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=MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked)

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1/26/2009 10:58:20   
Duchess of DOOM

Hello all!

.*. .*. .*. and I are the new co-Head Mods of AQW Forums since Aelthai handed over to us due to her many other duties around the forums and the game.
Some of you may know us already from AQ and AQW.
This is the chance for all of you to ask us Questions. We will answer them as long as they don't get too personal.
In case you don´t know how this threads work, take a look Here!
You may ask us a maximum of 15 questions per post with a limit to 2 posts per person.

Angelique will edit in this colour

.*. .*. .*. (aka Stardot) will edit in this colour.

Have fun!

Meh heh heh heh!

The chicken can haz ztolen yourz firzt pozt!
Good luckz new bozzez!

Bwahahaha. The coyote has eaten the chicken and taken over your first post! =P
Have fun!


The PaperClip has doom-rayed the coyote into a tidy pile of ash and taken over the first post! >:D
Good luck!

< Message edited by PaperClip OF DOOM -- 2/5/2009 14:21:56 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
1/26/2009 11:01:00   

Hey there!
Hello 15cman
Hello 15cman!

Well congratulations on becoming co-head mods :D
Thank you :)
Thankies :D

Favorite Book?
Oh I have so many. But anything Discworld related by Terry Pratchett would be a good bet.
I don't read much because it makes me sleepy but I like C.S Lewis space trilogy.

Au revoir!

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 15:22:37 >
DF MQ  Post #: 2
1/26/2009 11:02:17   

Danke Schön.

edit: AQ,MQ,AQW or DF?
AQ and AQW :)
AQ is the first game which I started to play and this is the one that I truly enjoy most of all AE Games.

< Message edited by erki97 -- 1/28/2009 15:30:26 >


Post #: 3
1/26/2009 11:03:12   
PaperClip OF DOOM

Yay Angel! Starry! ^_^
Hey Clippy :)

The Doomies are really moving up the scale. Buhuhaha. Buahahahaha. Buahahahahahahaaaaa.
As they should!
so I guess we're all doomed - /me travels to another solar system!

*Cough*.*..*..*. < See what I did there.
Hehe yeah.
oooh soo pretty, one day you'll learn how to spell it! :P

Have fun! :P
You too :)
Yes Sir!

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 15:38:13 >
Post #: 4
1/26/2009 11:04:18   

1. Where did your forum name come from?
I just always liked the name.
I have never revealed and probably will take this to the grave, though there's a meaning behind it in my crazy mind! XD

2. Have you enjoyed foruming so far?
It's a huge part of my every day life now. I met so many awesome ppl on these forums whom I've come to call friends. So yeah I love it here :D
I have my ups and downs with everything but most of the time it's fun. :)

3. AQ, MQ, AQW or DF?
AQ and AQW.
AQ is the one for me! :D

4. Game or Forums?
One goes with the other, so both.
Well I'm more of a gamer but I like the forums a lot but I would say at the moment it's 60-40.

5. Answer to the above or Real Life?
The Forums especially have become part off my RL but other things in RL sometimes are and must be more important.
It's affected my real life for sure, I have met my love via this forum! :D

6. Which part of the world do you live in?
The UK.
The funny country called Sweden.

7. If you are from a non-English speaking country, where did you learn English?
First in school and then later by moving to the UK.
In school, then playing video games and TV helped some as well but my english is far from perfect and I'm aware of it! XD

8. Artix or Cysero or Warlic?
That choice is too tough to make. They are all UBER dudes.
Warlic, because he's an Archmage and he looks cool too.

9. If faced with an army of Ninja Snuggles armed with Mod-Bane swords, what do you do?
I'd employ them to help with the Pedia and snuggle them right back! :P
I would snuggle them and then send them to Pae for some serious chomping.

10. Uber or the other one with the two dots above the U?
Über really since German is my first language but Uber is ok too :)
Things with dots always rÜle!

11. Rocks or Triangles or Kittens?
Too tough a choice too make!

12. Waffles?
/me steals and makes clones!

13. Can I have chips with that?
No you cannot as I ate all the waffles by now.
Yes of course, you can have microchips - oh noes the worst punmaster is back again!

