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RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only)

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7/18/2008 12:06:51   

To clarify what the sounds are that the devices make...

There's ten of them, and each one makes a different noise (except for 8, 9, and 10):

1: That's the sound of all those drums.
2: The sound of people screaming.
3: The sound of men shouting.
4. The sound of hundreds of men marching.
5. The sound of a huge battle.
6. The sound of hundreds of trumpets blowing.
7. The sound (heavily enhanced) of children crying.
8. The high pitched noise referred to in the post.
9. Same as 8.
10. Same as 8 as well.

Also, those knives move of there own will, basically, and track the symbol that he marked on you. You're free to stop the knives however you want, although I must say they are moving pretty fast. (Although, once they hit something, they do stop.)

< Message edited by RATIONALPARANOIA -- 7/18/2008 12:18:39 >
AQ  Post #: 351
7/18/2008 12:50:32   
Eternal Wanderer

Post up. Varin, I'm sorry I traumatized your character.

Slash's voice will be heard by everyone without some type of mental shielding. Unless you're a telepath yourself, it would be hard to trace that back to her, but her actions sort of reveal who was chanting anyways. As a note for the future, she doesn't need the incantation, using it just helps to focus the spell, making it stronger.

Silver, the bolt is coming in at your character's side. Have fun with that.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 352
7/18/2008 13:29:18   

@TD, I have a histroy of being hurt with hugs :P Also, since your technically riding my wind I can throw your character around a bit.

@Rational, you threw a knife at me correct? So there fore you threw two knives towards me, one for my character and one for TD's. I'm guessing TD will mostlikely twist to avoid it but either way you might want to change your post to include me and TD's fighting.
Post #: 353
7/18/2008 13:52:00   


N3344, you now have all the earth that Jon had. Silly me. (No, there is no trap).

I don't see why you're keeping in contact with Jon, Nightly, I really can't see me beating N3344 for a long time if at all. Another earth user is exactly what I don't want.

Of course, that is assuming Cale doesn't leave now that he has all the earth he can.

Question for GoN:

Can Roch's alchemy turn the metal into soil/ sand/ rock? Just curious. I'm pretty sure Roch doesn't use that kind of magic (the that requires him to use the earth around him) anyway does he.


Is there anything wrong with assuming the symbol was on Jon's chest?

Also, are the devices you planted visible and destroyable? This is not really relevent for me now, but I would still like to know.
AQ DF  Post #: 354
7/18/2008 13:54:05   

Meh, I was going to throw my tornado with TD's character in it at Cale, but since Rational posted I changed my mind :P
Post #: 355
7/18/2008 13:54:45   

My post is ready, but I need to run something by you first, TDK. I should be back I believe no later than 4pm eastern and I've reset-up my msn. Hopefully we can chat then? ^^
AQ  Post #: 356
7/18/2008 14:12:36   
The Dragon Knight

Really, attacking everybody in the arena at once? You're a confident one, Rational. Once I see what damsel has in store for me, I'll whip up my response and have it posted within the next few hours (I hope)

EDIT: Oh..... oh, Nightly, no.... you did not just go there. I'm starting to think that you WANT TD to tear you apart. First you did the whole "A blow from the Nymph he could dodge, but from somebody else it would surely hit" bit, and now the whole water cannot hurt wind thing? You give TD too little credit.

< Message edited by The Dragon Knight -- 7/18/2008 14:21:14 >
AQ  Post #: 357
7/18/2008 14:22:22   

Gedd, dont worry, what Im about to do MAY be a VERY stupid thing, but Im going to give you a "chance" so to say. Besides, I dont want this battle to end so quickly and Cale defintely wants to play with his "victims".
AQ DF  Post #: 358
7/18/2008 14:30:04   

I thought we were friends N3344, play nice now. I'm still waiting on confirmation from Ronin that a certain idea of mine is okay. If it IS okay then it's going to make both you and me very happy N3344.
AQ DF  Post #: 359
7/18/2008 14:32:04   

Awesome Gedd. Oh and dont worry, we're friends. Its just the EC makes me extremely happy and competitive. But if you find out anything Gedd from Ronin, please let me know either through PM or in this OOC(preferably here so everyone can know about it). Thanks.
AQ DF  Post #: 360
7/18/2008 14:35:04   

Oh shoosh TDK, anything that TD tries with me paying attention mind you, I can just twist it away with a blast of wind. I cant do anything to Td's charcter either so we are even. I can blow it away but it can always reform now can't it?
Post #: 361
7/18/2008 14:35:53   

Boy, aren't we all very civil >.<

.Discipline: in your post, you mentioned Karddicj standing and holding the ball after he fell down. He actually threw it while he was sitting, then he stood up.

