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=MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me?

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2/1/2009 20:06:43   

Hey! :) Orange AK of DF Suggestions here. AKA; Minar. :3
(Newly appointed of course, xD)
Just another MtAK thread. :)

*Clyde made me name the thread this ._.*

My MtAK rules
-[ Try not to repeat questions. Like, atleast try. D: :P
-[ 15 questions max per post. Only post once per page.
-[ No l33t stuff. Drives me insane. :/
-[ No math. No explanation needed. XD
-[ Follow the rules, because if you don't, someone will pay. Lols. Jk. Just try to follow the rules. :)
-[ Have fun. D:<

I shall edit in this color. >:) Ask away!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 1
2/1/2009 20:08:38   
Lost BlueStar

Hiya minar!
Hey Reni! :)

Of course it’s been a little while, but congrats again anyway. :P
Lol. Ty man. Ty.

Nickwright vs you: who wins?
>.> You love torturing me don't you? Nickwright FTW. :P

Fav book/movie/comic whatever?
Ehh. Whatever floats my boat. Lol. I have no idea. If it is interesting, I'll go for it. (Duh. XD)

Fav AE game?
I love them all. But if you forced me to pick one, I'd pick DF. <3

That’s all for now, cya. :)
Cya reni! :3

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 20:18:45 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
2/1/2009 20:10:44   

Haha I always knew that Clyde would have someone name their MtAK like this.
That's Clyde for ya. *glares at him*

Congratz of course.
Thanks man. :)

Need help getting out of those shackles?I helped reni get out, but then goofy pushed reni back in :P
Don't... say... a... word... They're watching.. ._.

Well, bye :D
Kthxbai to you! :3

@Clyde (under me) Sheesh one incident using your 'special question' and you have that copyrighted :P
Uh oh. >.>

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 20:20:05 >
DF MQ  Post #: 3
2/1/2009 20:11:03   
Legendary Artist!

Minarange! :D
"Buy one get one free! Except for Clyde. >.> Just kiddin man. <:P"

That has to be one epic title for a MtAK.
Coming from you, well. Sure. xD

1.Why, WHY, whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy?
I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! D:<

2. How's them shackles?
Good. *whispers*A bit loose. Hehehe! *Runs from Goof.*

3. Why don't people understand we're just like everyone else, but with more cages and shackles? ;_;
Finally! Someone who understands! D: Besides! It's not like we have halo's or anything. Oh wait. >.>

4. Brawl, ftw, no?
Yes. Eggs ftw also, no?

5. What's your favorite item in DF? :o
Doomie paperclips! >:D

6. I think Circe and Kitten are collecting an army, what do you think?
Sign me in. And you Clyde? Too late, I added you. D:<

7. It's always _____'s fault?
Clyde >:P

8. Why did the Croncler cross the road?Copyright
Because he was trying to attack a wild Clyde.

9. Do you read the Zardian? :O

10. More specifically will you be reading my articles?
Yesh. Dur. :P

Anyways 'nuff torture. *snugs*
If only your MtAK was still up... boy I would destroy you! D:< Rar!

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 20:27:57 >
Post #: 4
2/1/2009 20:13:15   
Stand Back

*pounces Minar!*
*Hugs Circe*

Having fun?
Yesh! :)

Enjoying your new powers? muahahahaha
Likeahduh! >xD *evil laugh* :D

You're delightful and I'm so glad to have you on the team!
Oh shucks(._.)! Thanks Circe! <3

*Snuggleglompsjumpsintheairandsnugglesagain* (Mini version of Josh's Gus's super long one. o.o)

See ya! :D
See ya 'round Circe buddy! :3

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 20:47:17 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/1/2009 20:14:40   
N Zero

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
Ohnoes. D:

Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.
Ohnoes. Again. D:

1. What is you Element?
Bacon... and eggs. ._.

2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
I guess... I think. >.<

3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
Why not. xD

4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
Sadly No. :'(

5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?

6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?

7. What is your Dragon's element?
DRAGON bacon.

8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?
I guess so. ._.

