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=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Coyote (Formerly Versilaryan)

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12/24/2008 1:09:31   

Greetings and salutations from my little world to yours. I am the Crazy Coyote, the Vafrous Vulpix, the Literary Lucario... You get the point. Anyhow, this is the thread where you get to ask me questions, and I get to answer them to the best of my ability.
Back to Vafrous Vulpix, by popular demand.
/me kicks the L&L forum =P

But first, let me lay down some ground rules so that I don't go into a coma halfway through and leave your questions unanswered.
1) Only ten questions per post. I was a troublemaker back in the day and asked about eighty on average -- With that in mind, I can tell you that it's a waste of both my time and yours.
2) You may only post three times. I can only answer so many of them without running out of witty replies.
3) Avoid rather personal questions. If I don't want to answer it, I don't have to. I'll try my best to answer all of them, but if there's something that makes me uncomfortable, then it stays blank.
4) Follow the Universal Rules and the AQW Forum Rules. Rather self-explanatory. Break Da Rules, and I will bite you.

I also recommend you go through and make sure your question hasn't been asked and answered before. If I answer the same question over and over, I get bored. And bad things happen around a bored coyote. Clyde can affirm that.

Some preliminary Q/A:
I am male. Don't let my AQW character fool you -- I am a writer first and foremost, and if that means that my RP character Versy is a girl, then so she'll stay.
I live in the United States.
My hobbies include gaming, writing, composing, performing (music and theater), and warning random forumites making friends. =D
My favorite music genres are progressive rock (more on the psychedelic end of things) and hard rock. I'll listen to pretty much just about anything else, though.
And yes, I know that I'm quite a bit late in posting this -- I got transferred here a couple months ago. But better late than never, eh?

If you're not familiar with the MtAK process, check it out here. I'll be answering questions like this. I'll be closing this thread on New Year's Eve whenever I feel like closing it. Don't forget to follow the rules, and post away! n_n

< Message edited by Coyote -- 12/31/2008 2:29:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
12/24/2008 1:12:20   
Legendary Artist!


Edit: HAHAHHA I posted be4 ALL of yas! >:D
/me bites Clyde
"First post!" comments and the like are highly discouraged because of their spammy nature. I'm going to have to keep an eye on you from now on.

Mini-modding an AK, tsk, tsk Versy. I thought I taught you a lot better than this. *writes a warning*
You taught me? I was AK'd at least a year before you were. =P /me writes a warning for spreading false information

Who made you a Pokemon, huh? :p
/me recalls an incident in #L&L that involved a coyote, a Vulpix costume, and a Clyde.

How's life?
Good. "Life" might not be the right word by New Year's, though. XP

Why did Croncler cross the road?
He wanted to wish his neighbor a merry Christmas. Geez, Clyde, are you blind?
Yes. ;_;

It's always ______'s fault? :o
Clyde E.
I don't know a Clyde E. :o

Squirtle! Squir! Squirtle?
[auraspeak]Yes, indeed.[/auraspeak]

If you were in a PokeContest what move would you show off?
AURA SPHERE! /me does so
...Blame TG. >_>

Is Ael the nicest Mod evar!?
Yep. n_n
/me eyes the Problem Stick and hopes Fal didn't hear him say that

You! A trouble maker!? Nowai :P
I'm vafrous for a reason, y'know. As if my joke papers and sleeping in class every other day weren't enough of an indication. (Now, kids, don't try this at home!)

Do you read the Zardian?
Nope. >_>

Do you read my articles specifically? :o
Nope! n_n

Haha 'nuff torture
Torture? You're the one that took an Aura Sphere to the face.

/me snugattackles

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 17:28:29 >
Post #: 2
12/24/2008 1:13:39   
The Game
Pegasus Overlord

Heya Versy!
Heya, Wolfie!

Lucario! Use Aura Sphere on Clyde for no apparent reason. :D
*uses TeeGee as a shield* ;_;
You cannot use the trainer as a shield! D:<
Normally, I wouldn't obey you, but I'm not the sort to pass up a good excuse. =D

So, are you ready for some hazing? :o
Hairspray is /not/ fun to get out of fur, y'know. ;_;

If a truck crashes into a cow and nobody is around to see it, can I take your order?
No way! That's MY roadkill! Get your own! D=<

That's all I got. Bye!
/me munches happily on a cow

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 1:35:51 >
AQ  Post #: 3
12/24/2008 1:15:48   

Season's greetings to you, as well!

can i have a cookie?
All cookies go to Ael, Fal, Scakk, and then me. >:D
i baked u a cookie... but i eated it. D=

Do you know yourself?
No, but the voices in my head seem to know me quite well.
...Shut up, Frank!

