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RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: jimbo32 & Kamui

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9/12/2007 17:05:14   

10 more. Both of you can answer the 10 that way I do not have to post 20.
Sounds good!
Sure thing.

Can I give you guys some insanity pills yet? I am teh regional distributor.
I already bought some from Rayf - he must be poaching your territory! ;)
Nah, Eternal Darkness has given me immunity to insanity.

Can I have 5 Z-Tokens in exchange for the insanity pills?
I traded away my Indestructible Plate and Mana Scepter for some - and you missed out!
*Gives counterfiet tokens*

Enjoy the tokens >_>

Wow. These questions go fast.

Will there be more SoO then you guys?
Yep, in fact Legasee just joined us a day or two ago.
Yup, we already have three here, hope to get more.

Does a level 1 zard need to be buffed, why or why not?
I'm thinking it needs around 1500 HP and a 150-350 attack. Too strong, you think? :D
Depends on the Zard, I think we should have TerrorZards at lv 1 :D /jk

Do you think the epic set costs to much, why or why not?
Nope. High level players have to spend their gold somewhere.
Gold really starts to pile up at higher levels, and the set is not worth it until you hit at least Lv 100.

Are houses a bad thing for AE as they make rare Z-Tokens easy to get, why or why not?
But you've got to have z-token to get z-tokens. It makes a certain kind of sense IMO.
Hey, it is an investment system, works just like a real bank would.

Are you guys crammed in a Refrigerator?
Why would we do something silly like that?
No, but the cell is getting cramped.

Is it cold?
A little.
N-n-n-n-not r-r-r-r-r-eally.

Or warm?
Wish it was.
*Teeth chatter*

No sigs in GBI please

Edit: Sorry. I never knew that.

< Message edited by Kamui -- 9/15/2007 17:20:29 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 26
9/12/2007 18:57:01   

Heh didn't think I'd stay away forever didja? I'll try to keep these questions brief, so as to spare your sanity.

Do you like the job so far? How are your responsibilities different from the KoO?
It's cool. The responsibilities are not much different - it's just that since we're not staff, we're not immediately privy to all of the "inside" info.
I like it, we get to help out. Not much difference, we just do a little bit less than they do, since we don't have all the "inside" info.

Were you expecting something like this? Or did it come as a total shock?
I was fairly surprised - I think that applies to most AK's/KoO/SoO. For the most part, the forums that I frequented (GBI and EC mostly) don't seem particularly conducive to getting noticed for AK-ship (or other positions) - in my opinion anyway. I also made no effort to "get noticed".
Completely out of the blue, like most other situations like this I suppose. I was just surfing the forums as usual and BAM! I get asked, "Would you like to be a SoO?" I nearly fell out of my chair.

What do you like most about the job so far? I know you've wanted avvie upload for a while Kamui, lol.
Working on and discussing the sweep has been interesting for sure.
Helping with the sweep is fun, and the AK powers are fun as well.

History's Strongest Disciple or Bleach?

HSD doesn't have as many episodes, but it is funny as heck. They are about the same on my awesome radar.

Do you prefer Anime or manga? Why?
Sorry, but they both make my skin crawl. ;D
No preference, they are completely different art-forms, and each have their pros and cons.

Heh, that's all I've got for now.....but I shall return Muahahahaha! *Ahem*

< Message edited by Kamui -- 9/15/2007 17:27:20 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 27
9/12/2007 23:29:04   

Gosh XD How come I didn't notice you guys have one... I must be blind XD

Anyways. Congrats you two ^_^
Thanks Rico!
Thanks abunch!

/me congrats snuggles

These questions are for both of you ^_^

So how are you guys ?
I'm good. Although the early arrival of the Canadian Fall is a bit depressing. It'll be snowing before we know it! :(
Good, having a tough time saving up for a new computer, but good.

It's really hard to type in the dark XD with a thumb wrapped in a bandaid XD
All out of light bulbs? XD
/me remembers when half of my right index finger was chopped off a year ago, that was fun... Don't worry, they fixed it.

How does it feel to be a SoO with a fancy name like that ;)
Good so far - the KoO have been fairly restrained in their torture. :D And as for the title - ArchKnight is a cool one as well... although I guess the shiny edges have been worn away a bit by now. ;)
S'cool, we don't get whipped that often, and I have a source that smuggles in some food every so often :o

Do you guys have shackles like the rest of us AKs do ?
Kal prefers the stocks - something about public humiliation being therapeutic I think. XD
Your in the stocks? I got the rack >_>

What's your favourite ice cream favour ? (it can be a strange one :P)
I'm sort of fond of vanilla chocolate-almond personally.
Cotton candy :D

Look outside the window and tell me the first thing you see/
Well, it's dark at the moment, but normally it'd be trees and a fence.
Silly Rico, our cells don't have windows. Seriously, the other apartments and the highway.

Well I'm tired now. So I'm off. Bye ^_^
Thanks for coming to the party Rico - did you try the punch? And I think IMR left a few baskets of muffins around somewhere...
Don't drink the punch Rico! jimbo spiked it something awful.

/me bye snugs

< Message edited by Kamui -- 9/15/2007 17:37:40 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 28
9/13/2007 3:05:44   
Saint Kilda

1. When's your birthday??
November 2nd
2. What's your job?
I'm a Power engineer
3. Do you like your job??
It's Ok I guess.
4. Why?
Well, I'm of the opinion that people who absolutely love their jobs are either delusional or extremely lucky.

