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=Zardian= Meet the Author: Circe

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4/18/2008 22:55:29   
Stand Back

I'm not late at all....

Anyway, I'm Circe, the primary author for the Zardian.

This is your chance to ask me all kinds of fun questions. Of course, I reserve the right to ignore you if I think you're too ridiculous or too intrusive. :)

Anyway, no more than 10 questions per post, no more than three posts per person.

For those of you who don't know how this works, this is the place to look.

I'll be editing your posts in this beautiful shade.

Here we go!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/18/2008 23:07:03   

Circe!!! /me supersnugglestehprimaryzardianauthor
Mediae! /me tackles

I love your articles! They are very well written and have very good grammar/spelling!
Well thanks, I pride myself on my ecxelelnt spllenig

Anyways just posting to say you are awesome and to remind you that you have big shiny hammers. Therefore you should not be afraid of putting this where it belongs :P
I *am* awesome, aren't I? :P And yes yes, I was brave and did my job, thanks for the support!

Buh bye and have fun :P
Thanks, I will!

(Good call on the question and post limit ;D)
I are smart Sorceress

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 22:54:20 >
DF  Post #: 2
4/18/2008 23:16:11   

/me snuggles the coolerester Circe! (Primary Zardian Author!)
/me rawrs and huggles the bestest Nicky!

So like.. To be honest, I haven't read any of your articles.

Congrats on having a question/post limit, as Mediae said xD.
I make good decisions. I should get a plaque

You're like, awesome. Keep it up ^_^.
You and I are the dynamic duo of awesome

(Yes, I'm going to go read an article by you now.)
*gives Nicky a cookie*

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 22:56:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
4/18/2008 23:44:42   

/me rawrs Circe
/me pounces

Rawr! :D
Eek its a westward!

Well. I reads the ezine sometimes ^_^ And I like your articles. And I like you. I suppose this is good news D:
Well I use the Pedia sometimes. I like your entries. And I like you. So this is tremendous news! :P

Erm, it's late, and I can think of no interesting questions.
Eh its late so I wouldn't have any interesting answers anyway

I would however like to inform you that I (wish I was) am sending you this honorary and extremely literary T-Shirt as a token of my congratulations. ^_^
I accept that, and reply with hugs and snugs. Not as cool as a T-Shirt, but what can I do?


< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:01:26 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
4/19/2008 0:27:17   
Queen of Blades

Circe! /me doesn't start this post with a /me command.
Yagno! /me sues

Clay pigeons?

Tell us about your magics!
I'm afraid I can only do that once you've filled out the necessary forms in triplicate. I'll also need 17 forms of identification, any Queen CDs you have in your possession, some chocolate pudding and a stuffed animal Eeyore....feel free to get back to me.

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:04:06 >
Post #: 5
4/19/2008 1:49:41   
32nd Legendary jimbo

I'm wondering how you intend to squeeze that title under your avatar. It's getting to the point where you'll have to supply all of the forum-ites with your curriculum vitae.
One day, I will be in charge and everywhere you look it will just say "Circe." Even when you're walking in the middle of the Gobi desert, the wind will softly whisper "Circe" as it drowns you in sand and depression.

And the "the" should really be in bold caps - like when football players say they went to "THE Ohio State University". And maybe underline "primary". And the whole thing should be in (at least) #3 font.
I feel like you're asking me for something...

Circe: THE Primary Zardian Author.
Ok, what do you want?

It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think? ;)
*sigh* Fine, you can be my lieutenant of public relations when I take over the world

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:06:11 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
4/19/2008 4:35:58   
Star’s Brilliant

/me snugglehugglepouncetickles the Sorceress :D
/me snuggleglomps the Light Bringer

Contrary to Nicky (really, how could you?! ;P), I have read all your articles, they're interesting and amusing, gotta love them!
You're my target audience Brill - a close friend who thinks I'm great no matter what :P

I'll save my questions for IRC, posting here just to bow to your awesomeness ;)
All should bow before me...actually that might get old. Just give me pudding and we'll call it even

See you, keep up great work!
See you indeed, and I will endeavor to do so! :)

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:07:46 >
Post #: 7
4/19/2008 12:29:49   

A Circe! This round of questioning shall be my greatest challenge yet!
A Rimmeh! This round of answering shall be my greatest challenge yet!

