Hello there, Someone-I-Don't-Know! (seriously, I never come over here) Hiyas someone I do know! Anyway, I better get a few questions posted before people start guessing as to why I'm here exactly... Shoot Before I go any further, this post has been approved by the Elite Video Intelligence League (E.V.I.L.) Got it Infinity divided by Pi does not equal Pi divided by Infinity? Of course not The World Ends with You? (Note: World does not actually end with you (or 'u'), it is a game) The world would stop spinning without me Have you heard of the energy drink Crimson Bull? Cough. Never Rocking out, or out with the rocks? With the rocks? Anyway, congrats on the AK-ship (That's what? 10 or so in the past two weeks?), I better get going now, bye then! *rushes off* Thanks
< Message edited by Jokester -- 9/9/2009 16:09:36 >