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RE: =AK= Meet the AK: The Nameless (again!)

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4/23/2008 14:00:50   
Legendary AK!!!

Hello <insert excellent witty name here>!

Welcome back, as I have already told you in that place at that time with the thing.

Nothing else to say here, sadly/thankfully.

Peace out!
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 26
4/23/2008 14:53:25   

Nameless! Placeholder.

So, why another MtAK?

For the sake of my boredom, Ill keep this to ten questions.

French Fries are made of

b)Magical fairy gravy

AQ is made by

a)Artix Entertainment
b)Blah Made Corp

Bob Doe is

a)Some guy
b)A person
c)A guy.

So, hello. Levels of your AE Games?

Any other games that you play?

Why another MtAK?

10 x 10 = ?

vs vs , which is better?


< Message edited by boomies -- 4/24/2008 15:20:54 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 27
4/23/2008 16:08:39   
Flash Runner-Up 10

So, you have decided to return, eh?

Welcome back.

Making another MtAK, not a very smart thing to do. :P

Well, I won't bore you with questions. I just wanted to welcome you back.

That's about it. See you on IRC.

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 28
4/23/2008 17:13:57   

I have questions!

1. When are you gonna awnser evereybodys Questions?
2. Luke Skywalker Or Han Solo?
3. Bagels or Doughnuts?
4. 7up or Sprite?
5. What is your name?
6. Lemonade or Coke?
7. DF, MQ or AQ?
8. Am i a Boy or Girl?
9. Do i have a name?
10. DF GD or DFSuggestions?
11. Fave AE charactor?
12. Fave Number?
13. Is this question Number unlucky?
14. Ghosts Or Zombies?
15. Artix Or Cysero?

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 29
4/23/2008 18:26:23   

Hi eeeer..nameless

I got 10 questions you ya.

1. What is your favourite actor / band

2. Death From Above or Artix vs Undead ?

3. Necromancer , Paladins , DeathKnight or neutral ( Necro-paladin knight FTW )

4. Favourite other AK, less favourite AK

5. This is my lucky number, whats yours?

6. Pie or Waffles?

7. Artix , Cysero , Zhoom or Rolith? ( And whi )

8. Nerd or geek?

9. World domination plans , First AE Foruns...Then MANKIND! ( join me or die )

10. END! ( Or is it )

11. My unlicky number! ( Yours )

12. Name of your DF char , Mechquest and AQ

13. Purify or not to purify doom weapons?

14. Systeme of a Down or Tenacious D?

thats all bye bye sweety ( Unless your a nameless male in that case just bye bye peace! )

This mensage been brought by : Cleneman, owner of 70% or AE stocks and soon to rule mankind

< Message edited by cleneman -- 4/23/2008 18:40:43 >
DF MQ  Post #: 30
4/23/2008 18:53:52   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

as usual I give out the same questions and I would personally like to thank you for being an AK you need it by now!

here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!

who gave you your position on the forums when you started

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!

Ready to play

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage

does this shirt make me look fat

does it make you look fat

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
4/23/2008 19:34:10   

Congrats again

So y did u have to stop being an ak for a bit?? too much stuff going on at once??

Anyways, how does it feel to be back into the action with all of this power??

That's all for now and congrats again again

Wow that's confusing
DF MQ  Post #: 32
4/23/2008 22:45:32   

YAY a new thread ^_^

/me tacklesnuggles

Welcome back ^_^ /me welcomeback snuggles

How does it feel like to be back? ^_^

Oooo you still remember the shiny new buttons?

So since you're nameless you have a secret identity behind that mask of yours? ;)

:O since you are back now are you going to have a new Lock signature? Ooo how about NameLock? or Lockless ? XD

Hmm I should really be going to bed lol

Anyways it's really nice to have you back ^_^ Welcome back again.

/me bye snuggles.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 33
4/24/2008 4:53:36   

Hi! I heard of you before! This is my first time doing this..

Welcome back!

How's it going?

Getting bored with the questions?

Hope not>:)

I have to make 12 questions:))

Ice Cream or Cake?

Why did you leave?

Were you annoyed when the mushrooms kept blocking during frostvale?

Favorite Weapons in AQ or DF?

Favorite Skill?

Do you know me?

Attacker or Defender?

Would you buy the Cy statue?

Have you ever called him Captan Cookie?

What is the 10 digit in Pi?

11. Question.. interesting isn't it?

12. Last question, Last time you heard someone say "Razzle Fras"

Thanks! *pouncehug Nameless*

*gives a cookie*
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 34
4/24/2008 6:29:49   

* Paladin or Necromancer?

* Favourite Ice Cream flavour

* Favourite T.V shows

Thats it. Thanks
- Matt

Post #: 35
4/24/2008 8:18:45   


Why did you quit being an Ak?

Your Avatar freaks me out and stops me from sleeping at night,is that it's purpose?

What is your favorite AE game?

Good luck!
DF MQ  Post #: 36
4/24/2008 8:38:51   

Just passing through, welcome back to the mad world of the AK.......... lol

good luck modding.
Post #: 37
4/24/2008 9:05:24   

Welcome Back Kotter,
Welcome back, Welcome back, Welcome back.