Where is your AK cell located? (I'm planning a mass break out of all the ak's but don't tell the mods)
All the way in the back. The others seem to have grown weary of my rambling.
...No, the taser has NOTHING to do with it. >_>

Which mod is your favorite?
Angel's one of the nicest people I've ever met. But Fal's got one of the coolest moderating styles I've ever seen.

Where is waldo?
In Carmen, San Diego.

thanks congratz
You're welcome, and thanks!

let's be friends!
...As if I don't get enough of those PM's already...

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 1:40:51 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
12/24/2008 1:25:00   
Master Number 300


What level is your aqw chracter?
Fourteen, right now. I've given up farming, but I do make sure I play all the new releases.

House or Greys anatomy?
Never watched either.

Do you like sports?
They're fun, from time to time. Meaning, when I'm not getting my butt kicked by someone who's actually somewhat decent at them. XP
But I have played soccer, basketball, and tennis on some small, minor team before. I've taken swimming lessons, and I took Tae-Kwon-Do for several years. I never did get serious about any sport -- though I'm considering going back into martial arts. I need the exercise.

whats your favorite type of dog?
Siberian Husky. I own one. n_n

Thats it for now

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 1:44:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 5
12/24/2008 1:29:20   

Umbreon! Bre? Um.

Why do you prefer Lucario over Lugia?
Because Lucario's just that much cooler.
Also because I just don't like legendaries that much. If they aren't overpowered, they're sorely underpowered. The simple fact that you can catch them kind of messes around with the whole "legendary" idea, IMO.

Why Vulpix? Wouldn't you rather be an elegant Ninetales?
Vulpix comes off to me as the playful type. Ninetales comes off to me as the regal type. And I'm anything /but/ regal and elegant. I tried to, for a couple weeks, once.
Needless to say, it didn't work out too well.

*passes Versy a fire stone*
/me pockets it with no effect =P

That's it for now. *Uses Faint Attack and vanishes*

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 1:48:42 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
12/24/2008 1:32:12   

Oh... By the way, I guess I just lost you, Mr. Game.


Progressive Rock you say? Have you heard of...
Porcupine Tree?

King Crimson?
Porcupine tree?

Gentle Giant?
Porcupine tree!?

Yes? (I reaaaaalllly hope you've heard of Yes if you consider yourself a prog rock fan)
I've heard of them. Haven't really heard much of them, though.
When I say "prog rock", I don't mean the 'old' prog rock like Coheed and Cambria and Rush (though they certainly are good bands). I'm talking about the fusion of rock and post-modern music, where you've got people like Jon Pettruci shredding solos in 5/8 time, or Steve Wilson singing in 7/16. Unusual chord progressions are always a plus -- even more so if they use bitonalism. Unfortunately, I've only found a few songs that actually use bitonalism.

Van Der Graf Generator?
Never heard of 'em.

Fates Warning? (They're closer to prog metal than prog rock... but meh).
Sounds familiar.

Let y be in S (S is a set), let x be in R^n-S (the compliment of S), can S (which is a subset of R^n) be an open set if for y, x, and all epsilon greater than 0, |y-x|<epsilon? (To clear things up, x and y are in R^n and epsilon is in R)
I'm still on integrals! Don't confuzzle me with your hard maths! D=<

Oh... and what's your favourite video game?
I'd have to say Sly 2: Band of Thieves. Excellent gameplay, intriguing plotline, and enough to keep me amused for twelve hours straight. THAT is a feat all in itself.

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 1:54:34 >
AQ DF  Post #: 7
12/24/2008 1:33:33   
Crystal Lion

Boy, it's been a long time since I last participated in a MtAK thread.
Well, you're back, now! =D

Do you like lions? What do you think of my character's name?
When I see your name, I envision the Pridelord (or whatever it's called) in DF, except it's colored a bright blue and it's got a glossy sheen to it.
But lions are cool. =D

Why do you love coyotes?
Why do you like lions?
Coyotes have long been associated with trickster types, like Loki. The archetypal coyote = the archetypal fox, which symbolizes slyness and cleverness. And what can ya say? Tricksters are cool. =O

Do you know what Furcadia is?
That online chat/RPing thing that spawned DMFA, one of my favorite webcomics? I've seen it, heard of it, but never bothered to do anything with it.

