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RE: Meet the Archknights. -=Talwraith=- (The lurker is in.)

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5/23/2005 9:35:11   

*squeeeee* ohemgeee it's teh Talwraith!!!

Hiya Tal :D
Yo Reensy.

So, you said up there ^^ somewhere, that you chose your name because of the phonetics. How do you pronounce it then?
Well, I didn't pick it because of phonetics, but that's the way I visualized it or whatnot. As for actual pronounciation, it's tal(like pal)-raith. Simple as that.

Alrighty: snuggles, huggles, wuggles or glomps? and why?
It really depends on the person giving and recieving. Personally I'm open to most forms of snugglation, but some folks just aren't. For instance, a glomp from Pae would be fine, but one from Lord Nova could be quite devestating.

If the pineapple starts walking, and the guava is singing, does that mean that pink is actually a scale in the Key of C?
Kut-ku scales are pink...

Do you really want to spend eternity selling sea shells out of a shanty at the sea shore? What kind of shells?
I'm not going to just sell sea shells, but as for the ones I'd sell, they'd be smooth shiney silver semi-circular sea shells.

*/me snuggles Tal* byes!
*/me snuggles back.* Later.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/23/2005 11:28:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 26
5/23/2005 11:46:55   

Hey dude!
Hey other dude.

I have alot of questions to ask.

Can I be a staff member? I'm really great at drawing! Edit: Just wondering. I don't actully want to be one. For now...... Well I really do...... But what do I have to do to become one? Not on the forums, I mean like helping the game....... If it helps I am a guardain which means I sent in me 15 bucks...... I hope that's enough. Ok I shut up now.
I'm really not the one to ask. If you want to get spotted for it, probably the best way would be to post suggestions with your artwork in the suggestions board, and be a generally outstanding forumite. If you get positive attention for both your manners and your skills, and the staff need someone, chances are they'll approach you about it.

Who do you think is cooler? Blackhawk or Artix?
Artix made the game, that automatically makes him cooler.

Why the heck won't you be a vampire! It's alot more fun!
Hey now, I've been around since before all this "Vampire or werewolf or werepyre" nonsense began. I was one of the original vamps too, it just didn't impact me as much as my wolfyness I suppose.

Uh that's all I have for now. I will return!
That didn't feel like a lot of questions...

Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hehehehe.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 12:12:05 >
AQ  Post #: 27
5/23/2005 12:25:37   


Are you really... A undead who was adopted by aliens who was killed by dragon and then the dragons undead-napped you and you thought they were you real parents and then they got an nuclear bomb in their mouth and the bombs exploded so now they are dead but you were found by teh "teletubbies of d00m" and they somehow didn't like you so they threw out in teh great sea but you swimmed in land and now you are alone... Just a rumor I heard... I hate run-on sentences...
Nah, I sink like a stone. Besides, everyone knows aliens and dragons have universal peace treaties.

Nah, just messin' with ya', I know you are an undead alien superhero, who's secret identitet are Clark Kent, who also are Spiderman and Batman...
And Mr. Clean.

Ain't I just crazy?
Ain't we all?

Do you believe in God?
In which sense? Technically I label myself as an agnostic. If you don't know what it means, look it up.

If not, which religion do you believe in? The Greek Gods, Allah or the Great Gods of butter?
Hair thunderer or cosmic muffin?

Later Talwraith, *start throwing oranges and tomatos at Talwraith, then turns around and starts running away while yelling "Iwill retuuurnnn...
*Initiates oranges and tomatoes into a cult.*

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 12:17:20 >
AQ  Post #: 28
5/23/2005 13:20:38   

HI im me and you are?
I'm me too! What a coincidence.

i will MAYBE come with other questions later then it will be edited into this post

what is that language you are talking?!?


