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=MtAK= Lady Azjurai - Coffee Ninja

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10/29/2009 9:53:42   
Lady Azjurai

Mornin' all ^^ My name is Lady Azjurai, and I'll be your new ArchKnight of the AQW GD

People love asking questions, so I figure this is a perfect time to find out all the juice on your most lovable of forum raccoons (me, in case you were wondering). If of course, there's another more lovable forum raccoon (I have my doubts!), then I'm still most lovable coffee drinking raccoon. That's good enough.

Back on topic now;
I ask you to limit questions to one post with 5 questions and remember the Universal Rules apply. Why five you my ask? Simple really, I'm too lazy to answer 10, and 3 seems to few.

For now, I'll edit in this color/font scheme. Subject to raccoon whimsy.

Ask away people, I'm almost an open book.

Can you believe this MtAK wasn't hijacked ? O_o I can't resist .. HIJACK ! >:D. And congratulations :P. ~Dimension

I was surprised as well...*Hi-jacks Dimension's hi-jack*! Congrats Azjurai! ~Baron~

Un-hijack the re-hijack shall I! ~ Lady Azjurai

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/31/2009 19:47:55 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 1
10/29/2009 9:55:24   
The Magnificent

Congrats to you Lady Azjurai
/me gets that cup of coffee so I can think of some really good questions for you.

Who said?
“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.”

Depp wasn't it?

What are you shopping for if you are sized up by a Brannock Device?
Shoes of course! Any lady knows that ;)

What is short for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation"?
Firin' mah Laserz!

What percentage of the average human brain is water?
Somewhere around the 80%ish mark if I remember 1st year psych right ^^

How many stars are in the little dipper?
No clue -_-

What was MacGyver’s most useful tool?
Either his pocket knife, or his watch (unless we count his mullet as a tool?).

How many 9’s was that?

What time is it?
Too early to know, but too late to care ^^

That was too easy...
If you share your cookies Elnaith will let you out of your cage once a week

Good luck and welcome to the world of AKness ~ Theo

have fun there in the Q&A ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/30/2009 1:50:55 >
AQW  Post #: 2
10/29/2009 9:57:28   

Whoo Azj ^^
Go Az, it's you birthday! Uh-uh!

Glad to have you on the board.
Glad to be here ^^

*gives coffee*
*Takes a second one 'for the raccoons'*

So questions.. How many raccoons does it take to switch a lightbulb?
Depends how much coffee they have. Usually it's one to switch the lightbulb, and three to raid the fridge while the light is out ;)

Have fun :)
I'll do my best captain!


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:20:12 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
10/29/2009 9:58:57   

Hah, congratulations!!
Thankee, says I.

Do you like Pomeranians? Especially those with witty monocles?
All dogs are good. Plus nothing says 'witty' quite like a monocle.

I think you'll be my favorite raccoon...second only to the one from Pocahontas. Favorite Pop Culture Animal Personality?
Hmm... I'll go with Pumba from the Lion King?

I have a raccoon problem with my garbage here, any advice on how to get them out?
Why would you want to get rid of raccoons? -_-

Hobbies? Besides looking like a bandit of course.
I'm very much into my Aikido and archery ^^

I can has coffee?
In a perfect world, all people can haz coffee.

Well, good luck...Looks like Clyde has more work to do. Poor Coffee Boy

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:07:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/29/2009 9:59:15   

First non AK post?
Very close ;)

:D haii!

does yew remember me :3?
Right now, I'm barely able to remember breakfast. The name does ring a bell though ^^

im flame teh flamer of teh forums :D
Flames are fine, so long as they're in a BBQ not the forums :P

i remember you o.o
Does my coffee trivia haunt you?

Gratz on becomming an AK :3
Thank's again ^^

i may be back >.> <.<
On page 2 :p

Was isn't is ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:10:08 >
MQ  Post #: 5
10/29/2009 9:59:16   

Hello to you to!

I was wondering when you would get AK'ed. You deserve it!
I think I was the one most surprised. Now it means I gotta work ;)

Congrats, and bye!
Have a nice day!

