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=MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle CLOSED!

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5/18/2008 0:14:36   

Greetings! Manofthetrees here, you can call me trees if you wish. I was recently abducted asked to join on my birthday Friday, and with great innocence accepted. Now I have been disillusioned. But seriously, I am here, and I wish for you guys to meet me, THE ArchKnight!

I will be editing in this color and font.

Some basics about me:
Age: 16 as of Friday the 16th
Gender: Male
Dietary preference: Vegan
Game I play the most: MQ right now, need to get level 20, and AQ is nice right now, but I have done everything I need to in DF, so its release day only for me there.

I will limit everyone to 20 questions each, no more than two posts please, and please no 1337 speak, try to stay rather This thread will stay open until sometime next Sunday the 25th, whenever I decide to close it.


Ask away!

I, 'ze Blue Waffle, shall edit in this color. No more than twenty questions, D: I don't want my hands to fall off. Then again, waffles don't have hands...

A little background information on myself:
Age: 16
Gender: Male
I am easily amused, and I have a job currently.

Let the swarm of questioning begin!

< Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 6/22/2008 18:09:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
5/18/2008 1:04:11   
Highlord Sendai

Yay First Reply

First for Manofthetrees

Have you seen the Simpsons Movie
Not yet, but I intend to

Do you play DF,AQ Or MQ the most.
Toughie. Actually, MQ right now, im on the race to level 20, and I have less than one level to go. DF the least, im level 40 already, and dont really need to play it right now, only on release day.

What do you think of my sig
Very nice, looks tasty though...

Do you like being an Archknight
So far yes, its quite enjoyable. Maybe I will be enlightened later though.

Have you met Adam/Artix
I wish!

Pie or Cookies
Liz lovely chocolate coated peanut butter cookies.

Ahhh Blue Waffles Coming Time for his questions

Next for Blue Waffle
OH NOES! no goodbye even! =(

Good luck on you AKship

Mage,Warrior or Rouge
Warrior all the way. :]

Wolfblade,Runehawk or Mystraven

Do you have any Game Consoles
Well... Let's see... I have a PS2, a DS, a Wii, a GameCube, and 2 PS1 consoles. :]

Have you met Adam/Artix
No, but I do plan to go to Dragon Con one of these years.

Pie or Cookies

What do you think of my sig
Looks nice.

What inspired you to choose your forum name?
My tendency to choose random names. Heck, my Runescape name is Jhhfff. xD

Bwes you 2
Bye! *waves*

< Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/18/2008 9:36:17 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
5/18/2008 3:07:38   

Horray! Second post!

Ok. First Manofthetrees
Great. Im better than a teh waffull
Do you play DF MQ or AQ the most.
Currently MQ, hunting for level 20, I am the best I can be in DF, so I only play on release days.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Not really.
Do you have any pets?
Yes. I have my pet dragon, 30 watt lightbulb, Pristine Dragon Snowman, a black pug, silver main coon cat, and tabby main coon cat.
Tea or Coffee?
Coffee. Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee COFFEE!!!!!
Chocolate or lollies?
Chocolate covered lollies.
Do you have any Robo pets (Robosapien, Roborapter, Roboquad etc.)
Knights or Dragons?
Favourite colour?
Its a tis one!

Now blue waffle
Still no goodbyes? tisk tisk...

Do you play DF MQ or AQ the most.
It depends on my phase. Sometimes I don't touch them for months at a time, and sometimes I can barely pry myself from the computer screen. Currently, though, it is MQ.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you have any pets?
Yes, a dog.
Tea or Coffee?
Nyeh, neither. >_<
Chocolate or lollies?
D: why must you force me to chose between two sugary treats that I love?! Chocolate.
Do you have any Robo pets (Robosapien, Roborapter, Roboquad etc.)
Knights or Dragons?
Dragons, all 'ze way.
Favourite colour?
Mmm... Red.

And congratz to both of you.

< Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/18/2008 9:40:04 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
5/18/2008 3:34:11   


try to stay rather This thread will stay

Typo Master Strikes Again! (Well, here it is for the first time, but still...) rather what? Calm? Neat? Polite? Rude? Annoying? You need to specify.

*Looks at nice setup*

OMG thx so much!

Anyways, all iis tmissing isa coma, right atfer thread htat.

  • 2: Anyway, More Questions:


  • 3: Heh, I remember seeing you around occasionally. But I don't really remember visiting your suggestion thread(s) very often...that will have to be remedied. (I have a thing for critiquing Aks' threads)

    What? My thread need no critiquing!

  • 4: Congrats! (Does anyone NOT say that?)

    Yes. The last guy. He has been warned..*snicker*...*more* *snicker* *evil laugh!*

    I predict that some people will forget and will be reminded when waffles maul them. *shifty eyes*

  • 5: Do you hate people repeating themselves? (Oh, no...I think you can see where this is going...)

    It doesn't bother me all that much, redundancies don't make me too worried.

    Oh, goodness, yes.

  • 6: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

    Heh, not really/

    Only when it's some obvious fact that doesn't require repeating!

  • 7: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

    Its a little aggravating, but not too bad.


  • 8: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

    Yes. Very much so.

    *sends 'ze army of waffles*

  • 9: By your post, may I assume you dislike people speaking in 1337 and tlkng lk ths?

    To a certain extent. Its not pretty. Like my font here.

    I dislike it if it's so heavily 1337 that I can't even understand the basic outline of what they typed.

  • 10: Do you dislike people asking you questions you've answered already?

    Is this going somewhere too?

    I've done that hundreds of times in the DF and AQ Q&A's, so it doesn't bother me.

  • 11: Opinions on Reresponses? (Do you like 'em, hate 'em, respond to them, etc.)

    I will not answer them back...

  • 12: Well, I pretty much have asked the same questions I do for every AK with one or two extras added, so you likely will not here from me again ('til I go and attempt to brutalize a suggestion thread or two from you).

    Carbon Copier!!

    Cheater. =P

  • 11: Oh, and BW, Sorry that I did not give you any questions...yet. Don't worry; I'll probably edit my post later to include which questions you can answer and which are directed solely at MOTT.

    Edit: Okay, the ones with the stars are directed at you as well (may not fit EXACTLY, but are close enough), and I edited in your edit preference.

    Thanks! That made my answering of your questions much easier.


    < Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/18/2008 9:49:14 >
  • Post #: 4
    5/18/2008 4:12:51   
    Legendary AK!!!

    Weee. :D Another congrats to both of you! Glad to have some more in the DF crew. ;)

    Blue Waffle

    1. So, what inspired you to choose your forum name?
    My tendency to choose random forum names. My Runescape name, as an example, is Jhhfff.

    2. Belgian Waffle > Blue Waffle?
    In terms of which you eat, yes.

    3. Do you go well with syrup?
    I dunno, I haven't tried eating myself.

    4. I can has no funky red powar symbol here. D:
    *PatPat* It's ok.

    5. Was the last one even a question? Can anything be a question? Why am I asking you this? What is the purpose of anything? Why?
    You're asking because your last Language Arts teacher didn't explain it well enough. =P

    6. Do you own any pets? Do they have funny names? :P
    I own a dog. His name is Jeki. My dad chose it, and apparently it's a Croatian name.

    7. Which type of food do you consider to be your main rival as a waffle?
    The dreaded FRENCH TOAST!


    1. I must ask you also... why did you choose the forum name you did?
    At the time, I was quite obsessed with botanicals in general back in 7th grade, and helped set up the Boston Flower Show in 2007. I enjoy plants basically.