1. Are you evil or ebil??
Evil, why not go all the way?
2. Do you play aq??
Yup, been playing for 3 1/2 years.
3. Who was your meanest teaher?
Never had a mean one.
4. Who am I??
stkilda412 apparently >_>

No sigs in GBI please

< Message edited by Kamui -- 9/15/2007 17:39:02 >
AQW  Post #: 29
9/13/2007 16:13:11   

Well, everyone is saying congrats, so uhhh....Gutentagh!


Skate Shoes or Loafers?

What are you doing like right now (besides this)!?!
Watching TV, and playing .hack

Will you remember me if I make the most Random Question in your thread?
You don't need to do that to be remembered.

Depends on the situation.

Are you nice to everyone?
Yeah, I have no reason to be mean do I?

Thanks for answering man, Congratulations Kamui on your position as SoO, I'll be honest, I don't know if you deserve it (JKing), but you seem like you'll make a great SoO!
Er, thanks I guess :/


Hey Jimbo, did you know that your name really rolls off the tongue?
It does? In what language?

If you were ever invited to a dinner with the president would you order the gees or the Micky D's Burger?
Well, I have a Prime Minister rather than a president, and if I was invited to dinner with him I'd have to check my schedule first. :D

I just can't get over your awesome name.
Uh, are you OK?

By the Way, where did you get your name from?
You've really never heard that variation before?

Have you seen me around...ever?
Don't think so, sorry. Don't feel bad though; I don't really pay much attention. :P

Thanks for answering Jimbo Limbo, Gutentagh on the position of SoO, you'll be great!
Well, that's all have fun with your guys' awesome positions!

< Message edited by jimbo32 -- 9/18/2007 2:16:44 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 30
9/14/2007 1:02:37   

:o This thread is only two pages?! Curse you and your tucked away forum! :P
:p to you too
bball! That's what you get for accepting a GGD AK-ship! XD

Anyway, as you may have guessed, I am back for pestering. So here we go...
Oh teh noes :o

How did you find the forums and/or AQ?
Clicked a link a few years ago, liked the idea of a free online game, and started playing.
Compulsive link-clicking

Do you play DF?
My three characters tell me yes.
I do occasionally, although I don't find it as interesting as AQ (too much mindless, repetitive farming for my taste).

Are you looking forward to MQ?
Most definitely.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what direction they go with it.

What's your favorite forum other than the ones you AK in?
The OOC is a blast, and L&L has some very good stories, should write the next chapter of my story in there sometime...
EC I guess - I've got a few guides tucked away in there.

What's your favorite part about being an SoO?
Knowing that I can help with the game ^_^
What he said^. And our first round of pre-release testing was pretty cool.

Hmm... Enough. I shall save my other six questions OF DOOM for later. :D By the way, that six instead of five is a test of your math abilities! D:
Any more than five will result in Kamui deleting your post! :D

Edit: My questions apply to all three of you Squires, in case there was any question of that. :)

< Message edited by jimbo32 -- 9/18/2007 2:28:29 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 31
9/15/2007 21:39:12   

Seems as though Legasee has now joined in the thread. I got Jimbo and Kamui already, so I'll repost just for Legasee.
Aww, how generous of you xD

Congratulations Legasee!
Thanks ^^;

Is your name pronouced Legacy?
You're very quick, aren't you? Com'on, logically there's no other way you could pronounce it <_<;

Both, MSN and IRC.

Opinion on the Iraq War?
Pfft. It's a waste of energy to think about. Over four years in, and I'm still posing as a neutral. It's going to carry on regardless of what my thoughts are, and the unpleasantness within some of the events that have taken place there turn me right off.

Big Mac or Big Scakk?
Big Mac, as I'm not a cannibal o.O;

Who appointed you?
Well, it was in essence a group decision. However, it was Kal who reached out and contacted me about scheduling an interview. And thusforth, here I am!

Good Luck Legacy =]
Good luck on what?... Oh, right. My job. Yeah, thanks. Good luck posting... and stuff...

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/16/2007 15:33:25 >
Post #: 32
9/15/2007 23:21:14   

Ok I have talked to Jimbo and Kamui so now it's Legasee's turn. Yes it is! >:3


AQ or DF?
AQ, without question. DragonFarmer Fable's not my thing. Between you and me (And everyone else able to view this message :p), and I'm going to say something *extremely* controversial here: I've never even played it. I don't even think I've gotten as far as creating an account yet. @_@

Heh, thanks.

What's your favorite thing abpout being an SoO?
Receiving congratulations on being one. xP Nah, I'm just happy I'm able to make some sort of a difference around here.

What's your favorite food?
Bacon, Cheese and Mushroom burger. Succulent and piping hot.

What's your favorite type of music?
Rap, Hip Hop, RnB, as well as Drum and Bass.

Who elevated you to SoO?
Already answered in my previous edit.

