Well, I've been thinking (and reading) about the problem, and I've found three bits of information that might help, if you haven't already gone down those alleys: It appears that S and Z were once Roman numerals in a variant which isn't used anymore, but not as powers of ten. Since all the groups are prefixed by either a S or Z or both, and I didn't see either letter inside a group, that might take care of the "leading forks". N was also used as a 0, though that might be coincidental. And instead of replacing the numerals with their numeric equivalents, why not use the actual number? (i.e. translating MCX into 1110, instead of 100010010) Falerin mentioned the order of operations, and while concatenation (what you've been doing so far) is similar to addition, the results can be very different. But then what would one do with the Ns? Anyway, even if all of this is relevant, the binary wouldn't work in a 64-base decoder. So it looks like I'm missing something too :P