*squeeeee* ohemgeee it's teh Talwraith!!!


and there is also that with:
Me ash! Ug der, talguul!
Ug der Tharg!

from the first post on this thread
That'd be Tharg's orcish.

do you like my signature?

what is best? the sith or the jedi?
Ah, the eternal question, good or evil, lightside or darkside, rare or well done... WHAT DO YOU!! choose then, darkness or light
what is your favorite pet (in real life)?

favorite animal then? and dont write "me" or humans

what is the meaning of life? (i havent figured that out yet )
I answered this one already. Only one life changing revalation per thread folks. Read your handbooks!
sorry i didnt read all 3 pages

i believe in that story mikkel94 told!! or maybe not, hehe

What do you like about AQ (the game) most?
Don't try to corner me.

sorry if im annoying but i am really not trying to be

do you like monthy python?
Sure do.

are you just annoyed by all of these questions?
Just annoyed? Heavens no.

why does all of you mods and archknights always write 42 when people ask of the meaning of life
It's a reference to the book "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy". It's a widely know nerd reference.

thats all FOR NOW
Dun dun duuuuuuuun. dun dun dun dun duuuun dun dun dun du du du dun......... (wedding)
Duun duun duun dundadun dundadun. (Darth Vader music)

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 14:03:42 >
AQ DF  Post #: 29
5/23/2005 13:53:19   
super saiyan sage

Can you explain the formula for calculating resistance
Not at the moment, no.

What is the resistance of Nichrome if you know?

Have you played fire emblem?
I picked it up once, but I never really played it.

What is the best console game you have played?
Can't say... I've played too many.

Have you seen my SSS Works in the suggestions forums?
I might have, but they don't come to mind now.

If so do you like the spell i made?

How old are you?
If you really want to know, you can cut me down and count my rings.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 23:36:50 >
Post #: 30
5/23/2005 14:30:53   

ok i realy mean it this time why did they remove the skull face(if you know)
There were a couple of art revamps during which they changed all the faces. The old ones weren't compatible with the new face personalizing system. I think there have been about three sets of them all together... Originally there was just the skull, a male face, and a female face. Then I believe it changed to two males, and a female. I don't remember what it is right now. A fun little note, but apparantly the skulls eyes are set to black, and its skin is set to blue. Weird huh?

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 14:09:08 >
AQ  Post #: 31
5/23/2005 14:54:50   

Hiya Tal!

Are you up for some not-so-ebil questions?

On a scale of 10(10 being the highest), how good are you with the opposite gender(referring to your flirting skills)?
I'd say I'm about a 7 with either gender, though I don't spend much time on it, so I'm not a really great judge.

Whats your least favorite chat-up line?
I dunno... Probably the worst one I could think of would be something along the line of "What's an ugly thing like you doing in a ritzy place like this?"

What phrase do you believe in? "Patience is a virtue", or "Impatience is a virtue"?
A wise man knows when to wait, and when to act.

Ever danced before in your life?
I've danced for my life man.

On a scale of 10(10 being the highest, again), how good are you at dancing?
Hard to say, depends on who's judging and how much they've had to drink...

Can I have a huggle?
Alright, just this once. I don't want to start getting a reputation as a walking huggle booth ya know.
*huggles Coppo.*

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 23:41:57 >
AQ  Post #: 32
5/23/2005 16:07:14   
The Drifter

What is your opnion on rootbeer?
Nothin' to complain about, well besides that incident back in '87, though that was more the crane operators fault than the root beer's itself...

Have any suggestions actully made it into the game?
A good number have yeah, though I couldn't name them, none that I've seen myself since I became an Archknight. I was in the chatroom when Artix came in for new lines for the new guardian dragon. One of mine got in if that counts...

If you could have any color lightsaber what would it be? red, blue, white, purple ect.?
Hmm... probably a black one, like a black-light, so I could make peoples socks glow when I sliced them in half.

Have you read my suggestion thread here?

I have now.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 23:47:30 >


DF  Post #: 33
5/23/2005 16:39:25   

im gonna ask you more questions ^_^
Bring it on!

