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RE: =MtAK= Lady Azjurai - Coffee Ninja

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10/29/2009 16:29:19   

im in ur threadz, postin da questinz

Congrats on getting AKship! :3
Always nice to hear ;)

What does negative infinity to the power of infinity equal?

Isn't this the most awesome picture ever? 8D
Gotta love those kinda things ^^

Did your brain go boom? :3
No, but it did tell me to try making one ;)

I CAN HAZ COOKIEZ PL0X???????????????????
You can even have two.

Take every single letter from the word raccoon and make a new word out of them. :3
Nooccar! As in "Noo! Ccar gone!

This is my 8th question! :O
Ish nut questun.


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:35:00 >


i broke my pic :D
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 51
10/29/2009 16:41:46   

*whispers from the shadows* Hey there, Azj :) ... So mysterious :D
Mysterious and silky. Like the tail of a raccoon ;)

Congratulations on AKship!
Thankees ^^

Coffee or raccoons?
I can haz both?

You chose both anyway, didn't you?
There was a second option?

Fine, if you had to choose between living on a planet with raccoons but no coffee, or have unlimited supplies of coffee but no raccoons, which would you pick?
To live in the middle of said planets with easy access to both. Then devise a way to crash the coffee planet (safely) into the raccoon planet. Creating paradise.

My usual question: What's your favourite word? (/facepalm if you somehow invent a hybrid word with 'coffee' and 'raccoon' in them :P)
Coffoon, or maybe Racoffee.

See you around, Azj! (The coffee is telling me I will easily be able to find you tonight... a sign?)
Probably :p

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:37:58 >
Post #: 52
10/29/2009 16:48:48   

Hewo,how are you thar?
A little sleepy, but fine.

Congratzulation on the AKship! :D

Which is better,coffee or CoFfEe?
Coffee. It's tidy.

Good luckz on your AKing! :-)
Happy gaming ^^

Pie! :D

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:38:56 >
Post #: 53
10/29/2009 16:50:28   

First off, Hello!
I will ask 6.5 questions, so you will owe me an extra half a question.

1: So... raccoons eh?
Of course ^^ They're raccoons.

2: Where is Deathwalker?
In my char >:3 Usually, I take it away when I leave :p

3: Soez... ever seen me in-game?
Possible. But right now, I barely remember which way is north =/

4: I can has coffee too? Too bad! *grabs some hot chocolate*
I only has coffee, where'd you get chocolate? o.O

5: Imma in ur =MtAK=, Omnomnommin ur hair.
So many questions, so little time ^^

6:You is having lunch with me on Mars, waaaaay in future when we can live on it, and Earth blows up. How much do you panic, what do you do, and do you finish your taco? If not then *omnomnoms taco*
I would probably wonder if the raccoons and coffee were safe, then finish my taco. Tacos are good.

6.5: What do you think of this new awesome-
It would be more pretty if it was pink and dancing.


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 21:41:39 >
DF AQW  Post #: 54
10/29/2009 16:57:01   


COFFEE or $1000000
Coffee. With enough coffee, I can make the money back ;)

Who would win raccoons or safira
Probably raccoons. hard fight though.

reuglar pet raccoon or super pet raccoon
All regular raccoons are super ;)

fave type of music :O
'New Age Rock'

Fish. Unless it's blue steak..

fave type of pet thats not a raccoon ex: a dog or cat
Foxes? :P


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:00:46 >
AQ  Post #: 55
10/29/2009 17:21:11   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Good morning ^^

Congrats on getting AK. :D
Thankee ^^

Are you excited for getting AK?
Of course! It's more spiffy than a box of fluffy ducks.

Favorite animal?

Is the answer to the above question raccoons?
It's obviously zebras. What are you, blind or something? ~Coyote
There was another answer?

Thats all I got, cya and congrats on AK again. :D
Happy gaming ^^


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:03:14 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 56
10/29/2009 17:23:16   
The Braken Bard

Whoa. Seemed like yesterday you were only a helpful... Wait I think that was yesterday for me at least
It was indeed ;)

Congratz on AKship.


Why the coffee?
I love the smell, taste and the actions of making coffee.

