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RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done

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4/2/2008 11:33:05   


Did I skeer'd you? :D
Yesh ._.

Anyhoodles, I just came back to *tacklehugglewugglesnuggleglompalompawhompacuddlewuddlez* j00.
...xD *tries to comprehend but fails, snugglecuddlewuffleclingtickles you*

Has a nice day! :D
You too :D

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:02:37 >
Post #: 126
4/2/2008 13:15:11   

Y hello thar.
Hai dar.

I'd say congratulations, but I want to be original. :O

Cool avatar BTW.
Thankies :3

So, how does it feel to have teh powah?
Good, but powah means responsibilitiez :o

Maiden or Priest? (You know what I mean.)
Maiden. Halford just looks weird xD

Do you like bands like Nile or Cannibal Corpse? (I never see you listening to them.)
At times, though not that much.

Now to try something not related music, what is your favorite food?
Meat, rawr.

I have to go now, South Park is on.

Bye man, see ya around :)

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:04:48 >
AQ  Post #: 127
4/2/2008 13:47:51   
queens guard

hey ^-^
Hi ^^

how goes the modship?
The AKship, and good so far.

whats your first plan to do with the power youve gotten?
I'll make German the world language <_< >_>

play any kind of instruments?
Blues harp and bits of drums.


anything you really want to do at the moment?
No, not really xD

well, gotta go for now..

get feeling better and congrats on getting the power
Thanks, I do feel better already ^_^

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:06:32 >
AQ  Post #: 128
4/2/2008 17:20:23   

Was ist oben? (What's up?)
The sky, stars, sun or whatever daytime it is at the moment for you :P

Bringin ' etwas deutsches headbangin zur AK Aufstellung? (Bringin' some German headbanging to the AKs?)
German headbanging for sure ;P

Werden Sie Stille normalerweise bekanntgeben? (Will you announce silence? (I hope, not sure what you meant here >_>))
If it needs to be done, yes.

Was wird Ihre Unterschrift Verriegelung sein? Sie sollten verschlossenes auf Deutsch sagen. Verschlossen! (What's gonna be your lock phrase? You should say 'locked' in German)
I don't like lock phrases that much, actually.

Werden Ihre Pfosten 99.9% Verriegelungen, wie Balos sein? (Are 99.9% of your posts be locks, like Balos'?)
I'll try to post 'normally' as much as possible. But if something needs to be locked, it will be locked.

Spaß als AK haben? (Having fun being an AK?)
So far it's all cool.

Tschüß! (Bye!)
Buhbais :)

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:12:17 >
AQ  Post #: 129
4/2/2008 21:06:02   

Um...when did you become an AK?
Around the 28th or 29th of March, not really sure xD

I knew it! I knew you were going to get this!
Really? o.O

Now that you're an AK, are you gonna go all tyrannical on us pathetic commoners?
Of course, I'll make you tremble with fear >:3
Nah, that's Noah's job. He's the tyrant xD

Can you force yourself to pick only one favorite band?
Nay, for that I have way too many xD

No seriously, choose one only, dammit!
But I can't ;_;

K, grats, I'm going now, may the Norse be with you
Umm, thanks. Buhbai ^^

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:15:23 >
AQ DF  Post #: 130
4/2/2008 21:34:34   

Hey, congrats on the AKship
Thanks man.

Im new the the OOC, been loitering alot lately, i like it here lol
xD hope you'll enjoy your stay in here.

I like your avatar, lemmy FTW, have you ever seen motorhead live?
Nay. Sadly missed their last gig here due to a flat tire -__- Will go to their next one though.

Anyway, keep up the good work with the lockings and the editings and such
Thankies, will do :3

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:18:09 >
AQ  Post #: 131
4/2/2008 21:35:45   

Hey Ailifr! ;D
Hiya :D

I came back to just say, "Congratulations" again, partially cause I want to congratulate a fellow forumite that became an AK during my time here on the forums...and I don't have anything else to do ;p
xD thanks man, appreciated.


< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:19:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 132
4/2/2008 21:58:33   

Hai dar capt :3

So I herd u liekz promotionz?
xD a bit, yeah :P

Favorite gun?
HK 50 for assault rifles, Walther P38 for handguns and the MG4 for machine guns.

Single action, or double action revolvers?
Double action, easier to operate.

Light beer?

Whiskey or Bourbon?
Whiskey, preferable whisky though. Scotch is <3

Enough vices, what do you do for fun?
Play games, listen to music, watch movies, draw/paint, read or jog and cycle.

Are going to be one of those abusive mods that secretly no one likes?
Don't plan on that. Let's hope I won't become one of them e_e


< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:25:13 >
AQ DF  Post #: 133
4/3/2008 0:01:37   

1. It took you a while to become a AK huh?
Well, Rome wasn't built in a day either :P

2. Congrats

3. Chicken or Rice?
Chicken fried rice pl0x.

4. North Carolina or Memphis

5. Paper or Plastic

6. Are you Siked?
The wha...? o.O

7. If so... Why?

8. Bow Chicka Wow Wow Chicka Wow Wow

9. Annoyed yet?
A bit, yeah xD

10. K Fine.. Ill stop... Congrats Man. It did take a while I must say... Adios. Nos Vemos. Hasta
Luego. Hasta la vista
Buhbais and thanks :)

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:28:49 >
MQ  Post #: 134
4/3/2008 5:11:35   
Constructively Friendly!

Just had to point out the irony... of THIS:

Original: Ailifr
If they were, people wouldn't always list the AK-47 and such.

Well, enjoy the madness. (I've heard it comes free with AK-ship...)
Cya later. Until then,
There's no irony, it's just an illusion :o *waves with hands in a mesmerizing kinda way*

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:30:01 >
Post #: 135
4/3/2008 6:43:25   


Gratz on AK-ship!

Sooo.... what is your favorite band :P? Let me see your list.
List has been posted already :P

Maybe you'll like this.

Got any game consoles? Which ones?
Answered already.

And what is your favorite game (maybe you have another list)?
Legend Of Dragoon <3

Favorite food?
Again, meaty stuff.

Well that's all for now.... Gratz again!
Thanks again :3

/quit You just got Rick Rolled!
No I didn't :P

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:31:48 >
DF MQ  Post #: 136
4/3/2008 7:03:38   
The Raven

I don't really have any questions, I just wanted to say congrats :].
Thanks man, much appreciated :)

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:33:02 >
Post #: 137
4/3/2008 14:27:35   

Y hallo thar.
'Ello :3

So... I heard u liek mudkipz.


What is your favourite colour?
Mah edit one :o

What is your quest?
My quest is finding my quest.

WHAT is the average air speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
...have yet to see a laden one o.O Do they haves backpacks or such? :o



< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:35:18 >
Post #: 138
4/3/2008 15:09:54   

Rawrz I 4R3 b4kkZ! >=(|)

In the last episode of "What I asked Ailifr" as I was finishing up my turn when I summoned the blue eyes white dragon, but Ailifr countered with an insane counter attack of death!

Well now its my turn and I summon the wicked dreadroot (atk4000 def4000) effect: halve the attack and defense of all monsters ofn the field except for this monster. (real card) and equip it with that card that changes its attribute so it can be a light monster and destroys teh Five Headed Dragon!
Sorry, but mah King Dragoon protects mah monsters from any effects :3
Also I play my Raregold Armor on Horus, making it the only card you can attack :P

What did you think about that?
Piece of cake xD

Any wayz...! what kindof bands/music did you start with?
70's and 80's (some even older) Hardrock and Metal, such as Nazareth and AC/DC.

I have to say, it just wont be the same without Black Hawk as your avvy... T_T

*Dying Noise*?

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:39:30 >
DF  Post #: 139
4/3/2008 15:12:42   
Cool Dragonz

New questions are on the road >:D.

Now I have learnt you better I know what you can and cannot take. This is the borderline:


Like the borderline?
xD it has many gaps in it...

Why/Why not?

