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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Vakametru

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10/12/2008 20:18:33   

Ha I Have Now Posted On The Fifth Page I Own It!
You own a page of MY thread? I don't think so, good sir ;P
Family Guy?
The Simpsons?
Chuck Norris FTW!!!
What a meme ;)
Who Is Brian?
I couldn't tell you; you'd implode if you knew.
If I Am Right About Who Brian Is Then...!
Gah, grammar!
Toronto Blue Jays Or Chicago Red Sox?
Birds or socks? Mmn, socks.
Favorite Mod?
All of them ^_^
Favorite Admin?
All of them ^_^
Favorite AK?
All of them ^_^
Those Are My Questions Now You Will Provide Me With Answers Or Else...!

Or else?! O:
And i Tend To Use This Color So What Shall I Change It To?
Nothing - I like blue :)
And I Do Not Think Anyone Edits In This Color But I Think Someone Edits In This Color! Yes Those Are Two Different Colors!
I can tell, I can see the codes ;P Someone will, I bet you :P

Razerbyte, please can you look at my new rule. I'm really sorry to have to do that, but you're just all very eager! Haha!


Hi again :)
I Have Seen Brian!
That is not MY Brian. You wouldn't be typing this if you found Brian ;)
Say Good Bye To My Sig Its Getting Replaced!
*Me waves byebye to Razerbyte's sig*
So New Rule?
Yes, indeedy. You're all very eager beavers, aren't you! ;D
Canada !
US !
!woN roF llA stahT woeM woeM fooW fooW!
And a good bark bark, grr, grr, oo oo aah oo oo, moo to you too.
* Implodes After Seeing Brian!*
That's more like it ;)

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:40:22 >
Post #: 101
10/12/2008 20:24:28   

Well. It's me ... again. Getting tired of me?
Not of you :P

This thread's turned into QUITE Teh Randomness. You gonna lock it soon?
*Prays for Thursday*

You go to L&L often? I'm thinking of joining their community.
I've posted in the Writing Academy; they're are some very nice people there.

If so, will you be my mentor if I join?
Of course I will! Tehe

Maybe I'll start posting in a different color. Any suggestions?
A nice pink, to match your skin tone ;)

I don't have any more questions. Bye! *snuggles*

~Takes Bus This Time

*Bus crashes into a flag pole, and topples into a wall*

marvin, I really appreciate the enthusiasm, but could you please look at my new rule. Sorry! And thank you! :)

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:07:06 >
DF  Post #: 102
10/12/2008 20:31:47   

Congratz on teh AKship.
Thanks Zelinker!
RP much?
Not at all :/ I may do though: one day!
There you go ;P
Bah...not much other randomness to say...used it up on Alexandrite >.<
Damn Alexandrite! ;P Tehe

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:08:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 103
10/12/2008 20:38:30   
A Twisted Thought

And now my second onslaught of violent interrogation helping of friendly inquiries (:
Haha, bring it ;)
Once again, how's it hanging?
All cool and ready :)
How's your new nickname sticking?
Vakky's good and ready to go ;P
Is your cell a tad brighter with your new sig to light the way?
It's like a beacon of hope ^_^
Why must forumites spam?
Because we're all not perfect? ;P
If the yellow brick road leads to Oz, then where does the golden stone path lead?
The pub.
If we were both standing face to face, and someone handed you a trout, telling you to slap me around with it, would you?
Depends on the trout, and your facial expression ;)
What is your favorite genre of music?
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
In University, or just leaving it, going into the profession I've always wanted to do, I suppose! Good question by the way :)
And again, I'm afraid this is farewell, my dear Vakky. I'm now off to bribe every forumite I can find to post at least one question until the new page comes up, at which point, I can come bother you again.
Ahaha, by all means do, but first look at my first post again (:

Bye ATT ^__^

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:12:35 >
AQ  Post #: 104
10/12/2008 21:26:28   

1. Why are these threads so addicting?
Because I'm that great?
2. Any answers you have to questions I haven't asked? I can't think of any.
>.> That's a bit general, haha.
3. *sigh*
4. /cry
*Points and laughs*
No, that's cruel.
*Just points*

5. If an ant walks into a bar and he reverts the dimensional boundaries by twisting the threads of time fabrification, will I still be allowed to eat him?
No! He should be revered as a God!
6. Poison, or POISE on?
Oo, Poise please ^_^
7. rawr.
Answered, actually! xD
8. OMG, do you like totally hate this kind of talk?
Tehe, I suppose :P
9. Will you stop looking at me in that tone of voice?
Huzza whasa?
10. It's 1:00 PM
No its not - it's 16:15!