Have you heard of 'The Young Adventurers'? It's a story that used to be on these forums 3 years ago. You can find it on Fanfiction.net under the pen name 'Lion of Nightmares'.
I've never heard of it. Up until about two years ago, I avoided L&L like the plague. All the way up until Fal implimented the approval system and cleared out the cesspool of one-liners, but that's a different story.

That's all for the time being. Fare well.

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 2:07:49 >
Post #: 8
12/24/2008 1:46:28   
Archon Hellzvog

Sup, just here for playful banter and meaningless conversing
I'm up for both. Especially the meaningless conversing. I'm /especially/ good at that. n_n

like narcissism....
HAH! Oh, the memories... XD

So, what's your favorite color?
Three guesses, and the first two don't count. =P

How many fingers am I holding up in the picture of myself during winter of '04 on the back of my mantel.
Eleven, actually. You drew an extra finger onto the photo during a spout of boredom one rainy summer day.

Chicken or the Egg?
Chickens are tastier.

What is? (no typos here XD)
"To be, or not to be: that is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to bear arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them?"

What, indeed, is existence? Am I, simply because I think? But it is this thought, this ability to reason, to question, to ponder that leads me to ask whether I exist. For all I know, everyone else is actually a robot designed just to make my stay in The Matrix that much more realistic. Which brings up another question -- what is reality? Reality is the concrete, yet reality fluctuates around us every day. The imaginary can be made reality -- and the other way around to. This brings me to believe that...

...You can stop me at any time, y'know. >_>

Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest, Chuck Norris? or Raptor Jesus?
Chuck Norris. Because while Jesus is only the son of God, Chuck Norris /is/ God.

What's your favorite food?
I'm going to be generic and say pizza.

Do you ever refer to yourself in the 3rd person?
Once in a while. Versilaryan does it for fun, sometimes.
...HA! Bet you didn't see that one coming!

Do you think talking to yourself is weird IF you are the only intelligent enough person to have a conversation with?
No! I can and will talk to myself whenever I so please. Even if I can have a conversation with someone more intelligent than I am. Y'see, I don't know if that person can amuse me as easily as I amuse myself. And a bored coyote is not a very fun coyote to have around.
See? I'm so selfless, thinking about the mental healths of others! =D

Thanks for your time, and may your Q&Aing be long and fruitless >=-D
No, thank YOU for your time, and may the rest of your life be arduous yet futile. n_n

Seriously though, Merry ChristMaHannaKwanzaKah
Happy holidays. n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 2:19:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
12/24/2008 1:54:12   

heeeey wazzup versilaryan!

1-where did u get your name?
Random name generator. XP Ver'yan became Versilaryan. I was so proud of myself, that I promptly had my name changed to it (it was much more original than my previous username, anyhow).
...Obviously, I didn't put very much thought into that decision. XD

2-df, aq, mq, or aqw?
DF and AQW. AQ is so-so -- Fal's an amazing writer and all, but the plotline got so twisted, tangled, and downright complicated that I lost interest. MQ has a few fatal flaws in its game design where it is one hundred percent absolutely necessary to farm for large amounts of time in order to actually get somewhere. It's better than it was, but still bad, IMO.

3-ninjas, samurai or pirates >.>
Ninjas. Those dratted pirates keep stealing from Versy's underwater horde.

4-do u love or hate ramen?
I'll eat it from time to time. Not the best stuff in the world, though.
/me waits for the assassination attempts

5-fav game?
Sly 2: Band of Thieves, for reasons mentioned above. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was another good one.

6- 360, ps3, or wii?
Wii. 360 if I want good graphics. PS3's faaaar out of the picture.

7-wow i actually came up with 6 questions!
Congrats! =D Have a cookie!

8-wait that last one wasnt a question was it?
Congrats! =D Have another cookie!

9-mmmmmmmmm ok, zune or ipods?
I have an iPod mini (a /really/ old one). Never tried Zune, but I hear that it's a lot better.