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:11:23 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
10/29/2009 9:59:52   
Dragon of doom

Numbah one on the schedule is....Congratz u :P
So CONGRATZ Azjurai :D (did i spell your name correctly?)
You did indeed

What's ur fav AE game?
Probably AQW right now. AQ is a very good game though, so it's a hard call.

Coffee or T :P
Coffee of course. It is a source of ultimate good ;)

Raccoon or......The Mysterious animal of doom?
Raccoons, natural ninjas. Plus they're fuzzy!

Want a cake?
Only if it's not a lie.

Here have one :P

Why did u chose the name Lady Azjurai?
A lot of reasons really. For starters, it's a nice name and it's the name I use in AQW ;)

And ladidadida <<
Do Ray Me?

I WILL be back......later......

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:14:57 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 7
10/29/2009 9:59:56   

DEBATING GIRL! - Remember that? :D
Indeed I do. You were the first person to call me that :p

Congratualtion on the AKship.
Why thank you. Thank you very much.

Who made you zah AK? :D
That answer, like the nature of raccoons, is a mystery to me.

Oh. You do know that I still like coffee more than Raccoons. ^^
The important thing, is that you like both ;)

Have fun AKing!
I shall, you have fun reading debates!

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:17:22 >


DF  Post #: 8
10/29/2009 10:03:04   


Graats on the AK :)
Appreciated, such sentiments are ^^

Beavers do still beat you racoons!

Only in Canada :p

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:18:23 >


( '_o' ) <3
DF  Post #: 9
10/29/2009 10:24:48   

I thought Coffee + Raccoons weren't a good mix? *glances around for overdosed-highstrung-hyper-debating-racoons* Nope.. :|
Coffee + Almost anything is a good mix. Almost anything.

It is indeed mah color :P

Lol... Maybe I should take a break off AEF, at least for the time being. AQW GD seems full of *cough*
Meh... And you're AKing it. Where did User go?

Not entirely sure really =/

Mhmm... All in all, all the best AKing. And cyas on AQW/Facebook/Twitter too. :)
Thanks! You shall see me there indeed, mostly in-game and Twitter though :p

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:31:17 >


I let myself go & set my soul free; And once more I marvel at life's transient melody. ^_^
Significance is Subjective...
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
10/29/2009 10:33:34   

Congrats your Ladyship :3
From what i've seen, you deserve it.
Appreciate the vote of confidence ;)

Gotten over the shock of being an AK yet?
Once the shock starts to wear down I just drink coffee. Then it all comes back in a delicious river.

Are Racoons as fuzzy as they look? :D
Twice as fuzzy, and three times as oddly scented ;)

Average cups of Coffee a day?
Only three. But my coffee cup is 800mls :P

Would AQW benefit from a Racoon pet/armour/cape?
Let's be honest. Everything would benefit from more raccoons.

Hmm, i think that's all :)
Again, Congrats, and good luck keeping us all in check! (meheheh ;D)
I shall watch you like a caffeinated raccoon watches the fridge.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:36:18 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 11
10/29/2009 10:34:11   
Weary Knight

Woah. I think I've witnessed my first transformation here. I saw your post in that legend thread with your Hepfully Debatable title. I then moved on to another thread, then came back to read the remaining posts in that thread and saw Archknight next to your name.
Like a true raccoon ninja, my transformation was swift, sudden and scented a lot like wet fur.

My head hurts. :P
Coffee will clear that right up ;)

Anyway, I have but one question; *shifty eyes*
Ask on!

Exactly how do you take your coffee? With milk? Or Cream? I must know!
Mmm.. it depends where I am, and what time of day it is. Early mornings, I have a latte`. Then I'll usually stick to ristretto for the rest of the day. Come evening, I tend more towards heavily milky coffee (see, 50%+ milk). To be brief ;)

Good luck with all that AK business, I know it's seriouz business.
It is, but I'm sure I can handle it ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:41:44 >
DF MQ  Post #: 12
10/29/2009 10:38:26   


1. R u really a raccoon?
If I wasn't, could I raid your fridge so easily?

2. what would be the best way to stalkzore u >:D
Coffee bribes for my location :P

3. am i a raccoon?
Nope. But you are a Puffin ;)