What's your favorite thing about the forums?
The community. There's loads of awesome people here. <3

What do you think of AQ, DF, and MQ conceptionally?
AQ's the only game I'm fully accustomed to out of those three. And as far as that measures in terms of concept, I'm not too demanding. I play AQ because it makes for a nice break away from all the serious and hardcore games. There are tons of RPGs out there dangerously similar to AQ, so the concept isn't really that unique overall. However, that doesn't stop me.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/16/2007 16:02:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 33
9/16/2007 8:33:46   
gladiator hawk

For all 3 of you:


So i ask the question like every other "new" AK's i usually ask:

Mwhahaha! Valid question.
Yep, that counts.
Yeah it does :p

*gives a pile of cookies around a cookie* Noo! Desist with the cookies! At this rate, I'm going to become chairbound ~_~
No muffins?
How about some wasabi instead Legasee?

How goes it?

We have a strict "No snuggles" policy in our chamber, I'm afraid :S
Yeah, I'm afraid you've mistaken one of us for Tensy. :)
^What they said.

Lets start the torture with the questions.
Mate, I'm eternally shackled. I'm intrigued to see how you could possibly torture me any further :o
Any day now...;)
*Finds list of torture methods for Legasee.*

Sooo.. you have been kidnapped AK'ed?
It's okay, you can say it. :p Though we call it abduction. "Kidnapped" sounds less dramatic.
Don't you mean "SoO...etc."? You've got an extra 'O' up there...
Yup, hope to have some more soon.

How does it feel? (the chains
Somehow, they're getting heavier with every question I answer. That's why we all go through with these daunting MtAK sessions.
Chains? Haven't seen any of those yet. The stocks, the iron maiden, the rack - sure. But no chains.
They chafe, badly.

Who kidnapped AK'ed you?
Scroll two posts up, the answer awaits you there.
Kal and Rayf technically I guess, although they were all in on the plot.
Kal and Rayf.

Why were u kidnapped AK'ed?
Just a victim like all the rest. We all have gifts that the bad guys want.
I guess they needed more drivers for the car pool.
They needed servant boys.

Like my sig?
Did you make it yourself?
I likes it.

Yes, i did it myself!

Fine by me.
No, it wasn't a dig or anything, I'm genuinely asking...

Favourite food?
Answered already.
Pretty much anything really, but mexican is always good.

Favourite drink?
I'm not too picky on this one. Though, Red Bull, for its guaranteed wing growth.
Hmm, well I consume coffee at a fairly obscene rate.
Green Tea.

Favourite places to travel/were you have traveled?
Either Spain or France. Two absolutely stunning countries.
The Canadian Rockies are pretty amazing.
The mountains of the east coast are my favorite place I have been, but I plan to travel more.

Like the weather?
We've had some really sunny weather these past few weeks. Global Warming's blatantly caving in on us, eh?
Starting to get chilly - wish it wasn't.
Pretty warm here too, soon the planet will be an oven.

Mee too, its rainy here =(
O-kay, apparently you expected me to answer differently.
It's not snow, so that's all that matters.
^What Legasee said.

Enough of this *gives another bag of cookies*
*hurls them back at gladiator hawk's face* N-O spells... "On" backwards. Nice bit of trivia for you right there.
Still with the cookies? How about a nice danish?
*Contemplates force-feeding cookies to Legasee.


< Message edited by Kamui -- 9/19/2007 19:43:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 34
9/16/2007 13:58:04   

heh...guess i should get my questions for legasee in...congratz BTW :P Ta ^__^

(first question is for all three of you though lol)
1. do you think that after the sweep,eventually another one will need to be done? because the power curve is constantly rising,eventually the items balanced here will be underpowered,and it will repeat in a neverending cycle that will inevitably result in me ruling the world? (okay the last bit was me rambling off...but the rest is a valid question)
For the most part, you're absolutely right. I'd love to say "No," but since it seems inflation is inevitable, we'd probably have to go through another sweep-like process at least once more, just to keep the bolts screwed in. :)
I think I'll take the optimistic track. I'm hoping that a "hard ceiling" for item power will be one of the lasting effects of the sweep. As long as the ubers remain at the top of the range (epics excluded), I think we'll be OK.

2.best looking equipment? (armor weapon shield etc...)
For weapons, probably Ragebreaker. BTAMA is my favourite looking armor. For shields? Hmm... probably Dimensional, or IronThorn. For pets, I'm voting for Moglin Freak. Who would've thought, merging a freak with a Moglin. The coolest looking combination I could ask for.
ragebreakers okay...shadow dragonblade pwns it though,BTAMA...probably :P and well...cant go wrong with dimensional!

3.AQ or DF?
AQ. Never played DF.
lol...its good,but a bit too random for my taste

4. favorite genre of music?
Probably RnB. HipHop seems to be dying lately...
good ol' rock and metal for me...especially the classics :P

5.do you enjoy being a SoO?
Yes, but that's because *they* brainwashed me to. I wouldn't dare wish this on anybody else :p
well i put in an application anyways... :D

6.like my guardian armor?
S-weet! You have Dimensional too! That's an insta-win in my books. *high five*
*high five back* i dont think ill ever sell it...it was an amazing shield way back when...and it matches my armor :P

< Message edited by jimbo32 -- 9/19/2007 2:45:44 >
AQ DF  Post #: 35
9/16/2007 14:17:52   
Tapeworm Shoelace

Lawlz, Legacy is SoO :D ... I am? Well that's news. v_v

*Reserves this thread for Legasee and kickses out Jimbo and Kam-Kam. You could've just asked *me* to do that for you <.<;

Soo (lol) what kind of music do ya liek?
Repetition, repetition... Answered, like, twice now.

