Alopex: WarpForce uses EXACT same stat formulaes as AdventureQuest. However, some weapon stats differ. For one, Guns do not get increased damage from STR and DEX in WF, opposed to bows and spears that do in AQ. Heres a quick list how things work: Melee attacks (Weapons/Armor) - STR for damage and Bth. DEX and LUK give Bth also. LUK grants more damage on Lucky Strikes. (Fixed 10% rate) Ranged attacks (Guns/Gauntlets/Armor mounted Guns&Cannons) - DEX and LUk give Bth, and LUK grants more damage on Lucky Strikes Shots. (Fixed 10% rate) Ranged Attacks (Spears/Throwing/Other physical action) - STR&DEX for damage. DEX and LUK give Bth also. LUK grants more damage on Lucky Strikes. (Fixed 10% rate) Magic Attacks (Such as Uniforce or other Magic/Kinetic/Psychic abilities) - INT for damage and Bth. DEX and LUK give Bth also. LUK grants more damage on Lucky Strikes. (Fixed 10% rate) Skills&Techs (Various attack types) - ALWAYS use INT for damage and Bth. DEX and LUK give Bth also. LUK grants more damage on Lucky Strikes. (Fixed 10% rate) Basic builds: Pure Gunner (Gun attacks only) - DEX&LUK, some END. - Very accurate and high blocking. Pure Warrior (Melee) - STR&DEX, some END. - Strong melee hits and decent blocking. Pure Scientist (Techs) - INT&DEX, some END. - Techs and Magic hit hard, decent blocking. Anhillator Warrior (Melee) - STR&DEX, LUK instead of END. - Very accurate and strong melee, but low HP. Anhillator Scientist (Techs) - INT&DEX, LUK instead of END. - Very accurate and strong Techs and Magic, but low HP. Anhillator Gunner (Guns/Pets?) - DEX/LUK, CHA instead of END. - Very accurate and strong Guns and pets/guests, but low HP. NOTE: All builds are able Gun users, but have lower accuracy/damage with them than Gunners due to less LUK and probobly DEX. NOTE 2: Anhillator builds however share about the same gun profiency, but specialise on a second attack option that the other Anhillators do. And have weak HP. NOTE 3: Anhillator Gunners are not the equaliant of Beast Masters in AQ, as CHA isn't their main stat. Also WF doesn't have strong pets yet, however an Anhillator Gunner with their points dumped to CHA instead of END get more hits and damage out of their pets than others. Z3R0: Go to any shop, open your inventory and select Extra slots/storage. Each extra storage slot costs 200 Z-Tokens and only apply to the item category you buy them. (So no Armros or Techs in your extra Weapon storage. Just like AQ)
< Message edited by ShadowSpawn -- 8/14/2009 8:52:47 >