4. i bet oozer will post here soon
Which is always entertaining ^^

5. if a raccoon stole your coffee would you be happy or mad?
This is a hard question to answer. I would be sad for losing my coffee, and happy it was going to a raccoon. Of course, actually seeing said raccoon means it's only a ninja trainee, so that sort of lessens the happiness. Overall though? happy. Happy as a raccoon in a trash-can ^^

6. If oozer stole your coffee?
I'd steal it back, along with any blue pants in the area. Maybe his shoes too.

7. OMG LOOK A RACCOON...no wait...nvm its just user stealing your coffee...

lol gratz azj, seeya later today :P
Probably ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:44:39 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
10/29/2009 10:42:19   
The Arcane


Lol, all because of your House Parties. :)
My house is a hippin' and a hoppin' and a bippin' and a boppin'. I fail at Bill Cosby.

Congratulations my Raccoon friend.
I will take your congrats, along with your coffee!

More Questions later. Bai!
I expect nothing less ;)

Have fun trying to control me. :P
A fat and sassy raccoon like myself prefers charm and bribery :P


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:48:21 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
10/29/2009 10:42:32   

Congratulatoriations and such! I shall now commence with the questions.
Commence away.

Hello! How are you feeling?
Honestly? A little sleepy.

Is that font color purple, magenta, violet, or...something else?
It's a shade of purple? What matters, is that it's spiffy.

Do you have a most prefered flavor/brand of coffee?
I like Gravity and Blue Mountain ^^ I don't really go in for flavored coffee though, coffee is delicious enough on it's own. Although... I have been known to drink the occasional vanilla latte` ;)

I've heard you're involved in some EMT work. How's that going for you?
It's just training, not actual work ;) Never hurts to learn right? It's going quite well though, I'll be a fully qualified paramedic in a couple of months ^^

What kind of music do you listen to, if any?
I'm not really too fussy about genre, but I do have a love for what would be considered 'new age' music. Moreso if it's 'new age' rock style.

Read any good books lately?
I re-read the Dune series. Excellent books.

How's the weather over...wait, where ARE you?
South. *Way* south ;)

Er... Seems that's all from me. See you in the GD!
Indeed you shall!


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:54:51 >
AQW  Post #: 15
10/29/2009 10:47:52   

Herro Azjurai.

Can't say I am surprised.
Wish I could say the same :P

Am I supposed to be asking questions?
That's the plan ;)

I ask this to everyone:What is your favorite letter?
I would go with Z. it just looks pretty.

What is your opinion on Fluffy?
More fluffy = more win

Do you think that coffee>Fluffy or vise versa?
Coffee trumps all, except raccoons. Then it comes down to your trap cards.

Oohhh nu... I broke the question limit, didn't I?
I'm not entirely sure -_-

Just in case.

Edit:You stoled my color! >.<
Except that I had it way, way earlier. On IM's :P

EDIT(in case you see): But I use this color everywhere... IMs, other forums, in games with color choices. I don't think we are sure who had it first! ^^


< Message edited by 1afteranother -- 10/29/2009 11:01:27 >
DF  Post #: 16
10/29/2009 10:53:15   

Gratz m'lady!

How do the shoes fit?
They're made for big girls, but I's a big girl now!

Anything is possible, if you believe in magic!

If you could measure in elephants, how much do you like coffee?
I would give it seven elephants up.

Are you ticklish?
Sort of.

In your opinion, what is the best use for a pmk138?
Besides calling it a Puffin? I would use a pmk138 to remove stubborn stains.

Why did the raccoon cross the road?
Probably saw something shiny.

May I have another question please?
Never! The questions are mine!

Does orange make a...____________________? <--------------- See! You can have 7.5 questions!
Why yes, that is how you create a black hole.

<3 Have fun being all ArchKnightery!
I most likely shall ;)


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 11:02:41 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
10/29/2009 10:58:41   
Phoenix Myth

OMG you are that one person! :o
Or am I that two raccoons in an overly large hat?

Have you ever eaten a Deep Fried Twinkie?
Can't say I have.

Did you like it?
I don't really eat much fried food =/ I prefer steamed or grilled.