A dwarf and a gnome in the same arena. Lots of punting material!
AQ  Post #: 362
7/18/2008 14:42:14   

N3344, if it is allowed I will just use it IC and you'll all see. It's not really going to have any relevance to everyone else, but for 'certain' people it'll be a much needed helping hand. If it is denied I will tell you what the idea was. Maybe it's just me but I think it's quite clever.

As a side note, I now disown Nightly. Association with one who just said that about TD is not a good idea, I refuse to get involved if TD starts to eat Nightly's intestines, because I don't want the same thing to happen to me. Sorry buddy, self preservation.

< Message edited by Geddesmck -- 7/18/2008 14:57:10 >
AQ DF  Post #: 363
7/18/2008 14:51:18   
The Dragon Knight

Very, VERY confident in yourself, I see. Don't let the fact that TD's Wind element dominated the water element last year. Don't forget, he KNOWS most of those tricks, having used your element last year, and he would lose a LOT of respect in my eyes if he didn't plan on countering his own moves from before with his new element.
AQ  Post #: 364
7/18/2008 15:31:37   

Wait. The earth that one of Cale's blades was made of it now heading towards Jon? How thoughtful of you.

Your new charge, correct me if I'm wrong but you are running towards a stationary target with both arms spread out at your sides. So in theory a lunge forward at this time would leave Cale running into my blade. Am I getting confused here or did you actually do that?
AQ DF  Post #: 365
7/18/2008 15:36:31   

Yea, its a very stupid move to give you earth, but I have other plans, dont worry...

But no, hes not running at you with arms wide open. I shouldve elaborated more, but I meant for him to be behind your character and doing it. And he would still arrive at your character and do it then.

I couldve sworn I put something about Cale being behind your character, but I guess I forgot. Sorry.

Edit: He also meant to hit you with the club and THEN cut you by like a fowards slash.

< Message edited by N3344 -- 7/18/2008 15:41:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 366
7/18/2008 15:48:51   

@Geddesmck: No, it doesn't matter that it was placed on his chest. And no, the devices are not visible- Although by following the sound, you could find them. They are, though, very small- Each about the size of a bottle cap, and all scattered across the arena.

@TDK: It's not so much confidence as... The way that the character is. :P
AQ  Post #: 367
7/18/2008 15:49:23   

To N3344:
Hmm, fair enough, although I don't see how Cale can be behind Jon, as I specifically said in my post that Jon was facing Cale. But I understand the attack better now, you intend a sort of stunning blow with the club and a killing blow with the sword? Although stunning blow is not the best term, it would likely break a few ribs at least. I might post a little later, but for now I'll wait.

Okay, thanks for the info. For now I will not use it, but I shall safely tuck it away.

< Message edited by Geddesmck -- 7/18/2008 15:52:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 368
7/18/2008 15:55:56   

By the way... next time you try to use winds to separate the water she's made of, make sure you only TRY and don't automatically succeed. Because it ISN'T that easy.

edit: also, because it may not be obvious, the flask is unraveling into MORE water. Yes. The flask was made of water. Yes. There's darn good reasoning behind it. Yes. She is NOW able to use it, when before it was able to contain her. And YES... there's darn good reasoning behind that, as well.

< Message edited by TormentedDragon -- 7/18/2008 16:48:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 369
7/18/2008 15:59:33   
The Extinguisher

Ronin, what is with you and your obsessive desire to stick me in fountain? Seriously. All three years I've been there.
Oh well. May the fun begin. Or begin more.

EDIT: There we go. An explanation as to why Michael is under Darkness.

< Message edited by Flame Master Axel -- 7/18/2008 16:38:51 >
Post #: 370
7/18/2008 16:41:07   

I learned a valuable lesson: there is always a place for Barry Manilow in the Elemental Championship.
AQ DF  Post #: 371
7/18/2008 16:57:09   

I opened it a little bit. Like the size of an eye. For like three seconds. Wont happen again though :P

TD, i just read your post and I must say, thank you. *Grins evilly*

< Message edited by Nightly -- 7/18/2008 17:06:48 >
Post #: 372
7/18/2008 17:12:21   
The Dragon Knight

Posted. The wisp of "smoke" is actually steam, by the way.
AQ  Post #: 373
7/18/2008 17:21:06   

Post fixed.

Xaxtoo, I wouldn't be so quick to 'punt' Bolbi, if I were you, mostly due the fact he has substantial amounts of energy magic at his command, and could probably shock you to instant death if you so much as touched a wrinkle on him.

He is peace loving, but I wouldn't push it. Hehe.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 374
7/18/2008 17:24:13   


Everyone in the Spike arena must use this word at least once. So far TDK, TD, damselindigital and myself have (maybe someone else?). Just an observation.

For future reference, are the water arrows as deadly as normal arrows? I assume so. Also, are there enough studs in the armour that you won't be worried about running out?
Not that I really intend to fight you, but I must know just in case.
AQ DF  Post #: 375
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