    2. How are you enjoying the shiny new buttons?
    Buttons? What new buttons? The uber hammers? Ive had those all along...yours must have been invisible.
    3. Are you really from the trees? Are you part-tree?
    I live in the middle of the woods, if that counts, the land around me is protected by the town. And I am not part tree. Sorry.
    4. Hmm... which edit colour do you think is better, mine, or yours?
    Think about it. Which one did I choose?
    5. ArchTurnip? O.o
    Indeed. My brother was pressuring me to be an ArchRootVegetable, but I decided to be more specific.
    6. It's a pity that you can't join us on IRC. I hope you do sometime. :o
    Once my Homework is done today Im setting it up.

    7. What's your favourite type of drink?
    Fruit Smoothies.

    And finally, a couple of notes to both of you:

  • You have fallen into the trap of so many and started your MtAK within the first day of AKship. Once the speed of these things picks up, it becomes hell D: (or maybe that's just because I had mine in GD...)
    I think I'll manage. I play Guitar Hero, so my fingers can move at unimaginable speeds, even while typing.
    I gave up on Homework ages ago, shouldnt be that bad.

  • Good luck! (you'll certainly need it :D) Hope to see both of you around!
    Thanks! :]
    I certainly will.

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/18/2008 13:31:20 >
  • DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
    5/18/2008 7:47:38   

    Heyas both of you, congratulations!

    For each of these questions, I will leave two of these:
    That is so that there is room for two answers! :O
    • Will you be using the IRC?

      1. Soon, I'm setting it up now.
      2. I'm right now on the AK-only OOC one. I'll have to find the DF one.
    • Will you be helping out in the MechQuest section?

      1. What he said \/.
      2. I'm only an AK for this particular forum, so, no.
    • What is your favorite type of music?

      1. Hair bands of the 80s, but I also have alot of Josh Groban.
      2. Mmm... I prefer anything along the lines of hard rock that borderlines metal.
    • Who is your favorite music band/group/artist?

      1. Kind of already answered that.
      2. Sonata Arctica. If you've not heard of them, listen to some of their songs on YouTube. They're awesome, especially live.
    • What is your favorite song?

      1. According to iTunes, my most listened to song is Don't Stop Believing by Journey, followed by Up on the Roof by the Nylons.
      2. Wolf and Raven, by Sonata Arctica.
    • What is your favorite part of being an AK?

      1. The community on our own private forums.
      2. The ability to help maintain this forum. :]
    • What is your favorite part about AE?

      1. What he said. \/
      2. Everything.

    Once again, congratulations, and good luck! I hope to see you both around! :D
    I'll be seeing you, in every little summers day, la la la. or something like that.

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/18/2008 16:13:43 >
    MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
    5/18/2008 10:30:54   

    :O Shiny a new combined thread.
    I know, right!
    Not my idea. I be shellfish.
    /me congratz snuggles
    D: Now squishing 'ze waffle.
    Treat turnips with great care kthxbye.
    How are both of you today?
    I'm surprised I slept last night from my excitement.
    You like the shiny new buttons of doom? ^_^
    Buttons? Buttons? what buttons? Arghh!
    How were you kidnapped? :O
    Well... Lord Barrius threatened to use the waffle iron of doom.
    He brought out the weedkiller, and said BAN PEOPLE!
    It's cool how both of you picked a shade of green. :P
    Well, practically every shade of blue was already taken. D:
    Trees be green. Turnips be white and purple
    So do you guys really like answering questions? or you just doing it cause you're forced to? :P
    It is tedious, but it be alright.
    Actually, I'm enjoying myself. My old hangouts were the AQ/DF Q&A forums.
    Anyways I'm done asking question. Have fun ^_^
    Aww... So soon?
    Good. Im through with you.
    /me bye snuggles
    D: 'ze Waffle has been squished.

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/18/2008 16:18:07 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
    5/18/2008 11:19:16   
    Legendary Answermon of Snuggles

    Ah manofthetress of Blue Waffle, seeing your activity in the forums, you guys are no doubt soon to be AK'd and there we go :P

    For both of you,

    1) How's like being a minion of Alac?
    So far, it's insane. So many rule-breaking posts in this forum. D:
    Who be Alac? We answer to teh pwr ktty.