10-whop would win in a fight? chuck norris or black belt jones!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Belt_Jones
Chuck Norris, for reasons stated above.

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 2:26:08 >
Post #: 10
12/24/2008 2:43:23   
Space is where I lie

Me vs. ilaryan! /incredibly bad pun
Better than my own Rai sense of humor. =P

Your MtAK is even later than mine? Impossible!
Possible. I still retain my position as laziest AK! =P

I will ask the same riddle: 4 cars are at a 4-way intersection. 1 at each side. They all take off at the same time and at the same speed (let's say 40 mph), why don't they crash into each other?
However, all of the cars, immediately upon taking off, stop. Through a series of nonverbal communications, they decide who should go first, second, third, and last. Thus, a tragic car accident is avoided and they all go back home safely to give their kids just-bought Christmas presents. n_n

How long did it take you to evolve from Riolu? :O
Quite a while. I was too lazy to make myself happy. =O

Now write me a 20-page essay about why people shouldn't write essays.
Because they're bad.
(Written with size two hundred font.)

Pants are just a myth.
That might explain why I feel an unusual draft from time to time. >_>

Merry holidays and a happy new cheer! :P
Happy holidays, and a happy new year to you, too. n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 13:52:57 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
12/24/2008 3:28:27   

No or Yes

Hiyas /replaces twilly head with normal bonnet
Hello! n_n

can i see you on AQW
If you happen to find me, then yes.

Y so serios
y so srs?

your last words would be
Why so serious?

i am 50% sane and 70%
Made of tuna fish.
...I'm making myself hungry right now. /me eyes MXZ

did you hear that
A song, a song high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea,
With a voice as big as the sea.

i have a cube of magic guess what it holds
Un-srs magic, I'd assume. I don't know of any other kind.

well thanks for lettting me ask stuff
No problem. n_n

*torture completed*
Oh, this is /nothing/ compared to the shackles.

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 13:58:07 >
MQ  Post #: 12
12/24/2008 4:03:42   
Master Merlin

Congrats on the AK Versilaryan!
Thanks! (though I technically got kidnapped by the mods AK'd over a year ago)
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to get rid of the font color so you can actually read my responses. >_>

1. Care for a spot of tea?
Yes. I'll take thirteen lumps of sugar, please.

2. Do you know the hidden location of Lepr' Khania?
I'm a Pokemon, not a figure of Irish mythology! Ask MasterSamak if you really want to know.

3. O' Rly?
Ya Rl'yeh.

4. <Insert witty comment here>
Hah! That has got to be one of the wittiest comments I have heard in a while!

5. Tea or coffee? Keep in mind that if you pick coffee I will slap you.
I pick both. They're both good for their own situations.

6. Did you know that I am the Grand Tea Lord of the Englishman's Sociely Of Tea Drinkers and also a Djinn?
...An English Djinn? I might as well call myself a Polish kitsune. >_>

7. Jacuse!

8. *Meow*

9. Something fishy is going on here... *fish comes out of the sky and slaps me*
/me noms the fish happily n_n

10. Am I insane?
Everybody is, to some degree. If you were one hundred percent sane, you'd be quite a boring person. =P

Happy Frostval!
And to all a good night. n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:04:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
12/24/2008 4:07:25   

/grats message
<insert generic message of thanks here>

1. You one of the person on irc? =p
Yep. I get on #battleon and #yulgarsinn from time to time. But I'm almost always in #aqw or the L&L channel.

2. Fun to be an AK?
Not without its vices. There are the rule-breakers, and occasionally an idiot who thinks he's above the rules.
But I got to meet a lot of new people, though it's always Clyde's fault. n_n

3. This IS the aqw GGD, expecting at least 10 pages?
That's why I have the 3 posts per person thing. If that fails, I'm going to keep this locked while I continue to edit answers in.
(This is going to be very much different from my L&L MtAK. XP)

4. Grats again
Thankies! n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:07:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 14
12/24/2008 4:16:33   


1: Blaziken vs Ditto, who would win?
Blaziken. Not only does it have higher base stats (Ditto's aren't too great), but Ditto would have to waste a turn by Transforming. Unless, of course, the Ditto was already Transformed into a water-type when Blaziken came out. In which case, the Ditto actually has a chance, depending on what moves it has and how much HP it's lost already.

