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=MtAK= The Chicken has left the building :)

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10/9/2007 13:57:05   
Funky Chicken!

Hello everyone
The time has come for you to ask me some questions so shoot them away I'm not afraid!
Just remember the following the maximum is 20 questions per post and one post per member. I will be counting...
Let the music start to play!

All the best

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/17/2007 9:43:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/9/2007 13:58:42   

For being the first one to reply, can I post the 20 questions in 20 different posts?
Nope, those rules come from above me...

I guess I cant.........
And you guessed correctaly

Do joo lyk typos?
Hate them specialy when I make them!

Well lyk em or not............I will not stop wif em!
If don't understand something I wont reply

Do joo ONLY eat white meat? Or is jus dat u lyk chicken? Dead or alive............
Neither... I like all meat, fish and vegetables. Chickens are just... wierd ;)

How can a dancer chicken enter in a buildin'? i thought dey lived in farms.......I guess dose places wer dey put em can b considered a farm............or it might b a disco
A dancing chicken enters a building by... dancing?

Or r u a special disco chicken?
I am I special disco chicken or else I wouldn't be able to write...

Wat kind of special disco chicken?
Didn't know we had kinds =O

Chciken Bruv............dis thread is gonna b ur dead......Me noez sum1 dat hasn't even finished it *Mae....I still want 2 c urs"
Oh yes I know all that. I'm a special chicken with special powers

Fav smiley?

Fav music?
Teimosia. I'll give you a cookie if you find it out ;)

Don't have one, I like to play and that's it.

....................=/ Cant fink of anythin'

Ima com bak wif more questionz in a dif post..........I mean.........wif da 1s me got left.
Ok then

P.S. HI n welcome to da buildin' special disco chicken^_^!
Hi and thank you.

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:11:30 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 2
10/9/2007 13:58:47   
PaperClip OF DOOM

Go Cronc! Ish your birthday! Or not. But just as happy. ;)
5 months too early for my birthday heh. Glad you are happy :)

Was it fun when they kidnapped you and Reens sucked your soul into a jar? :D
Jar? She stuck my sould into a Waffle machine... I think she is saving it for desert

What areas will you be in to keeel spam? :D
The DF boards

For how long didyou dance after the PM was sent? *mkaes up crazy chicken dance... the Cronc! is it's name ;p*
I didn't dance, I died for one minute. Got to see the World as Ghosts see it ;P *notes that the Chicken Dance is coyrighted by him*

Can I have a cookie? Imma good paper clip. :(
*gives cookie to PCoD*

Can I be your side-kick? The Chicken and the Paper Clip! >:D
They don't allow me to have side-kicks sorry...

Good luck and bye now! ^^
Thank you and see you in IRC ;)

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 14:12:36 >


*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
Oh good. My slow clap processor made it into this thing.
So we have that.
Post #: 3
10/9/2007 14:00:41   
Star’s Brilliant

Hi Cronc!
Hello =)

Congrats to becoming AK!
Thank you! To you as well ;)

Forgive me that I don't have a question now, but I guess I'll come here later.
(From some strange reason I'm too busy now).
Absolutely no worries

Good luck!
Thanks you to!

And no abusing of power! XD
Me? Never! *hides his copy of "Forum powers and how to abuse them in a profitable manner"*

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 14:16:17 >
Post #: 4
10/9/2007 14:02:41   
.*. .*. .*.
Pfft hahaha!

Hi croncler!

I just wanna say congrats and keep up the great work!
That's nice of you. I will do my best

(burn baby burn disco inferno)<----this should be in your title.
xD I think I'll stick with the one I have thanks

Ok I have one question for you:
Only one? *is shocked*

Who is the disco rooster?
*rools on the floor laughing hard* It's me as well :P

See you around bye bye
See you

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 15:32:41 >
Post #: 5
10/9/2007 14:03:41   
Legendary AK!!!

