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RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul

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5/17/2008 10:43:17   



Looks good so far. Check the C and D on frame 1? Also, should != be !== ?

I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be.

Fire is not noobish, by the way. :P
Fire is good practice for particle effects, etc. It's not the hardest thing ever, but it's not noobish.
AQ  Post #: 126
5/19/2008 12:16:01   

I just wrote a whole paragraph onthta != and !== and got no way of testing it, since in AS3 they removed an important conversion before the comparaison >_<


My flash gallery
my game thread

flsg, proud old member of AQ(still playing :O)
AQ  Post #: 127
5/20/2008 8:23:15   
the zpy

Okay maybe this will sound a bit noobish but I really need an answer to the question......
When ever I make a piece of art in flash using the pen/pencil tool I get small areas that isn't colored... Why does that happen?
Only look at the colored areas.....
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 128
5/20/2008 11:15:51   
biG frend

Probably just a rough scan in.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 129
5/20/2008 13:58:19   
the zpy

BiG: You aren't talking to me are you?
The sketch is made by AE...... It happens to all my art when I use the pencil tool..... and I cant seem to find what is wrong.....
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 130
5/20/2008 15:57:28   
biG frend

Yeah it sketched the lines but your probably trying to fill in the bottom layer, with the nasty unclean white part.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 131
5/20/2008 22:14:36   
Awsome Teh Cake

I have a question for anyone who wants to answer, does anyone know how to stop a fire (made with Action Script) when a certaint object's height or width is 1 or less (somehow (Magic! (Just as Artix fixes all the bugs))).
AQ  Post #: 132
5/21/2008 1:41:05   
biG frend

Just put the AS with the effect in an If Statement of if the height is higher than one, { AS }
and such forth.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 133
5/27/2008 5:25:53   
The Illusive Man

expanding on what bigfrend said...

*this is bad, i can't remember my syntax too well*

I'm guessing that the fire you made is in its own movieclip? or is a generated object with an instance name?

if not, it would be something like that.

In an if statement, you'd query about the height (probably _y) and if it's true put the stop(); action in it. if not, then break out of the loop.
Post #: 134
5/31/2008 10:58:08   

Now, I expect the answer to this to be no on the most part, but I may as well try.

Do any of you know how to code a flash chat client, or know of an open source flash chat client, or anything that would help to make a flash chat client?

Or failing that, I can get a message to be posted easily, but how can I make it so that when you enter a new 'message' it doesn't replace the current variable in a box?
AQ  Post #: 135
5/31/2008 11:15:00   
biG frend

You can find tutorials around, but you need to know Php and mySQL and a fair bit of advanced flash stuff.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 136
5/31/2008 11:18:30   

Do you have a link to the tutorials?

I'm getting better at PHP and MySQl, so I just wanted to 'examine' the code mostly and give it a try.
I also wanted to play with my apache server a bit.
AQ  Post #: 137
5/31/2008 12:26:41   
The Illusive Man

i've found this


It's not too high performance, but it should work.

You need a server (free hosting should do) that supports php and mysql.

Post #: 138
5/31/2008 12:30:59   

I believe tripod lycos should work as a server
Thanks for the link
AQ  Post #: 139
5/31/2008 12:39:41   
The Illusive Man

tripod won't work. It doesn't have php/mysql (that i know of)

try quotaless.com or atbhost.com

they both have support
Post #: 140
5/31/2008 16:24:24   


Features include: PHP5, MySQL, FTP, WebFTP, Guestbook, Feedback Forms, Counter, Statistics, Polls

But you probably know better hosts than I do, so I will try those two.

Edit: atbhost doesn't seem to exist any more :S ...

EditEdit: CAn anyone explain ActionScript Classes in a way that someone may actually understand?

< Message edited by tauguy -- 5/31/2008 16:29:03 >
AQ  Post #: 141
6/1/2008 20:41:31   
Awsome Teh Cake

@Althorne: Will hostmonster work? I've tried it a different style/way of making a chat system, and the php didn't work, yet it says it handles php.
AQ  Post #: 142
6/2/2008 3:01:06   
The Illusive Man

dunno, some hosts block specific commands that might be harmful to their servers. for example, the majority of free hosts block phproxy (an anonymous browsing program).

I'll check it
Post #: 143
6/3/2008 18:15:02   
Awsome Teh Cake

Hostmonster aint' (not even a real word!) free, it costs a tiny bit, yet I think that might be the problem... I'll ask on the hostmonster forum.
AQ  Post #: 144
6/4/2008 17:38:56   

BTW, is there anyone who still works on multiuser applications...
AQ  Post #: 145
6/6/2008 22:24:39   
Awsome Teh Cake

@flsg: I'm pretty sure taerzik (sp?) is still, though I'm not entirely sure... I was going to try it, yet I decided to start in a few years, maybe 4 or so...
Btw, I know this isn't really the place to ask, however, I was looking for a flash teacher/tutor, and I was wondering if anybody could help out, because there's nobody in the STO...

< Message edited by BeefStew -- 6/6/2008 22:28:24 >
AQ  Post #: 146
6/7/2008 8:31:36   
Awsome Teh Cake

Can anyone give me a link to the download trial for Flash 8 pro? I'm trying to get it on another comp....
AQ  Post #: 147
6/7/2008 9:22:42   
The Illusive Man

google is your friend. Can't you get CS3?

Try download3000.com
Post #: 148
6/7/2008 10:37:33   
biG frend

There nobody in the STO, you obviously didnt look very hard :p.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 149
6/7/2008 14:03:40   
lil boi blue

hey, i have a movie that i just dropped from 100,000 kb to 27,000 kb but is still too big of a file ( if you can guess ;]) by lowering my fps from 48 to 24, do you know another way to lower the file size? it takes forever just to "ctrl + enter" and its waaay to big to upload online, 12 fps kinda sucks so i was hoping for an alternative
AQ DF  Post #: 150
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