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5/30/2005 11:59:26   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 26
5/30/2005 12:02:16   

Excellent, it's Invain! *rubs hands*
Eek, it's Visionpower!

What would your next title be?
"Exams suck!" or something along these lines >_> Stay tuned.

What would you do if you accidentally tripped on green paint?
I don't mind, green is a nice colour....

Phosphorus glow paint that made your shoe glow in the dark? :)
I'd... um... change my shoe? Then I'd draw a scary face on the glowing one and scare the hell out of my neighbours >:)

What's your favourite carbonated drink?

What's your favourite carbonated food?


What's your favourite pizza topping?
Double cheese, salami, olives, chili peppers, hot sauce

How do you want your steak done up?

Are you neat or untidy?
I'm tidy! It's just that my room keeps making itself a mess >_>

Favourite movie?
don't watch many movies... probably Blade Runner

And teh all famous question.........Geckos, Swords or Dragons?
all three!


Ciao, Adios Invain! Here's a Jammed cookie for not fainting through the interrogation. Bye!
Wait... jammed as in "covered in jam" or "stuck in something"? >_>

Anyways, later!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 12:18:15 >
AQ  Post #: 27
5/30/2005 12:04:54   

do you like this suggestion of mine?

could you help me develop it further?
I'll post if I get any ideas on it


whats a dweezel?

dos it hurt?
Not really

do you like gamecube?
Don't know, never played on one

why (not)?

they are great aint they

do you like mario kart games?
I loved the SNES and N64 versions ^^

is juicy fruit any good?
All juicy fruits are good

didn't think so
Come on, what's not to like about juicy fruits? *munch munch*

do you like my avatar?

smashycomman made it, its great isn't it?
Yar, smashy is talented

which mod do you know best?

how shall i exit this time?
fly through the ceiling?

nope! *calls taxi* "nearest airport please, I'm starting a new life in mexico"

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 12:26:10 >


AQ DF  Post #: 28
5/30/2005 12:46:27   
Strong Bad

omg it's strongbad338! wee!

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? I once counted, but I forgot :P
Hang on - 1... 2... 3...

If you were stranded on a mountain with 2 coconut bolos as weapons and sorounded by mountain lions, what would you do? And no, "Pinch myself to see if I was dreaming" is not an answer.
Mountain lions? Just big cats, I'd snuggle them!

How long have you been on AQ?
since December 2003

What is the motovation on you name?
That's a bit complicated... basically, my whole life philosophy condensed in a single expression.

Is there a way to get meself one o' dem avatars, other than being as helpful as I always am untill noticed? I already got one I really want righta here!
Can't help here, sorry

Are you out of school yet?
Still having classes until June 3th... and then the exam session begins x___x

If so, have you been having a fun/intresting summer so far?

What are you going to do for halloween? I myself always put on my Grim Reaper costume and go scare the wee ones ^_^
I just scare any kids that dare to show up at my place

That be all for now, untill we meet again!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 13:15:31 >
Post #: 29
5/30/2005 12:49:25   

Hello Tom from Poland!! *Does a ninja flip to show her enthusiasm*
Hi Masara! *waves hand... too hot in here to do any backflips*

I decided i have some questions!
Good, that's what I'm here for ^^

what is the weather like year round in Poland?
sun in the summer, snow in the winter...

i always thought it'd be kinda cold.
Not all the year round, we usually have hot summers.

If you could have one item off of star wars besides a light saber (and nothing holding a lighsaber either) what would it be?
TIE Interceptor

If there was a raccoon eating a cucumber stairing at your crotch.. what would you do?
I'd run away. Fast.

What is your fav mario game?
Super Mario RPG for SNES

Do you know what a kuribo shoe is :O ??
No idea, care to tell me?

Doth though watch strongbad? if so what is you fav episode/s?

Who should be president more Arnold schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone?
There MUST be a better choice than these two... >_>

Ever played Katimari Damacy? if so... doesn't that game rule?!
The name sounds oddly familiar, but I don't think I ever played it

*bounces around excitedly still* okay more later!! bye for now !!!
*does some ninja flips and rolls outa the room*


< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 13:20:15 >
AQ  Post #: 30
5/30/2005 13:01:25   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 31
5/30/2005 13:31:25   
Strong Bad

Oy! Thy do whatch me on me Lappy! More interigations, on there way.

Have you whatched all o my e-mails, sir crapforbrains?
all the old ones, haven't watched new stuff in as while

We're going to get CRAZYGONUTS!! At CGNU, we have a crazygonuts time!

