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RE: =MtAK= Lady Azjurai - Coffee Ninja

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10/29/2009 12:44:40   
shadow gun

Cna yuo raed tihs?
I can ^^

Olny 55% of plepoe can.
I know, it's an amazing fact ain't it?
yaeh it is!

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Spelling is important if you want to succeed in things ;) It's just not too important to the brains of 55% of people :P

< Message edited by shadow gun -- 10/29/2009 13:49:10 >


im an evil bunny sent from the future ready to destroy all of lore
Post #: 26
10/29/2009 13:10:34   

Hi-Ho,Hi-Ho, It's off to work we g-

Oh,Oh, Hello :)
I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times, but well Done for getting yourself all Arch-Knighery
Nothing wrong with 1001 times :P

Considering the time of day. Yes, hard yes.

No matter the time of day, always ;)

Coffee and Raccoons?
A combination that could bring peace one day.

Who has the best Name?

  • Crafty Coyote
  • Slippery Icy
  • Mighty V_J
  • Evil Theo
  • Fried Twinkie's Zankayouooooo
  • Sassy Azjurai <-- This one
    *Will add more excellent names*

Whats your Favourite in-game thing? An armour,Custscene, NPC?
I sort of like the new background in Battleon and Battleontown. It's pretty <3

I will be back with coffee and questions soon!
More coffee!


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 13:43:41 >


AQ  Post #: 27
10/29/2009 13:38:08   

Gratz on becoming an AK. Say, weren't you that one person farming with TGDS and zy?
Sounds about right ^^

If coffee was raccoon posion, would you still drink it?
Hmmm... I'd need to get our top scientists onto the problem of removing said poison. Only then ^^

Racoons or racoons?
Raccoons >:3

Tea beats coffee any day. :P
Maybe in color choices, but not in everything else ;)

Mister Froggeh shall now take his leave. Bai.
Ciao ^^


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 13:48:17 >
AQ DF  Post #: 28
10/29/2009 13:46:49   

Sulheya and Greetings!
Mornin Sita ^^

Congratulations and Welcome to the Ranks. Prepare to be assimilated.*
Can I be the toaster-headed borg?

My 3 Questions, though I know you like the back of my hand**
or paw :p

1: You're an AK and just won a spot on your favorite game show. What Game Show is it?

Bruce Forsyths Generation Game

2: I never underestimate the mind and power of Hyper-caffinated Raccons. What would you do if you saw one?
Salute it, then let it continue down the road of world squirrel domination.

3: Favorite Anime of All time and Why?
Darker than Black. Talking cats, good storyline, Yin <3

There you go, Sita!*** Enjoy!
-- LadyAdellandra

*No, really, prepare. You have no choice in the matter.
** *looks at hand* didn't know I had a pimple there!
*** Sita = Sister, in Ancient Wolf-Speak.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 13:54:22 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 29
10/29/2009 13:49:39   

Nice to meet you!
Likewise ^^

You sound like a nice person!
I like to think of myself as nice. After my morning coffee anyway. Before then...

Good luck here.
Thanks ^^

Few Question:

Why did you join.
Good friends also play :D

And How do you feel?
Full of morning coffee now ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:09:14 >
Post #: 30
10/29/2009 13:56:45   

woah! ur they first person i know to become an AK before you were an AK. CONGRATZ!
Appreciate it ^^

i meant on being the first person i knew to be an AK =p lol
So I gathered :P

you seemed to be too nice to be just a regular mem anyway. O.o
This is obviously after I finished waking up then ;)

1 day+ 2pages= 1annoyed AK?
3 pages now. That'll learn me to sleep.

did you expect AKship?
I think I was the last person to expect it.

*gets ready to random rawr*
*gets ready*


do i try to hard to may this post funny
It's all good.

i did :(
Did not!

i didnt :)
Did too!

until next time...

Catch you on the flip side!