:P or =P?
xP >>> :P + =P


Which would you rather take with you to a deserted island, a mutant gerbil or a pie?"

Probably the gerbil. No doubt I would get lonely on that island. At least I'd have something to entertain myself with.

Out of all of your rare items, which is your favourite? :P
How dare you ask me such a question? :S Um, probably Cleric. Could you do me a favor and find one other person besides me who owns it? People have insisted on giving me excessive amounts of cookies I just don't want, so I could reward you with them in return >:)

Well, it's not as awesome as my Arc Dagger. >:D
Maybe not, but I have Arc Dagger as well, so there's really not much of a dispute for me, is there? :P

Moglopyres rawk, eh?
Pfft, nothing beats the Moglin Freak combination!

Yep, rawkin' Moglopyres and stanky Hippocampuses. >:D
More like buggy Hippocampuses. Actually, that's something I need to remind Kal about.

So, who has the best suggestion thread? :P
Favoritism ftl.

*Givses special SoO cookie*
*snaps it in half* Seriously, just stop it! >:(

Meh, Byes.
See ya around.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/17/2007 6:45:09 >
AQ  Post #: 36
9/16/2007 15:10:05   

Yay! Legasee became a SoO, hurray!

Hurray for Jimbo and Kamui too!

@Legasee: Yes. Hello.

I still can't find your character
Don't worry, you're not the only one ^_^;

I'm not going to give up though
Eventually you are. Though it'll be fun watching you put yourself out ;P

What's your favourite show?
As of right now? Heroes.

Mines simpsons!
Nah, the humor of it has become way too obvious now. I think it's just a question of them letting go of the legacy they started, and finally ending The Simpsons once and for all. It's washed-up.

Thank ye.

Monkey or dolphins

What's your fave in game item?
Asgardian Plate. Sheer pwnage.


For everyone:


The sky. Hehehe, 10/10 for wit.

Monkeys or dolphins?

fave in game item?

I like desk lamps
"I love Scotch. Scotchy, Scotchy, Scotch."

They burn... alot!
Yeah, so does the Scotch T_T

Cya! and Congrats

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/20/2007 15:50:41 >
AQ  Post #: 37
9/16/2007 18:10:17   

Okay...a few things...

(My comments will make less sense since this doesn't transfer colors)

Alright then, time for you guys to ask us any questions you may have, this is a joint thread for jimbo32, Legasee and myself. Questions are limited to 10 per SoO per person, meaning you can have up to 20 questions per person, but only 10 questions per SoO, please make sure to specify who is being asked. I will be editing in this color.

Some info about me
Age: 20
Birthday: October 10
Location: North Carolina, USA
Occupation: Cashier at an electronics store
Hobbies: Anime, reading, video games, etc.

Well, I didn't realize we were giving out so much info! Let's see, my measurements are 38-24-36; I'm a Pisces; I like quiet dinners, walks on the beach, and cute puppies... :D

Alright, so you want the truth do you? I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada; I'm a power engineer; I like sports (football [Go Browns!], hockey, hoops, etc), reading, hiking, and PC games. (and game balance of course! I'm allergic to anime and manga though - sorry Kamui.)

My turn! Don't expect a solid life story or anything <.<;

The Basics: I live in Devon, prior to that I grew up in London. Check profile for my age, as I don't feel like condoning laziness xD
Occupation: Student
Hobbies I enjoy: Social activities, watching films, listening to music, Soul Calibar, the list goes on...

And I'll be editing in this color. ~jimbo32

I hereby claim this color! >:3 - Legasee

Almost forgot, this thread will remain open until at least 9/15, maybe longer if we feel like it/forget to close it ^_^

<<<Don't forget! Unless I say otherwise, these are all at you!>>>

<<<Once again, plenty of editing room!>>>

1: This was supposed to be closed yesterday (Though since Legasee is here, I suppose this is justified...)---What's the new planned UN-planned closing date?
Also note the "maybe longer if we feel like it/forget to close it ^_^" part, but yeah, I've extended the deadline a bit.

2: It says 20 questions, but 10/SoO---that's a paradox---forget to change something?
He meant 20 questions collectively between himself and jimbo. Technically, the limit should be raised to 30 given I'm here.

3: WOW! Now this is a Meet the (Insert title here), (Name here), (Name here), AND (Name here)! That HAS to be a record!
Yeah, the first of its kind. It's much easier than having three separate threads.

(Maybe---depends on opinion)4: Well, I said it once, I'll say it again---Congrats!(Have you yet to see anyone who DOESN'T say that?)
It's never too much XD

5: What's up now?
What, you don't know?

6: (Just in case you smart-mouthed the last one) What's happening now?
Not a great deal.

7: Any of you annoyed by

A: People REE-responding to your questions?
Haven't come across that experience yet. I imagine I probably would be, unless the re-responses are actually worth reading.

B: Asking things that you have answered---multiple times?
Not really, doesn't take much effort for me to leave them blank, which is what I might start doing from now on.

C: Well, no more, but I might ask more later on this.
No skin off my nose if you don't :p

<<<Respond right under this please! Go something like example below. >>>

A: Yes, B: No, and C: Oh, joy! I can't wait...

I think the way I laid out my responses was much more straightforward. >_>;

8: @ Legasee

Favorite Activity? Outdoor and indoor, if possible.
Outdoors: Just hanging out with friends.
Indoors: Internet, Practicing on my piano, or just watching films.