Hey Cronc! Congrats on the AK-ship, you're a very helpful person, I had a feeling you'd be next up. ^_^
Thank you :)

EDIT: You what? Brilliancy is an AK too? Hey, you've got some competition here. :D
Ah but that's where you are wrong! It's not competition it's partnership ;)

Gotz me questions:

1) Since you were just knighted so recently, does everything suddenly look all different, shiny, and new? Or is it pretty much the same?
So so so shinny that I even had to put on my sun glasses! =o

2) Am I your fwend? :)
Everyone that doesn't annoy me is my friend (net speaking), you haven't annoyed me

3) What kind of TV shows do you like to watch? (I like South Park and stuff like that myself, and a bit of motorsports)
Hmmm well I like CSI Las Vegas, Friends and all the likes of those.

4) Do you play any sports? If so, what sports do you play?
Hehe I don't "play" sports as the sport I do is not playable. I do Rock Climbing ;)

5) What was your strongest school subject?
Wasn't expecing this one =O, well I haven't actualy started my classes but in the past it was English.

6) What was your weakest school subject?

7) Are you quite tall, or a bit on the short side? (Me is quite tall)
I'm.... normal sized?

8) Do you like the area you live in? Is it nice?
Yes I do and yes it is, could do with a bit more trees though

9) What's your favourite food?

10) Do you like getting up early in the mornings, or not?
Yes I do.

11) Have you got any good party tricks?
I'm a Disco Chicken! Of course I have good party tricks! =O

12) Any good at dancing? (I'm hopeless)
I'm a great dancer, I just don't dance while others are watching so they wont feel bad...

Okies, I'll leave it at 12, that's a nice, round number. Congratulations again, you really deserve it.
That's nice, thank you

Have fun! :)
You too

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 14:36:07 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
10/9/2007 14:04:15   

!TOOW *selgguwelgguhelgguns*

A chickenzoruz!
ZMOG Where?

CCA or Snug Bear Helm?

Me or Me?

Fav Song?
Teimosia same thing I said to Gav701 applies to you

Chicken on the Water?
Why not?

Chicken on the.....????

What do ya think about AgWing's Avvy?
It's nice

Did you see my gallery?

Clicky sig...
Will do as soon as I can

Cya on my plate...
I'm not very tasty.

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:17:40 >


MQ  Post #: 7
10/9/2007 14:04:32   

Hiya, Croncler!
Hey Reincarnated

How're you?
Good thanks

What instruments do you play?
Don't know how you called it in English but in my country we calle it Berimbau (don't even know if that's the correct spelling lol)

Do you like playing drums?
Yes, I had one when I was little but I sat on it...

What's your title gonna be?
*notest hta the title is already there* ;)

Have you played Super Crazy Guitar Maniac 2?

It's awesome, you should try it. ^_^
I will if I get the chance


P.S. Have you ever rode a tricycle? >_>
Yes and I didn't quite fit on it when I tried xD

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:21:17 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
10/9/2007 14:04:44   

Yay! Gratz Cronc, you and Brilliancy are the fresh meat now :P
Yay! Thanks! Fresh? Hmm I don't know about that, you see it's been quite ho where I live, I think my meat has gon bad.

So, Chickendance eh?
Seems like it...

Can't think of too many questions...
You can always go to the old MtAKs and get inspired :P

Do you like cookies?
Very much

What about Tolkien?

Am I a maniac or is it just to fool the others?
I think you are half of both ;P

Favourite food?

Favourite movie?

Favourite book?
Don' realy have one, I like the Tolkien books and also the Harry Potters. And the book I'm reading now by Stephen King


That was all...
Why was... isn't it there still?

Adeus (that's bye in Portuguese)

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:28:55 >
Post #: 9
10/9/2007 14:05:50   
Sir MaxiMo

First of all, Congratulations!
Why thank you :D

btw, Brilliancy, when did YOU became an AK!? O.o
Same time as I did ;)

Anyways let's go back to undead Chicken. Can i call you like that?
Not actualy undead but ok heh

Best Video Game?
Hasn't been made yet

Do you like Pictionary? It's Awesome!
Yes I do

Every time i ask for it, an AK never goes to my gallery. Will you? (link on da sig =D)
I will do as soon as i got time :)

So, it's true that......CHICKENS CAN'T FLY!?
LIES! Haven't you seen Chicken Run?

Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, 4, Epic Movie or Date Movie?

Will you eventually take over AQ, DF and MQ?
Of course I'm one of Rim's desciples

What's the meaning of Life? Is it DIE?
No the meaning of life is "Life doesn't have a meaning, it just is."

House in AQ? and in real life?
No. Yes. if I did understand what you are asking...