9. What is you Base class of choice?

10. Are you a tratior to AE, by playing any other Online RPG's/MMO's?
Nevah! D:<

11. What is Cysero to you?
A blob of green matter that contains a crazy amount of sock molecules that each are made up of crazily awesome ideas including fish and other socks which makes up Cy's entire blob of matter. Explained? <:D

12. Gorrilaphants?
Welllikeduh. :3

13. What ore your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general. Also DOOOOOM it's #13!
Rolith + Coding + Togs = Amazing sauce. >:)

14. Don't you hate when people do DOOOOOM for that Question?
Haven't seen it, but if I did, I would. :]

15. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?
I think. Maybe. I dunno. Confused. D: Actually, I do know her, just not meet personally. :/

If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.
*blank! I think. >.<*

If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my DSRoD and my BLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.

That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...
Haha. Thanks man. :)

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 20:42:31 >


Enjoy. (N)ightmare Zero
AQ DF  Post #: 6
2/1/2009 20:15:52   

*puts minar in headlock*
Ohnoes. D:

Heya dude :D
Hey man! >:P

Must be an easy section, only has threads, no spammez
Or is there? *Plays spooky music* >:o

Steelers or cardinals?
Both. I'm a peoples person. (That was such a lame answer. :P)

What AE games do you play?

What levels?
About middle or higher to max each. Everytime I hit max, the cap goes up. D:

Are you upgraded?
In every single game. :) That's dedication. :D

Did you watch the superbowl?
Partly. :P

Cool either way


~Minz. ._.

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 20:46:02 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
2/1/2009 20:34:33   
Flash Runner-Up 10

The hell? What are you doing be an AK? :/
Lets watch your language young man. <:D (I'm probably younger than you. XD) And yes. I'm an AK. >.>

Abandoning The Gallery is a sin in some areas, you know.
I aint leavin I tells ya! D:<

Umm.....Past or present Pokemon fan? You're lying if you say no.
Uh.. Yes. Who isn't now-a-days? >.>

50 l h34r u lik3 /\/\u|)k1ps*Go Alac*?....I suck at 1337. :/
I say no l337! D:< And I guess so. >.>

Why don't you like math? I find math to be exhilarating, but only when you solve a difficulat problem.
Once again. >.>

PaperClip is an odd one, wouldn't you agree?
Paper is awesome. Are you jealous Suu? :o Lol. :P Jkjk. :3

And that pjc...thing. What's his problem? The nubcake.
FYI, cakes are awesome. :)

So...Grafh or Circe/Barrius? No lying here.
Clyde. >:D Lols. They are all awesome.

Why a pumpkin? I still like the bass fish avatar the best. *Hint hint nudge nudge wink wink*
Pumpkin? ahh nvm. Lol. Once again, jealous much? D:< Lols. Jk again. :)

I take it Reni made your plushie, yes?
Yes. And apparently, its a pumpkin. >.>

What say you and me gang up and force Armakuny to make an MtAK? Because, you know, he hasn't. And he has to. Oh does he have to.
Gangs are overrated. Clubs are what's new now-a-days in my nerd world. >.<

Ozzy Osbourne is funny, no?
Yesh. Yesh he is.

Not keeping count here, so you'll have to.
It's... OVER 15!!!!! D:<

So, how many pythons does it take to fulfill the monty dreams of a yellow banana wearing a pink tutu in the middle of july while throwing blue soap bars in a bathtub where a seal is taking a shower and is embarrasses to be caught in the nude but then realizes it is always nude and a bull headbutts said seal out of the tub?
I agree. >.>

Having fun?
Define "fun" suu. :P

Did you see that Superbowl play by that guy who did the thing and ran 100 yards?!
Nope. (I couldn't think of a better answer. :D)

I'm done.
Finally! I'm free from Suuichi! D:<

Okay, I lied. House fan?
Darn it. Lol. And yes.

Now I'm done.
Now... Finally!!!