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:11:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
10/29/2009 14:38:58   

I can has 8 questions?
7, or 7.5 max *nod nod*

1:Are you enjoying AKship?
It's been less than a day so far, but the people are real nice ^^

2:You can has power crazy?
I don't think my nature would let me =/

3:Can I have some coffee? Preferably made by Racoons
I always have guest coffee sitting around someplace ^^

4:What is your favorite TV show?

5:Are you going to ban me! :o

Nah, you're fine. Just follow rules :P

6: Should I ask more?
So many questions -_-

7: I decided I will, do you like Honey Smacks cereal?
Generic Honey based cereal #712? I surely do! Honey is good.

8:Do you like waffles?
Oddly, not so much.

9:Do you like pankcakes?
Sweet ones, with strawberries, cherries and honey.

10:Can you wait to get a mouthful? (I don't know if you know the song :P)
I... don't know.

Oh no, I broked 7 questions! Don't hate D:
I never hate ^^


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:14:03 >
DF  Post #: 32
10/29/2009 15:05:16   
Legendary AK!!!

Hiya Azjurai!
Greetings, Noble Lemur!

Congratulations, definately well deserved
So they keep telling me, but not why :P

Favourite food?
Hmm.. Salad. A nice green salad, with some cherry tomato and feta cheese. Topped with a balsamic glaze, a little rock salt and some thyme <3

/me hands Lady Azjuarai 50 <enter cookie flavour here> cookies as a congratulations gift!
Does biscotti count as cookies? :D

That's all for me, good luck & I'll see you around!
Probably. I need to pester somebody with questions ;)

/me congratulationsnugglepounces Azjurai

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:17:17 >
Post #: 33
10/29/2009 15:06:33   
The Arcane

Like, totally!!11

An AK!?
Where?! Wait... oh.

Yeah but,

No but,
Only if you're good.

Yeah but,
It'll cost you, three pieces of chocolate and a marshmallow.

No but.
You're still '2 Legit 2 Quit'?

Did you know:


Azjurai is my idol

I knew it. Heh heh heh :P

A Raccoon pooped a squirell on your head...
It's obviously a gift, and a snack.

What's a cross-breed of a squirell and raccoon both hyper on coffee?
A Squaffoon?

How poisonous is your coffee again?
Uhmm... it can stand a spoon up straight sometimes.

Well. More questions on more pages, later. :)
Remember, I'm always watching. From the sock drawer >.>



< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:21:20 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
10/29/2009 15:15:04   
I am Moglin!

Nice, Hiyas Lady Azjurai!!

Congratz to become an AK :p
I've seen you around pretty much at the forum as an "Debatablly helpful" or whatev your old title was :P ... Now I guess I have to see you as an AK xD
I sort of liked that title. Made my helpfullnessish questionable :P

I'll skip the questions part to 99%.. I'll just ask 1 question:
Did you ever expect to become an AK?
Not really, I didn't even know about the Helpful! title until another person pointed it out to me >.<

And that's it :P
Feel free to ask more ^^

I wish you good luck and have fun
You too. Farm hard :D


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:26:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 35
10/29/2009 15:15:06   
The True Assassin

At last!


So how are the shackles?
Comfy as any Armani suit ;)

Do you want a cookie?
Always. Pass the chocolate!

Bye bye ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:27:43 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 36
10/29/2009 15:21:54   

Hiya, *Inhales Oxygen* Lady Azjurai which is an Archknight, and the Caffeinated Raccoon of AQW GD! *Pants*
It's a good, good title ;)

Why Raccoons!? D:<
Because they're a source of ultimate goodness!

Type an word for each lettah!


Hah, I made you think! :D
Explains why my brain hurts :P

Okay, that's all. n_n
/Spikes Azj's Coffee, and does the same to the Raccoon >:D
Spiked my coffee with more coffee? :D

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:34:21 >
DF  Post #: 37
10/29/2009 15:25:44   

Leik, totallah!


Favourite Song?
Joker - Miku Hatsune

Can I nom on you? Me is berry hungry!
Not on me, but on this delicious cookie I got many posts up ;)

/me noms on Lady Azjurai's selflessly given gift of cookie.