    2) Is she treating you well?
    Dunno. Haven't spoken to her yet.
    Alac be a she?

    3) If you guys could mod other board where will it be?
    D: I can't choose.
    AQ suggies and AQ GGD.

    4) How's like being an AK?
    It's entertaining.

    5) Are the buttons all shiny and fun?
    Buttons? What buttons? Everyone keeps talking about buttons!

    6) Dream job?
    Something better than Kroger or McDonald's.
    Hollywood Actor. Im well on meh way.
    7) Hows like being shackled up with all other Alac minion's?
    Well, actually, Lord Barrius is the one who kidnapped recruited me.
    We answer only to teh pwr ktty!
    8) She sure have a huge army, isn't she?
    I would imagine so.
    Grammar much?
    9) Am I of any significance to you?
    Fellow AQ Q&A roamer. :]
    Tbh, absolutely not. :P.
    Both of you deserve to be AKs. Congratulations, good luck and have fun! :D
    I knew it all along.

    < Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 5/19/2008 5:28:00 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
    5/18/2008 11:24:41   

    Zomg a shiny new double thread!!

    Congratz to both of you :D
    Now for those questions!! :D

    Erm questions are intended for both so just answer below each other ;)

    1) What kind of shackles?
    Well, with me, they threaten to use an un-oiled waffle iron.
    The black furry leather kind The kind they use to train plants to grow a certain way. I think they call it raffa.

    2) Who asked you to be a Ak?
    Lord Barrius.
    Teh pwr ktty.

    3) Surprised when you got asked to be a ak?
    I fell out of my chair.
    Im always in public when great things of importance only to me happen.
    4) Is it me or we keep loseing ak's and geting more?
    Dunno. =P
    Nah. Couldnt be! There are definately not corpses in the private forums, and we definately do not eat them to keep ourselves alive all night long.

    5) Cookies!!!! mmh, that was very random eha?
    Not at- Ooh! Shiny Nickle!
    Hippo eats Dwarf?
    6) Sooooo the cookies are a lie right?
    Actually, the cake is a lie.
    Dwarf eats Hippo?

    7) Fav mod/ak?
    Asenbesen. :]

    8)l33t speek?
    No thank you.
    Awh gawd no.
    9) tell me you at least know who i am lol?
    D: Sorry, I don't.
    I be acquainted witch u.

    10) well thats enough spam from me so this should be the last right?
    Why so soon? D:
    More than enough.

    11) naw why would it? lol ok i lie it is :D
    D: *waves*
    Goodbye forever fool!

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/18/2008 16:26:26 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
    5/18/2008 11:29:23   

    Congrats. My questions are for both of you.

    Where's Waldo?
    I think he is hiding in the place where all '90s references go.

    Where is Bob the Guy from accounting?
    He stapled his arm.
    He can account for himself, when he wants to tell us he is here, he will let us know.

    If Cysero, Roilth, and Artix all ran for president, who would you vote for?
    Artix, for the win.
    The conservative one.

    Do you play Starcraft Brood War?
    What he said.

    Can you guess my forum goal?(Hint:Look at my avatar)
    That's not obvious at all. =P
    You want to use a speechbubble?

    Favorite Character from Star Wars?
    'ze tiny, insignificant beeping droid, R2D2
    The flying giant bug thing that enslaves Anakin.

    Favorite Book?
    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
    What be a book?

    Where were you born?
    Sarajevo, Bosnia.
    Providence, Rhode Island.

    Dark, Milk, or White Chocolate?
    Milk and White. I can't stand 'ze dark. D:
    The vegan ones.

    Thanks for answering my random questions.

    Don't kill me and congrats.
    I'll try not to, even though your thread is killing me. D:
    Thanks, and I will try to.