Okay, one more thing. Congrats, I guess. Traitor.
Darn. Again. >.< And thanks about the congrats part. I'm not a traitor I tells ya! D:<


< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 21:01:27 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
2/1/2009 20:39:40   

Hiya Minar!
Hey Mega! :)

How are the new buttons?
A bottle of confusing sauce. ._.

They got another artist's soul, eh?
I guess they do! :D

What color are your shackles?
Orange. You HAD you ask? Really mega, really. xD

What is your opinion of the slaughtering of oranges to make orange juice?
My brothers! Ohnoes! D:< Rebel!

meh, more questions next page.

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 21:03:50 >
DF MQ  Post #: 9
2/1/2009 20:52:44   

What is your name?
Minar's the name! :D

Are you an orange?
Yes. Not a pumkin. :P

How do you get "appointed"?
Just be a good, active, helpful member. :3


Which is better - Snuggle Bear or Snuggle Bear?
Neither. I like snuggle bears. >.<

pwetty pweety please be moi friend?
Yesh I will! :)

Tiddle or Biddle?
Yes. O.O


I love potatoes and green beans
No orange carrots? D:


Are you a tomato in disguise?
Maybe...~ <:D

Are you sure?
Maybe...~ <:D

Yeah right

Look, I know you are!

Do you have Vitamin C in you?
I'm an orange so... yes. :)

Thank you for your time.
No problem. :3


< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 21:14:40 >


"Thou shalt eat to live, not live to eat"

- Socrates

DF  Post #: 10
2/1/2009 20:54:35   


Can I have a cookie?
If only I had one... D:>

Do you know yourself?
._. I think so... :D

Cya later! :3

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/1/2009 21:18:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
2/1/2009 21:05:33   

oh gosh every editor i know is an AK
I guess so. I guess.. so.. :P

seriously Vahn Kaichi became 1 and other non editors became some like LANDIS and Latedog and and and..............
One can only imagine my excitement. ._. :3

......Cardinals or Steelers
Steeling Birds. >.>

your answer to the last question was WRONG
Ohnoes! D:<

Pie! or cake!?
Pie. Because cakes lie. >:P


so.............hows ya doins?
I is doin good. And you? :D

your answer to the last 2 questions were WRONG

i can haz cheezburgur?
I get one first. You know, that's how the cheezburgur crumbles. :o

what would you do if you petted a kitten and then it said: HEY EASY ON THE FUR YA BIG ORANGE DOOF!!!!!! ?
I'd through Vitamin C at it. >:D

Is the cake a lie?
Like I said, yesh. Yesh it is.


the answer is yes

are you really an orange? or are you an oddly colored cocobean?
Pumpkin. Yes. I'm an orange.

good day to you sir!
Good day Sir Lucario.

I SAID GOOD DAY /me slams door
And I said good day Sir Lucario! D:<

~Lucario teh master of Aura!

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:08:21 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
2/1/2009 21:09:10   

Oah, this will be fun. Time to get started.
Oh gosh. D:

How's that Scurvy?
Very scurvy. Getting sea sick. (I have no idea what I just said. >.<)

What are your opinions on the Court Decisions of Associate Justice David Souter?
Very scurvy. Getting sea sick again. (>.<)

Have you ever been on the losing end of a fight with a ceiling fan?
No never. *Runs off to the fan "I said I won gosh dangit!*

Do your children know about the donuts you hide from them?
If I had children, yes. They would.

Are we comparing Apples to Oranges?
No apples here. Just me and my Vitamins. :3

Does the thought of your mother singing make you think of angels abusing their harp-given powers?
Don't remind me.... please. D:

Do you believe that Polio's affect on small mammals should be further researched?
Yes. I think. Sure...?

On a scale of 1-10, would you describe your beard as "Huppy?"
Maybe..... something around 1 through 10 I'M POSITIVE. xD

Chocolate Rain, or Rick Astley?
VANILLA rain please. Lol. Not really, I like chocolate too. :D

Do you consider the song "Hollaback Girl" politically correct?
The term "Hallaback" makes no sense to an analytical mind like myself. :)

Ma'am, Im going to need you to answer these questions.
(SIR). :P And sure, it's not like I said anything odd or weird. >.>

Which number makes you feel lonliest? Is it 17, or maybe -5?
The number "4643432766423421239867" makes me feel very lonely. :'(

Wham or Culture Club?
I think. ._.

