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=MtAK= ShadowLurks, Yes I'm in OOC! I'M STILL IN PEDIA!

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6/29/2009 19:45:56   
The lurking shadow

Hey all! No, I'm not a new AK but I am new to OOC. :D Feels like only yesterday I did my original MtAK...

Remember these before posting:

1. Forum rules apply.

2. No more than 15 question per post.

3. No more than one post per page, please.

4. If I deem the question to personal, I won't answer.

5. Try not to ask questions already answered.

6. I will edit in this colour!

Have fun! :D

My first question - Why can't you sticky your own threads? :P ~SG
I can, I can. :P

Due to the confusion, people thinking I moved. I changed the title.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/30/2009 21:59:05 >
AQ  Post #: 1
6/29/2009 19:47:57   

Hey there! :)
Welcome to madness
Thanks. I'm sure it won't disappoint.
Do you want to deposit your sanity now or in the next few days?
Bacon wrapped cheese with cheese on top?
Considering it would be melted due to the bacon's warmth, no.
Not really a fan.
Video Games?
TES: Oblivion!
:O Coincidence, me too.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 19:52:27 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
6/29/2009 19:50:29   
Stand Back

Squeeeee *pounces*
Rarrrw! Circe! /snug
Questions for teh Lurker:
1) Why is Gnome such a brat?
Cause he has nothing else to do and likes to annoy people. *Nod*
2) Do you even like Gnome?
No! /me kicks Gnome.
3) Are you going to:

a) Cuddle Polls
b) Bake brownies for Polls
c) Delete bad stuff out of Polls
d) ?????
e) Profit
C. Cos I ar meanie!
4) I think I did the last one wrong?
Hehehe. :P
5) That last one was not a question.
If I put a question mark at the end it is.

Ok I'm done, my sugar rush is wearing off. Welcome welcome welcome! *snuggles* Have fun!
Awwwh. See you later Circe. *ShadowSnuggles*

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 19:57:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
6/29/2009 19:53:52   

Congrats on AKship and welcome to the OOC!
Let's play a game. For every object, state whether it's epic win or fail and give me an alternate use for it.
Oooh let's a go!
The Pick of Destiny
Epic Fail. Altern use - Toilet.
... ?
Gibson Les Paul
Epic Win. Altern use - SOLO!
Epci Win. Altern use - Dunno. >.<
North Korea
No comment.
Fissile U-235 Samples
Again, no comment.
Megan Fox
Dunno who she is.
Epic Win. Altern use - Snuggling.
Mentally Disabled Reigndeer
No comment.
Your Neighbor
Epic Fail. Altern use. - Down teh well.
Your Neighbor's House
Epic Fail. Altern use. - Burn it down.
Epic Win. Altern use. -Dunno?
USB Drive
Epic Fail. Altern use. - In teh rivarr!
48" Television
Epic Win. Altern use. - Cartoons. <-- Yah.
Again, welcome to the Out of Common-sense room!
Thanks. :)


No, Puppeh is teh nub.

Target Acquired.

< Message edited by N0085L4Y3R -- 6/29/2009 20:45:20 >
AQ DF  Post #: 4
6/29/2009 19:56:54   

Hey there Lurkz...
Hey there Frozt!
So now you're in the OOC too?
Yah, yah!
I pity you...
Ze crestion zime!
1. Who did you spill you cofee on to be assigned the OOC?
Barney. Srsly.
2. Would you like a slice of my very own Chocolate Banana Strawberry pie?
3. This does'nt seem to be a question...
4. Neither does this... Sorry...
This doesn't seem to be an answer.
5. What would you do if *gasp* all the shadows dissapeared? (I myself would be sad)
Change my name to 'Lurks'. Like on IRC! :D
6. Apple?
Banananananana. To0 many a's and n's?

That, i think, is all...
/me points below.
Enjoy you new domain... As long as you are able to do that...
Thanks. Laters!

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:12:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
6/29/2009 19:56:57   

Shadow, hope all is well with you! Great to see another AK Paxia enthusiast!
S'all good! When did you get debatable?!
A few hours ago!
So, my questions are:
So my answers are:
You mentioned recently that your Paxia clan isn't the most active. Do you intend to do something about that, or possibly jump ship?
Oh I'm not from Nautica, just stating that they aren't active. I r Areodu.
What is your most controversial opinion?
I can't say I have one. :P
What topic in the OOC do you find most interesting and why?
That 'Hypnotizing' one. Because it is. Real logical answer I know. :P
Tell me something fascinating about yourself.
I can run around the world in 2.49511 seconds. Did you see me?
If you had to recommend a book/dvd/cd what would it/they be, and why.
Enter Shikari - Take to The Skies(CD). Because they have a great mix of instruments, vocals creating a unique style.
Belated congratulations on your knighthood, by the way - and I love that you're an active presence in the paxia (and my beloved Glacius) threads.
Thanks! I will always be a Paxian at heart. Don't you worry. :)

< Message edited by brianspenceni -- 6/29/2009 20:23:37 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
6/29/2009 20:06:23   
Master Number 300

Welcome and prepare for complete chaos and madness. No questions for me, just a congratz and welcome.
Thank YOU!