Silversqord08, I really do appreciate all the questions, but please could you look at my new rule. I'm really sorry, and thanks for all the questions!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:16:18 >
AQ DF  Post #: 105
10/12/2008 21:40:44   
methrunes dagon

hahaha you shall become part of me. YOU ARE MY FIRST SACRIFICE! what do you say to that?
*Backs away slowly?*
what is your favorite bionicle series?
I only watched/played the first one.
mine is the first one
favorite bionicle character?
The green one, and Vakama. Hence the name, apparently ;P
mine is the first white one
Oo, I liked him too :)
i'm gonna start talking in elvish ok?
Raggle Fraggle?
No thanks; I'm full.
Hmm....good answer.
Thank you!
why do you AKs hate me so?
No one hates you methrunes dagon, infact, quite the opposite :)

methrunes dagon, I've gotta ask you to stop posting new questions. This is because of my newest rule; I'm really sorry!

ok, but the think is, i read teh comics and never wached the movies. but, the who is Vakama?

< Message edited by methrunes dagon -- 10/14/2008 16:46:58 >
DF  Post #: 106
10/12/2008 23:34:57   

I smell a new AK...
I smell that bad? O:
Oh, hello there, Vaka! :D
iChar! *snuggles!*
What is your name?
Vakametru! Silly iChar ;D
What is your quest?
To find the Holy Grail, of course. And to make a big cookie, too.
What is the average airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
136746mph. Could you imagine if a swallow flew that fast? ;P
That is all.
Buh bye ^_^ *huggles*

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:20:32 >
Post #: 107
10/13/2008 0:17:32   

Mehehe... I'm BACK! Err.... AGAIN!
Haha, hello.
1. Why do I keep posting questions?
Because you've not read my new rule? ;)
2. What happened to TOONAMI?!
They died, clearly :P
3. (Following up from my last question post... thing) Yes, Gods have last names. Jesus Crist. SO... What is Brian's last name?
We named Jesus, Jesus Christ. In his time, he was called Jesus of Nazereth, I believe. So in response to your question: Brian does not have a last name.
Say the first thing that pops into your mind when you read the following words...
4. October 14
5. December 21, 2012
My friends party.
6. You
7. Me
8. Earth
9. OCC
You spelt it wrong? xD
10. Artix Entertainement
Adam Bohn. Yay :D
Once AGAIN...

Thanks Sparker!

Hey Sparker, due to my new rule, I've gotta ask for this to be your last post. I'm really sorry, and thank you for all the questions!
Oh snap.

< Message edited by Sparker -- 10/14/2008 18:41:28 >
AQ DF  Post #: 108
10/13/2008 4:48:20   

Once per page, right?
This has to be the last time KFC, I've decided in my new rule! But bring on these questions! ;)

So, will you support me in my conquest to take over the PM system, and then the forum?
Urm, I think that would contradict my obligations as AK. So no, sorry :P

THEY know.
Aren't I part of THEY, if we're talking about the same thing? :P

Ah, so you know this move?
Yes. It's as silly as that film where the whale jumps over the boy...I don't know the name.

What? You haven't watched Free Willy?
That's the one! No, I haven't.

You should.
O rly?

Do u liek pie?
Do you?

Do you expect me to answer that?
Well, you did smash my favourite pie dish.

No, the cat did it.
Oh right. Well, I'll just use the one I use for fried noodles. I like fried noodles.