Well, Congratulations!
Appreciate it ^^

/me congratulationsnugglepouncesnomnomnomnomnoms Lady Azjurai

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:40:03 >
Post #: 38
10/29/2009 15:31:46   

lady addellandra posted it on facebook
hope it goez well

I don't foresee any problems ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:41:34 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 39
10/29/2009 15:47:12   

1) No way!?!
Way man. Totally way.

2) How did you...?
I had to use a bucket of chicken and some rope. It was worth it.

3) Really?
Well, mostly. The chickens made a lot of noise in that bucket.

(> ^_^ )>


4) Why raccoon?
Because they're natures super-food.

5) What's the difference between pie and pi?
We all know that Pi R Squared, but today Pie Are justice, and I welcome it.

6) Quick, what was your first impression when you became an AK?
'Now they're gonna make me work'

7) Do I know you?
Perhaps, or maybe my alternate twin raccoon.

'K ba-bai ^_^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:44:44 >
Post #: 40
10/29/2009 15:48:38   
lord jonathan

your a ak now?
So they tell me ;)

yes that was a ?
Fun time at the zoo.

am i useing up my ??

do you thank that you can be a mod?
That choice isn't up to me in any case. But right now? Nope. Too much to learn.

do you want a Cookie i love them?
I never turn down free cookies ;)

do you?
Of course, Strawberry and white chocolate cookies are divine!

um i got to go so um bye!! and be a good ak ok
I'll do my best ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:48:46 >
Post #: 41
10/29/2009 15:50:45   

Greetings, Knight of the Squirrels!

How is your day?
Wasted most of it sleeping under a tree (wish I wasn't being serious).

Fun being an AK?
Of course, they're a nice bunch of hard working people.

Do you drive pirates crazy with your craziness from coffee?
To be a pirate, not a ninja, one must already be crazy ;)

Don't drive me crazy!
I could instead drive you to the zoo. They have lions.

So, what were you to do if you were to <Insert Something Here>?
Probably sell it for a handful of magic beans.

Are you a music fan?
Of some bands, yesm.

What kinds of music if you like music?
What would pass as 'New Age Rock'.

Can I have 1999 more questions so I can ask you 2106 questions of randomness?
Nope. When it comes to questions, I'm kinda sleepy :P

Well, I guess that's it. Goodbye and good luck with your AKShip!
Thank you ^^ Good luck with your gaming ^^

And remember...

A raccoon never forgets. Elephants claim this power, but they only don't forget for 7.5 years.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:53:54 >


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 42
10/29/2009 15:51:52   
Arc Trooper Captain

Hello! =D

Congrats, by the way. Seen you around a lot. ;3
Like the magic raccoon winds, I am everywhere. Except in houses with double-glazing.

By the way, here. *hands you a cookie*
I'll trade you for this *hands over a dirty boot*

I remember when I first got that cookie. It was given to me by a man in Klakastane, the City of Sights they call it. *gets weird looks* Shut up, you've never been there. Land of the Rivers, they say. Anyway, the man looked me straight in the eye as he handed it to me. And I'll never forget what he said. He said... "Take it." >_>
and now said cookie is mine. To the internets to get a valuation!

Anyway, see ya around. :3
Indeed you shall ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:56:41 >


My AQW Character
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 43
10/29/2009 15:52:45   

congratulations on the AKship
Appreciate the sentiment ^^

i brought a lifelong supply of coffee for you and the raccoons to celebrate
Trust me, that's an awful lot of coffee ;)

do raccoons enjoy going in thrash cans?
Of course. They get broken toys and chicken from them ^^

please dont drop the AK sword or shield on one of us unless we deserve it if the sword or shield exists
The only person likely to have a sword dropped on'em is me. On my foot.

thats all i have now show the place that raccoons is number 1
That's the plan ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 20:58:54 >
MQ  Post #: 44
10/29/2009 15:57:21   

Hullo, congrats on being an archknight. :)

Okay, now to start with the questions:

Blue or cheese?
Usually the cheese. Feta cheese is full of awesome.

Ever tried riding on a skateboard?
When I was very young. It's not really mt thing.