8+2/3: @ Legasee

Worst Injury? I already stated mine.
Years ago, I was riding my bike. I wasn't paying full attention to the road, looked behind me for what was literally 2 seconds, the minute I turned around, I crashed my face into the headlight of a parked mini car. I still can't believe how something like that happened now.

Okay, I'll save the rest (I dare not risk counting how many I have left!) for later!
I fear not the questions, but only the answers I give!


< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/17/2007 12:05:15 >
Post #: 38
9/16/2007 18:15:39   
Quantum Mod

Wow Legasee. I remeber you pre squire days.Good Job.

A few Questions.

Do you read Piers Anthony?
Nope, but I recall having heard that name before.

Have you ever been on TV?
Chinese Television. Random, but true.

Why did the chicken cross the road???
Oh, I knew this one would pop up at some point... to conjure up the most pointless riddle in the entire world.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/17/2007 12:58:14 >
Post #: 39
9/16/2007 18:19:04   

Well, i have already asked jimbo and Kamui questions, now time for Legasee!

1-Well L, how do you think you were able to achieve SoO status?
*Shrugs* Beats me. It's certainly not because I'm qualified or anything, that's one thing for sure. *laughs*

2-Coolest AQ weapon?
Like I said before, Ragebreaker. I'll put Frozen Claymore down as well, and I'm not just saying that because there's a pun flip-side to it.

3-If you could make your AQ Character have any haircut/appearance, how would you make him look?
Bah, I'm satisfied with the way all my characters look.

4-Is there any reason behind your Forum Name?
At first, I was just going to go ahead and call myself "Legacy." Then I had a stroke of genius and decided "Legasee" would be more fitting. Talk about thinking outside the box. I nailed it.

5-Your opinion on Shin-Chan?
Haven't watched it enough times to give an informed view

6-Favorite Anime/Manga?
I'm not really into them. I suppose Naruto is the closest thing to my liking. As for Anime -- Okay, you caught me, I'm a Dragonball Z fan. Pure vintage.

7-Guitars: Accoustic, Classic, Electric, Bass, or other?
Acoustic. Love it.

8-Where did you get the idea for your Avii?
Actually, Shadowboy/Loki was originally one who created it, so you'll have to ask him what was going on in his mind.

9-Favorite AK/Mod/Admin/KoO/SoO?
None for any category. Although I know a handful *much* more than others, I'm sure they're all wonderful people.

10-Ever consider joining a Rating Center?
I used to maintain a pretty successful CR&A thread of my own. Silverwing has threatened bribed persuaded me into becoming a guest rater, should she decide she wants to open up a Rating Center again one day.

Well, see you later then!
Sure, bye bye.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/17/2007 12:52:37 >
Post #: 40
9/16/2007 20:24:27   

These 10, you all three have too answer. Thankies! Well, I'm afraid that you've already reached your alotted limit for Kamui and I, so these will be for Legasee only. ~jimbo32

What do you guys each hope to do as SoO?
I don't really know. Apart from performing my job adequately, I have no clear ambitions on the side.

Do you know flash?
I've used it a few times, but I'm no pro. I'm sure there are plenty of tutorials knocking about which I could use to educate myself to a higher degree, if and when necessary.

Do you like helicopters?
Who doesn't like helicopters? They don't bite.

Should the ubers be nerfed or buffed, if so how?
Eh? We've already balanced the ubers, and it wasn't too long ago either. The stand-alone ubers, however, might tell a different story. Frankly, they're only the tip of the iceberg compared to some other items we haven't even caught up with yet.

Should level one players start with more items then they do now?
Nope. I think the starter-gear they're provided is more than generous enough. Captain made sure of that when he updated the equipment.

Why or why not?
What I said above.

Are you guys like AKs and what boards do you mod?
In effect, we are AKs. Though primarily, our job is to aid the KoO. We handle the GBI, AQ Bugs, and AQ Suggestions forums.

Are you going to be making changes to the game or not?
We'll be helping the changes process along, yes. We also have a say in the changes that are made.

Did you guys suspect you were gonna have this job?
At the time I was offered? No. Never saw it coming. And of course, that's what made me all the more surprised. I couldn't believe it. I'm still doing the happy dance up till now xP

Boy or girl?
I'm a dude. :-)

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/20/2007 15:13:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 41
9/16/2007 23:58:03   

1. do u no me??
Seen you a few times.
Nope, can't say I do. Though it doesn't really help that there are over 700 members containing "Shadow" in their name. -.-

2.wat consoles do u own?
Wii, PS2, and DS if it counts.
PS2, Xbox, and Gameboy Advanced, if that also counts.

3. wat's ur favorite online game?
AQ, but a friend is going to introduce me to WoW.
Needless to say, really. AQ ;P

4.if u could become a girl 4 a day, will u do it?
Meh, why not?
Indeed. Life's too short. Take on any opportunity. I'd really love to see how much smarter they are than us.

5. wat's ur favorite game??
Single game? Probably Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or .hack series

They both have very fun gameplay and deep story.
What Kamui said about the gameplay. Though the story's hardly deep - Hellish monsters have invaded Earth. Pump 'em up with lead.