1. What is your favored torment for those who disobey or insult you?
I tend to turn offenders into pigs. I also pout and make them feel really bad about themselves

2. Is it better to have lived and loved, or to be the horrific gigantic robot Killtron 3000, bent on destroying all things with the notable exception of kitty cats?
I think its better to be a kitty cat

3. According to 'The Sound of Music', when you know the notes to sing you can sing most an-y-thing. Is this true?
Only while you follow every rainbow til you find your dreams

4. If you could have one large building/major institution named after you, what would it be?
The Eiffel Tower. Picture it - the Circe Tower!

5. You say van-illa, I say van-ella- you sasper-illa, I sasper-ella. Vanilla, vanella, Sasperilla, Sasperella, should we call the whole thing off?
Never! I'll just use my lazarz and attack you until you do things my way

6. If you had a single wish, to be administered by a sleezy elderly man who smiled too much and occasionally cackled madly, what would it be, and how would you word it?
Please stop cackling

7. Do you see yourself more as:
a. The very model of a modern major general
b. A courtier, grave and serious, or,
c. The Duke of Plaza-toro
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral

8. What is your favorite word?
Philistine...and shenanigans.

9. Are the undead people too?
Of course they are. *snugs Xyphos*

10. I present you with the following story- what is the moral contained therein?

Hickory-dickory-dock, three blind mice ran up a clock. The clock tumbled down, one broke his crown, and thereafter his authority over the kingdoms of the Mice was sorely contested. "I aver," his enemies would squeak in the most pious of fashions, "When our king did leave, he bore upon his brow a most excellent symbol of his dynastic favor. Wherefore, then, is your proof of power?" And, having been made berefit of his kingly vestments by reason of the fall, the blind mouse had nothing to show them. Therefore, a great convocation of mice was called, and forth came hordes of squealing mice, to the ancestrial gathering place. From each of these hordes, a mouse bearing the mark of the clergy came forward, and did swear themselves to be duly invested patriarchs of the Church of Mouse. And sore did they deliberate upon the identity of the mouse king for threescore and seven days, until a passing band of cats came by and ate the entire populace of the kingdoms of Mice. The end.
No body puts Baby in a corner

Thanks, and have a nice day!
Same to you, good sir, same to you.

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:19:23 >
Post #: 8
4/19/2008 13:04:17   
Elemental Leviathon

Well, well, well, if it isn't the bane of my existence, Circe. ;)
Nixtrix >.>

What do you like about writing for the Zardian?
I like the ability to be creative without feeling pressured to do so. The Zardian has an environment of free expression (which is owed mostly to Alac and Maegwyn) that lets you write what you're inspired to write while encouraging you to do better. I dig that.

Do you have a favorite element? If so, what is it?

Does that previous question count as one or two questions?
I'll count it as one since I only gave one answer

What is your favorite of AE's 3 games (AQ, DF, and MQ)?
The honest answer is that there are aspects of each game I enjoy more than the others. Overall, it would be really hard for me to choose between DF and AQ. I'm much better at DF, but AQ entertains me so much!

What are your thought on the word 'Goodbye'?
I actually dislike it intensely. It seems foolish to dislike a word, but I don't like what it represents which is parting. It seems too final to be of any use, since I find its better not to discount anything. You never know where life will take you.

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:24:34 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
4/19/2008 15:22:33   
Legendary Artist!

Dare I be the first No-AK/Mod to ask Circe questions!?!?
It seems you do

On a different note....

Circe! /me pouncesnuggles. :D
Heya Clyde /me rawrs

How's them shackles?
Snug, just the way I like them >.>

So how's it going, being my name twin? :P
I'm pretty sure that's all in...someone's mind. I can't remember who, but I'm pretty sure there's only one person who gets us confused.

Don't you agree that Rimmeh(Rimblade) is slightly insane? or really a Master Genius Incarnate!
Mr. Flibble says I think Rimmeh is wonderful.

Do you think I should make your name a bit bigger and brighter on the Index? I mean come one, Primary Author.
I don't think so. Yes, I'm a HUGE deal. But you shouldn't minimize the contributions of my team members. Xyphos is terrific at everything he does, and the zine wouldn't be what it is without him. The AiT have a very real contribution to the zine, and they do it very well. Alac and Mae picked a fabulous group of people there - even if they are all boys and pick on me a lot. And speaking of Alac and Maegwyn, they are terrific editors who do a great job. And all the other staff members who contribute whenever they're able - it wouldn't be honest to assume one person is more than the rest because we're a team.

