not one adventure but an epic story arc, is going to be out of this world in many many more ways then one Quote from Falerin, regarding a Star Trek mirror parody. Is this going to be the Star Trek mirror parody universe game? What with the uniforms looking Star Trek-y and the basic premise of the game, going out to meet sapient beings to form alliances with them against The Network and Chaos (which sounds also like Mechquest), I'm going to go ahead and say that it is the Star Trek mirror. But the part that interests me is whether this'll actually be inside Adventurequest? Or will it be a separate game like Archknight? Don't mean to get down on the AQ Team, but I'm hesitant at playing this game, seeing how AQWorlds disappointed me deeply. Edit: Okie doke =). I see AE hasn't exactly broken their promise of not making another game and WON'T be an MMO. I am satisfied :D.
< Message edited by Sornor -- 5/21/2009 15:55:50 >