What is your favorite sb e-mail? Mines the one where bub's blows up my computer, good thing too, I got a new one.

More on there way!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 13:37:02 >
Post #: 32
5/30/2005 13:45:02   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 33
5/30/2005 14:42:45   

hey im still getting used to this but im getting better, so here i go

where were u on the night of Augest 4, 2000
I didn't kill him, I swear! It was an accident!

do you like monty python
A lot

if no*slaps why

if yes ur favorite sketch
Spanish Inquisition

Life of Brian, followed closely by Holy Grail

that knight from the sketches who slaps people on the head with a rubber chicken

what do we do with witches

are you frightened by the thought og twilly with a smg dressed in a rambo costume
Nah. Weird, but not scary

can i have some white gold i bet its pwetty

whats is the meaning of life,answer this in a 500 pg essay of good quality please

thats all i have for now but i can gaurinte you i WILL be back

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 14:53:25 >
AQ  Post #: 34
5/30/2005 14:50:02   

hi invain! i liked your intro ^_^ youre right.. i dont see you around much... too bad :(
Hi Swallowtail and thank you ^^

whats better: writing or reading?
Tie. Reading is less demanding and more enjoyable, while writing brings more satisfaction and allows one to express oneself.

do mods have x-ray vision? or z-ray?
V-ray (V like in Vephoma)

whats your favorite smilie?

did you ever make your AQ character look like you?
Actually, the other way around - my AQ character had spiky hair long before me. >_>

whats your favorite band(s)?
Currently I'm in love with Tobias Sammet's Avantasia
Also: http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/Niedowiarek/
(Registered only recently, but it gives a general impression.)

Whats your fav color? (mines green ^_^)
Light green, like fresh spring grass or light blue, like a cloudless summer sky

Should I get my hair highlighted?
I'm not sure if I recall your image correctly, but... if it was you on the picture I remember then you don't need it, unless you really want to ^^

can i have a hug? *opens arms and uses bug puppy/anime eyes*
Whenever you want *huggles*

ok... thats all for now. i didnt read everyone elses so sorry if i asked a question that was already asked. you should hang out and talk more.
Maybe I will >_>
See you around!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 15:06:45 >
AQ  Post #: 35
5/30/2005 15:35:27   

Hi Invain, How's going?.. oh you were one gaving me a Warning right?
Yar. Nothing personal, though.

Do you play Ragnarok Online?

What's your fav. Animal?

What's your Fav. Smiley? (stupid question XD)

Can you play Guitar, Drum's, Piano or Sing?
I enjoy singing, even though I'm awful at it XD

Do you play soccer, Football, Tennis ect.?
Nah, I'm lazy. Basketball sometimes.

Is it funny/nice to be a mod?
There are good and bad parts... I generally don't enjoy giving out warnings and I got a few hate PMs already... Still, it's nice to be actually doing something to help the board instead of just idly lurking like I did before.

what's the funniest thing you've ever experienced?
I met both Moogle Popes today, how about that?

well? that's the question i have..FOR NOW.. ^.^ i'll see you around =)
Later ^^

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 15:54:48 >
AQ  Post #: 36
5/30/2005 16:45:06   

'lo, Invain!

How's life?
Fine, thanks.

I'm on a holy quest to discover a mod/AK/admin who likes rap. Are you to be my first one?
No, your quest is far from being over.

What are the names of the Moogle Popes? For which religion are they popes?
MeNeedName and SuichimoTheDragoon - read earlier in this thread ^^

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 17:14:35 >
Post #: 37
5/30/2005 17:20:50   
Wolf Boi

Hello again *Snuggles X50* :3

By demon based RPG's I mean games that have main chracters who are ether able to transform into demons, are part demon or a demon, (aka games like Digital Devil Saga, Shadow Hearts, Nocturne, ect) should there be more games like them?
Don't have much experience with such games >_> Sounds good, though

Do you think they should they make a movie series of the Chronicals of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliver?
I have mixed feelings - on one hand, some parts of the book would look great in a movie (Andelain! Kevin's Watch! Revelstone! Battles from The Illearth War!), on the other, it is likely that too much content would have to be dropped.

Actually, there are serious plans to make such a movie but the main problem is finding a producer - a few have already turned down the offer, claiming that it's "too dark" and "too much like LOTR" >_>

If they did make it into a movie who do you think should get the part of Thomas?
Why, me of course! :p

Can I have more snuggles, huggleglomp or other things like that :3
Always. *snuggleglomps*

Do you like this face i use? -----> :3
Yeah, it's... weird

Did you completly crossdress Cloud in FF7 enough to make him get picked?
Yes, when I was replaying the game for the third time

Who is your fave FF7 chracter?
Vincent - shame that he was just a side character, his history could be developed more...