Best Moglin?
Is a punted one

Best AE Minigame?
Deady the Evil Teady!

That's it. See ya!
See you :)

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:35:47 >


AQ DF  Post #: 10
10/9/2007 14:10:35   

Congratulations .
Thank you

(tries to think of a queston).
Don't think too hard you might get hurt... I know I do.

Don't say I didn't warn you...

Oh dear.
See I told you!

What a waste of a post.
It wont be ;)

Oooh I've got one:
What did you have for dinner?
How did you know i had dinner alreayd? *looks around scared* Soup!

And another:
Why are you answering mine and others pointless questions on the DF forums when you could be playing DF or abusing I mean policing the forums with your new find powers?
Because I played every DF quest, I find pointless questions amusing, my powers are so new I don't know ow to control them therefor I'm scared of them

Aren't you glad that's finally over.
That really was a waste of time wasn't it?
Not realy no, got nothing else to do

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:41:59 >
DF  Post #: 11
10/9/2007 14:13:34   


so ive come to ask some questions and i want you to answer em now
I'm here for that

are you a tuna or do you consitter urself as a tunafan?
I'm a chicken!

if you had three cookies. one with strawberry flawour, one with choko flavour and one with vanilla flavour witch one would you throw after a pony?

Lellyna^2=hyper^2+girly^2-2*lellyna*girly*cos(insane). what are you?

if you were a animal what kind of animal would you not want to be?
An ant

what would happen if you put a cat in a box with a half shue?
*will try that with his cat*

is the universe unlimeted?
No, everyone knows that there is no such thing

oh guess its time to go

cya and remember to stay tuna
But I'm a chicken...

uh last but not least-IN HAMGUAGE

hamham ham HAMHAM?

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:48:23 >


DF AQW  Post #: 12
10/9/2007 14:13:57   

Umm.. hello?

How are you?
Good thank you

How is it to be an AK?
It's bad for people that have tendencies to have heart attacks.

Who came first, The chicken or the egg?
Both at the same time.

I guess that's all... for now.
Ok :)

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:51:49 >
MQ  Post #: 13
10/9/2007 14:21:55   
Mr Paper Guy


U like eating chicken??

if u anwsered yes skip this Q
What one?

This one?

u like metallica??

U like linkin park?

u like basket?well thats all
Yes and ok :)

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:54:14 >


~MPG going out >.Ô
Post #: 14
10/9/2007 14:23:43   

*gets shotgun* Where?

My space bar is broken D:

on with the questions

Zards or sneevils?

AQ or DF?

Do joo like my gallery(i dare you to answer: Oh no not another noob trying to mooch off comments :P)
xD I haven't seen it

stick vs sword?

do joo like math?

What color/shape is your shackles?

Congratzulaciones (Congratulations with a little....meh)
Thank you :)

Tambem és tuga?
/For those who don't know this is a Portuguese way of asking if I'm Portuguese) Yes I am

okay im leaving now *does goodbye disco chicken dance*
See you around :)

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 16:59:30 >


Post #: 15
10/9/2007 14:25:05   

Hello Croncler^^
Hey Tomix :)

Congratulations on becoming AK
Thank you

What's your favourite bird?

What's your favourite movie??

Favourite actor/actress??
Sean Conery and Jodie Foster

What do you think about my gallery (Totally optional question :))
Never seen it

And that's all ^_^ See you
Ok see you :)

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 17:04:54 >


DF  Post #: 16
10/9/2007 14:28:57   

Yo Croncz, the chicken I see my ebil plans will unfold....

Is ebil plans a good thing?
No they are Ebil... they never go right and they are usualy stoped by a hero

Are you ebil too?

What does my name remind you of?

Can I be your aquantance who you met that one day last summer at the barn, and then become an arch knigth and they said hi to you?

Did that last question make sense?
Not realy

Congrats on your ArchChicken-ship.
Thank you

See ya, next year!:3
See you

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 17:11:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
10/9/2007 14:34:30   


Do you like chickens?

Does basket taste good?
Don't know... you tell me

Who was the best Doctor Who?
I only know one

Do you like marshmallows?

What this means: Kalan ääntäminen saksaksi on sama, kuin apinan isän nimi.
Something that goes against the forum rules because it doesn't have a translation?