Death Metal or Dead Puppies?
Either/or. Doesn't matter to me. >:3

Would you consider the death of Death Metal ironic, or just silly?

Do you ever have the urge to viciously attack a Koala Bear with a plastic spoon?
Been there, done that.

Thank you very much ma'am. You're answers will be carefully considered.
(SIR!). :) And yes. I'm sure they will. :)

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:14:57 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
2/1/2009 21:28:13   

Ahhh.. Minar...
Ahhh.. Diva77677...

Haven't known you long, but that doesn't mean I can't act like it XD
Back at ya. xD

Gratz on being AK :)
Thankies! *hug*

So many AK's, so fast
I guess.... so... >:o

I will follow in your footsteps I guess
Yay! Looking forward to you following me as I walk. >.>

I shall become and AK one day :)
Good luck! :3

Have fun
Tyty! :)

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:16:23 >
DF  Post #: 14
2/1/2009 21:51:44   

Hey Minar!
Hey nm!

Congrats on the AK-Ship!
Thanks man!

OK...now for the questions

What is your favorite color?
... dude. Really? XD

Were you expecting to get AK-ship?
Not really. D: (Thanks Circe! :D)

Are you going to continue the Minar Chronicles ever?
Speaking of which. I will. Except... it'll be called "Middlestate". *spoiler! :D*

Cake or pie?
Pie all the way.

Is said pastry/baked good a lie?
Pie wouldn't lie to me. >.>

Why don't you ever visit my joint gallery? JK...JK
Lols. I do. I do. >;P

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
However chuck norris wants to! D:

Harrison Ford or Chuck Norris, who would win?
Spongebob Squarepants. (._.)

Minar or Vahn, who would win? (muahahahahaha)
D: Still, I say Spongebob. >.>

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
1784523. Counted.

You tired of the questions?
I might as well say No since your probably going to say "TOO BAD!".

If you said yes...too bad!
See? xD

How long till you reach levels of...(made up word) TOMIXATUDE!!!
1784523. Counted. Lols.

Could you figure that last word out? I hope so.
Phew! Took me a bit but.... about... 2 seconds. XD

OK...I'll probably be back. Maybe not though.

Oh, yeah. One last question.

Is the glass half empty, half full, or "Who cares, half of my beverage is gone"?
"... where mai drink goe? D:"

Also, I didn't steal your color. It is just a big coincidence. I have had this color for a long time. I guess this makes us like brothers, right, right. *nudges with elbow*
Sure... sure man.. sure. >.< XD

Again, congrats, and keep on being orange.
Thanks! And no worries, I will. >:)


< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:24:01 >


The Shards of Fate Art Gallery
Now with C4D!!!
Come check me out
New gallery sig on the way
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
2/2/2009 2:59:34   

Yo orange juice dude
Hey fish eating moglin dude. :D

Shotguns or Rockets?

Tell coyote that i ate up his....um....legs,hands,powers,and head!
I bet he knows. :P

Do you go on strike at Orange Juice stall before?
Maybe....~ >:)

Can i eat you?
You'll never take me alive coppers! >:O

Where do you live:
1.Unknown Universe
4.The heaven of ....ORANGES!
AK chamber of.... orange and vitamin c. D:

Tell Reni that i ate his plushy.
I'm sure he knows about that too. :P

kthx for answering those questions bye!
Npkthxbai! :D

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:25:54 >
Post #: 16
2/2/2009 3:07:41   

congratulations on getting AKed. And BTW you have some good art to your name, as I've seen in your gallery. :)
Thanks! And good art to my name? Lol. I gotta start saying that now. :P

Peace out from,
Peace to you from,

Minar, Orange and Vitamin C master.

