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Issue 38 - The Truthful Tree: Twilly (Clyde)

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1/18/2009 14:33:33   

The Truthful Tree: Twilly
A Counter-Article of CowFace's Conspiracy Corner: Twilly

Clyde here. Why did I decide to go against my co-worker Cow Face on this one? Well it seemed like a good idea and still is. He made some valid points in his article, BUT I can make more nonsensical conspiracy theories then him. This isn't a battle merely an article representing the voice that doesn't get to speak up against said slanderous articles. If my co-workers want to just callously assault! *stops then coughs* Ahem, anyways...

This article is a deep yet un-reviewed point of view of a good person...or dare I say Moglin. Yes, reader, this article is about that little red moglin we all know and love. Twilly. This moglin has been around since the very beginning of AdventureQuest and has been with AE for SEVEN long and beautiful years. We've seen him with big feet, we've seen him with not so big feet, and we have seen his art change over the years. What hasn't changed however, was his heart. Enough with the Twilly introduction...

Now we'll look into the deep intricacies that is Healing. Sure in AdventureQuest you can lash out about thirty-five health AND mana potions for FREE, but nothing truly beats the whimsical magic that is healing. In DragonFable you can create many potions thanks to the awesome Alchemist that is Reens. Though you also are healed by things called “Healing Pads” which heal you over time or something. You see Twilly around occasionally, but does he heal you? I think not.

Taking it to MechQuest however; you're either repaired on the spot or use repair stations which fix your mech at XMPPS*. You never see Twilly in MechQuest, but do not ever dismiss the fact he may be watching or was replaced by that Scraps. Now in AdventureQuestWorlds you just take a seat/breather/whatever and BOOM your healthy slowly regenerates. You even have Clerics. Twilly sits by Lady Caelestia's side doing nothing and he doesn't even have his staff!? I know you all agree this is some sort of blasphemy.

Now I myself find this completely unfair to our Moglin friend Twilly. Since the very days of MechQuest** to the very future that is AQWorlds Twilly is only appreciated BARELY in AQ. He comes in between battles during wars to make sure you survive. He sneakily makes his way past enemy lines and heals you. Heck he even went out of his way to don a tin-can, I mean a Dragonslayer armor to both HEAL you and battle Dragons. Now in my book that's pretty badaxe.***

Truth be told how is this poor moglin supposed to make ends zard when he's being downsized by healing pads, potions, clerics, and other inane healing magic things? No wait don't tell that to me. Tell all of this to poor Twilly and his what could be potential family. If you have the heart to tell him, face to face why you're depriving him of his gold then you're a brave person.

Don't worry Twilly, the PAMA**** are watching and are here to aid to you and your moglin buddies.

*X ManaPoints Per Second. X meaning completely HAX.
**Assuming of course he is even alive in MechQuest.
***badaxe(Pronounced Eh-pik) - Noun - Awesome, amazing, opposite of goodaxe.
****People Against Moglin Abuse - Started by Clyde
AQ  Post #: 1
1/21/2009 15:40:38   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

Ah, so it happens again! My highly-scientificalisciousosital reports come under fire from certain other scholars. So, you wish to express the idea that Twilly is just misunderstood? Right! You even invoke those nefarious, detestable, and overall-bad-Zards!
"Truth be told how is this poor moglin supposed to make ends zard when he's being downsized by healing pads, potions, clerics, and other inane healing magic things?"
He can make ends Zard by getting help from the Zards, his allies. I said, Good day!!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
1/23/2009 4:10:38   

Oh Clyde... I always thought that Twilly was orange.
AQ DF  Post #: 3
2/5/2009 5:57:17   

Haha, great article Clyde I always knew Twilly was innocent :D.
DF MQ  Post #: 4
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