Travis Touchdown
Reality Touchdown!
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think it's been nearly four years since houses were first released. Back when it was the Tent at 200 Tokens and the Tiki Hut at 1000... I was just shy of getting that 1000 when it was first released, so I farmed for hours on end to get those last 10 tokens. This was WAY before Ballyhoo even dropped Tokens-- in fact, Ballyhoo didn't even exist yet! And, the Hut came with a FREE GUARD! (A Guard Sheep) This was completely unheard of, and yet, so welcome. And of course, every few months a new house would be released. Those of us who got the previous tier just before it came out had enough Tokens to buy the new one upfront. With each upgrade, we saw more and more what houses could be. Storage Slots, Temporary Weapons and Armour, and even a completely exclusive quest in the Frostval Stone House! Anyone remember the old plans for Kingdoms and Castles? The idea of sharing a Castle or Kingdom, chipping in to make it strong? It sounded almost like the Clan system all over again, but much more dynamic. In retrospect, I see now that it probably would have gone stagnent, with castles rising and falling as players became inactive and causing the rest of the castle to suffer, but back then it sounded like it would be one of the greatest things to happen to AQ. Then, after a year and a half since the very first houses, came Estates. It's hard to believe it's already been two and a half years since we first started collecting resources and upgrading buildings. In fact, at that point all we had were the resource collectors, the Trade Hut, the Guard Tower, and the Stat Trainers (Which were, at the time, considered to be the main reason to get the Estate). With all the pent up extra resources, we were given the first Storage Building, which only went to level 10, to store 2000 more resources. The Museum came next, and then the second Storage Building... In fact, it wasn't until 9 months after Estates were released that we finally got the Mega World Portal and could start using our resources for something beyond the house system. It's been nearly two years since we first had the option to do this! Here's to four years of one of the best additions to AQ's gameplay.