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:23:27 >
AQ DF  Post #: 7
6/29/2009 20:07:06   

So how's the OOC treating ya?
Too early to tell. :P
We don't bite....well Helix does...but that's 'cause she's a vampire
And she gives cookies. Munchie!
Wheee I'll attack ya on IRC (if I remember to xP)
Haha. See you there. :)
Have "fun" ^.^
I will!

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:24:49 >
DF  Post #: 8
6/29/2009 20:11:38   
Tapeworm Shoelace

Hi. D:

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:25:25 >
AQ  Post #: 9
6/29/2009 20:12:58   

:D *unpouces you from Circes pounce to balance the odds*
:D hahahaa.
Is Circe Awesome?
Yes! Circe is teh awesomesauce!
If you former answer was negative, I advise you to hide.
No worries there. :P
Although she can be kind of PUSHY >:D, but all lovable, I'm sure (<3)
*pushes Elly* D:<
D'you know The Musical Project 'Ayreon'? If not, get yourself some samples, it's awesome.
Hmm. I will!:D
Just to poll you:
Are you sure you are Pollished enough for the job?
Hehehe. I am.
Do you have allergic reactions to Pollens?
I see what you're doing here... :P
Are your clothes made of Pollyester, by any chance, or is Pollystyrene more your style?
You know that my country is very famous for making Pollders?
ORly? I never knew.
Are you sure you can stand the OOC Pollitics?
I can!
Are you Pollytheistic?
Okay, I aPollogize, I shall stop Polluting your ears, and leave you to Pollicing and Pollishing these shiny forums. It'd be rather unPollite of me to Pollymorph your enthusiasm to it's antiPolle, by Pollarising puns.
Have fun :D
I will! Thanks!
P.S. Pollaroid was founded in my country too.

< Message edited by Circe -- 6/30/2009 18:01:14 >
AQ DF  Post #: 10
6/29/2009 20:17:37   
the random warrior

SL! /superultrahuggle
/me ShadowSnugs!
You moved?
Neva! I just got a new section.
I see you got a new cute girl avvy.
I'm still immuned to your cuteness...but that doesn't mean I can't appriciate it.
Hehe. You all should appreciate it!
Here's a OOC warming gift. Another toast-cookie hybrid!
Oh yum!
Well, on too questions. :/
1. What's your favorite Final Fantasy game?

2. Who's the girl in your avvy?
No idea.
3. Shadowmage?
That's right.
4. Favorite Sonic the Hedgehog character?
5. Weapon of choice?
Aerodu Sword!
6. Peppermint or cinnamin?
7. Do you play AQW?
8. You gonna play Warpforce?
9. Do you listen to Daft Punk? (if not you should)
Well, that's it. Go talking to you again. Stay cute.
Go talking to you too. :P You stay cute too! :D


< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:36:47 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
6/29/2009 20:18:36   
Bone Head Emo Ranger Power!

You're in my hood!
I am I am!
You know the deal, you can't give me a warning evar.
Oh can't I? :P
We're going to be seeing each other a lot more :D
We are!
See you on IRC, noob
Sure thing! And I not nub you are the nub. kthxbai
Blahalfjal :)
ShadowLurks approves this message.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:38:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
6/29/2009 20:28:08   

How are you?
I'm good thanks! :D
Don't hate me because I'm bad at forums.
Don't be silly. I love all! /me ShadowSnugs.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:40:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
6/29/2009 20:32:51   
Dr. Peace

Hello, it's nice too see you move here!
Why did you move here?
I like this section!
Do you wish to lose your faith in humanity or do you just love watching semi-humans talk about unimportant things?
Both. :P
Will you be a just, and good AK to us or will you be an Evil one?
I will be the best I canz.
What is your favorite way to mock another member?
Delete their posts!
Is what Puppy said true, are you a noob?
No, Puppeh is teh nub.
Do you plan to continue expanding your power, taking over as an AK and eventually a mod on every forum, growing and expanding in power until eventually you break the mainframe of the Battleon Forums and move from forum to forum until you have power over the entire internet and everything that happens within it?
I'm fine with the three sections I have.
Nice to meet you and I hope to see you around!
Ditto. Laters!

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:42:49 >
Post #: 14
6/29/2009 20:41:59   

I don't know you
I know you.
I'm OmegaBreak, but you can call me Break, Omega, or Master. I'd prefer the latter
I like turtles, and fast food. Do you like turtles and fast food ?
I also like Pokemanz. Do you like Pokemanz ?
I find cats to be annoying. Do you have a cat ? Or are you a cat for that matter ?
I <3 cats.
Well, gratz on your Ak'ship. Have a good time, minion

Thanks! I will, laters!

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 20:44:18 >
Post #: 15
6/29/2009 20:52:00   
Colonel J

Do you enjoy answering all of these questions?
Is it mandatory?
No. I didn't even have to make this thread, thought I would let you all know I'm here though. :)

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 21:09:19 >
Post #: 16
6/29/2009 20:55:14   

Do you like cats
I do.
Do you have a cat
I do.
my cat died.
/me patpats Neopie
do you play command and counquer?
A cat is running at 55 mph if this is true how many times will it eat on the way to new mexico from alaska wering a chiuahhaha shirt
0_o Dunno.
A dog is running from a tiger at 54 mph, if so how many banks do i rob on the way to alaska

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 21:11:23 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 17
6/29/2009 21:29:49   

Hi. Congratulations! :D
Hey! Thanks!

