Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner Nov14
Interesting views.. for me, well I'm gonna list my top three in terms of art. But Im not gonna base my views strictly on art, seeing as how an item is going to be overlooked if it doesnt have some decent stats to back it up( as a fair few of you might know about my umm, obsession with CA and its ... Stats ) 1. Hand of Terasuul. Its the best looking champion set and goes great with ninemares and logos. Its got a decent MC and stats to back it up. 2. Nightmare Wyvern Rider. It's big and brilliantly coloured. I mean Dracomancer armor(My fav as a low levled player) and a big black wyvern.. whats not to love? Aside from ofc the one hit attack and lean, although Im pretty sure I'd pick it up if the staff bumped up the tiers. 3. Doom Knight: One of, if not the most iconic armor in AE games in general, Hollow did a pretty epic job on it. Its triple resists and lean were an instant buy for me, although I do wish it'd have gotten necrotizing commy too!