14. If you were stuck on a Desert Island, what single item and person would you have with you?
My kitty (though she is not an item!) and my guy.
My 12-string guitar and my girlfriend is what I need to survive.

15. If you could change any aspect of anything made by AE, what would it be?
nothing major springs to mind but I would love to see gift certificates for membership in AQW.
I'll interpret that question as I want and say make wars more complicated in AQ.

Thanks for your time, and I guess, congratulations? *shrug*
Thanks for your questions and your time :)
Thanks a lot! :)

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 16:06:09 >
Post #: 5
1/26/2009 11:07:47   

Hiya! Congrats you two!
Thank you so much :)
Thank you :)

First of to Angelique...thanks so much again, you know why.
You are most welcome!

If your now mods, how many AK's will be assigned to this area?
There isn't a set number as such. We shall see as we go along.
There will be so many that normal members will be a rarity in AQWGD.
If they're good AK's, it might be a good thing for me and Cronc. XP ~Coyote

Congrats on keeping up with the 'pedia. I know it's daunting, but it's very well organized.
Thank you and also for your continued efforts there :D
Thanks it would've never been done without you guys and believe it or not I've helped out some as well though I'm the shadow mod.

(Okay..I've been serious...time for some funny ones >.>)

If 2+2=10...what's 12-16?
/me is completely number blind... yeah that's my excuse and I'll stick with it!
It can only be solved by Zweistein!

What does a star panther eat?
Lots of signatures!

Why does an angel embrace doom? O.o
Cause she is the dark kind of angel, the one that sits on graves. DOOOOOM... etc.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck...if a woodchuck could chuck wood? =P
Loads I'm thinking?
I think it wood be much! - punmaster is everywhere! :o

Good luck, and I hope for the best for you two.
Thank you very much :)
Thanks I need it.

< Message edited by Coyote -- 1/26/2009 23:36:21 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
1/26/2009 11:07:50   

Hello. Congratz on your Mod-ship!
Thank you!
Thanks a lot.

1. How did you get your special names?
If you mean the name Angelique, I just chose it cause I always liked the name.

2. If I *snuggletackle* you, wheat would you do?
I'd *angeltacklesnuggle* you back
/me would snugglepounce you!

3. Do you like GLITCHES?
No they are annoying but just a fact of any new game/release I guess.
Nope as they cause major spam in AQWGD.

That's all. Bye, and congratz.
Thank you and bye :)
See you and thank you. :)

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 16:53:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
1/26/2009 11:11:58   

For Both:
How does it feel to be a Mod?
Incredible... and daunting.
It feels great most of the time.

Why did you choose your forum name?
Cause I've always liked the name.
Because I was tired of letters! XD

What is your favorite color?
Black (though that's not really a colour it is my only choice :P)
hmmm I can't pick one so Green and Blue.

What is your 'Song of the moment'?
When ever I'm working on the Pedia I keep singing "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley in my mind :P
I don't have a song of the moment but what I listen to right now is "India Town" by Chick Corea Elektric Band.

Do you know who I am?
Of course I do. Your are a regular on the AE Forums after all!
Yep, I think I helped you with some sig problem in Forum Issues but this was ages ago, I also recognize you from AQW.

What do you think of me, honestly? :P
Only the best of course :)
Disciplined? :P

Who is your idol?
Hm not too sure I have one realy...
Don't really have many idols that I can think of, though I always liked Frank Zappa.

Favorite forum smiley?
this one
is the best!

Where do you hang out usually on AQW?
Oh all over really, where ever my fancy takes me.
Random for the win!

Which forum was the first you regularly visited?
Paxia, Nocturu and then AQGD
AQGD and pretty much all boards that was connected to AQ.

How long have you been on the forums?
For about 2 years
I started to lurk at the forums since the day I understood that the spread out stat build in AQ didn't work for me and that was 2005 December, I joined much later.

Do you lose your AK shackles and get Mod Rings of Power now?
Shackles still, just tighter and shinier :P
/me is in love with his shackles.

Do you lose your AK cells and get a Mod Mansion of Uberness?
No I love my cozy crypt too much to leave it!
Yes I live behind Yulgar's inn now, great guy!

Which type of weapon is your favorite?
Everything that is overpowered.

That is all. :P
OK thanks and see you around :)
See you :D

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 17:17:00 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
1/26/2009 11:12:41   
I am Moglin!