I like fried noodles too.
O: What a coincidence! :)

Hey KickingFriedCats, just have to say to look at the first post. Sorry, and thank you!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:27:43 >
AQ  Post #: 109
10/13/2008 13:33:51   
Gorzan the Green Mage

Fear me. I am back. I think.

What is you- o.o *notices iChar got the Monty Python reference in their first*
Tehe :P

Well itll be shorter this time.
I doubt that ;P

To restore the life you lost, have you developed an interest in manga?
.. Yes?

*whistles* a whole page of unanswered questions. Not looking good. Am I adding to the torture? Nah, youre delighted to see me right? Right? RIIIIGHT?
Yes. I. Am. Happy. To. See. You.

o.o *sees a twisted thought in here, waves* Wow, you is lucky to get to see so many good OOCers heres..best place to be an AK.
You're right - it is! There are many friendly members here! :)

Waitasec...you and twisted knows each other? :D? ME TOOS! *and not just as another of his darn admirers in OOC....darn his admirability*
Oh yes we do :P I know! He is very admirable, no? :)

SO AKness, out of ten?


Thoughts on Afroninja games?
Never played O:

O_O YOU LIKE THE KILLERS? At last, someone else! Favourite song? (plz dun say mr brightside...Sams town/bones/dont shoot me santa clause are win)
Nah nah nah. Hot Fuss = win. Sam's Town and Sawdust were good, just not as good. Day & Age is looking great though!


o.o sorry its still long. Oh well. The torturous replying to posts should get so bad that you eventually get numb.
[/standard protocol of what you tell someone to make them not fear the rest of their lives despite its falseness]
Lmao, that was long winded maybe? ;P

Peace outskis!

Your resident brownie-muncher, Gorzan (again)

P.S - Please look at my new rule :) Thanks for all the questions Gorzan!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:32:19 >
AQ  Post #: 110
10/13/2008 15:07:34   

Congrats on the AKship.
Thanks ChaoticFlame.

Gonna be corrupted by teh powerz anytime soon?!
Wait? You mean I'm not supposed to?
Uh oh...

You hate me? How about now? Now? How about... NOW?!
I've never have/will hate/hated you O:

Bleah, I'm getting bored. -.-'
Thanks for the interest (!) xD

Later noob-AK-member-creature.
And I'm the mean one? ;P


< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:33:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 111
10/13/2008 15:36:38   

im going to stop bothering you by posting in here...
Well, my new rule means this has to be your last one, Dil. Sorry!

if you show us alla screenie of how our post appear to an AK
It doesn't look much different, haha.

you don't really have to do that


sorry for bothering you wont due it again
You haven't bothered me, it's just very hard to edit all these questions :P

this is so addicting
I can tell!

thank you for posting in my poll it made my day for an Ak to post their without locking it.
Aww, your welcome Dil! Thank you for taking the time to comment here :)

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:35:42 >


My YouTube!
AQ  Post #: 112
10/13/2008 15:42:02   

Ok, this thread is going to be locked for a day or two, so I can catch up on all the last questions.
I'm really excited that you're all so eager, but please don't post too much. I made a new rule, but I think that's going to change.

From now on, if you've already posted twice before, PLEASE do not post again. Please feel free to expand on my answers by editing your previous posts, but do not create a whole new set. However, if you do have any serious questions, feel free to PM me.

And thanks again for all your excitement! Makes me feel special :D

Edit: Unlocked! All questions answered. Following my new rule, if you do want to expand on my answers try to make them noticeable so I can catch them, tehe. Thank you to everyone whose already posted twice, and sorry that your enthusiasm can't be continued. I do have alot to do ;P Sorry again!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 11:38:01 >
AQ  Post #: 113
10/14/2008 12:14:56   

