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RE: =WF= A Mystery Unfolds!

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5/30/2009 17:44:01   

The Tower tarot card may also have something to do with this. See this for more information.


Basic Tarot Meaning

With Mars as its ruling planet, the Tower is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. The Tower, as Wang points out, stands for "false concepts and institutions that we take for real." When the Querent gets this card, they can expect to be shaken up, to be blinded by a shocking revelation. It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built.

Sounds like it could be related, eh?
MQ  Post #: 226
5/30/2009 17:50:20   

Seems like almost everything is related, nice find Kuld.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 227
5/30/2009 17:55:00   

Yep, amazing find. I think that's way too much metaphor, but genious. As TreadLight said, we shouldn't guess too much and go on the wrong way, but everything have an amazing coincidence... We all don't know if we're right, but if we don't guess, we won't go anywhere.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 228
5/30/2009 17:58:10   

could somebody please tell me what page the posts ur referencing are on?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 229
5/30/2009 18:00:22   

Second last post on page 7. :)

Have to have something interesting in this post:
Update: Purgos, is the equivelent to the Tower of Babel from the Bible
That's a picture of Purgos.

EDIT: Even More interestingness.
Madder is also a natural dye from a plant.

< Message edited by Coldkick -- 5/30/2009 18:23:08 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 230
5/30/2009 18:03:19   

cool thanks maybe purgos is a place and the other thing that i forgot the name of is a person or a clan/cult/group of some kind
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 231
5/30/2009 18:09:10   

Hmm... Interesting...


This title of this card is unusual in that the 15th and 16th Century Italian Tarot sets would refer to this card as "Fire" or "The House of the Devil" and it has been suggested that the card may be connected to a device of theatrical sets that represented the gates of hell, otherwise known as the "Hellmouth", before it became more commonly known as the "Tower"; why then this card that predates that transition to modern terminology holds the same inscripted title in greek is unknown and is something that scholars have puzzled over. The traditional meanings of the tower card are connected with ideas of divine retribution, catastrophic turmoil, and the punishment of hubris as well as the destruction of seemingly invulnerable structures of man. The implications of the variations within the design of the card are uncertain, however now that the Lemniscate Club are the current posessors of the card, perhaps their knowledge of the hidden history of the world and its path into the future will uncover meanings remaining to be divined.

Image link.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 232
5/30/2009 19:14:29   
Lord Asrius

So: Tower of Babel, war, retribution, Stephen King, computers, and measuring cost. Is that all?
AQ DF  Post #: 233
5/30/2009 19:22:52   

why do i keep missing puzzles

< Message edited by Devourer`s Shadow -- 5/30/2009 19:27:56 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 234
5/30/2009 19:42:19   

@Lord Asrius You're forgetting what Kuld found:

It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built.

So that tower could also stand for a revelation and truth. And a secret is supposed to be hidden inside this "tower"...

I also noticed

The traditional meanings of the tower card are connected with ideas of divine retribution, catastrophic turmoil, and the punishment of hubris as well as the destruction of seemingly invulnerable structures of man.

Kinda reminds you of the coming of The'Galin doesn't it...
AQ DF  Post #: 235
5/30/2009 20:23:33   
Lord Asrius

Not quite. The'Galin tested us, he was not punishing us. Punishment would have been uncreation.
But thanks for the bit about revelation.
AQ DF  Post #: 236
5/30/2009 21:30:50   
How We Roll Winner

The reference could also be talking about 2012. In a lot of cultures a particular date in 2012 is supposed to be a change or transition to something completely different then what we've witnessed so far. The fact that they mention tarot cards, could represent the magical qualities or effects associated with space/time. The fact that their talking about the tower card seems to have some significant meaning towards what looks to be an "eruption" of sorts. So either we have a tower in this city in space, sort of like the guardian towers. Or we have a catastrophic variety of event about to take place.
AQW Epic  Post #: 237
5/30/2009 22:39:03   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Staff never mentioned tarot cards in relation to this. That's all speculation on the part of the players.
Post #: 238
5/30/2009 23:05:11   
Lord Asrius

I think he's basing his speculation on our speculation.
And we never did consider the possibility of a castle in space. Perhaps on a V'eld?
AQ DF  Post #: 239
5/30/2009 23:08:20   
Nex del Vida

In addition to all of this, notice that both Truth and Lies are mentioned in the description. I know this doesn't directly relate to the Truth saga, but it's still interesting.

