new character on bnet & have had some fun with some other AQ D2X players! And once in a while I'll try to Escape from Some Room. But D2X has the best replayability of any game I've ever run across.

What makes me the best AK? ;)
Your modesty!

Alright, that's it. I'm sure you'll get more than enough questions in time. :) /me byesnugs
/me splashsnugs while waving bye! I need to get some sleep

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 3:01:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
8/25/2007 13:29:45   


What's your favorit game?(non-AE)
Diablo 2 Expansion (D2X). Look at the post right above this one for more about that.

Whats your strongest hand,left or right?
Right, but I can do a lot with my left hand; not quite ambidextrous, but close.

Do you prefer winter or sumer?
Summer! I love to swim! And I don't like being cold.

Whats your favorit element?
Scroll up, wayyy up. I might manage to c/p into this post later, but I might not.

Whats your favorit Ice cream flavor?
I love a good Vanilla. It should probably have big hunks of chocolate and swirls of raspberry in it, or be smothered in hot fudge or caramel if it's plain Vanilla. Chocolate ice cream is also delicious, but vanilla with chocolate IN it is more betterer!

Whats your favorit kind of a real weapon?
The pen! (It's mightier than the sword, you know.)

Ok, now I MUST sleep. Tomorrow I will start on Page Two. /me splashsnugs everyone goodnight, unless they are cats or other water-hating animals or elementals, in which case I also dry off and night-snug the rest.

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 8/26/2007 3:09:52 >
DF  Post #: 25
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