You forgot my post :d
Edited now - sorry!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/14/2008 13:35:13 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 114
10/14/2008 19:25:46   
Banned - Duplicate

oohhhhh touture time...
who do you prefer The Beatles or Queen???
The Beatles ;)
Is Tweetybird a boy or a girl???
He's a boy.
Have you read twilight??? great book...
I LOVE those books. Especially Breaking Dawn.
How are you liking the tourture??
It's ever sp painful. ;P
What AE games do u play???
AQ and DF, mainly.
Have you ever heard of home star runner it relly funny AE has aucally put refrences of it in their games
I haven't, no! Sorry
and yes the first 2 are aucal arguments my friends n i get in at school along with many more... :) Beatles ROCK!!!
I can understand the first one, lol.
oh and why are all AKs obbsesed with cookies i prefer cornbread yummmmmmm cornbread...
I'm not obsesed O: I like all food xD Hence why I r VORACIOUS. Nom nom nom.
Mcain or Obama... Mcain all the way
I wouldn't know, I don't follow the election. I'm not American :P
Getting Carpel Tunnel yet???


< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:50:35 >


so sad obama is president.... oh well theres always canada
MQ  Post #: 115
10/14/2008 22:32:19   
Feral Fenrir

WHAT! A new AK? Why didn't I see this before?! And why haven't I heard of you?
You probably haven't heard of alot of members, Feral Fenrir. I certainly haven't heard of you ;)

Not especially, I've read worse, hehe.

Isn't that a fruit?

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Not much. I've never had a Klondike Bar.

In a fight between Chuck Norris and Mr. T, who would walk out with the other's hair in hand?
So. Vakametru. Is there a story behind that?
I'd read the questions before you :P
Greatest guitar solo of all time? I think Tornado Of Souls.
I wouldn't know, I don't pay much attention to the guitar solos xD I'm more of a lyrics man, myself.

Prolly not, this'll be locked before you realise I've answered xD Thanks for the questions!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:52:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 116
10/14/2008 23:19:34   

Who are you? And don't just say your name. New AKs seem to be many... too many? There's what, five or six for the OOC?

Not really. There are FOUR OOC AK's, two of which (including me) are active every day. It's VERY hard to do our job as efficiently as possible, especially in the OOC! The more the better, to be honest.

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:54:09 >
Post #: 117
10/15/2008 2:38:27   

Hi again.
Hey Divinity!
I'm going to go brutally criticize your story tomorrow.
Story? You mean poetry? :P
And if it isn't up to standards, no Falerin-made puff pastries for you!
I've had them before. Nom nom nom ;P
(I stole them, so I have to give them away quick.)
Haha, I'd like to see what happens to you if Fal finds out ;P
Meh. How would you describe yourself?
Friendly, happy. Generally xD
My Godsister just had a baby. Do you like babies?
I have baby fever currently. Don't ask me why O:

Why Vakametru?
Check StupIdiots questions for that :P
Done, I'll see you around. I know I can't post here again.
*Snuggles Divinity* Thank you!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:56:01 >
AQ DF  Post #: 118
10/15/2008 3:55:48   

Congratulations! On Ak!
How does it feel! Having the power to delete!!!
Great ;D
Wat is your fav0rite vIde0s
I have many!
How would you eat cake? Like Twilly?
In one, generally ;D
Okay just 5 questions. Whats done is done.
Thanks, see you soon! :)

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:57:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 119
10/15/2008 5:04:46   

Hi, Vakametru!
Hey SilentKiller! Odd avvy for a name like that ;P
Congrats on being an ArchKnight!
Thank you!
Do you enjoy your promotion?
Oh yes :)
Pie? Cake?
Yum! Yum!
Have fun! Bye!
Thank you,byee!

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:58:19 >
Post #: 120
10/15/2008 6:50:13   
Ash The Phantom

'Ello, Vakametru!
Good day to you sir ;)
Bionicle fan, I see. Me too! XD
WAS. :/
Are you still into Bionicle?
Look at previous answer xD
What's you're favorite forum feature?
Uurm, the avatars? :D
MP3 Player of choice? :P
iPod Nana Chromatic. <3<3<3
We'll both type something random on three.