7. do u think intendo win the console war?
It is possible for any company to win the battle.
Hmm, I dunno. Nintendo's a true classic when it comes to fun games. Surely a console war has different categories for winning in, no?

8. aq or df
AQ, more strategy involved.
Yup. I've been playing AQ for over 3 years now, hence I feel I have a much stronger attachment with it. Playing DF would require me coming out of my comfort zone, so I'm opposed on that alone XD

9.will u remember me??
Most likely.
I'll try. *cough* No guarantees, though.

10. who do u think will win black spiderman, or superman?
Supes is a god-modder, so he would win.
Pfft. Superman's lame. Black spiderman's downright merciless. He'll claim the trophy in no time!

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/20/2007 19:15:12 >
AQ DF  Post #: 42
9/17/2007 1:36:10   

Well all I really have are general or rather silly (it seems I am in a silly mood right now...I blame GIR) questions so these are for any who are interested in answering.

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Happy where I am. :)
Japan, or somewhere in Europe.
First and foremost, Spain. France is an extremely close second.

2. Cake? or Pie?
Depends for me as well.
Hmm, seeing as you two haven't decided yet, I'll jump ahead and go with both. Yummy. >:D

3. If you could be any fictional character for a day, who would it be?
Hmm... that's a tough one. Someone from historical fiction probably - it'd be cool to see how things really were.
Way too many to pick from, I could not choose. :/
Yeah, indecisiveness would get in the way here.

4. What is your favorite part of AQ?
The fact that it's constantly changing due to the weekly updates.
Ditto, but I love the strategy involve as well.
Not much else to say, really. My favourite part is probably the weekly events that occur without fail. It always gives you something to look forward to.

5. If you could change any 1 thing about the game, no matter how complicated, what would it be?
Although I'm not sure what the consequences would be, I wouldn't mind seeing what the game would be like with most magic weapons removed. Just from an RP'ing standpoint, the recent trend towards weapons such as Sila's Staff and Lightning Rod is a step in the right direction - they're much more appropriate for mages IMO.
PvP. Nuff said.
I was trying to think outside the box for this one, but Kamui hit the nail right on the head for me.

6. What would you do with 1 million $?
Uh... spend it? :)
Spend some, invest the rest.
Convert it all into pounds >_< Though, at first, I imagine I'd probably leave the currency alone for a little while, and take advantage of America's dirt-cheap prices. ^_^;

7. Bagels, Pancakes, or waffles?
Bagels, always go for the healthy choice.
All three, please. You guys noticing a pattern of greed emerging yet?

And this one is just for Kamui.

Do you prefer Subs or Dubs?
Subs, dubs are not often dun well. *Pokes One Piece.*

Thank you for your time.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/20/2007 16:15:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 43
9/17/2007 2:31:37   

First off,Congrats to you both and good luck with the new job as Squires of Order! Now onto the questions. First we will start with Kamui.

1.You said that your Favorite animes were Naruto,Sailor Moon(Old School, I like the series as well.) and Dot.Hack, I have the follow up question of Asking who is your Favorite Character from them?(Please select a favorite for both Dot.hack SIGNS, Legend Of Twilight and Roots.)
Naruto: Sakura; Sailor Moon: Usagi (Serena); SIGN: Sora; LoT: Shugo; Roots: Haseo

2.Have You Played the Dot.Hack games and what was your Favorite character from the First series and the Second Series?
Played, beat, and love them all. IMOQ: Helba was awesome; GU: Haseo, dude is cool.

3.Have you played any of these games?:Valkyrie Profile,Xenogears,Vagrant Story,Parasite Eve 1&2,Any of the Tales series, Lunar series,Breath of Fire Series,Suidoken Series, Dragon Quest Series or Wild Arms Series(had more to add,but I thought this was almost too much as is.)
All except Vagrant Story, Lunar, and Wild Arms.

4.Anime scene that Made you Cry or had a emotional impact on You?
Hmm, none come to mind right now.

5. Have Read any of Laurell K. Hamilton's books?
None, I might try them though.

6. If so which ones?

7. Have you ever watched Ranma 1/2?

8. If what did you think of it?
Liked it.

9. Do you think that more Uber and Epic sets will be released next year?
Perhaps, we never know.

10. This question will count for both of you. Are you Male or Female?

Now for Jimbo!

1. Do you play Console video games?
Not anymore (although I'm considering getting a 360). Back in the day, I played the original SNES, SMS, Genesis (I actually bought one the day they came out), etc.

2. If so what types.
I played Call of Duty 3 on the PSIII for about half an hour. I despised the controls - PC's are the way to go for FPS games.

3. what do you think is the most overpowered object in AQ?
Hmm... the percentile draining weapons (ie: RUB) are a bit overboard.

4. Favorite set up you use when playing AQ?
Equipment-wise? Reign Plate, IronThorn, Nerfkitten, Koofu. I'm fond of my Razorscale as well.

5.Do you think the current storyline is Dragging along or moving at just the right pace?
Considering how long the buildup was, I'd say that we're right on schedule.

6.Buff other builds to equal Mages or Nerf Mages?
Buffing everything else so it matches the power of one thing makes no sense. It doesn't matter if we're talking about weapons, armor or builds.

7.Should the next Uber released After the Rumored Fire Melee Uber be Magic or Ranged(if you really think that we need it,you can say the next uber released should be melee again)
I think I'd be fine with it if we had an uber vacation for a while. There's been a bunch released lately. We don't need a new one every other week do we?