Meet them? Where?? Or do you just ean..in this thread? Aww, I wanna meet you in RL :3
Anyway, this is better than nothing ;p
Aw thank you, you're very sweet :)
Maybe one day? :) I hope so XD, lol

Since you have been AK's for a while, I don't think "Congratz for AK-ship" is what you want to hear, o I say Congratz to be AK's here, lol
Yeah since I've been made an AK in May and a general mod in October last year...
I was AKed in March and modded the same day as Angelique.
... I have nothing special to say, I was just bored when I posted this
No wait, here's one question.

What do you think of my names, D.U.M and DragonUltraMaster?
Love it of course. :)
Well the abbreviation means stupid/dumb in Swedish but other than that they're nice. :) Meeeh, still *Not even the AK's get it >_>* D.U.M = DragonUltraMaster, it doesn't have to do ANYTHING with "dumb" to do... I know it was meant as joke, but still... To hear the same comment 2 million times makes me mad

Who is the biggest Moglinfreak in AQW?:3
Zorbak I guess?
This guy: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16469

Who loves Moglins most of all in AQW? :3
Might that be you?
Your brother S.MA.R.T :P Hmm, read above XD, but you made me to think what "S.M.A.R.T" stands for...

What do YOU think about moglins? :o
Cute and cuddly, except Zorbak who is ADORABLE in his ebilness!
Never liked them too much, I'm still waiting for a moglin to die! XD :o ... Moglin hater!!!! Warning, Stardot is Moglin hater!!!! How dare you, mah favorite pets are not made for dieing, they are made to...make me happy :p lol Moglins iz Mah FWIENDS

What do you think about AQW?
I love it! It's quickly becoming my favourite AE game!
I like it though AQ is still what I enjoy most.

Are you tired of these questions yet?
It's not too bad yet :)
/me starts to sing "I'll survive"

Good luck in the future!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much, same to you :)
Thanks I need it bad. :)

Edit: added a few more questions :3
Wicked! :P
Edit2: comments in THIS color


< Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 1/29/2009 16:28:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
1/26/2009 11:14:45   
The Abbe Faria

Yippee ! Angelique and .*. .*. .*. !
Hey there Suranjan

Congrats on becoming co-head mods !
Thanks and congrats to you on AKship :D
Thanks and congrats on being a new AK for DF CR&A! :)

Nothing much here...you'll be facing MUCH more than this !
Oh dear lol
can it be worse? :o

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 19:15:59 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
1/26/2009 11:18:06   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

For Angelique

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
I'm guessing you mean modship since I was made an AK last May? :P

Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
That was Scakk, but Reens was the one to make me a mod and Aelthai was the one to make me and Star co-HeadMods of AQW Forums

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I'm neither. I am just your average Angel of Doooom :P

Ready to play?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
I appreciate all the great help you have given so far and thank you so much :)

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
My DOOMieness which is immune to all attacks!

Does this shirt make me look fat?
Not at all. You look as svelte as a wood nymph!

Does it make you look fat?
Does it? Does it??? Oh teh noes!

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I O_o'd

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQW community...cya says Stephen Nix!
The control bit is not what makes this fun but being able to help the forumites really is :)

For .*. .*. .*.

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Thanks but I'm not a AK any longer, I'm now a mod and I was modded in October. :)

Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
The one and only, the goofy ninja! - Scakk

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
My girlfriend claims I'm ebil when it comes to certain things though I'm not sure about that? :o

Ready to play?
tic tac toe?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
I know you help out and it's very appreciated by me and you can't freeze the StarPanther! :P

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
I just hide behind my girlfriend! XD

Does this shirt make me look fat?
nope this time you look handsome.

Does it make you look fat?
I wish but I'm to smexy for any shirt

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
When I was Aked I was in shock, didn't expect it at all, I drank a glass of water and tried to cool down.

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
~Lock Ness~

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQW community...cya says Stephen Nix!
My pleasure and see you around :)

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 19:23:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
1/26/2009 11:18:21   

Heyas, uh Nice to meet you! =D
Nice to meet you too :)
Likewise :)

how are you?
I am very well thank you.
I feel great though very hungry!

you like being a mod?
It is very cool yes.
It's nice.

are there any downsides on being a moderator?
Yeah when I have to be strict when all I want to do is have a laugh with my fellow AE fans. :/
Never fun to ban people other than that it's nice.

