Well, this might take a bit to explain. At first when using AE-extras I used to not put in things like my real telephone number and such, but lately I've been using all accurate information. However in spite of properly completing my offers, I am still not usually receiving ACs. I've successfully completed as many as 10 offers that I have not been given payment for, all of which were FREE offers that gave out less than 250 ACs, with the majority being around 70 ACs. Now, these offers were all made on the same week as well, and I know the people who run this thing with you Artix Ent don't give refunds if you complete an offer requiring a purchase for game currency/etc, but it would be nice to receive all, if not a portion, of these ACs. I don't really know what the problem with the offers not properly paying out is, but I wanted to let staff know that I haven't received many of my ACs, and worse, my email address is getting the occasional annoyance, I know I maybe should give an alternate email address than my own, but... yeah, I kinda thought completing the offers honestly and to the point would work...