8.Do you think that we will get a Cool and powerful rare that will be the talk of players after the end of the Devourer Saga?
It would be cool to get something that would serve as a "trophy". I'm thinking that a level-scaled item along the lines of PK would be nice - ensuring that it would remain useful no matter what level you were when you bought it.

9.Item you Regret Selling or Not being around at the time to get?(this includes stuff that was released and made Rare before the Creation of your Account)
Darklaw - best looking weapon in the game IMO. And I missed it. :(

Thank you for letting me take a moment of your time and I hope you continue to enjoy the game. Battle On!!
Thanks for coming!


< Message edited by Kamui -- 9/19/2007 20:05:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 44
9/17/2007 2:53:34   
The Trobble One

For all of you:

Are you guys excitied now that you are a part of the Squires of Order?
I don't think "excited" is the right term, precisely. It generally takes a bit more to excite me than a volunteer position helping out with an online game. :D I am, however, happy to be able to help. Well... alright, I'm excited. XD
Excited? I'm ecstatic! Surely that's meant to be the usual response towards promotion :p
I would say so, it is fun to know that we will help with the game, and can bring new ideas to the table.

Do you guys enjoy playing AE games as much as I do?
AQ is a fun diversion from more complicated games. Although I play it occasionally, I'm not into DF as much. And I've never touched the mini-games.
I play AQ literally all the time. Meaning I have no room for DF, or the selection of mini-games. They don't really appeal to me.
They are fun as heck, I like the storyline and strategy involved in AQ, and DF and MQ are good for just mauling things. The minigames are fun too.

Who do you admire the most?
I've never though about it really. There'd be no politicians or heads of state on the list though, I'll say that much. Regular folks who end up doing extraordinary things are the most worthy of our admiration IMO.
Duh, myself. I infer that's a no-brainer, really...
Admire, none. But I do respect quite a few people.

Whats your favortie T.V show of all time?
Seinfeld, hands down.
Totally (Newman!). Either that, or Curb Your Enthusiasm. Though both shows are obviously interrelated anyway, thanks to Larry David's influence.
Way too many to choose from.

Whats your favortie movie of all time?
I'm a big Star Wars fan.
Ooh, so difficult to decide. Just off the top of my head, though: The Usual Suspects.
See answer to previous question.

Whats your favortie song of all time?
Don't really have one, although I think I said "All Night Thing" by Temple of the Dog in an earlier post.
Okay, now you're just being ridiculous. Waaayyy too many.
And again for this one.

Besides AE games, what is your favorite games of all time?
The Fallout series (1 and 2). This time next year number 3 will be hitting the shelves!
I'll say it again: Doom. Well ahead of its time considering how long ago it was made.
A tie between the LoZ and .hack series

Do you like Harry Potter?(The Story not the character)
The books, I can stand. I read up to Prisoner of Azkaban. As for the films, unfortunately I'm not one to advocate terribly wooden acting. He's an integral part of the story, and for that I just can't exclude him >_>
It is alright, I give it about a 7.5/10

Now that you are are part of the Squires of Order? Are you part of the AE staff?(If yes, please raise the level cap)
No, we're not staff.
^Quoted for truth. Easy mistake to make, though. And I'm sorry, but even if it was within our power to, why should we even joke about the idea of raising the level cap when there are only two more monsters above the current one? We need to improve on the upper-tier monster population first before we move on to this stage. We're not going to up the level cap prematurely.
What Legasee said.

Is being part of the Squires of Order hard work?
it's not too bad really. It does entail a certain time commitment though.
Right now, things are relatively easygoing. Though, we are prepared for the bigger workload ^^
It is pretty easy right now, but I personally can't wait for more work :)

Note: Edited out a few questions at random to bring the number down to ten. :)

< Message edited by Kamui -- 10/14/2007 2:49:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 45
9/17/2007 22:34:25   

Woahness ! Legasee gets to answer in this thread too ! I like it !
Yayness!! =P

So for Legasee. Congrats ^_^ /me congrats snuggles.
As you're a fellow dungeon-based inhabitant like myself, I'll bend the rules just this once. *snugglejumptackles*

How are you doing today ?
Good Good. Life's treating me well.

Is it raining outside ?
No, but the weather hasn't been particularly pleasant in the last few days. The rain usually waits until night, so I'm safe :p

What do you usually do with spam ? I like eating it :P
Well that's one thing we've got in common, then. ;)

So you got a thread locking signature ? (a cool unique blurb when you lock a thread)
Not at the moment, still working on it. It's got to be something really astonishing, something that would make forum goers wish to have their threads locked by me, just so I could bless them with my locking signature. Eventually it'll happen. ^-^;

Tell me the first thing you think of when I say these words.



Dark, Belgium Chocolate.


Ok that's all ^_^
Cool. Hope I scored well on that little test you just gave me ;P

Cya, Rico. And please, bring snacks and refreshments next time. A guy can't answer all these questions on an empty stomach. Do you not care about my wellbeing? ;_;

< Message edited by Legasee -- 9/21/2007 19:03:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 46
9/17/2007 22:50:38   

Hey Legasee....
*burns cookies with a flamethower* need anything else?
You make it sound as if I requested the burnt cookie to begin with. :P
Favorite food chain (quiznos, mcdonald's....)?
Oh, that's tough. Considering I rarely visit any fast food joint. Burger King, I guess.
Hate cookies now?
nice, how's the nice "lock thread" button doing?
Actually, it's feeling a little sour right now. Lately, I've been neglecting it quite a bit.