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:26:43 >
Post #: 17
2/2/2009 4:32:37   
The Abbe Faria

Hey Minar ! It's a bit late, but congrats nonetheless ! :D
Thanks suran! :3

/me "snugglehuggletickles" you !
/me *insert GUS snuggleglomebackflipintheairaroundtheworldtosnuggle* you! :D

I'll not bother you that much (others will do that..muhahahah), that's all and congrats again !
Tell me about it. >.< Lol. Ty! :)

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:28:11 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
2/2/2009 5:38:55   

Hiya Minar :D
Heya dizu!

Congratulation's on teh AK-ship... Shackles!
D:< Lols. Thanks!

Here teh Question's will be :D
*breaths for air*

1. How many Minar's does it take to fill a glass o' orange juice?
1. Because he's so smart. XD

2. How ya doin'?
I is doin great!

3. Did you know that the last name of the Dutch(the Netherlands that is) Royal family is orange?(Example: Queen Beatrix van Oranje. Oranje is orange in dutch :D)
... They're my type of people! :D

4. What is your favourite colour?.... EXCEPT Orange >_O!(your fav. is orange right D: ?)
OTHER than orange, it's black.

5. I am meanz... 1+1=? Haha! I aksed mathmathical problems >:D
Gaspnowai! lol. It's three. >.<

6. Do you like to dance silly O: ?(I do :D)
What's the other way to dance? D:

7. What is NOT your age :D?(hard question >_<!)

8. Will orange's ever turn green?
The leaf is and will forever be green. :D

9. if so will you be happy?(I will :D, I wuv green x3!)
No green but leaf for you. :'[

that was that.... I think O:
I hope. O:

See yaz Minarz
Cya dizu!

10. PS: do you like peanutbutter O:?
Don't forget the jam.

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:31:10 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
2/2/2009 6:49:16   

Hey Minar,
Archie! :D

Congrats on the AKness, can i haz /snugs?
Everyone does. /snugs

now, maths; determine the logic of these statements..

∏ = mmmm

1 + 1 = A Window

8 = - After

I'm sure thats enough anyway, i'll leave you be, have fun with your new duties :p
Math is over! Yay! :D Ty man!

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:32:25 >
DF MQ  Post #: 20
2/2/2009 7:37:29   

Hi Minar. Congrats.
Thanks sao!

About your MtAK being "Just another MtAK thread"... Lol... You AKs aren't exactly a very generic bunch... Hehe.
You know it. :D

Happy modding DF Suggs, and good luck.
Thanks again. :3

Nice to know that AKs are always reliable, well mostly.
Lol. They are. They are. ;D

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:33:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
2/2/2009 8:30:49   

:o Haven't see you around. (oh right, i don't go to the gallery)
Haha. Thanks... I guess. :D

Orange avatar o_o
Not a pumpkin. :P

You can thank reni for directing me here =D
Thanks reni o pal! :D

Congrats and bye XD
Thanks again!

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:34:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 22
2/2/2009 9:09:54   

Look! It's a Minar!
Look! A wild TOMIX appeared!

Gratz on your AKship!
Thanks! And grats on your Mod/Staff/AE person/God-ship! :D

Have fun and make more edits/art :)
No worries. I'll cram it in somewhere. ;D

See you.
Cyas tomix! :3

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:35:13 >
DF  Post #: 23
2/2/2009 9:25:19   

I can't believe I didn't post in here yet ! O.o
Lol. Don't worry. It's only been up for like... a day. xD

So, many congrats for becoming an AK !
Many thanks too!

Are your shackles tight enough ?
Not really. *don't tell goof! D:*

That's all from me ! Congrats and bye !
Thanks again!

I did not steal Suranjan's questions from my MtAK btw *shifty eyes*
*Shifty eyes back and you* :D

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:36:30 >
Post #: 24
2/2/2009 13:15:43   

Just stopped by to say hi and congrats on being an AK
Thanks man! And Hi back at ya. :P

*starts peeling an orange* Bye

< Message edited by Minar -- 2/2/2009 17:36:58 >
DF MQ  Post #: 25
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