What if I would say that I would pay 3 million Z-Tokens/DragonCoins/NovaGems to buy that line?
I'd say you're crazy o.O

Bwahwahah, I already got it >:D

See ya again with another conversation :P.
Buhbais :P


< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:40:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 140
4/3/2008 15:28:47   

im baaaaaaack.

didja miss me?
A bit... >.>;

is this true?

have you ever played age of empires?
Played, loved and still do :)

is it fun lockin and bannin stuff?
Wouldn't call necessities fun.

are you a fan of starwars stuff?
Not a huge fan, but me likes.

so, i herd u liek torchics.

well thats it for now.

p.s. to beat stupidiot just use brain control on his dreadroot then use premature burial to get the 5 headed dragon back, commence attacking him directly.
xD no worries, Dragoon protects mah dragons :P

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:44:50 >
DF MQ  Post #: 141
4/3/2008 15:50:03   
void dragon master

Alright Alright this is the last torture seminar

Clowns are evil I'm scared of them are you?
Nope, I'm not.

Rock off?!? the correct term is rock on
The correct term is 'rock-off', Tenacious D confirmed it :P

Are you in competition w/ any other AKs or mods?

Coffee or Tea

Can you eat crackers, hop on one foot, rub your stomach, spin, twist your neck (to the extent it allows) all at the same time?
Why would I want to do that? o.O

Do you hate me?
Not yet

Do you fear me?
Nope, sorry :/

I fear you

I run from you because you scare me away.
...okay, bye.

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:47:13 >
AQ  Post #: 142
4/3/2008 16:16:00   


Do you like pi? (3.14 and so on)
Nah, it's way too long D:

Do you like cookies
Sure, who doesn't?

What would you do if I sent a team of assassins on you.
I'd press the button and your clothes would disappear while you're in public.

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:49:32 >
AQ  Post #: 143
4/3/2008 17:02:24   
Solar Flame

Hello there!
Hi ^^

Congratz on the AKship, I knew you'd get it eventually.

Mmkay question time:

1) What's with mudkipz? Why not Treekoz!?!
No clue ._.

2) Favorite sport to watch (if any)?
I enjoy sumo.

3) Zelda, Mario, or Sonic?
Zelda is the prettiest of those three, so her :3

4) Do you play any AE games? If so, which?
AQ and DF occasionally.

5) Favorite fastfood resteraunt?
Subway. Though I don't eat fast food a lot.

I'll be back! But only if more random questions pop into my mind.
xD kbai

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:51:45 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 144
4/3/2008 17:18:56   

Guess whos back.... and its not me.....

Why did you back away when I tried to sniff you?
I don't like sniffing on me that much >.>

You smell like flowers

I am random and always will be =p
...that explains it.

Why won't you come to the dark side the music doesn't suck its techno and trance =(
Ehh, not that much into Techno and such :/

Do you like muffins? Muffins are nice
Indeed they are :)

Did you wear a helmet before you made that body print on the wall?
No, that's for losers :P

Please come to the dark side Pleasssseeee
Nuh uh D:

Free cookies and muffins! (Only if you come) With Coffee (How tempting don't you think)
................must.....resist..... Dx

I'll only say bye if you join us...(Dang it I said it) Bye Bye (Muffins and Cookies are 1337)
xD buhbais, I'll think about it :P

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:54:47 >
DF  Post #: 145
4/3/2008 20:59:57   
whitewolf 12

I don't usually say this, but..


You became a mod!?
xD AK for now :P

-cries- They grow up too fast! D:

Yeah, so i've been gone for awhile, but i've been busy. <_<

1. Best friends forever pl0x? ;_;
Hahahahah, teh cookie baking wolf will always have a place in mah heart =]

Don't even think my leaving for so long was my fault. High school sucks, and if you get a new game, well, you know. >_<

2. Pokemon or digimon?
Digimon since they can say more than just their name >_>

Better say pokemon. If you don't, well...I hope you like fish.