I can haz modship too? =O (jk XD)
who knows? :o

What about AE do you like the most?
The community and how much our Uber awesome creators care for it too :)
The staff for putting so much time in the games.

If i don't ask 15 questions now can i ask more later?
You can have 2 posts with max 15 questions each.
I second that because I'm a copycatpanther

So if you could ask yourself one question, what would you ask yourself?
I can ask myself any question
What does your name .*. .*. .*. mean?

And what would your answer be?
The answer always and invariably is DESSERT!
RRR in morse code.

If you're both answering at the same time, then what would your answer be to the other question?
Always and invariably: DESSERT!

had enough yet? =P
So far it's ok.
I'm thirsty!!!

Who is your master/owner/person you take commands from/.... yea that?
Any Admin and any more experienced mod
Admin and all advice from other mods is always welcomed by me.

Favortie mythological creature?
Dragons no doubt.

wait, I lost count, how many question have I asked already? D=
I'm famously number blind but I think this is the 13th
I trust Angel or I have to ban her! :p

Did you notice i was messing around with you? =D
so unfair!

well bye, and cya next questioning
See you :)

and gratz on Co-Head Mods
Thank you!



AngelDOOMsnug attack!!
/me solarsnugs!

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 19:44:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 12
1/26/2009 11:23:29   

Hello! I shall keep the questioning short and simple but should be complicated enough to sweat for the day ;) XD
/me looks longingly towards her shower already!
I'll buy a one year supply of deodarant just in case! :o

-- Hows it going for today? Good weather, no? ;p
Going well so far thanks and yeah the weather was quite lovely and sunny today.
I feel great today, weather is boring, it's Sweden were talking about! :P

-- So errr, I suppose you both was an AK and now are mods? Grats on the pro-mo-shun! SHUNN!!
Thank you :)

-- I keed. How was the promotion? Exciting?
It was awesome yeah. Couldn't really believe it at the time.
I was a bit confused and I did think about this for some days before saying yes, but yes it was exciting.

-- Why Meet the Mods? Why not Stalks the Mods? Wouldn't that be an ideal title? ;p
LOL well since we give permission and invite questions it's not so much a case of stalking :P
Maybe they should make a stalk the mods quest in AQW , you start with chasing them all around lore and just bombard them with questions at the end of the quest? /me notes this is one epic idea!

-- So.. I heard AKs live in shackles or whatever place that is. >.> Where do mods live then?
Much the same place but in my case just with tighter yet shinier shackles.
I live in a coconut now with my bunny also known as Vombie!

-- Moderating sure is a hard job. Perhaps, there is a little competition to it. Who would you like or dream to have competition with in your job?
So far I have not noticed any competition but rather a willingness to help out each other at all times, which is truly amazing. All AKs and Mods and Admins have shown me a great sense of camaraderie for which I am truly grateful.
I don't think there's any competition at all and I don't like to compete unless we're talking about sports like Tennis.

And this shall be last question...

-- Favourite food?
Cheesecake... no wait! Panna Cotta! Or both!
Pizza is the King of food!

And, that is all! Have a nice day! And thanks for answering!
Thank you and have a nice day you too!
Wheee, I've made it through this post as well - thanks and see you around.

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 19:56:03 >
AQ DF  Post #: 13
1/26/2009 11:25:51   
Ebil Nix . Raul

Hello and gratz ^^
Hello and thank you :)
Hola and thanks.

AQ , DF , MQ or AQW?
AQ and AQW
AQ :)

Favorite Type of Music?
Mostly Classical
I listen to quite a lot but I prefer instrumental music and there's a genre called Jazzfusion which I listen to very much,
too bad that most of this music is from the 70-80's.

Digital Art or Creative Writings?
Creative Writing
Digital Art

Pirate or Ninja?
Pirate cause I adore the Captain :D

What is your element? Mine is Fire !!!
Never had a thing for elements but I guess I like Ice.