Ever tried riding on a board?
I snowboard every winter ^^

How many digits of Pi can you remember?
I can remember up to, and including 3.

How many times do you recall poking someone?
A great many times ^^ *pokepoke*

Cookies are awesome with coffee, aren't they?
Both are awesome. Combined, they are super-happy-awesome-fun-time.

Well, that's all the questions right now. Bye. :D
Have fun now ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:02:06 >
DF MQ  Post #: 45
10/29/2009 16:04:58   
open shadow

Gratz! It must be so cool to become an AK.
I think it's a lot more hype than people think. Hard work too ^^

Here's a cookie for you!
More free cookies are the best free cookies!

/me gives Lady Azjurai a cookie

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:03:07 >


~Open Shadow - AQWorlds has changed too much from the past two years when I started playing...
Post #: 46
10/29/2009 16:06:15   

Take a break after you tackled those questions ma' Lady... lol. These questions also seem to piling up after me! EEK!
Now I'm back, and ready for more action :P

1. Hello there ma'Lady.
Greetings, humble wombat ^^

2. Anyway, let us get to questioning eh?
The first one wasn't a question? o.O

3. Do you think you'll be a good AK? I think you will.
I can only try my best +whatever power coffee gives me.

4. Do you enjoy answering all these questions?
Most of them ^^ I keep thinking "Az, you should have said 3 questions!" though ;)

5. Do you REALLY like coffee? If so, what kind?
I really REALLY like coffee. Blue Mountain is the best <3

6. Would you prefer more or less sugar?
Less. Far less. I almost never have sugar in my coffee.

7. Where in the world did you get your name from?
It's a long story that began with my great-great-grandmammy... *rambles on for a while* and that's the story of how the raccoon got it's stripes.

7.5 How did you-
Two words. Coffee Monster.


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:08:33 >
DF AQW  Post #: 47
10/29/2009 16:15:07   

Congratz on becoming an AK

Now for the questions

How did it happen?
A light shone down from above, anointing me as I was raiding a friends fridge. Then a voice boomed out "Hey! Get out of my kitchen!"

Were you surprised?
Very, I thought she was on holiday!

Did it fall on you?
The fridge didn't, but I think she threw a handful of pasta while I was running.

Do you know martial arts?
Aikido mostly. Throw in a few years of judo as well.

Whats your favorite color of raccoon?
I sort of like them all. The cute fuzzies that they are ^^

If you were offered coffee bye 10 raccons at the same time what would you do?
Twitch a bit, then drink a whole lot of coffee.

now for the tough one

If you had to choose between the best raccon and the best coffee which would you pick? (cant have both unless the answer is creative)
They're one and the same. The best coffee can only be made by the best raccoon ;) There's a little bit of raccoon in every coffee after all ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:11:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
10/29/2009 16:16:01   

1) hewo pwetty coffe lady avitar :3
Greetings, Mysterious X personage!

2) can i have a cookie?
I have lots of cookies, so sure.

3) do u want a cookie?
Is cake a cookie?

4) whats the square root of 144
*brain melts* too soon after waking for math. According to my broken calculator though, it's 712. I should stop hitting it with things.

5) how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
Seven llamas and a cartload of cheese.

6) why does it feel like somebodies watching me?
We're always watching you O_O

taht is all.................for now

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:13:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 49
10/29/2009 16:28:02   
Alpha Chaos

Nice to meet you! ^^
Likewise ^^

Congrats on the AK-ship

Whats your AQW user name?
The same as my forum name

Whats a coffee ninja?
A ninja who works for coffee, or maybe a ninja who targets coffee. The important thing to remember, is ninja and coffee.


plus it's sort of hard to ask 7.5 questions

how can there be a .5 question...?
How do you... ?

Whats your favorite AE game?

Do you drive your enemies crazy with all the coffee? please, dont drive me crazy
Sometimes ^^

if so, what do you call that "attack"?

See ya. if you didnt limit it to 7 questions i would post 16 more lol. congrats again ^^
Good thing I limited ;)

~Alpha Chaos

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:17:00 >


DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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