So how you feeling Des? Welcome?

Where did ya go anyhow?

Which of GGD/Q&A/Suggs, is you're fav place to Moderate?

To be cont......
Post #: 38
4/24/2008 9:17:23   

Ha! You like Linkin Park and Atreyu! WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! Me likes Linkin Park too! They're my fave band!!!!! And I like Atreyu too, but...I like LINKIN PARK! GREATEST BAND EVER!!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!

Well...now that I've made a fool of myself--and informed everyone of my undying love, loyalty, and (insert synonym for "love" here) for LP, here goes the questions...yeah...

Who's your favorite member of Linkin Park?

If you like Linkin Park, do you like Fort Minor?

What do you like about Linkin Park?

Why do you like Linkin Park?

Who do you like better, Mike Shinoda or Chester Bennington?


< Message edited by Frydae -- 4/26/2008 16:55:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 39
4/24/2008 10:08:25   

NoName! My master!

So, you're back once more; I'm glad for you!

Fill me with your insight!

*changes into Commissioner"

We've got you surrounded, Joker; you cannott do any of this any longer!
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 40
4/24/2008 10:54:28   

Hi Nameless. Er... can I call u that?

I wasn't here when u left, so I dunno much. Welcome back though. :)

Good luck modding the forums. And I can't give u any cos my luck stinks. :P

See you on the forums sometime. :)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 41
4/24/2008 12:56:38   

hey i was just wondering if you knew why they were changing the paladin armor...i thought it was going to be like artix's but they came out with that new stuff...i've been looking forward to the paladin class my whole DF career (its maybe a year and a half or maybe i don't know what i'm talking about, its just been a long time) but i fell in love with this game and decided to buy 6 DAs and dragon coins for all of them. and artix is like my idol and i want to be just like him. and thats why i hope/wish/think that the paladin armor would be just like artix's.
DF MQ  Post #: 42
4/24/2008 13:01:12   
Cool Dragonz

Ouch! That avvy hurts :P.

Congrats! (Again!)

/me snugs!

ph34r 0f |\/|y 1337! :P

| Stupid language, don't you think? :)

Can I call you, the destroyer of light? Or is that a too softy name for you?

Well, that was all! :D ^-^


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 43
4/24/2008 14:07:42   

hey guys and gals can eny 1 tell wat to go on to see a pic of the necromancer armore on dragonfable plz reply
MQ  Post #: 44
4/24/2008 14:15:37   

Do you enjoy any sports?

which of the 3 AE games is your fav?

do you like cheese? what's your fav?

which trilogy? Matrix or Terminator?

did you notice how the end of Term 3 sorta depicts the beginning of Matrix? If you take things from the movies alone ignoring the stories from the AniMatrix.

Pie<Muffins? true or false.

If you could have one animal as a loyal pet/friend (mythological or real) which would it be?

Dog>Cats... right? yup we both know it's right.

What's your favorite holiday?

Which were-creature you think is the best? My fav is the Were-Bear.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 45
4/24/2008 15:25:19   
Mephiles The Dark

Hi The Nameless.

I only have some questions :

~Which game u prefer : AQ , DF or MQ ?

~Are you a Necromancer or a Paladin Fan ?

Thats all , cya.


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 46
4/24/2008 18:18:03   
dragon weirdo


freaky avvy!

how many times have people commented on your avvy?

if you're nameless then what species are you?

how many people have said ,"welcome back!"?

if your nameless, shouldn't your name be "X"?

what question number is this?

am I asking too many questions?



AQ DF MQ  Post #: 47
4/24/2008 18:56:20   

nice to meet ya
play aq?
if so what level
favorite band
ever heard of icp
AQ DF  Post #: 48
4/24/2008 19:08:52   
homie g

how you doin

any tips?

is it cool being a AK

how do you become a AK

do you like pie?

AQ or DF

good guy or bad guy

favorite deathnote episode

favorite animal

< Message edited by homie g -- 4/24/2008 19:12:40 >


Destruction makes room for new. just as new becomes old and must be destroyed.
AQ DF  Post #: 49
4/24/2008 19:46:41   

Congrats on (re?) AKship

Now, down to business *evil laugh*

1. What happened to your name? Did it run away?

2. What's Your Favorite Kind of pie

3. What faraway land does that portrayal of the Joker in your avvy come from?

4. Your avvy is 3 times as creepy as the last time I saw your old one...

5. DF, AQ, MQ or all equal?

6. Xbox, PS3, Wii, None, or all Three equal?

7. If you were a soda, what kind would you be?

8. Will you be a nice AK here, or one of the triangular one's mindless servants?

9. Do these questions seem pointless?

10. Du yu haav teh spaeling and grramar?

11. What house are you in MQ? (if you play it)

12.Does it feel good to have power over us puny average forum members

13. Will you answer this question?

14. Do you predict you will hate this thread by the time you've answered all the questins on it?

15. Do you like the FOOD spam?

16. Why is your Joker type avvy so red and creepy?

17. What is the meaning of life?

18. Is the grass greener on the other side?

19. Favorite kind of cheese?

20. Are you glad this is the last question I can ask you?

< Message edited by Chickencowlord -- 4/27/2008 21:22:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 50
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