Can you give me five dollars?
No. Can't even give you 3.54592 EUR

Have you got flamethorrower?

And last, What is your favourite warcry from some movey, or videeogame etc.

Must go. Cya!
See you

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 18:37:53 >
AQ DF  Post #: 18
10/9/2007 14:35:24   

Well all the best in AK life and wish you well. Congratulations.
Thank you very much my dear friend

See if I continue ramblind here, they dont count as questions.
It might

See you also need an editing colour. I suggest this one, but it is your choice.
Too bright, it gets hard to see

Now I think time for the questions.
Dear me...

1. Who asked you to be an AK?
A triangle ;)

2. Do you enjoy being an AK so far?

3. Did enjoying losing to me in 'those' races?
Told you I wasn't racing

I know you did!
Why does one ask if one alread knows the answer?

4. When did you first join the forums?
*points to his profile* it's there :P 12/10/2006 almost a year! :D

5. Have you enjoyed it so far?
Every single minute

6. AQ, MQ or DF?
All three of them, when I have time I play them all at the same time.

7. Game or Forums?

8. Answer to the above or Real Life?
Real Life

9. Which country do you live in?
Portugal (I told you this already... I think)

10. If the above is a non-English speaking country, where did you learn English?
At school and I'm currently taking english classes at the British Council to improve it.

11. Will we still have 'those' races?
I'm afraid not.

12. Artix or Cysero?

13. If faced with an army of Ninja Snuggles armed with Disco Chicken Bane swords, what do you do?
I'd dance my way out of there.

14. Uber or the other one with the two dots above the U?

15. Penguins or Triangles or Hawks?

16. Waffles?
Tried to ask the Waffle Chef to make me oone but got a negative reply

17. Can I have chips with that?

18. What do you think of the crisis in Darfur?
Don't realy like to discuss that sort

19. If you were stuck on a Desert Island, what single item and person would you have with you?
Item: a boat, Person: my "sister"

20. Why a Disco Chicken?
Long story... to cut it short Reens gave me a link to laugh about and it was a dancing chicken, then came my avatar and all the sudden I got the tittle.

Well thats all the questions. For now!!! Well for this MtAK as I am not allowed to post more.
Hehe cool :)

Congrats on the AK and bye!
Thank you again, see you around

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/9/2007 19:01:26 >
Post #: 19
10/9/2007 14:39:03   

Hiya !

Thought I drop by and say Congrats ^_^
Aw so sweet

/me congrats snuggles
/me thank snuggles

So how are you today ?
Tired because I went rock climbing

Do you like funny questions ?

Instead of giving you a test like I did to Zz, you have to say the first word that comes to your mind when I say these:
That's not a question...



Rainbow !

I'm hungry



So did you like the words ?
They were alright

Anyways I'll leave you alone now ;)
Alone? Have younotice how many more I have to reply to? O.O

/me bye snuggles
/me bye snuggles

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/10/2007 13:07:07 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
10/9/2007 14:46:26   

w00t first page!!! now to put sum questions...
egap tsrif t00w!!! This will be interesting...

MEGALOL MEGALOL *psyc psyc psyc*

o_O O_o an AK... a NEW AK *eyes go shiny*
Mate don't look at me... no, really, you're scary...

so go go disco chickens!! *does a disco chicken dance*
Travolta is no match for me!

ive got 20 questions have i??
Don't know but this is your first

how many have i wasted now?
... no idea

so... are you scared of boomies?!? (HE'S COMING)

who knighted you??
A geometrical form, it poked me and then gave me this realy shiny object. I took it soon to realise that it would suck my soul

and is Reens really an ebil moglin hiding in a blue-haired body just ewaiting for a chance at world domination?? (^_^ world domination :P)
O.o no... that would be Zorbak. Reens is actualy a very nice and friendly person who likes to name "things" Fred *snugs Reens* :P

do you really have the power??
You bet I do, but it's highly controled.

do you have what it takes to hold me off with one hand, while delivering heavy-handed forum justice with the other??
I'll just lock you in a cage

what is ur favourite chicken

Mechquest ftw?!?
It will in due time like DF and AQ

everyone loves mechquest?? do you?
I don't know if everyone loves it, I do

*snugglehugs* (mmmmmmmm...hug)

oh.. and who's the most awesome AK ever? (includig yourself)
The very first AK ever (no idea who it was

oh and why are pirates called pirates??
because they arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
No, because they like parrots!

pirates or ninjas??

pirates. arrrrrrrrrr!! / damn ninja scum!!
Descrimination is a crime!

oh, and did u celebrate talk like a pirate day?? did u talk like a pirate?
Not realy

can i have one more question??? youre going to say no arent you... (stupid question limits!) (pjc said some of his werent questions...)
If you knwo the answer don't ask the question ;)

EDIT: i like pasta toooooo!!!!
Yay for pasta!