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/18/2008 16:30:45 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
    5/18/2008 15:05:43   
    Stand Back

    Welcome aboard you two!

    We're all really glad you joined up!
    I was, until the buttons appeared.
    I am too, though part of me was already eaten by Cubal.
    What kind of music do each of you listen to?
    Hair metal genre and Josh Groban
    Hard rock and metal.
    Like to read?
    Anything in particular?

    Not really.
    Well that's it for me. I just stopped by to say hi and welcome :D
    D: That's it?
    Keep up the good work both of you! *snugs*
    Work? pfft.
    What he said.

    < Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 5/19/2008 5:29:11 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
    5/18/2008 15:22:19   

    hello to you both

    what is your favourite weapon out of every ae game (looks/power)

    if you could suggest one thing and it would be coded into one of the games, what would you suggest

    favourite mech/armour/pet/wep

    do you like/make any artwork about the games (like a sword, or just a hair style, or for comps)

    if you could be any npc from mq. aq. or df, who (i like thyton and sepulchure the most)

    how do you contribute to the games the most (report glitches/buy currentcy/upgraded account/ suggestions/ other)

    kudos to you both, hasta luego

    Because you colored your entire text, im going to be difficult and do this seperately.

    King Tide Reaper.

    Nobility Class in my Suggies thread.

    King Tide Reaper.

    I annimate in school.

    I am rather partial to Falerin.

    My Suggestion thread is 2 years 51 weeks and 1 day old, if that counts. I have the Undead Zard made in my honor.

    Thx so much.

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/18/2008 16:35:42 >
    DF MQ AQW  Post #: 12
    5/18/2008 15:25:25   
    ~Quiet Beserker~


    Well no questions, but just a congratz!

    Have a good one, bye.

    Thx! Nice name btw.

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/18/2008 16:36:05 >
    DF AQW  Post #: 13
    5/18/2008 17:35:49   

    Hello nice to meet you both, here are my questions

    1. Favorite word?
    I have always been partial to anitdisestablishmentarianism.
    I'd say it if not for the rules of this forum.

    2. If you had to eat something to stay alive would it be?
    Tempeh. Wouldnt touch it otherwise.
    Tofu. Otherwise, I'd throw it out of an open window.

    3. What's your favorite animal?
    Quetzals. Mostly because their name is worth 125 scrabble points.
    *Too tough of a decision*

    4. Favorite sound?
    The sound that Dwarfs make when being swallowed by chihuahuas.
    Probably the deafening screams of wild boars being roasted alive.

    5. Where do you see your life heading in the next five years.
    3d game designer who has by then graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design.
    Where ever it feels like it.

    6. Finally haha my favorite question... What is you average salary of being an AK?

    We get about 3 servings of spam with every day we work, and thats our only payment.
    Well, I get fed maple syrup three times a day. The rigors outweigh the benefits. Cubal already chewed part of me off. D:

    Nice to meet you and i expect great things from you both. Best of luck!

    Thx so much!
    G'bye! :]

    < Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/18/2008 22:14:15 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 14
    5/18/2008 18:39:53   
    Arcanis The Omnipotent

    Hi my Q's are for both of you i cant choose between Tree's and Waffles
    Trees p00n waffles.
    <_< You wish.

    Favorite Movie Series
    Harry Potter
    Mortal Kombat

    DF Character Numbers
    1294. Yeah, 1rst day of DF beta for the win.
    17051578. That particular character wasn't in beta. None of the characters I have currently were. D:

    Obama or Clinton ( you dont have to answer this one)
    Both, so that they can argue and continue to put McCain in a good light.
    I don't care, as long as the United States doesn't end up in an even worse ditch.

    Bowling Or Fishing
    I dont kill or harm things that are not virtual, so bowling it is.

    Are you working with Artix Entertainment and in which department
    We are not getting paid with anything more than our daily dose of the burning day star, and we work in the Archknight department. We are not paid.
    We are just forum staff. We are in no way on the AE payroll. If we were, we'd likely be Administrators.

