So, I've got a topic. We all know Valentine's Day is coming, so we should all be expecting the gushy, mushy love of the time. But with all of that gushy love, there is a group of people who have no one to share the feelings with. Whether their love is unrequited or nonexistent, they have no mushy love to show. So what do they show instead? Anger? Depression? Sadness? Apathy? When you think of an emotion, like love, there is always an opposite that is just as strong. Similarly, everything has opposites and rivals. Sports teams like the New York Yankees have rivals; lifestyle choices like chastity or abstinence have opposites; even artistic premises have opposites. For 3D, the opposite is 2D. For embellishment, there is minimalism. For light, there is shadow. (tl;dr) I say all that in order to ask this: If you took everything in your tags, everything you did to make the flow perfect, and the colors perfect; the lighting exact and the focal blended just right... If you took all that and flipped it on its head - chaos in the place of order, colors in chaos rather than harmony, lights and shadows reversed - do you think the work of art would be as powerful? The direct opposite of love is hate, and these are two of the strongest emotions known to man. If you take the ideas of a perfect tag and do the exact opposite, would you be left with a different type of perfection? (tl;dr2) At least read the last paragraph. It's not that hard.