.....Staring contest!
Against who? Oh. You mean me? Oh yeah. You'd lose. Definitely.

.....yeah...... You're lucky... I'm jealous. T_T
So you should be. ;)
Well, see ya around!

< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/2/2008 10:54:30 >
AQ  Post #: 47
9/18/2007 18:22:24   

Well, although only Legasee is fielding questions, congratulations all three of you.
Hi Legasee.
Why, hello there.
Let us begin with the grilling, shall we?
That sounds like the perfect way to get started. >:D
If a nerfbat is for nerfing, what do you use for buffing?
Which one of you has to feed Sarah the Nerfkitten? Do you draw lots or something?
Well, it's never me. I call "shotgun NOT!" faster than a bullet.
What kind of noble steed does a KoO ride?
A single noble steed that could carry all 11 of them? They're not THAT cruel. :3

If you could add one feature to AQ, what would it be?
Oh, it would have to be PvP. But, alas...
If you could choose one class and allowed to redesign it, which would you pick?
Necromancer. Which we are. Huzzah!
Use one word to describe AQ following the sweepocalypse.
Congrats again.
I'll answer if you want me to - I got a bit behind, but I've now caught up to Legasee! :)
Fire away, Jimbo! Of course, I'd still like to crossexamine Kamui and Legasee, too!

If you are still answering questions, Jimbo, and given you are a PPOE (Proud Protector of English), what is your pet peeve?
Hmm. I'm not very fond of 1337.

And do you have a favourite word?
That's a tough one. I'm not sure I have one, really.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/2/2008 9:35:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 48
9/18/2007 18:33:11   
Wyvern Knight

Since Legasee doesn't want to start on the front page, I'ma make another one :p. Meh, I'll modify a few (Special, rare, unique, QUESTIONS!). Anyway, congrats again Legasee!

1) How much are you enjoying being a SoO?
Well, unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to say. See, being a SoO means I can speak like that. I just love it! ^_^
2) What are your thoughts on cloning, be it human or animal?
I don't believe it should be tested out on anyone until it is absolutely perfected.
3) Is it odd answering questions jointly?
Not at all. To tell you the truth, I quite like the company. ^^
4) What are your opinions on Global Warming?
This one pops up a lot. I'm glad to see there are people out there who feel as passionately as they do when it comes to cutting down on waste and endorsing the act of conserving energy, recycling and the like. The problem is, the vast majority don't. Not to mention, our overall careless behaviour has exacerbated the problem to such an extent, that I feel it's simply too late to correct.
5) Why did you chose that name? (...Legacy? Lego, see? Leg...? ah! I see!)
You were right the first time. Legacy. Cookie for you.

WAIT! And in case the rest of you forgot... I only asked you all five :p. The remaining are for ALL of you!

6) Is it this time of year, or is everyone starting to get more tired as the days go by?
You're right - it's the time of year. Coming to the realization that my shorts are going to have to be put away for several months always bums me out. :(
I think since it gets colder humans tend to slow their metabolism, thus they slow down and get tired more easily.
I haven't been getting as much sleep as I would like, so it's hard to tell whether it's because of that, or what Kamui said.
7) ...Meh. All motivation to proceed interrogation vanished, knock yourselves out, and congratulations!
I'm guessing that endurance isn't your strong suit? XD
Energy sucking magic FTW :D
Ah, that's too bad. I've got A LOT to hide. :P

8) *Crawls off and takes a nap* (~ Giant mountain... of sugar. SUGAR!!.... What have we here, a Heath bar! ^.^ ~)

(~ 9) What strange dreams have you people had in the past? ~)
I've had a few strange ones. Like something out of Lovecraft... *shudders*
I once had one that involved whipped cream, 20 hamsters, and a cattle prod.
Honestly? I can't remember for the life of me any dreams I've had recently.

(~ 10) What are your opinions on the current state of the world? [Good? Bad?]~)
This is as good as it's going to get I'm afraid...
It is an endlessly downward spiral.
Good and bad. So, Gad.
(~ BTW: Those totally counted as questions :p. Yeah, I realized I'm crazy. Congratulations again, and much luck for the future! Now I truly am gone :p ~)
Ditto ^_^
So long!

< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/2/2008 15:00:27 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 49
9/20/2007 19:55:19   

*IronHeart comes in stumbleing in his heavy clanking armor* SUP

Whats your favorite metal? (Go Iron! :D)
The heavy kind. Rock on!
Silver is pretty cool...
Yeah, I'm more of a silver man.

Whats your favorite armor in AQ?
Nemesis Plate, it is sorely underappreciated.
Hmm. I like the look of Ice Arms. If only they'd fix the neck...
Battle Tested Axe Master Armor. To Zhilo: "I'm in your armor, stealin' ur movez!"

(For Legasee) Are you a fan of Emeril?
No. Think "Legacy". It really is as simple as that. XD

I dunno what else to ask. bbl to see what you guys said.
*IronHeart stumbles away*

No signatures in GBI please, thank you for your cooperation.

Oops, my bad.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/2/2008 9:56:02 >
Post #: 50
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