I propose a new system for bobby the ice__, as described below. Bobby would get a level as well as a form. The stats (str/dex/end/cha/luk/int) given would total 5*level. Bobby's build would be decided by cyro. In order to reach level X, clan defense must be at least (x^2)/2-100000, for x>/=0. Thus, a clan defense of X means that Bobby is level Floor[Sqrt[2*X+200000]]. For clan defense below -100000...let's never get that low Bobby changes forms whenever he levels up, but no more than 1 form change per week. Form change is also delayed whenever cyro needs more time. Bobby would be level 0 if our defense is at -100000. With -25000 defense, bobby would be level 387 With -20000 defense, bobby would be level 400 With 0 defense, bobby would be level 447 With 10000 defense, bobby would be level 469 With 20000 defense, bobby would be level 489 With 25000 defense, bobby would reach level 500 If we manage to reach the elusive 100000 defense, bobby will be level 632 and be the most powerful creature in L.O.R.E This system would encourage defending, and help get us out of the negatives!