Geno, I'm really not sure there's much room left for doubt... first of all, Falerin isn't one to look over coincidences. Secondly, even if he was, what are the chances that all of these signs point to the same thing?
AQ  Post #: 240
5/30/2009 23:46:11   
How We Roll Winner

Lord A. Has the correct thought. That's exactly what i was basing my thoughts on.
What was already presented by previous players.
AQW Epic  Post #: 241
5/31/2009 1:26:59   

These are all just speculations. How does this tie in with tarot cards?

< Message edited by shadowblade2 -- 5/31/2009 1:37:17 >
Post #: 242
5/31/2009 1:47:30   
How We Roll Winner

because tarot cards represent 2 things. They represent magic and they represent divination.

It's been proven that the mayan calender ends on a set date of 2012. There's a movie coming out on 2012 in november of this year.
A large number of native american and other groups around the world, have their input about 2012.

Tarot cards also represent magic in the space/time due to what they are used for.

The fact we're talking about a tower itself, could represent a tower of some sort on the city in space.

We won't know anything more concrete until we get some more clues, but so far from the speculations that I've already read, this answer would seem a likely candidate maybe not the 2012 part, but certainly the rest would fit well enough to help us figure out what really is going on.
AQW Epic  Post #: 243
5/31/2009 2:09:47   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


Secondly, even if he was, what are the chances that all of these signs point to the same thing?
They aren't all pointing to the same thing. They are pointing to the next thing and the next thing. It's just a chain of possible connections, and they really don't seem to point to the same thing to me.

A-->B-->C is what it looks like to me.

A-->C B-->C seems to be what you're saying it is.

There's a distinct difference there. If you look hard enough, you can find connections anywhere just because you want to find them. That doesn't necessarily mean you are right. If they all pointed to C, then I might be less skeptical. The actual WF stuff pointing to something pointing to something else seems much less likely.
Post #: 244
5/31/2009 2:42:02   

By the way - it seems that looking for all the subtleties of the possible meaning of 'purgos' we did not take into account that in the message it means something that can keep things on. Not 'in' or 'at' but 'on'. So I would not stick with the direct meaning of 'tower'. Compare it to 'Lagos' from MQ. That name refer to 'lake' and it is a planet with its surface covered mostly by water. Thus 'purgos' may well be a planet with an important tower-like structure on it.


AQ MQ  Post #: 245
5/31/2009 3:59:31   

so now, putting all the things you have said since this puzzle is solved, the message is: " the secret of the madder plants lies on a tower-like structure that happens to appear on a tarot card", does that make any sense to you guys

< Message edited by la0o9 -- 5/31/2009 4:00:26 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 246
5/31/2009 7:11:09   

HaHa i just looked to see if there was anything about the contest and there was like loadsa pages full of it so i dunno weather someone has already said the answer but i know it do i need to say it or keep it to my self??


Please and obviously Thank You!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 247
5/31/2009 9:01:41   

While I don't think all these things point towards the same thing, I can't help but think they're related. Purgos - as in tower, has a whole load of different meanings, as has been pointed out through the last couple of pages or so.
It may be that we go to this tower, planet or whatever Purgos really is, and like the Fool, discover something shocking...In this case; "Dark Madder's Secret".
MQ  Post #: 248
5/31/2009 9:55:43   
How We Roll Winner

hagen? isn't that kind of what I said in my previous post above you? @kuld, but we still do not know what the secret could be, it could be similar to a death-star or a star-trek secret or it could be a sword(like excaliber for example) Though currently, I wouldn't be able to accurately surmise this because I lack any more clues to prove the theory.