    Thanks for Answering My Q's good luck with the Job and prepare for a hailstorm of PM's from Desperate Suggestors (not me im crazy not desperate)
    Just follow the rules and you will be fine.
    I expect it, considering how much rule-breaking I've already seen. D:

    < Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/18/2008 22:19:01 >
    Post #: 15
    5/18/2008 20:11:53   

    To both manofthetrees and bluewaffle

    What do you think of my first suggestion?
    [/advertise] But seriously, it looks very well thought out, but the format could use a boost, for instance, if someone wants to see the skills of the class and nothing else, where do they go? Either use an index, or something else.
    Yes, particularly that. Add an index (where, like, class is shortened to CS09, or something) so people can use the CTRL+F function to navigate more easily.

    Have you ever met each other?
    No, not outside of the forums at least.
    Not until we met on this forum after receiving AK-ship.

    If yes, do you like each other?
    He seems knowedgeable enough.
    <_< Don't make me come down there.

    Have you ever made a suggestion for dragonfable?
    Yes, and if you check the design notes archives for like, November or October, you will see that I got an honorable mention for mine in a contest. And in AQ, the undead zard is all mine.
    Nope. I've not bothered with suggestions, just chilling in the Q&A.

    Next is for Blue waffle
    Fine, be that way nubz0rs.
    Yay. =P

    Is waffle your favorite food and is blue your favorite color?
    Haha! Infiltrated!
    Actually, no. I prefer Sirloin steak over waffles. And, as posted earlier in this thread, I prefer the color red.

    Next is for manofthetrees
    Is earth your favorite element? I'm asking this because of trees in the ending of your forum name.
    It is nice enough, although I prefer the Wood Element.

    Hope you have a good time!


    That's all.


    < Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/19/2008 12:17:49 >


    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
    5/18/2008 20:17:53   

    Congratz on your archknight-ship, manofthetrees and blue waffle!
    Thanks so much!

    1a) For Man of the trees- Are your related to tarzan or something?
    No. But the vines he swings on be my arms.
    1b) For Blue Waffle- I'm pretty sure waffles are not blue. :D
    Actually, it depends. D:

    2) AQ Clan?
    D: I don't know. I have 6 characters all with different clans.

    3) MQ House? (If you have a character in every house, then it would be what is your favorite house?)
    4) Chickencows?
    For raising, not breakfast.
    5) Cowchickens?
    For childrens tv, not for breakfast.
    Also tasty. :]
    6) If someone snugglepounces you, what would you do?
    Curl up into an impenetrable ball of 3|\/|0.
    Probably be squished; I'm a waffle after all.
    8) Star Wars?
    Yeah, they happened.
    That's so vague. D:
    9) Where did number 7 go?
    OMG im so sorry! AE forgot to feed me tonight, something about how the new need to get used to having nothing, or something like that.
    Right under number 9. It didn't feel like eating number 8.
    7) Here it is!
    Oh nevermind then.
    Told you.
    10) That is all. See you on the forums!
    Hopefully not on a black list!
    What he said.

    < Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/19/2008 12:20:52 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
    5/18/2008 20:43:19   

    Hey. I dunno what questions I have to ask that haven't been answered already, soooo here goes I guess... (I'll do one question specifically for each of you and see how many I can do for both of you) (BW= Blue Waffle, MT= Manofthetrees)

    Blue Waffle

    I noticed you said your favorite color was red. What's up with your name then?
    My name was chosen because of my tendency to choose random user names. :]


    You said your dietary preference is vegan. I'm not that familiar with all the terms yet but it sounds like some sort of vegetarian. Am I right? and if so why would you eat the plants you love?
    It means I have the moral highground over you. But seriously, it means no dairy products, (milk, icecream, eggs, and all things including them), no fish, no chicken, no red meat, no pork, no animal products in general. I love plants. for food. And they are essential to everyones diet.