2: The Dark Knight or Iron Man?
Dark Knight. I never saw Iron Man. >_>

3: Chocolate chip cookie or Pecan nut?
Chocolate chip. Can't go wrong with a classic.
Although, pecans do taste amazing.

4: Im awesome, are you?
Versilaryan. Nice to meet you, awesome. n_n

5: Wanna give me a cookie?
No! MY chocolate chips! D=

That's it for now.
Bye, then!

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:09:34 >
DF MQ  Post #: 15
12/24/2008 6:45:02   

Hi there ummm what was your name again?
Versilaryan, at your service.

Oh noez does that count as a question?
Yep, and this does, too. n_n

If ninja monkies steal your secret stash of cookies what would you do? (I had nothing to do with it :O)
Eat my real cookies happily. Those were poisoned. =D

Now if a ninja monkey also completely destroyed your house and stol your food then what would you do? (once again I did not organize the monkies to do this :O)
Did your monkeys say anything about my fake house going boom, too?

Now if someone's dragon ate your chicken (if you didn't have any you do now and now you don't) what would you do?
I'd reprimand that dragon. If this person can't control his dragon, I'm going to call Animal Control.

Now what would you do if I ran out of questions to tell?
Stop answering them, perhaps? >_>

If a pie was shot outta cannon at 20 mph and a kitten was 5 feet away from it how badly would the kitten get PWNed?
Not very much. The cannon fired at .5 MPH. Said kitten was a Nerfkitten.

If cows took over the world would sell hugers (Human burgers)?
Nom? Burgers are still burgers. >_>

Now stop looking at me like I organized the ninja monkies...What you say they left a note saying I their leader planned all this...I should have known they would rat meh out...Because I'm holding three of them hostage. Actually, not any more, 'cause they've complied with my demands! >=D

Well I will leave now my pie is done ummm baking yeah my pie is done baking :)
Have a nice ninja monkey free day!
And to you, too. n_n (I think I killed them all off, anyhow.)

[If you are reading this mooneeve has left you a season pass to ANTlantis and is probably miles away from you know give up going after him and take a vacation from you jail cell instead this message will now turn into bacon]
/me noms the bacon happily n_n

*End of message stop reading this*

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:17:00 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
12/24/2008 7:34:24   


1.What is you're favorite game system:


Nintendo:GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Advance, GameBoy Advanced SP, GameBoy Advanced Micro, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Light,
DS Lite. Unfortunately, I'm still stuck with my old, chunky DS. -.-

Sony:PSP-1000, PSP-2000, PSP-3000
None of them. They all cost too much.


Nintendo: NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii
Wii. Though the N64 had a lot of good game, too.

Microsoft:Xbox, Xbox 360
360. This one's actually backwards-compatible.

Sony:PS, PS2, PS3
PS2. PS3 was Epic Phail, IMO.

2.What are you're AQW classes?
I use mage and healer. They're the only two that look remotely decent on my charrie. =/

3.What is you're MQ, AQ, DF, and AQW LV? (Im posting AQW again because it may have changed since the last post.)
MQ: 14
AQ: *checks* 76.
DF: 29, soon to be 30.
AQW: Still 14.

4.What is you're favorite out of AE game?
Either DF or AQW. I can't decide.

5.What is you're favorie Video Game Charector, Out of An AE one.?
Zorbak. He's so comically ebil that he makes this cynical coyote laugh from time to time.

6.What was the best movie and game of '08?
Best movie: Dark Knight
Best game: I don't even know if Pokemon came out in 2008. The only games I've gotten this year are Pokemon and GH: World Tour, and the latter fell short of my expectations. =/

7.Favorite Animal? (Not Lucario, a real animal)
Canines in general. Minus terriers. They're cute and all, but they bark waaay too much.