The fool card in tarot represents this.

The Fool is titled Le Mat in the Tarot of Marseilles, and Il Matto in most Italian language tarot decks. These archaic words mean "the madman" or "the beggar", and may be related to the word for 'checkmate' in relation to the original use of tarot cards for gaming purposes.[1]
In the earliest Tarot decks, the Fool is usually depicted as a beggar or a vagabond. In the Visconti-Sforza tarot deck, the Fool wears ragged clothes and stockings without shoes, and carries a stick on his back. He has what appear to be feathers in his hair. His unruly beard and feathers may relate to the tradition of the woodwose or wild man. Another early Italian image that relates to the tradition is the first (and lowest) of the series of the so called "Tarocchi of Mantegna". This series of prints containing images of social roles, allegorical figures, and classical deities begins with "Misero", a depiction of a beggar leaning on a staff.[2] A similar image is contained in the German Hofämterspiel; there the fool (German: Narr) is depicted as a barefoot man in robes, apparently with bells on his hood, playing a bagpipe.[3]
The Tarot of Marseilles and related decks similarly depict a bearded person wearing what may be a jester's hat; he always carries a bundle of his belongings on a stick slung over his back. He appears to be getting chased away by an animal, either a dog or a cat. The animal has torn his pants.[4]
In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck and other esoteric decks made for cartomancy, the Fool is shown as a young man, standing on the brink of a precipice. In the Rider-Waite deck, he is also portrayed as having with him a small dog. The Fool holds a rose in one hand and in the other a small bundle of possessions.
In French suited tarot decks that do not use the traditional emblematic images of Italian suited decks for the suit of trumps, the Fool is typically made up as a jester or bard, reminiscent of the joker in a deck of playing cards.

In many esoteric systems of interpretation, the Fool is usually interpreted as the protagonist of a story, and the Major Arcana is the path the Fool takes through the great mysteries of life and the main human archetypes. This path is known traditionally in Tarot as the Fool´s Journey, and is frequently used to introduce the meaning of Major Arcana cards to beginners.[7]
In his Manual of Cartomancy, Grand Orient has a curious suggestion of the office of Mystic Fool, as a part of his process in higher divination; but it might call for more than ordinary gifts to put it into operation. We shall see how the card fares according to the common arts of fortune-telling, and it will be an example to those who can discern the fact, otherwise so evident, that the Trumps Major had no place originally in the arts of psychic gambling, when cards are used as the counters and pretexts. However, we know very little of the circumstances under which this art arose.
The conventional explanations say that The Fool signifies the flesh, the sensitive life, and by a peculiar satire its subsidiary name was at one time The Alchemist, as depicting folly at the most insensate stage. When The Fool appears in a spread, he would be a signal to strip down to the irreducible core, and interrogate whether the Querant's self-vision is obscured. It may also be a warning that significant change is coming.
Another interpretation of the card is that of taking action where the circumstances are unknown, confronting one's fears, taking risks, and so on.
Some literary comparisons can be made. In universal literature, The Fool would be considered the youngest son or daughter who accomplishes great feats despite the apparently better position of older siblings. Examples include Cinderella, Psyche, Cordelia (from King Lear), all the third sons of kings in fairy tales who succeed when their older brothers do not, the Grail Knight who may be destined to locate the Holy Cup where greater and wiser men have tried and failed, the one teetering at the edge of Nietzsche's abyss, at the cusp of dreadful knowledge that will pull him or her out of the cave, or even Hamlet before he decides to embrace his destiny.
A dog appears on most versions of the card. Some versions of the dog depict him biting at The Fool. The dog symbolizes the natural world, one path to knowledge and a valuable ally; he can be seen as providing The Fool with a "reality check," a link to the everyday world.
Although it cannot be seen in all modern cards, The Fool is often shown walking off a cliff. This raises the question "Is The Fool making a mistake, or is The Fool making a leap of faith?"(taken off wikipedia)