Kidney Bean!
Kidney Bean!
Ok, I've wasted enough of your time.
Hehe, see you soon :)
Laterz! :D
Bai bai ^_^

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 12:59:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 121
10/15/2008 16:10:55   

Hello there, it is time for me to ask my questions. You better answer honestly or risk attracting the wrath of the Dark Master mwuahahahaha! Cough, where was i? Oh right.
Shoot ;)
1) What do you think of this quote

“Is the improvement of your body a corruption? Greater strength, agility, regeneration, senses, such things would be considered a blessing to thousands, no! Tens of thousands of humans across the world! And you dare call it corruption!”

Very... powerful. Knowing you, xehanort, a quote from a game? Tehe
2) Do you know what a Nimmy is?
No :S
3) Do you know who Malefor is?
No, haha.
4) What is your greatest fear?
5) The world just went straight to hell
7) If a Nimmy is trying to eat you what do you do? Note that killing them is nearly impossible.
Eat him! Nom nom nom.
8) Want the Virus?
If it's going spare, sure.

9) Who is your favorite fictional villain?
Oh, definitely the Joker.
10) Am i crazy? *giggles*
Slightly? ;P

Here are my questions, answer or feel HIS wrath! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!
*Smotes with the AK Hammer* ;D

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 13:02:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 122
10/15/2008 17:42:27   
Darkflame of Ebil
Eternal Flame

/me pounces
/me pouncesnugglereturns!
I has three questions for you.

1) Have you learned....*eye shift* How NOT TO BE SEEN? *eye shift*
No ): I have to hide behind Eukky for the time being.
2) Ever pulled an all-nighter? If not, whens the latest you have ever stayed up till?
Oh aye. I'm an all-nighter kind of guy! xD
3) If you were to learn a new song on any instrument, what would said song and instrument be?
Comptine D'un Autre Ete on the Piano, please.
Byes. Remember, you get used to the shackles ;)
Oh, thank goodness. Here I was thinking my hands would be bleeding forever! ;)

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 13:03:50 >
Post #: 123
10/16/2008 9:47:24   
Master Samak
Steward Leprechaun

This is going to be #124?! Goodness, that's a lot....

But anyway, hello, Vatametru!
VATAMETRU?! o: ;_;
I think I'll not add to your burden of answering all these questions too much.
Tehe, like I you, Samak? ;)

1. You have a zombie-like scarecrow as your avatar. Is that your persona? Does it tie in with your shackles? :D
It's saying Brains. It wants to eat brains. I eat alot too. There's your connection ;) xD
2. How does it feel to patrol through a place that many dare not to go, where reality and all that we knew to be true is radically altered, where happiness and its followers are suppressed by raw, directly opinionated randomness(or not so random....)?
Oh, lok what you've done! I've gone and peed my pants! It's not that bad ;P

Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight! With any luck, I'll see you around the corner! XD
Thank choo Master S ;D *cuddles*

Master Samak

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 13:05:28 >
AQ DF  Post #: 124
10/16/2008 11:38:55   

1. When do three and a quarter wrongs make a right?
Well, three quarters is 270 degrees, no? And 'a right' is 90 degrees. 90 is a multiple of 270, so mathematically, three quarter wrongs DO make a right :D:D:D
2. When can you see best with no light?
When the sun's out? Haha
3. Who is the terror that FLAPS in the night?
You of course, Rimblade! ;)
4. Do you think that questions arranged entirely around a simple rhyme scheme bite?
Bite AWESOMNESS, yes. :)
5. Okay, if you could create matter using only your mind, what color would it be?
Multicoloured, mebbe?
6. Under what circumstances would you prefer to stay in bed?
7. If you were to consider the issue fully, and came to the realization that, in short, without any further ado, all things being as they are, as determined by the laws of nature which set upon mankind no detriment which cannot be fully defeated by the utilization of that supreme rationale which has for so many centuries been considered the sole and divine gift bestowed upon the human animal which, viz a viz, cannot be explained, what would occur in that sense?
Brain. ;D
8. Do you have anything further to add?
Toilet paper.
Thank you!
You're welcome!! :) :)

< Message edited by Vakametru -- 10/16/2008 13:07:41 >
Post #: 125
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