3. Are you still gonna hang around the OOC? Please? :(
I'll try to, yes ^^

4. Are you gonna let the power go to your head? XD
I hope not xD

5. Do you have nice shackels? I want nice shackels. :(
I has shiny studded ones <3

6. Fish+Cow=?
...a really weird animal o_O

As you can see, i'm no good at math.

7. Favorite show?
According To Jim.

That had better not be too personal.


8. Play an MMOS? If so, which ones (so I can join them and bug you on them!)
xD nay, none sadly.

I'm telling you too many plans, arn't I?
Yep :P

That wasn't a question! <_<

9. Are these kinds of threads fun, or just more torture?
Well, never thought I'd have to answer so many questions .__.

Last one! D,:

10. I luv u!

The REAL 10th question: Favortie type of music?
Metal :3

Ok..all done...i'll be going now...
I won't cry!



< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 17:59:53 >
Post #: 146
4/3/2008 21:37:21   
Xunvir Dar`Xil

Because I'm doing it for the lulz.
Grats on being the official "Metal God" of the forums : D
My Obsession is still greater. rawr.
xD Thanks man :P


5. März, Ja genau, or Herz aus Stein : D
Herz aus Stein is mah fave :3

Die Sonne Scheint or Eruption
Die Sonne scheint, simply for the lyrics <3

and, of course

Does Mein teil still > you?
I highly doubt that xD

Bored yet? >D
Nah :P

..I had more, but I forgotted them on entry into this post, so I leave now
/goes off to annoy other people
xD bye man, see ya on MSN.

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 18:03:47 >
Post #: 147
4/3/2008 22:02:57   
Feral Fenrir

GARHARHAR I'm baaacckkk!!!

Favorite metal album evar?
Jaktens Tid by Finntroll.

Can I be a loyal follower of the metal god of these forsaken forums?
xD maybe, we'll see about that :P

Favorite deceased guitarist?
Somnium. RIP man.

Mike Portnoy or Lars Ulrich?

Dean Razorback or Flying V?
Teh V.

Fave Iron Maiden song?
Run To The Hills.

Blaze Bayley or Paul Di'Anno?

Piece Of Mind or Number Of The Beast?

Edward T. Head or Snaggletooth?
Snaggletooth <3

Greatest metal cover of a classic song evar?
Hmm...tough one.
Personally I favour Ensiferum's version of Lady In Black.


< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 18:09:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 148
4/4/2008 0:37:28   
Lady Eliac

I'm baaackkk! *Gasp! Gasp! Gasp and much gasping*

Wait.. you're god?! O:

If any forumite could be your adopted child, who would it be and why?
Eh, if I could I'd adopt anyone who asked me so far (would only be two peeps, but eh" >_>

What would you respond if you overheard this conversation?
"Spongebob, that hat makes you look like a girl."
"Am I a pretty girl?"
"Uh..you're beautiful."
I'd most likely back away slowly >.>;

What's your favourite type of coffee?
Irish coffee <3

Why do you like Rock music when it is ought but screaming and nasty swear wordez?
Then you listened to the wrong songs, my dear :)

Did you ever find out who teh "You were great last night hun" girl was?
Nay, never ._.

Why did you pick the blue? I wanted teh blue. :'(
The only one which wasn't 'that' often picked yet :/

Well, that's all. *Giggles from being tickled*
xD *smiles*

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 18:12:14 >
AQ  Post #: 149
4/4/2008 0:47:45   

Hello, I love MtAK threads as they are a great way to meet new people :D!

6 pages?! Are you going to create some sort of bot to answer these questions for you?
Would be the best to do, yeah Dx

If you could fly to any country in the world for free and stay there for any amount of time, where would it be?
The US, as I have a lot of friends there and would love to visit them all.

What do you fear most?
Female bodybuilders >_>;

Do you do your smiles eyes first or mouth first e.g :) or (:?
Usually eyes first.

Sorry if someone has already asked you these questions earlier. I honestly did not go through all 6 pages checking if someone already did.
No prob, really ^^

Congratulations, Thank You for answering and nice to meet you.
Thanks and nice meeting you too ^_^

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 4/4/2008 18:15:36 >
AQ  Post #: 150
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