Favorite Ebil Game?
I don't actually play any of them :(
Moglin Punter

For StarDot : why .*..*..*. ?
it was too hard to write *.* *.* *.* fast also it looks silly! XD

For Angelique : Angelique .. but DOOM? why >.< ?
Cause I am that kind of Angel, you know, the one that sits on graves and all.

Favorite animal?
Everything that's related to cats.

Do you have any pets?
Here in London I have a cat and my parents have 3 dogs :)
I ahad two cats and one dog but they're all gone now.

Will you choose Artix for president? ^^
what happened to more options? ;_;

Do you have your left sock?
No! Where is it?!
Nope my girlfriend ate it! :o

I'm ebil !! Do you?
I'm adorable!! Do you?

Chillie , Twilly , Zorbak , Kabroz or Twig?
Zorbak cause he is just tooooo cute!
Twig because he likes ice cream just like me.

Winter or Summer? Also give me a reason please ^^
That depends. I do like summer but not when its too hot or humid or in fact raining all the time as it often does here in London... I like winter but only really in the Swiss Alps where there is lots of snow and the air is dry and crisp.
Summer for sure, winter makes me depressed and as long as I live I will never pay to go skiing somewhere, I've worshipped the sun since young age and it makes people happier in general.

Thanks for answering and I'll come soon with some other questions
You're welcome and ok see you then :)
Thanks and you're welcome back :)

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 1/26/2009 20:15:24 >
Post #: 14
1/26/2009 11:27:33   
Divine Blade

hi are you happy ?
Hello and yes I'm happy today! :D
Hi yeah I'm ok, hope you are too :)

favorite song?
It's impossible for me to pick one song but I like "Zoot Allures" by Frank Zappa.
At the moment I cannot get enough of Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. It just so reminds me of me lol.

do you like cake?
/me chomps all cakes, cookies and pies!
GIMME nao!!

if you would be in desert, what would you pick? ps. just one stuff like water or something
A flying carpet!
Beam me up Scotty!

fantasy or reality?

congratz to you knew mod job
Thank you! :D
Thank you :)

See you :)
See you around the forums :)

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:20:12 >
AQW  Post #: 15
1/26/2009 11:28:19   
The Game
Pegasus Overlord

/me snugs the Angel and Head-Moddot
/me snugs TG also known as Red Wolf or Wolfred
Me snugs the TG :D

I can't think of anything witty at the moment, so congratulations!
I forgive you this time and thank you! :D
Thank you and talk to you soon :)

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:20:53 >
AQ  Post #: 16
1/26/2009 11:31:27   
Aerodu Warrior

hi gratulations if i was mem ill be on sir ver stalk-i mean yumm stalks
Hello and thank you :)
Hi and thanks

well all im gonna say is the below
oh noes! :o
Dare I look?

angelique(hope i spelled it correct)where is that statue in your picture
On a grave

what do you prefer nintendo,sony or microsoft
I still enjoy the first games nintendo so nintendo it is, though I like sony as well.
I don't play any games that aren't AE and they run from windows so I guess Microsoft

in aqw when you log in iff you consintrate carefully on the right of the server screen you can see submit what is this?
never noticed this! :o
Me neither

to stardot how did you come up with the star and full stop thing?
The secret is still a secret and will never be revealed.

well thank yous for answering if you did hope you enjoy being co mods!
Sure no problem and I hope so as well. :)
Youre welcome and I am sure we will

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/29/2009 10:56:05 >
Post #: 17
1/26/2009 11:36:16   

Firts cONGRANTS FOR BECOME MODS and my question is you play in aqw i like play with you when i can found you?
Thank you and my name is Stardot in AQW and maybe one day you'll get the chance to play with me but who knows when?
Thank you. There isn't one place or another where I can be found. I like to do new quests when they come out or hang out with friends farming for xp.

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:21:55 >
Post #: 18
1/26/2009 11:37:14   

The Star Panther and Doom Angel in one MtM?!?! What is this? Madness? (Angelique, may I call you the Doom Angel?)
Madness is correct and it was my idea so yeah I can admit that I'm crazy!
Madness and insanity yep since Ive not been on for 24 hours and already the thread is at 5 pages WAAH. You may call me that if you wish yes :)

/mesnugglestehsmexehstarpantherandtehsmexehdoomangelandgivesacookie :)
/me faints and tries to snuggle V_J!
/me fans herself with her wings and snugs back

Well, congratulations on the mod-ship/promotion/upgrade/no-more-slave-dom. :P
hehe, thank you :)
Thank you :)

Questions for both the Star Panther and Doom Angel:

1) Now that you have more powers, what will you do with them? *Prays they don't munch V_J*
I have my plans to take over the world but it's not official yet!
My plan is to show everyone the beauty of DOOM. It's a slow progress so far though...

