Doom Lord Resistances: Immobility: 100 Enemy Type: Non-Equippable Default Special Abilities: Instant win after comment: "Alright, NOW I'm mad!! Fluffy! Swat this fly for me!" Attack 1: Does not attack, instead hovers in air and taunts you with various comments during its turn: "Go back to school, fool." "Did you try to hit me? Did YOU really try to hit ME?" "Maybe with Spears you could 'hit me with your best shot.'" "My little Hamster hits harder than you." "Face it - you're DOOOOMed." "You have to AIM! I'm standing right in front of you." "Can't touch this." "Toucha toucha toucha touch me." "How odd - mosquitoes in space?" "You're still wearing the Dunce Cap from Combat 101 class." "Don't disturb me, I'm making evil plans." "Perhaps you should use the Force instead of the Farce." "I'm not seeing stars yet!" "Hurry up and try and shut me up." "That felt more like a kiss, ewww" "Who tickles me?" "Alright, NOW I'm mad!! Fluffy! Swat this fly for me!" (Note: You are dealt 800-1,300 damage after this comment) Image: Doom Lord Thanks to Shiitake Warrior for the updated damage info, x blue flame97 for help with the quotes, and svinx for the better pic
< Message edited by golden1231 -- 10/15/2011 23:28:55 >