Wait is that why you're an Owl? You're putting the Primal in Primalry! :O
I'm not an owl, Archimedes is!

Who influences you? Please don't say Damsel, she slaps me in the face. >_<
If you're speaking literary influences, I'd have to say Swift. I aspire to his level of satire. Lewis Carroll's too. Shakespeare's imagery is beautiful, and Pope's wit is just perfect.

Well see you later Circeh. and congratsnuggles all around :)
Thanks, see you!

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:39:37 >
Post #: 10
4/19/2008 17:11:32   

No! Clyde's always beating me.
Oh that Clyde

I never knew you were over 18.
I am a few years over 18 in fact

Are you gonna answer my questions?

Who is your favorite author?
Probably Jonathan Swift. Lewis Carroll is tremendous and so is Jane Austen. I enjoy Dante a great deal, as well as C.S. Lewis.

Who is your favorite Approved author on these forums?
I don't have a favorite. Each person has their own abilities and style that I find interesting. But if I had to pick? Dewdrop Fairy.

Er, I don't have anymore questions now. C ya
See you around!

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:41:04 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 11
4/19/2008 21:23:24   

Hey Circe!
Hey Tread

'Love your stuff.

I'm happy your with the Zardian!
Thanks, me too

Well, I just dropped by to say hi, really.
That's cool

So, bye!

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/19/2008 23:42:06 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
4/20/2008 0:40:35   

Circeh >:D
Heya Darkick

I believe I've read all of your articles. May have missed one or two. :o You really are an awesome author. :D
Thanks I try :)

/me snugs the teal sorceress
/me rawrs

Well, it's late. Nothing witty left to say. ._.
Did you say something witty already? Did I miss it? :P

See ya' 'round!

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/20/2008 22:23:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
4/20/2008 10:36:04   


Why is it that the first 9 posts were from AKs? I sense PMing prior to creation.....
Hardly >.>

Anyways, hello. I believe I was at your MtAK also...
I believe you were

So, how are you?
I'm dandy thanks

Is AK Cellar jokes too random and nonsensy?
How do you think they knew about my thread?

Or 1337?
What now?

So, AE games. Play them? What levels.
Yes. 54 (AQ), 35 (DF), and 14 (MQ)

Play any Non-AE Games? (Do they even exist?)
What is this "Non-AE game" you're talking about?

What exactly is a primary author?

Who captured you this time?
A triangular otter - they're very wily

Well, must go, see you perhaps tommorow
See you

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/20/2008 22:26:35 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
4/20/2008 10:38:01   
Cool Dragonz

Heya CD

Yesterday evening on IRC! :D
The Colonel in the kitchen with a herring

Thanks for all your efford on those subjects ^-^.
I'm just that fantastic

/me snugglehuggs, another title, you lucky one! :D
I've actually had it for a while, but thanks :)

Take Care!
You too


< Message edited by Circe -- 4/20/2008 22:27:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
4/20/2008 10:54:15   
Flash Runner-Up 10

Heya Circe!

Hmmm....another MtAK kind of thing, eh? You must be out of your mind! :P
I do what I'm told

Now then, let the fun begin. ^_^

1. Where do you get the topics for your articles you write?
I open up my skull, reach in and pull them out

2. I know you turn your articles in early, but tell me, how early?
A day or two. Not usually much earlier than that, but sometimes.

3. Were you surprised when you became a Zardian author? I know it was a while ago, but I believe in your memory, oh mighty sorceress. :P
I was very surprised, and very flattered. I had applied for the position, but honestly didn't expect to be selected.

4. How do you balance AK work with Zardian work?
Its pretty hard. Luckily my head mods are very understanding that I carry a double workload. Plus, it might sound silly, but I don't consider any of it work. I really enjoy writing for the zine, its a great creative outlet for me. And AKing is fun too.

5. Aside from Brill, who is your target audience? Adults, children, teens, etc.?
Anyone really. I try not to target anyone (well I do target some people >.>) specifically when writing my articles. This might not be the right way to go about it, but I just write about what interests me. I consider myself of fairly average interests so I figure if I'm entertained, there's a fair chance at least two other people might be.