Whats you favorite soda?
Frank's Fantastic Fizzy French Vanilla.

Ice cream?
I don't eat ice cream.

Why did you stop watching T.V.? (thats a crime in 53 states.... and 4000 countries)
I live in a state of insanity, it's legal here. You should come visit some time. Come join us. Come join us. Come join us.

Have you ever spent a bunch of money on something you dident want?
If you've ever done this, you clearly don't know how to make yourself want something.

thats it untill i think of some more

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 23:51:01 >
AQ  Post #: 34
5/23/2005 17:34:42   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 35
5/23/2005 17:57:19   

i only have one question...
werewolves vampires or werepyres?
Like I said, werewolf.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 23:55:47 >
AQ  Post #: 36
5/23/2005 18:03:05   

'lo, Tal!

OMG this is the third time in a row I'm the first to ask this question. What's your favorite video game?
Actually someone else already asked... I don't really have a favorite, though as of late I've been playing a couple of games a lot on the PS2. Monster Hunter, which is a highly underated game. I'm Talwraith on that if anyone cares. Also EverQuest Online Adventures Frontiers. A mouthful of a title, and a pretty fun game. My primary character is Taalg on the Castle Lightwolf server. </end plug> And of course there's always AQ.

This is part of my holy quest to find a mod/AK that likes rap. Are you my first one?
Well, it depends on the kind of rap. The kinds where people just talk and sound cool, like scat or whatnot is pretty good in my opinion. Outside that though, some of the more popular kinds of rap, or hip-hop, or whatever you crazy kids call it possess some of the few songs I actually cant stand listening too.


< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/24/2005 23:59:24 >
Post #: 37
5/23/2005 20:12:51   

well more questions..gotta think of some.
Ya ain't never gotta.

if you could describe life in one word what would that word be?

ever been in Virginia?thats where i live.
I swear those rabbits were like that when I got there!

are you funny?tell me a joke.
Two atoms are walking down the street, one says "I think I lost an electron." The other one says "Are you sure?" And the first one says, "I'm positive!"

can you guess how many hours of sleep i got last night?when i woke up?when i went to sleep?what was i doing before hand?
I don't do guessing games. Well, unless they involve pie, or scented candles.

if you can guess all those right i will call you extremly lucky.
Or psychic.

ever seen me post?or heard of me?people tend to forget the common people like me.
There are far too many forumites for me to remember. If you came and hung out in IRC I'd probably remember you though, but only if you were particularly memorable.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/25/2005 0:07:29 >


AQ DF  Post #: 38
5/23/2005 21:27:49   
~Lion Eagle~

Hi, don't blame me if any of my questions are already asked - I don't like reading really long things except for fiction that I like
People. Read. Please. It makes life so much easier.

My brother quit AQ because he's too incompetent to log in Should I torture him for quitting? *ha ha*
Nah, being unable to play AQ is torture enough.

What kinds of music do you like?
As I said, all sorts, so long as the individual piece of music is good.

Favorite series of books?
Probably Discworld, by Terry Pratchet.

Do you like warm, furry griffins?
I also like sleek, dangerous griffins.

Do you like pythons?
Sure, why not.

What's the most painless way that I can die? My life stinks anyway...
Personally, I say you only get to die once, unless you believe in reincarnation, so it's best to live your life until death's good and ready for ya. As for painless ways to go, I'd say diving into an active volcano. Definately. Make sure it's one of the really hot ones though.

Do you play Runescape?
I made an account, though I only logged in once.

If so combat lvl, name, and member or not?
Talwraith, as usual. I think I got to like level 6 or something, and I'm definately not a member.

Do you play Tibia? (no, not the thing in your leg....)
Same as with Runescape.

If so name, game world?
Don't remember.

And now the random statement - ME FLY! ME GO SPLAT!
That's not random enough, try for something like "Chair with propeller in da ceiling of disco!"