If you where a RPG chracter what class would you be? and would you be the main chracter, a rival or a party member?
Some kind of mage, maybe a druid. Definitely not the main character, rather someone in the background. You know, the old cranky mage character who pushes the protagonist in the right direction - someone like Gandalf, Belgarath, Lord Mhoram...

Have you played the game Shadow Hearts: Covenant?

Do you think they should make more RPG's that have a wolf as a main party member?
That would be nice. But a normal wolf, not a werewolf or some magically-altered abomination.

What do you think of me so far?
I enjoy talking with you

In Neon Genesis Evangelion did you find whenShinji had to kill Karou sad?
Yes... it just didn't seem right :/

Have you watched End of Evangelion?

Do you like werewolves and Lycans?
I prefer Vampires, but the furballs are nice too. :p

What about wolfboys hehe or in my case wolfbois? ^_~
Better than ordinary furballs

Can I have a few more huggleglomps?
Sure *pouncehuggles*

Can you be my fave mod? ^_^
*blushes* Sure! ^^

In FF7 should they have made more flash backs with Zack?
There were enough in my opinion - it was a bit unclear, but you could easily understand everything if you paid attention

What do you think of the Turks from FF7?
Oh, the Turks were brilliant! My favourite group of evil-doers, especially Rude. I don't understand why so many people are obsessed with Sephiroth, the Turks were a lot better ^^

bye for now i'll be back with more questions and snuggles and more :3

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/30/2005 17:53:39 >
AQ  Post #: 38
5/30/2005 18:11:11   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 39
5/30/2005 18:59:56   
general greivous

Wheee, it's general greivous!

standart question

so, whats your favourite zard?
Whalezard is pretty cool

hear any poetry that you want to share?
There's an ancient, ancient garden that I see sometimes in dreams,
Where the very Maytime sunlight plays and glows with spectral gleams;
Where the gaudy-tinted blossoms seem to wither into grey,
And the crumbling walls and pillars waken thoughts of yesterday.
There are vines in nooks and crannies, and there's moss about the pool,
And the tangled weedy thicket chokes the arbour dark and cool:
In the silent sunken pathways springs a herbage sparse and spare,
Where the musty scent of dead things dulls the fragrance of the air.
There is not a living creature in the lonely space arouna,
And the hedge~encompass'd d quiet never echoes to a sound.
As I walk, and wait, and listen, I will often seek to find
When it was I knew that garden in an age long left behind;
I will oft conjure a vision of a day that is no more,
As I gaze upon the grey, grey scenes I feel I knew before.
Then a sadness settles o'er me, and a tremor seems to start -
For I know the flow'rs are shrivell'd hopes - the garden is my heart.

--H.P Lovecraft The Garden

wanna help me make a personal word (like dadrik huzaa?)

are dogs<cats?

dadrik dog rulez!!!1 ha?
Well... there may be some exceptions

this one its annoyng

what about my sign xD
I like it

thats all, bbye

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 5:10:21 >
AQ  Post #: 40
5/30/2005 19:13:41   
Wolf Boi

Back with a few more follow up questions for my fave mod ^_^ *pounce and cuddles*
Yay! *uggles*

Do you hope they bring out the FF7 prequil, FF7 Before Crises?,( it's where you play as the Turks (also Cloud, Zack, Vincent and Sephiroth) against one of Shinra's rivals)
Meh, I'm quite anxious towards any FF7 add-ons like this... it's easy to ruin the original storyline with them. Same for the Advent Children movie.

What about the FF7 game where you play as Vincent and you get to run around and shoot stuff?
Same as above

When I final get around to making a RPG maker 2003 game will you like to be in it then?

Sure ^^

Have you sceen any of the cards or art books of Evangelion where it shows Kaoru and Shinji as a happy couple doing things that they didn't show in the anime/manga?
I've seen a few pictures floating over the net... sad

Do you like my tail? (hehe even if i only have one online)
I bet it's fluffy

Would you like to talk with me on MSN or AIM?
I use neither of these... I strongly prefer PM/email where I have more time to think of the answer. (Feel free to PM)

Have you sceen the anime wolf's rain before?

Have you ever not fought the Turks when you get the option too, just becuse of how much you like them? (i did this a few times even with the great things you can steal from them)
I usually fought them - even though I like them, remember that they were the enemy. The were responsible for killing the people in Sector 7. And they always ran away, so no real harm was done ^^
My favourite part, though, was joining forces in Wutai to save Yuffie and Elana

Have you played Final Fantasy 6 before?
No, but I plan to try the old FF's during summer holidays

What do you think of Canada?
Never been there

Can I have another snuggle or glomp?

