Skye Sharpe
1) If you could have superpowers, what would they be? Flight, invisibility, teleport and the ability to make coffee out of nothing 2) What would you do with superpowers? I'd use them for good. (With that selection of powers, it would probably mean that I'd give coffee to those in need.) OMG, it's Teh Invisible Coffeeman! 3) How much do you want wings, on a scale of 1 to "Gimme some freaking wings!" 42 4) What would you do if you had wings? I'd... fly. What else could I do with wings? 5) If you owned a Dragon, what kind would it be? Why? Small, tame and snuggly 6) Do you agree that Superman is a Mary Sue? >_> 7) Have you ever played Tales of Symphonia? Nope 8) If not, why not? Never heard of it... ..don't throw anything at me! *throws Skye's made up animal at him* 9) if so, on a scale of 1 to Skye Sharpe Awesome, how awesome is Zelos? 10) Am I awesome? Yes or very yes? Almost as awesome as Zelos (whoever he is >_>) 11) Why do you snuggle people so much? I find that offensive. *snuggles* Spread the love! ^.^ 12) Are you Henry the VIII? Only on Tuesdays 13) Why do so many people copy my style, or in rap terms "Sweat my steez?" Don't... use... rap speak... in my vicinity *shrugs* 14) Between Katana, Epee, or Foil, which would you choose? Katana 15) Do you have a shrine devoted to Danika, our one Goddess? Danika? Nah, only to Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep. (Ia!) 16) If not, you shall be sacrificed. What, again? Geez... Well, that's it for me. I have asked my questions and I take my leave. *lurks* *waves* ULTRA SECRET BONUS QUESTIONS FROM PLANET ZOGBLECH!!! Why is it that I had to spell and grammar check your answers? English is not my main language, I have full right to speak gibberish :p Do geese see god? A geese god, why not? Was it a car or a cat I saw? Taco cat Palindrome or Racecar? <here I tried to respond in a haiku, but failed miserably> Last question. I promise. Why isn't the word "Verb" a verb? What do you mean "isn't"? Observe: *Invain verbs Skye Sharpe*
< Message edited by Invain -- 6/5/2005 15:22:14 >