But the tower card is described as this.(also taken off wikipedia
This card follows immediately after The Devil in all Tarots that contain it, and is considered an ill omen.[citation needed] Some early painted decks such as the Visconti-Sforza tarot do not contain it. [1] Also, some Tarot variants used for game playing omit it; the Tarocco Siciliano and other southern Italian tarot variants replace it with the Ship, a card that appears in the Minchiate deck as a symbol of the element water.
Early printed decks that preserve all their cards do feature The Tower. In these decks the card bears a number of different names and designs. In the Minchiate deck, the image usually shown is of two nude or scantily clad people fleeing the open door of what appears to be a burning building. In some Belgian tarots and the seventeenth century tarot of Jacques Vieville, the card is called La Foudre or La Fouldre, ("The Lightning") and depicts a tree being struck by lightning. In the Tarot of Paris (17th century), the image shown is of the Devil, beating his drums, before what appears to be the mouth of Hell; the card still is called La Fouldre. The Tarot of Marseilles merges these two concepts, and depicts a burning tower being struck by lightning or fire from the sky, its top section dislodged and crumbling. Two men are depicted in mid-fall, against a field of multicolored balls.[2]
It is interesting that this card, in French decks, is often called Le Maison Dieu ("The Hospital"). Many people[3][4] think this may be a corruption of another term, perhaps from Old French.

The Belgian Tarot depicts a tree struck by lightning.
A variety of explanations for the images depicted on the card have been attempted. For example, it may be a reference to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, where God destroys a tower built by mankind to reach Heaven. Alternatively, the Harrowing of Hell was a frequent subject in late medieval liturgical drama, and Hell could be depicted as a great gate knocked asunder by Jesus Christ, with accompanying pyrotechnics. The Minchiate version of the deck may represent Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Eden.[5]

Many differing meanings are attributed to the card:
To some, it symbolizes failure, ruin and catastrophe.
To others, the Tower represents the paradigms constructed by the ego, the sum total of all schema that the mind constructs to understand the universe. The Tower is struck by lightning when reality does not conform to expectation.
Epiphanies, transcendental states of consciousness, and Kundalini experiences may result.
The Tower further symbolizes that moment in trance in which the mind actually changes the direction of the force of attention from alpha condition (pointed mindward) to theta condition (pointed imaginal stageward). A Theta condition (especially in waking versions of theta states) is that moment when information coming into the ego-mind overwhelms external or sensory stimuli, resulting in what might otherwise be called a "vision" or "hallucination."
Each card in the Major Arcana is a related to the previous ones. After the self bondage of The Devil, life is self correcting. Either the querents must make changes in their own lives, or the changes will be made for them.
The querent may be holding on to false ideas or pretenses; a new approach to thinking about the problem is needed. The querent is advised to think outside the box. The querent is warned that truth may not oblige schema. It may be time for the querent to re-examine belief structures, ideologies, and paradigms they hold to. The card may also point toward seeking education or higher knowledge.
Others believe that the Tower represents dualism, and the smashing of dualism into its component parts, in preparation for renewal that does not come from reified, entrenched concepts. The Ivory Tower as a parallel image comes to mind, with all its good parts and its bad parts.
AQW Epic  Post #: 249
5/31/2009 10:49:46   


So that tower could also stand for a revelation and truth. And a secret is supposed to be hidden inside this "tower"...

Actually, the tower would stand for the mystery and, this is just an assumption on my part here, we would be the outside force that strikes like lightning to shed the light of truth on the darkness of the mystery.

Of course, I could be completely off on this, and if I am I'll be the first to admit it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 250
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