Do I ask for too much snuggles and such or not enough?
No such thing as too much snuggles *snuggles*

Do you like any movie that has ben put out so far that is based on a game?
Not really. Resident Evil was enjoyable but nowhere near the quality of the game.

Do you like games with one ending or multiple endings more?
Multiple - the more, the better. I love being able to affect the way that the storyline resolves.

Are you looking foward to the FF7 movie and is there anything you want to see in it?
Yes, I can't wait to see it - especially the flashbacks from original FF7 (Aerith's funeral... *sigh*) Still, I'm a little worried about it...

On thing that I already don't like is that the movie destroyed the beautiful open ending of FF7

Have you read the book series the Wheel of Time?
First two. I like it, I'll read more when I get the chance. As I mentioned before, I was surprised to feel empathy towards Rand as I generally dislike such kind of main characters

Do you watch Angel?

What about Forever Knight? (another vampire show thats like angel in a few ways, but made in Canada)

If you could be a wolf for a year would you?
That would be an amazing experience... still, I'd prefer to keep the ability to change back, the world is too dangerous for wolves nowadays

Oh and what do you think of the icon i would use if i could http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y164/dkinkade/1029153.gif
Amusing ^^

*glomps and snuggles* thats all for now ^_^
*bye-snuggles* See you around!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 5:30:44 >
AQ  Post #: 41
5/30/2005 20:04:05   
The Almighty Striker

How does one sleep at night knowing questions are pouring from the mouths of non-dragon-worshipping people?
If one is tired enough (from answering the questions :p) one falls asleep immediately

Ye know, I never had me sheild signed before. I wonder what its like.
See for youself - *signs*

Where is Galanoth's armour weakest? *hides galanoth-bane poisoned dagger*
Face-stab should work

Dwarves or Orcs?

Know anyone who can train genetically altered penguin Secret Service Officers Martial Arts?

Which is more bizarre, Werewolves or Gnolls? As they look surprisingly similar.
Werewolves. Gnolls are... odd.

If you HAD to choose, would you support the the peoples of the underground world or the Deep Dragons I shall lead to the destruction of the deep people? Note that the Deep Dragons will stop at your place after the battle if you choose the humanoids.
I don't like humans, so...

How many sigs have you looked at hungrily?
Quite a few. Still, been a while since I last went sig hunting - I only gobble the ones I find by accident

Or do you just go in for the kill like ZLOK and certain Dark Forests that are out to get me?

Thank you for your time. *stabs person next to him*
Now then, I may or may not know who it is trying to murder Galanoth and lead the Dragons against Battleon. But I have an ongoing fund. Please donate to the "Kill Galanoth and his Protection in their sleep" fund. *holds out jar*
*steals the jar*

May ye stuff yer fist down an Orcish throat e'eryday, (dwarven farewell)
The Almighty Striker
Axes high!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 5:36:27 >
AQ  Post #: 42
5/30/2005 21:33:10   


Just a few quick questions:

1)Can you pick you nose with your tounge?
Hold on...


Nah, I have too short tongue. (or too short nose)

did uoy - opyt a edam uoy fi ees ot ylno


3) ^.^

4) *forgets what 4 was*

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 5:39:11 >
AQ  Post #: 43
5/30/2005 21:35:54   
The Extinguisher

Yay! Questions About Random Stuff! Yay!

If you were a Potato, what color would you be?
Black - Evil Potato of Do_Om!

What's your favorite type of music?
Rock, metal...


Moogles or Demons?
Demon Moogles!

Did you know that I'm secretly planning an uprising with my demon bretheren?
Er... Now I do >_>

Purple or Tuna Fish?
Purple Tuna Fish!

Do You support D.E.T.U (Demons for the Ethical Treatment of the Undead)?
Bah! Don't have anything against demons, but undead... undead are a foul plague, I refuse to treat them in an ethical way

Is Purple A Flavor?
Only if we're speaking of Tuna Fish

Can You sign my Forehead (No Signitures up there yet)?
There you go *signs*

Do You Enjoy the Mexican Hat Dance?

Huggles or Snuggles?

Ultra-Mega Super Snuggle Of Doom for Invain
Wee! *uggles back*

Do You Enjoy My Company, or do you find me annoying?
Annoying? Not at all

If You Could Teach and AQ Class, What Would It Be?
Magic in theory and practice

See You Later. Ultra-Mega Super Snuggles Of Doom for all

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 5:46:02 >
Post #: 44
5/30/2005 22:06:35   

Aren't you that guy... with the thing?
No it's... that one guy over there

Crispy, BBQ or Original Recipe?