6. Is English your favorite subject in school?
It was my minor in college

7. Will you be mad at your minion if he doesn't post here?
I imagine he has better things to do with his time, like my bidding

8, Where will you be shipping me off to today?
Someplace far and inhospitable probably

9. So, jimbo can suck up to you and get rewarded, but when I do it, I get called creepy. What is up with that?
jimbo is my fellow DF EC/Strat AK, we have a complicated bond

10. Well, you've made it this far! Time to find out what you've won! Will it be...

Door number 1?
Door number 2? or
Door number 3?

When you make your decision, I will tell you what you have won!

Well, if you are going to make an abnormal decision, I will give you a normal prize. Seems fair to me. Your prize is the satisfaction of making me happy by answering my questions. ^_^ *Awwwws go off in the background*

Well, that's all folks! Best of luck to you Circe. ^_^ See you on IRC.
Thanks, see you


< Message edited by Suuichi -- 4/23/2008 19:18:13 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
4/20/2008 15:21:23   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

Hey, Circe!
Well hello there Cow Face

The inevitable question... What's your favorite color?
Teal, if you can believe it :P

Favorite food?
Lasagna and chocolate pudding - no not together


Pie or Cake?
White cake, chocolate cream pie

I know that I already asked you this, but let's make it known to the world: Do you plan on turning all of the male eZine contributors into pigs?
I think that's my only defense, since I'm tragically outnumbered by the four of you

Favorite online game?
Probably AQ

Favorite nonline game?

Did you know that nonline was a word?
I did, thanks. From the Latin word nonlinus, meaning "without cords"

Should I go?
Ask Joe Strummer

See you later. (No, that's just a statement. Not a threat. People tend to think it is when I say that. O_o)
I WILL see you later. And you can take that however you please

< Message edited by Circe -- 5/3/2008 12:23:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
4/20/2008 17:22:39   

*Gets dragged by Circe into this thread to ask some questions*
Why Zizzy! I am genuinely shocked to see you here! This is so unexpected!

Well, hello there :P
Howdy! Care for some Uno?

Since you're an author I will ask you story-related questions.
I think that sounds fabulous

1) How is the end of the tale Little Red Riding Hood?
a) She gets a motorcycle to ride instead of that hood
b) She eats the cakes and leaves Grandma left with the wolf
c) The wolf turns out to be a sheep dressed like a wolf <- Clearly

2) In what story does a little kid get to visit a chocolate factory?
a) Lord of the Ring-dings <- I tear up at the end, when Aragorn is reunited with his Twinkie
b) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Candy
c) The Da Vinci Chocolate-bar

3) Who is the author behind War and Peace?
a) George W. Bush
b) Josef Stalin
c) Paris Hilton <- Peace is hawt

No fun? I'll give you a real question then :P

4) Who is the almighty God in Tolkien Mythology?
a) Reens
b) Melkor
c) Eru Illùvatar <- A real question deserves a real answer

And last of all: What is the answer of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

Satisfied with the questions? Then I'll be off :P
I'm never satisfied. Thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by Circe -- 5/3/2008 12:24:18 >
Post #: 18
4/20/2008 18:28:40   

What do you think of this little skit


*randomly checks the Zardian*
Destro: OMG, It'sl Circe making a MtA
*clicks the link and reads all ak/mod posts and stops reading posts at clyde*
Destro: Wow, those were some amazing posts, I should try to be as good as them.
*continues reading but purposefully skips to Alac*
Destro: Wow, how great were those
*begins writing a post*

I think it makes me wonder if it really happened

Roll a 6 sided die. if you get any number from 1-6, you lose. How do you win?
Rocks fall and everybody dies

What's the secret of life?
God Modding

Pssstttt, you remember my video goal thingy that I keep trying to announce in all of my posts every chance I get by hinting very subtlety at their existence and are in competition with Kitsukaru. Yea, those ones. Guess how many I have now!?!?
I couldn't even hazard a guess

Alright, less random: More Zardian
No one can get enough Zardian

I enjoy your stories a lot. They are typically my favorites and I mean that seriously.
Why thank you, I'll take it seriously then

Oh, and about my skit, it has lies; I read all posts :o You can't go back and change your answer though if it pertains to me skipping Clyde E. and such persons.
Too bad, maybe Clyde deserved it

Lastly, orange still pwns!

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/20/2008 22:48:01 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
4/20/2008 19:06:07   

Fire Truck

I just bugged you :D.
I just ran you over with a fire truck :o

Do you like Monkeys with bananas who just jumped into a pond to rescue a black widow?
I actually dislike bananas...so no

Look at this scenario: A man is drowning, and at the last moment another guy jumps in the water and rescues him. The formerly drowning guy then goes on to kill 20 people. Somehow you get the chance to go back in time and kill the guy who rescues the killer just before he jumps in.. Would you do it?
Killing is messy work. I try to avoid getting dirty.

