The Greenman
Mmm... Its just me but i think that: 1 Ghost should have a bigger role in mogloween. It would tend to go with the whole spooky theme of things (no pun intended) 2 The history of the founding of Falconreach for the techno turkey November thing, would have to involve a voltabolt time machine somehow for it to work 3 MOAR ICE DRAGON HEADS!!!!!!!11!!!1!! I cannot even begin to mention how much farming i did last frostval and never got one ice dragon head, we definitely need so see more of them this frostvall 4 Less alcohol themed new years weapons; cmon people we have kids playing this game too ya know no champagme bottles this year 5 A well designed new NPC for Hero's hearts day, something that'll score killer ratings with the girls, because lets face it most players are guys and we need to score more ratings with the girls 6 March gold madness : Weapons should have more of a celtic design in them as to make them look cool, I mean really last years weapons looked like the pieces of styrofoam in my cereal that they called marshmallows 7 April fools day : MOAR CHICKENCOW BELL And thats all i can think of aside from that there are various exotic sounding names that can be used for swords and daggers in upcoming weapon sets, like : Kriegsmesser - A single edged kind of german longsword Seax - A type of english dagger with a curve and notched edge Katzbalger - A kind of rennisance double edged sword Schiavona - A large italian broadwoard with a leaf designed basket hilt Cinquedea - A type of heavy semi long dagger, popular in italy Gunblades - There needs to be more of these, and the revolving rilfeblade doesnt count Falcata - Type of blade seen in 300 Estoc - A type of longsword designed for dealing with mail and plate armor Flamberge - A really big type of claymore with a wavy flame edge Espada Ropera - A spanish sword imbetween a rapier and a longsword