In that commercial about.. "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll?" You know that old commercial... why does an owl eat a sucker?
The owl must be a sucker

You ever catch "The Point" ? A 1971 cartoon/movie... amazing.
Never seen it, thanks for pointing it out

If coffee was manditory as a daily consumptional product... how would you take yours?
You mean it isn't? o_O
I'd drink it like I do now - in a huge amount of cups. No sugar, no milk - they just kill the taste.

Ever hear of psycocommunication?

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 5:49:40 >


Post #: 45
5/30/2005 22:35:32   

omg Invain...

*Super Uber Hugglesnuggles*

do you want to be muh hero i need one...

I thought the meaning of life was...
according to monty pythons the meaning of life is People are not wearing enough hats

that sounds about right to me.

Do you like cows

I love cows hehe they have utters and utters are uber awesome.

i have a cat too she's so cute would you like to see a picture?
Sure, gimme!

if you want to you have to go here... muh kitty

she's fat hehe. but you have to click on pictures and she orange.

Well i think i should go now *sad*
Why are you sad? *snuggles*

Come again!

*Slowly walks out the door then instantly becomes mist*

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 5:53:40 >
AQ  Post #: 46
5/30/2005 22:40:03   
~Lion Eagle~

Hiya's, I'm running out of questions to ask

What's your favorite mythical creature?

If you could fly or become invisible which one would you be?
Both. I'd choose flight, but flying without invisibility would draw a lot of unwanted attention

If you could turn your eye color to anything wou yanted what would it be?
Dark green. They are greyish blue now

Mythmaster spelled "This" "Htis" in case you didn't notice ;P
^^ I did. Happens.

Favorite band(s)?

If you could breathe fire or throw lightning wha twould you want?
Firebreathing sounds better

Rocs or Griffins?

Dragons or Drakes?

Hand-to-hand, archery, or magic?

If you could die bravely as a hero in war or peacefully surrounded by family, which would you choose?
Shot down, in a blaze of glory...

Random - ...Ugh, I ran out of random statements.

Farewell, may fortune find thee in thy unending quest of removing hither forums from yonder spam (how's my medieval English lol)
Eternal glory be thine!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 6:20:20 >
AQ  Post #: 47
5/30/2005 23:15:31   
The Patriot

whats the name of the guy in your avy, i know ive seen him PvP....but i forgiot his name....penny arcade has my attention rigth now...=P
Brent Sienna - the sarcastic, self-centered jerk ^^

whats yoru favorite forum?
RP, OOC and Unofficial Contests

how do you pronouce pwn? (i prefer pown)

are you legal age to buy me a beer?

heinakin plz!
Now come on... beer is ebil >_>

hey i cant drink though my PC (better try a mac XD)

whats yrou favorite web comic....id put about 3$ is PvP =P
The ones I read regularly are PvP, C'est la vie, Unspeakable Vault of Doom and... er... that one comic (I really like her style of drawing!)

.......have you ever phlamed soemone....
Yes, and I'm not proud of it - flaming is never a good choice. Call it learning from mistakes

do you hate my spelling? sry it comes natually....
You could work on it, but it's readable

i wish i was legal age....

do u think america should convert to celcius and use metrix?
Definitely, would make things much easier

um...well i didnt say hello so i probably shouldnt say goodby....

should i say goodbye?
Only if you're not planning to come back. Are you?

Anyways, see you around!

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 6:13:04 >
AQ  Post #: 48
5/31/2005 4:09:27   

evil or good?

monkey or me?
me... I mean you... no, wait, I mean...

Girl or boys (to date etc.)

cheese or biscuits
Cheese goes quite well with biscuits...

am i annoying ?
Not yet

what is dweezel's description?
Don't remember, but I probably have it on my other computer... remind me in a month or so >_>

brownie or chocolate biccy?
Neither, I can't eat anything with cocoa or chocolate x_x

random or non random?

sig or no sig?
sig, but only once per thread

am i allowed a title (not begging for one just asking)?

bye bye


< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 6:17:59 >


AQ DF  Post #: 49
5/31/2005 5:45:23   


Can I have a snuggle?

Or two?
*two snuggles*

(Sorry.. couldn't think up some silly questions ;( )
Aww... *snuggles anyway*

< Message edited by Invain -- 5/31/2005 6:19:00 >
Post #: 50
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