What's your favorite kind of cookie?
One that I've eaten

I'm a big fan of milk. I also like iced tea and lemonade. I'm just a fan of edible things in general

That's it for now, have fun owling around :D
I shall do my best. *snugs Elly*

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/20/2008 22:50:46 >
AQ DF  Post #: 20
4/20/2008 23:41:08   

Hi Circe.
Hello Deimius!

I don't know you well but then, isn't that what MtA is about?
Quite so!

Though, everyone speaks very highly of you on IRC :p.
That's very nice, if unsurprising because I am that fabulous :P Just kidding, its very flattering that I'm well thought of

Which country's food is the best? e.g italian, chinese e.c.t
I love Italian food. I lived on Chinese food in college. But I also really like Thai, Greek and Mexican. Mostly I just like food :P

I'm glad you highly educated, especially with all the responsibilities you have XD.
I am too, my education definitely comes in handy at times

Have you noticed so far, this post has gone, 1 question, 1 statement, 1 question, 1 statement ect...?
Its a conspiracy!

Please, keep up the good work, and it was great meeting you :).
Thanks, same here! Hope to see you around! :D

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/21/2008 22:05:17 >
AQ  Post #: 21
4/21/2008 0:27:46   
The Trobble One

Hi there, Circe.

What would you say if I don't read your zardian articles. (Because I don't)?
I would probably ask what brings you to this thread, then

[color=#efefef]Do you like invisible writing?[/color]

Nope :P

Icemaster Yeti's title says "Circes Humble Servant", are you really his humble servant?
I think his title would look different if I were

Keep up the good work and bye.*
Thanks, I shall. See you around!

*I shall return later, or should I.

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/21/2008 22:07:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
4/21/2008 9:31:40   

hey circe.
Hello there

how is cow face?
He's fine, occupied with shining my shoes, but fine

I can ask him myself, I just don't want to.
I'm sure

do you know why I could ask him myself?

ask him what game he works on, then you'll know.

cheese or ham?
Ham and Cheese

do you ever free-write?
As opposed to?

as opposed to proper writing. free-writing is whatever you think of goes onto paper. if you like it, you keep it, if you don't, you bin it.
Why yes...I do.

whats the longest word in wikipedia?
I wouldn't know, I dislike wikipedia

if you said antidisestablismentarianism, you'd be wrong
I did not, so good for me

it's actually

and I'm not making that up. 45 letters, and mean

a lung disease suffered by miners from ash commonly found in volcanos, also known as black lung disease

Coal miners and retired male models beware

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/28/2008 1:14:50 >
DF MQ  Post #: 23
4/21/2008 10:49:46   
Fallen Into Shadow

/me snugs Circe.
/me rawrs at Goth

1) Favorite nail polish color of all time?
Probably teal :P

2) Favorite label? (From one shopper to another)
Some of my favorite jeans are from Abercrombie. I have adorable dresses from Old Navy and American Eagle. I also like to shop in random, nameless stores - original boutiques are the best.

3) Favorite Food?
Probably lasagna. And pudding. Pudding > all

4) If you could have one thing in life, what would it be?
Moar pudding?

I'm not big on questions, as I am sure you will have plenty to answer.
That might be true

Enjoy your thread and best wishes.
Thanks, see you *snugs Goth*

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/21/2008 22:13:08 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
4/21/2008 14:11:22   

Greetings o' wise one who contributes to the Zardian!

I'll keep this short so you can use your time writing instead of answering my jibber-jabber.
Fair enough :)

1) What do you think writing IS?
The act of transferring thoughts to print

2) Where did you first start your career as a writer?
High school paper. Then in college.

3) What author inspires you the most and why?
Jonathan Swift. Lewis Carroll. W.B. Yeats. Robert Frost. Alexander Pope. Shakespeare. Dante. Plato.

4) What genre of writing do you enjoy the most?
I like to read nerdy books best. I like to write about anything.

5) Pencil/Pen or Keyboard?

Thats all, hope to be hearing from you. See you round' the forums.
See you! Thanks for stopping by

< Message edited by Circe -- 4/21/2008 22:16:10 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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