    You may have noticed by now that I'm an extreme fanatic for spelling and grammar. Where does that put me in your minds?

    BW:Yay! More grammar Nazis! (sorry, Gaia Online term)
    MT:I like it. But I have also noticed that you have only 8 posts, not very much time to get an oppinion of you.

    Favorite number?

    BW:I don't have one. I dislike Math.
    MT:Phi. Mostly because Phi squared equals Phi plus 1. Phi equals 1.6180339887.


    BW:Van Hellsing, for the win.
    MT: Titanic.

    Do you think you'll get tired of this? :P

    BW:Probably not.

    Favorite Smiley?

    BW:What he said. D:
    MT:The ones that are not used excessively.

    Have either of you seen Iron Man yet?

    BW:No. I've got no time with Final Exams and work. D:
    MT:No, and dont intend to.

    If you have, and you were Tony Stark, how willing would you be to give a suit like that, as a gift, to me? :P (If you haven't just leave the answer blank)

    MT:Look above^_^ and I told you you could not answer this one ;)

    Bye! ;)
    <_< But I hardly had a chance to spray you with blueberries. Get back here! D:

    Aw :P You hate me so much? Well I hope you get more, but not too much more, replies.

    < Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/18/2008 22:25:27 >


    Grow my dragons with one click each, please! Help these cute things grow.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
    5/18/2008 21:20:28   

    Hi, nice to meet you! Happy birth day !

    now for some questions

    what exactly will you be doing in the DF suggestions?
    BW:We'll be moderating them.
    MT:Ill be in ur forums deleting ur posts and warning your friends.
    will you be a good AK?
    BW:According to the training I went through, yes.
    MT:According to Circe, she is very happy to have me here.
    Have you read any of the suggestions here? If so(and if there aren't too many) could you name a few?
    BW:Not really. Too busy deleting posts. D:
    MT:I have read them, but I am too tired to list them.
    what would you choose? Glaisaurus or Gorgok
    BW:Glaisaurus. I'm curious as to whether or not his head can shatter to pieces.
    MT:Gorgok be an earth dragon.

    I think thats it...see ya!

    Waffles go moo. :]

    < Message edited by Blue Waffle -- 5/18/2008 22:27:55 >
    DF MQ  Post #: 19
    5/18/2008 22:20:27   

    Waaa... 2 New AKs... Congratz to both...


    I dun check Suggestions much... So I'm clueless...

    So am I.

    Anyway, congratz to both again.

    Cya around the Forums (if you're both NOT doing any behind-the-scenes stuff)... :P

    See ya!

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/19/2008 12:56:33 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 20
    5/19/2008 0:59:50   

    Hmm... You two agreed to work for the Doom Kitteh? Hah! Poor choice. If they don't get you, he will! D:

    Can't be that bad, cannit?

    Anyway, I'm not in the creative mood, so I'll just settle for a welcome and a congrats. I know, sad. I'll get Rimmeh to send Mr. Flibble along to have a chat with you, though. That should make up for it.


    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/19/2008 12:57:41 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
    5/19/2008 2:39:21   
    Shadow Spawn


    I am Crusader Warrior.You will see me here a lot of times.Anyway,i remember a warning,Manofthetrees.
    Good job een i got one.

    Yeah, you did. Hopefully you learned your lesson. Yours was my first deletion.
    Anyway,i never know you and questions:

    1.Blue waffle and Manofthetrees,do you think AE usd people suggestion ?
    AE, unlike some online gaming companies does, which is what I like about AE. The Doom Cola, for example, was created in a contest a long time ago by a player on the forums.

    I myself have the Undead Zard to my name in AQ, so yes.
    2.Manofthetrees,sometimes if you have the power to change FSI,i think they miss like no extra items like shield,gloves or anything.
    No class based on races,no class based on elements,no exp carry over and etc.

    I will see about that. I only have minor, indirect power over the FSIs.