Bye (lol)

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/25/2005 0:12:33 >


I don't break rules. I just bend them. A lot.
AQ  Post #: 39
5/23/2005 23:51:46   

How are you?
How am I?

Do you like bieng what you are?
Hard to say, I'll know as soon as I find out just what "I" is.

Do you like Sirens?
You mean like the mythical kind, or the kind they use when something's going to explode? I can think of practical uses for both.

Are you having fun on the RP for Mods adn Archnightes only?
Nah, s'not my kind of RP, and it's too far in for me to jump in and join.

Do you like Chauhaus?
Yo you mean Chiauhaus? Errr Chihuahuas? Chiwawas? Those little furless dogs? I like 'em well enough, even if I can't spell their name.

Do you have a dog?
Who needs a dog when you've got a tal?

Do you have a cat?
Who needs a cat when you've got a tal?

Do you have any other type of pet?
I'm my own best friend.

Do you like my Battleon on Char?
I... guess...

Do you like how I start my questions with Do you?
It's a reasonable way for a question to start.

Do you like spongebob? (My little bro made me put this)
Some of the episodes are pretty funny.

Do you have any game consols?
I've got a good number of them. PS2, GameCube, NES, Sega Genesis, and probably some others I've forgotten... I like games.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/25/2005 0:18:55 >
AQ  Post #: 40
5/24/2005 0:20:45   


If your name was used for a monster, what kind of monster do you picture?
If it was based off of me, a cloaked humanoid with a wide brimmed hat, a polearm of some sort, and a featureless mask with a large, black and white checker pattern, kinda like a harlequin or something. If it's based off of the name, I immagine something between a Fatalis and a moglin spectre.

What time is it?
Hammer time!

What would you do if you had two emus, a watermelon, and inifinitely stretchy rubber bands?
Easy, have the emus run in oposite directions with the rubber bands strung around their necks. Then load the watermellon in the resulting giant slingshot, and see how far you can send it.

What manner of man are you that can summon up fire without flint or tinder?
There are some who call me... Tal?

What do you envision as the "next big war"?
Fire, lots of fire. And probably explosions too.

What are your feelings on the (lack of) work on the ArchKnight project of AQ?
It saddens me greatly. The game has a lot of potential, and more importantly I just want to play more of it darn it all.

Meow meow?

*INSERT OWN QUESTION HERE* (Don't give a question, just give a random answer).
*Insert answer here.*

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/25/2005 0:24:03 >
AQ  Post #: 41
5/24/2005 4:24:06   

Im backz
Does that mean I'm frontz, or sidez?

W00t! i thought i would never find another WW suporter yay!

They has the ring!
Good for them. If you watch it for a week it'll kill ya or something they say.

uhhh i see so how is that goin?
Smooth as liquid cat my friend.

Are you a VG Cats fan, if so who is better Pantsman, Leo, Aeries, Krug or the face hugger?
That right, when you all weak and tired Krug eat you all.

which of them is cooler?
Well the one on the far left is white, meaning he'd reflect light better keeping him at a slightly lower temperature, though it might just be grease paint which would actually make him warmer. However he also has his tongue out. That'd disperse some heat...

Understood! cyaz

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/25/2005 0:29:27 >
AQ  Post #: 42
5/25/2005 9:46:28   

Lo! Homie!
Lo' humie!

Do you like my title?
Heh, it's chuckle-worthy.

Do you think I'm immature?
You've managed to capitalize, avoided spelling errors, and use proper punctuation. From what I can see you're perfectly mature.

Do I have a brain? (I've been asked that alot, I need advanced advice)
Spin around really fast for a few minutes. If you get dizzy and have trouble standing up, you've got a normal middle ear. While not technically a brain, it should be close enough.

Do you like Secret of Mana for SNes?
I never played it much, though I did play Legend of Mana a lot, and I love it.