8. Which is the best Pokemon game:

~~~Normal Series~~~

Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Firered, Leafgreen, Diamond, Pearl,
Hmm. Tie between Gold/Silver and Diamond/Pearl.

Stadium, Stadium 2, Colosseum, XD: Gale Of Darkness, Battle Revolution
Stadium 2. I haven't played any of them past that. XD

Snap, Snap DS, Pinball, Pinball: Ruby and Saphire, Mystery Dungeon Red, Mystery Dungeon Blue, Mystery Dungeon 2, Ranger, Ranger 2, Dash, Trozei!.
Pokemon Snap all the way.

That is all of the pokemon games, other then ones used for storing such as Pokemon Box.

9. How long do you think it took me to type the previous question?
Quite a while, I'd imagine. The only ones you missed that I caught are Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness. /me isn't too sure about the exact title

10. Do you want me to Shut Up now?
Not really.

I had to take alot of Questions out, I had 16.
Well, you've still got another two posts to go.

OK, Bye.

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:25:36 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
12/24/2008 7:50:42   

hello welcome

happu frostval
Happy Frostval to you, too. n_n

hows it like to be a AK
Tiring. Very tiring. The paparazzi in AQW don't help much, either. XP
But it's rewarding work. I get to know that I'm helping the forums become that much of a better place.

whos you favorite designer the undead slaying artix or the mad blackmsith cycero
The /character/ Cysero is my favorite of the two, but you just can't mess with Artix's original style and ideas. IMO, AQ has fallen into ruin ever since Artix left it for DF, then MQ, then AQW.

do you know any AK secerts
Yes, but they are secret secrets. They are not suitable for the mind of man.

do bleive that ingorance is bliss
Yep. The ignorant don't know about the problems in the world. Knowledge is power, but knowledge is a burden.

what is twilight to you the combining gof light and dark or anything that sound cool and witty
Twilight is a vampire chick flick that has gotten waaay too much hype.
...Oh, the word? Yeah, the combination of light and dark. The meeting of good and evil, the lingering uncertainty but with a guide rail to hold on to.

ummm whats your favorite AQ game
DF or AQW. I haven't played actual AQ for a looong tome.

what are you aholy paladin or a drak necromancer
I am the Trickster. I play the two against each other and then reap the spoils. =D

i cant think of any more question so goodbye i hope you enjot being an AK
Thanks! Have a wonderful day.


< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:32:06 >
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
12/24/2008 7:53:48   

Hey Welcome??

What's your Fav AE game??
/me is starting to get a little bored of this one. >_>

Can we be friends??
Sure. n_n

Name of your AQW character??
It's in the List of Usernames. Versilaryan, though I'm occasionally on Rychaeth Leithyr.

Do you watch Naruto Shippuden??
Nope. Only two mangas I've read are InuYasha (which I gave up after Naraku escaped for the ten billionth time), and Trinity Blood.

Fun to be an AK??
Sure. n_n

Happy Frostval!!
And a happy Frostval to you, too. n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:34:06 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
12/24/2008 8:02:25   


1.Not many questions mainly just hi
Well, hello, then.

2.But these numbers show up and now it seems i'm talking
The answer is yes.

3.Darn three now i'm really talking
No, I take that back. Bologna! And that IS my final answer.

4.Well how is it being an AK
/me is starting to get bored of this one, too.

5.Then theres the classic good or evil question so choose
Chaotic good. I try to be the mediator, though.

6+1=7.Well that's it goodbye (I don't like six i'm changing to seven)
Goodbye, then!

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 14:53:33 >
DF MQ  Post #: 20
12/24/2008 8:02:34   

1. Hello! *waves his plated hand*
Hello! /me waves his furry hand... paw... Whatever. >_>

2. Lets get down to business..... me wants the cookie :3
They are MY cookies. I shall call them Squishy, and they shall by my Squishy forever and ever.

3. Do you find my Character/Forum name interesting? Maybe even unique?
Unique, yes. Interesting? ...Meh, so-so. At this point, I'm /very/ used to seeing unique names.

4. What is your favorite Movie? *hopes you haven't already answered this or he gonna sue*
Dark Knight. (You lucked out. Someone asked what my favorite movie was /this year/. =P)

5. Will you spend at least five minutes with me on Sir Ver someday in AQW? or possibly try to beat Angelique record of a hour with me xD
If you can find me, then sure. Though I'm in #aqw all the time. It gets rather lonely in there. ._.

6. Zorbak or Twilly?
Zorbak. Twilly just isn't amusing enough.

7. I just realized I am boring :(