2) I can't ask my regular questions....so....how's it like being Moh-dur-ray-terz?
Speshul and magikal!
Crazeee, you think Im crazeee HAHAHA possiblieeeee

3) Are you still wearing shackles? If so, what color are they? If not, how's the freedom?
I have them right next to me and I will use them for my next soul(AK) for AQWGD! :o
I do cause they make stunning accessories on someone so fond of DOOM.

4) How's it like being the "big-dogs"? By that I mean how's it like controlling all the AKs and other forumites?
I'm not a control freak, I don't consider myself major, I'm just a forum mod.
I agree with Star there. Control doesn't really come into it. AKs are a blessing and we love their lil shackled souls to bits!

5) Has your cell been upgraded?
Yes I live in a coconut with lolcats running around!
It's the same cosy crypt as before, I insisted on keeping it!

6) Have you seen the light of day since your proh-moe-shun?
Ze light iz mah bestest friend!
No cause the sun wants to keeeel meee!

7) Opinions on this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFLGRidfFo4
Hahaha, oops, omg he's my idol!
Gotta love the hairdo, man!

8) What do Star Panthers eat? And, what do Doom Angels eat?
Usually they eat 1-2 planets a day, and then they wash it down with lots of blueberry juice.
We don't eat, We only drink blood diet coke

9) Opinion on this nasty booger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_fPV13lKm4
I love it!
Brilliant! Faved! Thanks! :D

10) Where art thou located? I want to MEET you!
The land of IKEA - Sweden!
The land of Blighty - UK

Well that's all the torture i'm going to hand out.
Perfect choice!
Aw shame.

Good luck Star Panther and Doom Angel! :)
Thanks I need it.
Thank you very much, I'm sure we will both need it.


< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:32:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
1/26/2009 11:40:56   

Just wanted to say Hi and Good to have you guys lol
Hello, thank you and lollipop!
Thank you very much and for all the good wishes you sent me the other day too. I appreciate it :)

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:33:06 >


Post #: 20
1/26/2009 12:18:42   
A True Hunter

Angelique! .*..*..*. ! Gratz on AQW Co-Head Modz!
tflo! - thank you! :D
Hey tflo, thank you :)

Sooooo do you know/remember me?
Yes you help out in the Q/A thread and I've seen you in game as well.
Yeah I remember meeting you in game a couple of days ago.

What is your favorite AE game?
AQ hands down.
AQ and AQW are tied in first place.

What color are your shackles...if you still havem?
I'm special so I have the rainbow coloured one's.
Mine are the darkest blackest purple.

Where is your favorite place to hang out in AQW?
I don't have a favorite place, I just like to play and chat some.
Same, I like to play the new releases and hang out with friends.

In this edit, who will post a comment on top? Angelique or .*..*..*.?
/me hides! :P
Not me!

As a Mod, what is the most frequently asked question to you by a normal player?
In game it's only one thing, how do you become a moderator.
In game it definitely is How do you become a mod. Second place is Why is your name yellow/golden.

What is your favorite part of being a moderator of AQW?
Hmm...In the forum it's all about my divine power and in game it's all about my divine power - seriously I don't know.
Hm I don't know either except maybe being able to help ppl - but then I was able to help also as an AK.

Who promoted you waaay back when?
Scakk asked me to join as an ArchKnight and later on I was modded by Reens.
Same as Star.

If I sent a PM to you, would you return it?
Mostl likely, though it happens that I miss some PM's and I'm truly sorry for that.
Yeah same. I always try and answer but some days I get swamped and might miss one or two. I am very sorry for that :(

(To .*..*..*.) Who won the Aussie open?
It's not over yet but we'll see who turns up in the final maybe it will Nadal and Federer fighting for the title once again?
Being Swiss (among many other things- don't even ask) I am hoping it will be Federer.