Are you a fan of the Soul Calibur series?
I wouldn't want to brag about my skills with Talim...

Are you an Anime Otaku? :P
Well, I am a fan of some series many people have never heard of ^^ Gasaraki anyone?

Well.. I suppose that is all.
Have a nice day ^^

Have a nice day.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 11:05:34 >
AQW  Post #: 18
10/29/2009 11:35:31   

Congratz on ur ak
Many thanks ^^

:P i was at one of your partys during mogloween candy shop
Then I hope you had a good time and got what you came for ;)

not quite yet, but we're working on it.

Ohhh now u can delete posts o.o Dont delete mine *offers coffee*
I'd never touch a post that follows all the rules ;)

All i got to say for now BYEZ
Happy gaming ^^

P.S I'm Jordan200 >.> messed up on the numbers

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 11:42:25 >
AQ  Post #: 19
10/29/2009 11:36:47   
Lady Nynaeve

Different from everyone else, I just say congratz :D Can't say I'm surprised either.
I must be the only person surprised at it ;) Thank you for the congratz however ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 11:43:23 >
Post #: 20
10/29/2009 11:56:08   
Purple Vampire

/me steals all the Coffee..
You can never steal all the coffee, it's kinda heavy to carry that much ;)

Gratz on becoming an AK! You deserve it!
Here's hoping I exceed expectations wildly then ^^


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 13:24:49 >
Post #: 21
10/29/2009 12:00:51   
Mega cool50

Another AK...Do they make you in cloning factorys? (jk)
How did you find out our secret? @_@

Need coffee...Oh thanks /me seals coffee
But.. if you seal the coffee, I need a can opener. Which I left at work -_-

Pie or Cake?
Depends on the flavor. But since I've gone years without pie before, cake!

Brain is stuck from drinking too much coffee,but i will be back!
You can almost never drink too much coffee ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 13:26:13 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
10/29/2009 12:03:09   
Dark Sergio

=D Yow

Congratulations =D

What is your fav color? ._.
Violet ^^

Ya rly.

Indeed? ~_^


Gratz again.. Bye


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 13:31:53 >
Post #: 23
10/29/2009 12:04:48   
Gone with the wind

Congrats and welcome to the Madhouse world of AKs! :D
Very well deserved!
Much appreciated, just hope ya'll can put up with my coffee and raccoon comments ;)
NAO!!!! T3H QU3$T|0N$!!!! :DD
Ask on, noble Lemur!
Favorite way to travel?
Warpship? Or in real tech, raccoon powered bicycle.
Blenderized shrimp or fried strawberries? Yum?
Hmm.. strawberries. You can't really mess'em up too hard.
Law or Chaos?
Law. Other people may love disorder, but I kinda like rules. Just.. don't take the floor of my room as proof ;)
Ice cream with hot sauce. <-- DON'T ever try it. :o
I'd give it a shot. Since I've drank a glass of hot sauce once. It was... bad.
Anyway, 'tis all. Good luck! :)
Thankee, and you too ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 13:35:41 >
MQ  Post #: 24
10/29/2009 12:39:53   

New mods AKs are always welcome! *Facepalm*
Just an Ak, not a mod. But thanks all the same ;)

OK, here we go

1. Have you been to the underground lab?
Nope, I live sort of far away. Real far.

2. Are you Going to the underground lab?
No real idea, the future could be almost anything. Even orange!

3. If so, is it really an underground lab?
Your guess is as good as mine. They all say it is, so I trust'em ;)

4. What's the biggest forthcoming feature you want to see in AQW?
Pet Raccoons A giant statue of Safiria in Darkovia? :P

5. Which Greenguard branch-off would you like to see first?
Darkovia of course ;)

6. Does drinking coffee help? How much do you drink a day? (That's ALL ONE question!)
Three - Four cups. But as said above, my cups are 800mls ^^

7. What server do you hang out in the most?
Sir Vir half the time, Nythera and Safiria the rest.

That's it for me, thanks for your time!
Congrats on becoming an AK.

< Message edited by Blackwartex -- 10/29/2009 14:11:26 >


This is my AQW quest suggestion...woo...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 25
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