Aww. Don't think that.

8. You mean THAT! *crys*
That's right. /me hits Arkunasha with his Grammar Hammer
He CRIES, not crys!

9. I love you... wait what? O.o
I love you, too.

10. Anyway was fun hope you have a good Christmas/Frostvale and a happy New Year :)
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you, too. n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 15:02:12 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
12/24/2008 8:03:49   
Memory of a Nightmare

Hi and hello!
Greetings and salutations!

Lucario is my favourite Pokémon! I have one in Pokemon Diamond that's level 98! It's trained since level 1, I did not do the whole training myself though.
Yay! =D
...Cheater. =P

The original trainer did...

More questions....What's uber in your opinion in real life?
THIS (that's a link, by the by) is uber.

Mice, your opinion?
Tasty. =3

Say a random statement.
A random statement.
(No really, it was the first thing that came to mind.)

Was that true?
Not necessarily. =O

Do you read all questions before answering?
Nope. I just answer them as I go along.

Thanks! n_n

< Message edited by Memory of a Nightmare -- 12/24/2008 15:40:34 >
AQ DF  Post #: 22
12/24/2008 8:10:28   

'Ello Versilaryan 'n gratz on your AKship...-hic-

Do you RP much?
Not anymore. I write stories, now.

Hm...what's yer favorite pokemon game? -hic-
A tie between Gold/Silver and Diamond/Pearl.

/me is snuggled

Er...yeah...I...ran out of questions T_T
Aww. D=

Well, I'll be seeing you later! -hic-
...And get a glass of water, or something. Or coffee. >_>

/me staggers out
...Yep, coffee.


< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 15:11:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 23
12/24/2008 8:38:25   

1. Congrats on becoming an AK, Versilaryan!
Thanks. n_n

2. What is your favorite AE game?
/me swallows his comment
DF and AQW. Can't decide between those two.

3. What is your favorite Video game?
Sly 2: Band of Thieves.

4. What is your favorite location in AQW?
Hmm. Either the Lair, 'cause it's good farming, or Frostval, 'cause it's also good farming and the graphics look amazing.

5. Which server do you play on mostly in AQW, I would like to add you on my friends list?
I'm mostly on Sir Ver. And good luck with the friends list thing -- I deny just about all the requests I'm sent unless I am friends with the person before they add me. I have to deal with enough of them as it is.

6. Do you have a favorite armor in AQW that is your trademark one to use?
Mage. Looks better than sorcerer, IMO.

7. Who would win: Pikachu or Lucario?
Lucario all the way. Lucario can learn Earthquake, take Pikachu out immediately.

8. What is your favorite location in AQW to RP at?
I actually don't RP in AQW. Well... Mebbe when I'm using Rychaeth...

9. Thanks for all your hard work in the AQW forums.
Thanks! n_n

10. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Frostvale!
Merry Christmas, happy Frostval, and a happy New Year. n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 15:28:26 >


MQ AQW  Post #: 24
12/24/2008 8:57:55   

I've never done one of these before...
Well, now's a good place to start. I'll try not to bite ya. n_n

1. Ready to have fun listening to our pointless blabbering about an online game, that has apparently become our lives?
Actually, I learn a lot by doing that. Unfortunately, it means that a lot of things get spoiled before I actually get to them. ;_;

2. Do you play Pearl/Diamond?
Of course. =D

3. If so then what's your team composed of?
Weavile, Lucario, Wobuffet, Alakazam... There are quite a few others, but I forget which ones ATM.

4. And if so again, have you ever played competitivly online? (Its fun stuff if you haven't.)
Not really. >_>

5. Out of curiousity, do you enjoy Roleplaying, on outside forums, or just here?
RPing is how I started writing, on this very forum. I don't do it very much anymore, though -- but I like to think I haven't completely lost my touch.

6. If I have two monkies and you have three monkies and we both but them in a barrel what in the world have we done?
I don't know, but I hope that it's a /really/ big barrel.

7. Any other interest in the arts? Music? Painting?
Music, music, and more music. As the L&L AK, I'm more music-centered than writing-centered. Writing, I've only recieved... One award for poetry, methinks.
Musically, I'm one of the best trumpeters in my school, receive awards annually for local music competitions, and am currently vying for the all-state band. (I need to submit my writing to more contests. XP)

Suppose that's all from me. Have fun!
You, too! And have a merry Christmas! n_n

< Message edited by Versilaryan -- 12/24/2008 15:35:20 >


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 25
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