Orion The Hunter
Off topic: @ Dark.Orion. It's quite scary how much we look alike 0.0 (Joined: 2005, upgraded, 2007, plus we share the name=O). On topic: The fear drake battle/was, was the highlight in my AQ-Oldschool career. That was my most excited moment in AQ ever. I beat fear drake, and bought the Dragonfang scimitar, which was a terribly overpowered weapon (special ftw!). If only they would make higher leveld versions of it.. or make the Fear drake come back. He was my favourite vilian! @ Legasee, Don't we all? I mean, I just devourer wars without even thinking about them. In the past, I would be far more involved in the entire war/clan war/ events. I would read the text carefully, replay quests and wars, get so excited. For some reason, AQ has lost a bit of that. I guess that is why people stopped playing. You sound like you are without a lot of motivation aswell. Aq could be great again, but it needs a lot of work. Old School AQ > New School AQ