Azza Kadellya Location: There's No Place like Oaklore Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue Azza Kadellya: I've been waiting for you, my pretties. Azza Kadellya: I've been watching you since you met my nauseatingly good sister, the Sandwitch. Azza Kadellya: <Character>, you've been meddling where you aren't wanted for too long and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Azza Kadellya: Ruining perfectly laid plans just because you think they're "evil" or "going to destroy the world." Azza Kadellya: You've been slaughtering yagas since you were a young hero, just knee- high to sneevil! It's GOT to stop! Azza Kadellya: Now you're trying to train more of you? Did you even explain the advantages of being bad to your little pactogonal pupil? Azza Kadellya: It's not too late for you, little Knight. I could use a Captain of the Guard. Azza Kadellya: Just think, command of my soldiers, a snazzy black uniform, the ability to chant rousing and inspirational nonsense song as you patrol... Azza Kadellya: Oooh, "evil is so bad!" Blah blah blah. "It feels good to help people!" Yadda yadda yadda. Well, if you won't take my offer... Azza Kadellya: Heroes are so smug when they thing they're right. Fine! I'll get you, <Character>, and your little protege, too! quote:
In the recent sequel of "The Wizard of Oz", called "Tin Man", the main antagonist was a sorceress named Azkadellia. Obviously, someone on the development team liked the mini-series. Thanks to -- Suranjan for image. -- Altair for information. -- Stephen Nix for corrections.
< Message edited by Peachii -- 4/29/2016 6:22:56 >