(To Angelique) What's your favorite part of your Pedia Job?
When I've cleared all the posts and I can sit back and rub my bleeding eyes lol.

That's it...for now
Ok :D

/me snuggles the panther and the angel
/me snuggles tflo!
/me snuggles tflo back :)

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:38:45 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
1/26/2009 12:44:58   

Congrats to both of you on your modship!
Thank you! :D
Thank you Eowyn :)

I'm too tired to think of any witty questions but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the work you both do on the forums!
Rest your weary legs and please come back another time and thank you we try our best. :D
Thank you very much to say so. We do try :)

Don't work too hard!
/me is afraid to work! :o
We shall try. Especially since I love playing and hard work kinda interferes :P

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:40:15 >
AQ  Post #: 22
1/26/2009 12:50:43   

1) Congrats on becoming AQW Mods, Stardot and Angelique!
Hello and thank you. :)
Hi there, thank you very much!

2) Angelique and Stardot, do you rememeber me in AQW? I met you both in AQW a couple of times,
Angelique in Battleon-1 and I farmed with Stardot back in Beta at Bridge-1337 when you were an AK.
Yes I remember you and those were the times, I actually managed to farm 300k gold in one day at the Bridge in Beta! XD
Yeah I remember you :)

3) .*..*..*., I bet typing your name to log into the forum is a pain, is it?
It's quite easy because I paste it! XD (that was a joke)

4) Angelique, thanks for your hard work as a forum Mod and especially the AQW Encyclopedia.
Pretends he didn't see this question! :P
Thank you very much :)

5) Stardot, you do very good work deleting all the spam that people post in the AQW forum, do you enjoy being a Mod?
Thanks I try my best but I would be lost without the Ak's that helps out here, yes I enjoy it.

6) Which is your favorite AE game?
AQ is my favorite though AQW got the potential to become a great game.
AQ and AQW tied for first place.

7) What is your favorite item in AQW?
My custom sword! :)
My wonderful custom-(Reens)-made black staff :D

8) Tea of Coffee?
I drank coffee as crazy before but I've stopped and now I only drink 1-2 cups of tea per day.
I drink tea all day but I love a good grande skinny cappuccino every now and then!

9) Warlic or Nythera?

10) How much time of the day do you spend on Mod work here on the forum?
It depends sometimes I'm on for many hours and other days I'm busy with other stuff but in general I spend quite a lot of time.
It depends. If there was a new release and there are pages upon pages of Pedia submissions I spend hours.

That is all I have, thanks so much to both of you!
Sounds good to me and thank you :)
Thank you :)

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:44:12 >


MQ AQW  Post #: 23
1/26/2009 12:57:51   
Memory of a Nightmare

Members! :o

You are the new co-head mods, so Aelthai (Or is it someone else?) is still head boss right?
Nope me and Angelique share this board together.
Yeah it's me and Star now.

Only for Angelique: What do you think of Stardot, good co-mod of AQW GGD, right?
The best I could have wished for. Ever since I've been AKd Star has been like a rock to me!

Only for Stardot: What do you think of Angelique, good co-mod of AQW GGD, right?
Pedia freakl - need I say more? :D

When do you think we normal members will be able to post AQW threads?
I have no idea but I guess it will open up eventually.
Nothing has been announced about that. Sorry.

What do you think the missing part is? Every letter is being replaced by a dot. AQW GGD has some ...... ..... posts in it?
Guitar chord
Really great
Edit: If you see this again, I can say that what I was thinking of was "Design Notes" posts.

Only for Angelique: Are we writing in the same color?
Not quite :)

Now good luck in AQW GGD, happy day! (evening, night?)
Thanks and happy new minute! :D
Thanks :)

< Message edited by Memory of a Nightmare -- 1/31/2009 17:20:02 >
AQ DF  Post #: 24
1/26/2009 13:14:58   

Wow, I've never seen a Meet the Mod(s) thread where TWO mods are being met at once! O.o much less one with the Angel of Doom and Starpanther!
This is totally crazy, /me blames Angelique for this madness! :P
/me staunchly denies all responsibility and eyes the Star.

I'll go easy on you two, no pointless questions.
/me cries and eats a signature!

< Message edited by Angelique -- 1/28/2009 23:49:21 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 25
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