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/10/2007 13:22:13 >
DF MQ  Post #: 21
10/9/2007 14:56:03   
Purple Armadillo

why a chicken?
Because cats, dogs, penguins, hawcks, eagles andguekos were taken and I do have the chicken Avatar for a while now

pirates or ninjas (choose wisely *grabs dagger*)

am i psycho? *twich*

if so why am i psycho
Maybe because you want to?

df aq or mq?
DF AQ and MQ

|<@n u r3@d t|-|is
Yes I can read that

why does the word llama have 2 l's
Beats me...

why do i ask questions
Because you are on a thread where you are asked to ask quesions (Ironic ain't it?)

best cafeen drink?

do u like chocolate?
Very much

if so what kind?
Black: &0% 70% and 85%

how many questions will i ask
You tell me.

how did u become an ak?
I don't know... I was sleeping and next thing I know I'm tied up on a chair with a bunch of crazzy looking people staring at me and whispering. One of them came next to me and took my soul and voilá! I'm an AK.
Wierd no?

how would i go about becomeing one?
I have no idea but asking for it or even mentioning that you want it wont help you to get kidnaped...

what kind of computer r u useing

can u guess what kind im useing?

do u eat fried chicken?

g2g but congrats
Ok and thank you

what is the 10nth digit of pi?
No idea...

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/10/2007 13:36:31 >
DF  Post #: 22
10/9/2007 15:01:43   
Stand Back

Hi there! Congratulations on your AKship - stay strong!
Hey, thank you and will do :)

Now for my questions...buckle up!

1) Is there any particular reason you're a disco chicken?
ell I got this avatar, plus wierd things happen when you become an AK one of them is the title... it just poof, happens

2) Can you do the hustle?
Of course!

3) Can you tell the difference between coke and pepsi?

4) Are you US or non-US?

5) What's your favorite holiday?

6) Favorite TV show?
I got many like CSI and Friends.

7) Favorite movie?

8) Favorite book/author?
Don't have one in particular.

9) Do you have any hobbies?
Not right now. My hobbie transformed into my study subject. That is Photography.

10) How do you feel about the View?
It's amazing! I see alot of buildings and the private pool... wait that wasn't what you were talking about were you?

11) Hot dogs or hamburgers?
Hard one... a Hot Hamburger?

And finally...

12) Do you know the muffin man?
*shakes his head

That's all I've got, congrats again. Stay cool Cronc!
OK thank you :) You too.

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/10/2007 13:46:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
10/9/2007 15:07:05   


Congratulations are in order
Thank you

Now onto the questioning *insert evil laugh here*
Evil laughinserted

As I asked Zz, Me or you?

What is the meaning of life?
"Life doesn't have a meaning, it just is."

43, 98 or a rabbit?

Can you swim?

Can you fly?

Can you fly a swimming submarine?
Thought of getting me one of those but then I boght a digital camera.

You like music?

Play a musical instrument?

Pizza, pie or pudding?

AQ, DF or MQ?
AQ DF and MQ

And finally.....*drum roll*

Why do leopards exist?
To make lions jealous

Well now I shall go as I appear to have run out of questions
So soon?

See ya around
See you

< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/10/2007 16:13:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
10/9/2007 15:08:38   
Dragonlord John!


What level are you on?
AQ- 73, DF- 34, MQ- 4

Why do you like chicken?
Because it's original!

What do you like most; DF, AQ, MQ?
DF, AQ and MQ

No problem :)

Edit: Almost didn't remember, congrats!
Hehe thank you


< Message edited by Croncler -- 10/10/2007 16:17:03 >


DF MQ  Post #: 25
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