Do you think the new Zelda game coming out for gamecube is going to be awesome?
Hard to say, I'm not setting my expectations too high.

Do you think Krug could become president on Vgcats?
If only by virtue of his ability to eat all the other candidates.

Do you like Halo?
It's fun enough. I personally think it's highly overrated though.


< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/25/2005 15:33:02 >
AQ  Post #: 43
5/25/2005 15:57:04   


ORIGINAL: jendinn

if you could describe life in one word what would that word be?

life is not a describing word.also you can't describe life as life even if it were a describing word.so care to rethink your answer?
Life is life, what more is there to say? Just because it's not an adjective doesn't mean it can't be used to describe something.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/26/2005 12:29:46 >


AQ DF  Post #: 44
5/25/2005 18:23:09   

I thought I was the lurker of the forums!
You've been living a lie!

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/26/2005 12:31:04 >
AQ DF  Post #: 45
5/25/2005 18:30:48   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 46
5/25/2005 21:06:35   

No no no, you must be assertive. Like this... I greet you you unworthy fool!

Do you remeber me?

I should hope not.

We've never spoken before.
Or have we?

Unless your phsycic.
Or invisible.

are you?

or are you just insane, like my obeese cat?
Yes and no. Im insane, but more like a moon man.

My best friend is a martian.

how bout yours?
That cheating so and so!

ummm... hmmmm... i forgot what i was about to say.
Darn gnomes...

! oh now i remeber, im moving to iowa are you?
Well I might be moving toward Iowa, I haven't checked lately.

toodles with love, bye
Some ants toot.

also for the meaning of life i beilve its to prove onself as an indivdual for what else does everything on earth have other then there individuality, or does that make us the same, or uniqly different?
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/26/2005 12:50:28 >
AQ  Post #: 47
5/25/2005 21:21:35   

Hello Tal
Heya Dark Knight.

Im suprised your still 'round, your even older than me AQ wise... I was plotting... plotting is good, yes?
Yes, eeexcellent.

I figure your an Archknight and I'm a KoO.. meebe if we bribe letsay.. Elizabeth or maybe Xyphos(he's still evil methinks) possibly even Morkath.. tats like 3 people.. We could probly over take the moon.. We must not let EA games have it..
I'm pretty sure Demo's still evil, but I don't know if he takes bribes, unless they're in unborn children or something... And we must have the moon, think of the bunnies! We can not let EA have their evil way with them!

If the whole EAgames thing fails how bout we try to take Alaska from the US, or meebe even greenland.. Whad'ya think?
I know EA's greatest weakness, so I'm pretty sure that'll go through. And if it does, we can still take over extremely northern, rather large portions of earth anyway.

And if that fails we will perform a small scale LORE invasion, you in?
Well of course, I'm allways in for invasions. Just give me notice so I can get my invading hat ready.

What is the last digit of Pie?
The one at the end.

Why is the world round, not triangular?
Because Magrathea doesn't have facilities for making triangular planets.

Have you ever beaten someone with oranges?
Only after dragging them out of their car.

Meebe be back in chat oneday, cya Tal!
Will be a fine day indeed.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/26/2005 12:56:08 >
Post #: 48
5/26/2005 7:19:23   
Contest Winner


Have you realized that this is probably a waste of time that could be better spent on doing... stuff?
Stuff? We shall have no stuff doing here.

I mean the whole "Meet the Archknights", not actually being an Archknight. Don't worry, I'll always respect you, even though people will question your authority since you are not mods.
Not actually being an ArchKnight? What do you mean?

How long have you been in the forums cmpared to playing AQ?
I found the forums shortly after I started playing back in 2003, and chat shortly after that, so a pretty darn long time. Longer than just about anyone else who's still around.

< Message edited by talwraith -- 5/26/2005 13:01:48 >
AQ  Post #: 49
5/26/2005 14:24:23   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 50
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