    Blue Waffle,do you think Archknight can be trusted since they have power ?
    Considering how amazing of a job they have done in keeping the forums clean and orderly, yes.

    Never trust anyone.
    Thanks in advance.

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/19/2008 13:00:17 >
    Post #: 22
    5/19/2008 5:54:33   
    Fiat Lux


    A pie, a cupcake (retired), and now a waffle... Mmm. *Chomps all*
    Don't forget the turnip. We taste good too.

    Welcome to the Dungeon of Doom. Remember to offer ze Kitten snacks. Regularly. Or face claw-ish wrath. (Listen to my advice - I used to mod this spamful place. D:)

    For both of you:

    1) Your favorite book/series/genre/author?
    Well, my favorite series would be the Pendragon series, but my favorite book is by Stephenie Meyer.
    Harry Potter for me, I must say.

    2) Your reaction when you received the PM?
    I literally fell out of my chair.
    Why am I always surrounded by people who dont care when I hear something like this?
    3) Did you stay on the forums with a huge grin for 48 hours like the Yeti did?
    Just about.
    4) Food?
    Yes, plz.
    Vegan only pl0x.
    5) omglol itz a two Arcknights1!!1! DDDD:
    Basketball eats Magnolia?

    6) "I'm only an AK for this particular forum, so, no." - All AKs have power in MQ GD/Q&A/Pedia. Going to help out?
    I might if the suggestions forum quiets down a bit.
    Haha! more power to me!
    7) K0/\/6r47u|4710n5!
    I have absolutely no idea what that means.
    @the waffle: He said congratulations, gosh, be more considerate. Oh and thanks *blushes*

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/19/2008 13:03:30 >
    Post #: 23
    5/22/2008 21:51:40   
    Duchess of DOOM

    Hello you two and congrats on the AKships :)
    Thanks so much!

    Most fun questions have already been asked so I'll keep it brief.

    When you were AKd and the excitement died down, did you feel as overwhelmed as I did about all the new procedures and rules you had to now know and remember?
    Not really. DF Suggestions is straight-forward and rather easy. The stuff that has been suggested countless times is easy to spot. Plus, there's also the obvious things that apply.
    I just finished dealing with two ban requests, 3 severe warnings, and a siggie munch request, all but one of the severe warnings was from one single thread. I would say I am overwhelmed.

    Do you like your cell?
    Yes, it's quite comfortable.
    Plant cells are stronger than Animal cells.

    What does it look like? (Mine is a cosy crypt complete with guttering candles, creaking door and silky spider-webs, come and see me sometime ;P)
    I've got a plain, simple box.
    Very complex, there is a protoplasm, a cell wall, a cell membrane, and me, the nucleus, in the middle.
    Has Wallo also got the all-seeing-eye like my stealthy boss (Scakk)?
    Not sure yet.
    Kittie teh rules.

    AQ is my favourite game of the three and I know it by far the best out of the lot, so what is your favourite quest on AQ?
    Probably the quest for the Reign Set. I did it once with my level 89 and enjoyed the large randomness of monsters.
    I really enjoy Willow Creek, so much fun, a very ingenious quest for its time!

    The AQ GD is my haunt, will I get to see you there still?
    I never did frequent it. D: Illiterate-phobia I'm afraid.
    Oh yes, I'll be seeing you, in ever little summers day, and everthing thats bright and *something else*, I'll always think of you that way!

    Well that is really all. Again, congrats and welcome to the madhouse and hope to see you both on IRC! :)
    Thanks. :]
    Thx so much!

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/24/2008 13:39:42 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 24
    5/23/2008 23:12:25   
    The Trobble One

    Hello Waffles & Trees
    hello oh so trobbled one.

    The Kitten AK'ed you 2 right
    What is your favortie video game
    I have always enjoyed Halo.
    Okay, bye!

    < Message edited by Manofthetrees -- 5/24/2008 13:40:29 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 25
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