Stand Back
Where has All the Power Gone? By Cyrus Greetings, scaleless wonders called humans. If you're reading this, either you've survived through another week of chaos or Death is being lazy again. My writings are a bit thin this time around, as I have been rather busy as of late, handling the chaos from recent battles (particularly the second uprising of the Dragon King). This week, I shall ponder one of the more interesting issues regarding dragonkind. Namely, why are some dragons so much more powerful than others? The answer might surprise you, but perhaps not. I have found that many of your kind are hard to surprise. In the history of Falconreach and the other cities of old (a time now known by most historians as "The DragonFable Era"), dragons were much more powerful then those seen by the average Adventurer today. The weakest of dragons could decimate entire armies, while the strongest could have easily been the end of humanity. This can be boiled down to two factors. The first one is the lack of powerful adventurers at that time. Even I cannot explain the sudden jump in ability and equipment in the last eleven years, but it has occured. The farther back you go in time, the more you'd see dragons that lived hundreds of years and grew to their full power. In the present day, however, human adventurers have easy access to powerful weapons and masters of combat to train them in their use. Sadly, most other races cannot keep up with your advancements. The most powerful ones were slain by the greatest adventurers after enough time had passed, and those that remain today are far weaker than those that existed years ago. There is a second, far larger issue at hand, however. The avatar of Death, something you know as the Reaper, is not acting as it used to. In years past, death claimed nearly every soul that left its mortal form. As such, only the most powerful creatures, dragons in particular, survived to achieve their full power. Today, though, almost none of the souls that fall in battle are claimed, and are allowed to return to the mortal realm countless times. As such, the dragons that should have been kept by the Reaper are still alive, meaning there are a far greater number of less-powerful dragons in the realm; for the same reason, there are far too many less-powerful humans. It is almost as though some greater force, even beyond the Elemental Lords and Draconic Avatars, were willing all of this to happen. I cannot prove any of this, though I have heard some Vartai speak of hearing ominous voices in the air, speaking in some incomprehensible language. For now, I must take my leave. I will have to reserve my more detailed explanations for another time. I have many new issues to handle. Word has come down that a certain other set of avatars you know better than you realize is coming out of balance. Pestilence has been attacking you every two years for quite a while, after all. I can only hope that humanity realizes what it's doing before one of the most important avatars gains too much power and starts to unbalance the entire world.
< Message edited by Reens -- 11/27/2007 17:38:09 >