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Issue 45 - WF NPC Tour (Bballman23)

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8/6/2009 12:51:49   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

by Bballman23

I start my tour of the LSS Alteon, of course, on the Bridge: always styling myself something of a leader, it seems natural I meet the WarpForce's official commanders before exploring the rest of the ship.

Admiral Amada (some, behind closed doors, whisper that he is really only a Command... I see his hand on the ship's control panel and decide to ask later) welcomes me on board the ship, explaining his role as the fleet's guide and very trustingly offers me the chance to help the WarpForce by carrying out several missions. These missions let me try my hand at flying and gunning a spaceship, and show me just how much Amada and the others sacrifice to stop the Network. Returning from my perilous missions in the sky, the first visit with the Admiral ends with a short discussion about the Devourer, the fleet, and the Alteon itself. Like any great leader, Admiral Amada delegates the discussion of the Devourer to Celestra, another leader, so I strike up a conversation with her.

In another world, I remember this striking redhead as the fearless Huntress, a mysterious visitor to Battleon. When I ask, Celestra reveals her past: she is indeed the Huntress, the Devourer's tracker. We discuss the curious nature of the Devourer (The'Galin), his behavior that differs so much from the activities of his Network. Even the thousand-year-old warrior does not have all the answers, however, so I walk over to the regally dressed Drakel Queen.

Queen Pra'Mithia explains the construction of the Alteon and her sister ships, and explains her hopes for Lore's ships. She also offers basic WarpForce missions, but the most striking feature of the Queen is her dress. No sleeves? How improper for a political figure (we'll let the bare legs slip). She probably goes around hugging other queens, too. Trying to ignore this egregious slip in tradition, I leave the Queen and continue my tour of the ship.

From the Bridge, I take the Gravity Tube - whatever it is, I just got in and closed my eyes - to the Hangar Deck. The great General 1337 Leet Stormfront is in command here, and offers dangerous missions and weapons of all sorts. Aside from not allowing anyone to buy his best items ("(Nonexistent) 1st Lieutenants only!" he says), Stormfront explains more about fighting and the WarpForce. I learn about leveling up and training, as well as the ships kept in the Hangar Deck for usage against the Network. Vowing to return when I discover how to become a 1st Lieutenant, I make my way to the Virtual Reality, or VR, Deck.

A heavily armed Tronzor greets me in the VR Deck, surprising me with his realistic appearance. Tronzor explains, however, that he is a complex holographic projection designed to train (i.e., hurt) WarpForcers of all ranks. I accept his challenge and, following a long exchange where he "pretended" to be hurt and lose, I emerge feeling more powerful already (and thinking that sending the invincible holograph to fight the Network might just be easier). Tronzor offers Battlesuits, Gauntlets, and an extreme makeover as well, but I decline and again step into the Gravity Tube.

The floating stretchers whizzing around this room quickly give away the Sick Bay, where I see a moglin waiting to talk to me. Dodging the stretchers and their healthy-looking occupants, I introduce myself to the creature, according to the nametag a "Dr. Mendas." The good doctor proudly shows off the ACHE machine, causing me to vow never to visit the Sick Bay unless at full health. Mendas tells me about the use of medical science instead of magic to heal and her interest in studying new alien life forms. I soon find myself armed with a healing ability on a mission to an alien planet, barely having time to wave goodbye to the elf Captain Daian, head of Search and Rescue operations (she promises missions once all the ships return), before rushing out the door with another unwitting Warpforcer.

Arriving back from a successful mission, gleeful mehehehe's attract me to the Engineering Deck. Zorboz - self-described Galactic Representative for the Prime Moglin Necromancer Zorbak of Lore - continues to cackle until I approach him, when he/it rudely greets and insults me. This robot is clearly too good to have been designed by the Zorbak from Lore. I find myself battling an undead robot (don't ask), but, after the initial surprise, I quickly defeat the monster. Obviously Zorbak hasn't improved too much. Zorboz's defeat silences the embarrassed bot, giving me time to talk to the unusual alien also standing in the deck.

This is Gravlax, the Chief Engineer of the ship. Gravlax explains - and sells - Skills & Techs, and maintains a small pet shop. He tries to lure me into a mission to find a runaway droid, but I refuse: my tour is almost over, and I'd like to do some battle! I leave Engineering and travel to the WarpGuardian Tower that astonishingly floats alongside the Alteon as it rushes through space.

Captain Temura Ge'Thrak and a model WarpGuardian stand in front of the tower, impressive in their power. Temura explains the benefits of becoming a WarpGuardian - I sign up immediately and she fits me for my new suit - and tells me of her long past on Lore. After choosing the colors for my WarpGuardian Battlesuit, I enter the tower itself and find Lkeas, the Archivist.

The Archivist carries all sorts of artistic tools (quills, paper, a flute, and, of course, a sword), and nearly gives me a heart attack when she mentions her work. WarpGuardians will be able to view a summary of all their previous missions, and even replay events that have left the game. Surely this Archivist is part Elemental Lord for having such powers, even if she does have little to offer at the moment. I respectfully bow farewell to this amazing woman and leave the Tower.

And so, equipped with new items, knowledge, and hopes, my tour of the LSS Alteon's inhabitants ends. My new superiors and comrades discussed here (and others tucked away in far-off missions and worlds, including an upgrade of a certain forgetful force of nature) will no doubt bring me hours of fighting, exploring, and pun-groaning, and I'm off into the stars!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/7/2009 15:43:04   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

Very nice article! I especially liked your observation that it'd probably be easier just to send the hologram. XD
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
8/9/2009 21:57:23   

Hehe, thanks. :P And checking my dictionary, it should be hologram as you say, not holograph like I wrote. >.> /me calls an editor
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
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