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 21:34:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
6/29/2009 21:36:49   

Interesting. Congrats on your new/transferred post. And the fact that you're an AK.
1. Is this Sparta?
Do you want it to be?
2. Why can't we all just be friends?
Cause the world is full of hate!
3. When a politician shouts in Congress, does anyone care?
No. I don't.
4. Does global warming Exist?
5. 'Cause wasn't it global cooling back in the 70s? >.>.
6. Where are you lurking? Do you need the OOC to keep coming up with plans to free you and the other AKs?
7. How random can I get?
8. 1 @m t3h 1337n355. R u?
9. Did I just hurt your eyes?
No. :P
10. Oh dear, I appear to be running out of questions. What do I do?
/me throws Book O' Questions
11. I mean, I'm almost on question 15, aren't I?
12. ZOH NOEZ! Why can't I not speak without it being in a question form?
Cause you get disease?
13. Maybe I just did. Huh, this is getting weird, isn't it?
Yeah. :S
14. A real question! If the square root of negative one is imaginary....then why do we see the little "i" next to it???
15. My name is "Shadow" in Latin. My characters name in AQW is "Lux", meaning "Light". Do you find that as weird as I do?
I do.
That was exhausting. Congratulations on being an AK period, Shadow...and one last thing: Poeting is fun!
I bet it is. Thanks again! Laters.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 21:57:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
6/29/2009 21:53:11   

Heya =).
Why the name ShadowLurks?Why not LightFollows?
Cos' I am da' Lurking Shadow of Teh Apocalypse.
Doughnuts or Bagels?

I <3 cats. dogs

Fixed :)
I bet you were assigned here just to keep Puppy in line, right?
No. But that's part of the job. :P

Adios and good luck.You are gonna need it with Smalls around
She's a lil' devil. :P
Edit:I just realized that you changed your avatar right after I posted.Trying to hide your identity, are you?
How'd youknow? *Shifty eyes*

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 22:00:27 >
DF MQ  Post #: 20
6/29/2009 21:59:27   

1. /me snugglepounces shadowlurks... Remember me?
Hey! I do.
2. Didn't you used to be in the AQ Info Submissio Section?
I'm still an AK there.
3. If so do you still love toast?
Surrreee do!
4. Can I haz toast?
/me hands LordAiden toast
5. How bout a cookie then?
/me hands LordAiden cookie
6. Ever been to ZH?
Zorbak's Hidingout? Few times.
7. If so have you ever seen any of my stories?
Yes. I read some, pretty good.
Thats all for now! Cya later! Don't let Circe get away with stealing you soul!
She'll never take mah soul. >.> Laters.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 22:03:32 >
AQ DF  Post #: 21
6/29/2009 22:05:26   

1) I don't know you and you don't know me, but in an alternate timeline in which meteors have directly striken the planets core, do we know each other?
2) If we assume we do know each other, does that mean that since we know this in this reality that in the alternate reality is starting to break down?
3) Ignoring those first two questions, congratz on the permotion.
4) What does Geas mean. :X
A curse?!
5) So how are you today? A bit late to ask but if I don't ask now, how will I know the answer before?
This is true. I'm good thanks! :D
6) Would you rather be like water or fire? I mean, Bruce Lee wants us to be like water, but who wants us to be like fire?
7) Before I run out of weird and/or odd questions to ask you, do you believe that the previous questions will be the answer to the next question?
I dunno. :P
8) K, serious time......can't think of anything serious to ask. Does that say something about my personality?
Yes, You're a very imaginative guy.
9) Do you have a monoply on monoplizing monopilies? I'm pretty sure I spelled something wrong too.
LolWut? :P
11) Chicken or rice?
12) I skipped a number, did you notice? Or did you just think that a pinch in time/space had occured?
13) k, that's all I got for now. Have a great time AKing the forums :o
Thanks! Laters.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 23:27:23 >
AQ  Post #: 22
6/29/2009 22:17:04   
Captain Kidd

Hey ShadowLurks, moving around from AQ GD I see :P
I still post there. Just not as much. Hey CK!
1) Star Wars fan? If so, favorite character, episode
No. >.<
2) Favorite sport(s)?
3) Favorite movie?
The Shining!
4) Favorite food?
and for the question I ask all MtAK's...

*dramatic pause*
or Ninjas...?
Ninjas.... Sorry. :P
Stay alive Have fun in the OOC, ShadowLurks!

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 23:32:24 >
AQ  Post #: 23
6/29/2009 22:22:38   
Outsmarting Bugs

I'm gonna spam your board. k? k.
Not much else to say other than that really...so have fun!
Thanks! :D

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 23:33:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
6/29/2009 22:35:59   

Congrats. I think.
Thanks. I think.
...Now we're done.

< Message edited by ShadowLurks -- 6/29/2009 23:34:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 25
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