How did you react when you got the PM to become an AK (if that's how it works)?
I drank more coffee, then debated taking a nap.

What is that an avatar of?
It is exactly what it looks like ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:06:57 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 57
10/29/2009 17:28:28   
Angel of Grief

Well its about time Azy!


Salumotations, Squire of ROMP

Well this is question/chat thing four. D:
It's number 4?

Did you like my Witchpyre edit i made for you? n_n
You know I did ^^ Was pretty ^^



~AoG. :3

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:08:48 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 58
10/29/2009 17:32:16   

mwahahahahahaha!!! >:D

3. What do you love more? coffee or raccoons?
Raccoons bringing coffee.

5. OMG AKers!!!!
Where?! Get the mop!

1. What do you like to call oozer?
Usy or 'Hey you behind the bushes!'

6. Who is your favorite moglin dressed character of all time?

4. Omg fine! Who is your favorite puffin of all time!
You can be :P

You sure? ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:10:10 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 59
10/29/2009 17:32:37   

Oh hai der!

I know you! Your that person on Twitter!
I are!

*points to banhammer* Looks a little dusty, can we use it a little more? Not on me of course =p.
Not my decision ;)

Is your cell nice?
It has a water bottle on the wall and an exercise wheel!

Does your cell have a built in coffee dispenser?
No, but the raccoons bring me coffee ^^

Incase it doesn't I got you one! *hands coffee dispenser over if needed*
Yesss.. My precioussss.

Who captured you from amongst the wild beasts in the forums?
I think it was a joint effort.

I think we will get along quite nicely =p.
So long as you follow the rules ;)

*Looks a few posts down* Coyote stole my color again! My manly color!
Actually, I stole it from Yagno. So HAH. ~Coyote
*XP* Well I thought I was original...hmfph!

Bai nao!


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:21:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 60
10/29/2009 17:35:30   
Chaos Mage Kaxaraim

Wow. Congrats in getting this :3 So 7 questions eh? Well, participate to participate. Hehe.

1) I was always curious about your avatar picture. Who is that female cat like person you have on it and where is she from? She's soooo adorable :3
Who knows? ;)

2) What do you think of AQW so far? Some people have gotten bored of it but some still find it interesting like I do.
Naturally, I enjoy it. Good friends and nice people play after all ^^

3) Have you ever tried sushi? :3 I'm a fan of it.
Many, many kinds of sushi in fact ^^

4) Have you ever tried cheesecake? :3 I'm a fan of this too. Hehe
I have, and I'm not a fan really =/

5) How'd you come up with your forum name? I was just curious as it seems unique to me.
It's a long story, involves a talking owl on a stick, three koalas and a game of truth or dare in the haunted mansion.

6) Have you ever played any of the Final Fantasy games? I love them and been trying to collect as many of them.
Played'em all. Only one I really enjoyed was 8. 7 just seems way, way too overhyped these days.

7) Will your answer to this question be no? XD

Well that is all. Good to see more good people on board.
Here's hoping I can keep typing ;)

~ Ravenn

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:24:52 >
AQ DF  Post #: 61
10/29/2009 17:36:10   
Handsome Devil!

Hi nice to meet ya.

So... Having fun?
Az always has fun. It's her thing ^^

Have a great day. I got nothing else to say.
Play safe now ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:26:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 62
10/29/2009 18:05:11   


I'm here with my MANLY color of MANLINESS. Isn't it so MANLY?
More manly than a box of fluffy ducks, with pink bows!

So I was eating dinner the other day, and when I nearly choked on its tail, I noticed the fur pattern on it. Could you please send the family of Bradiv my best regards? (Assuming you know him. I didn't see the ID tag until too late.)
I will pass on the regards. Just.. make sure your fridge is locked, revenge (like the cake they plan to steal) is sweet.

I was too busy pouncing and mauling, so I couldn't hear his last words. Sorry! D=
Probably something about walnuts knowing him.

Describe yourself in three and a half words.
Coffee Loving Raccoon Gi-

Conniving Coyote, Vafrous Vulpix, or Renascent Renamon? (Or Graceful Glaceon, while I'm using this avvy, I guess.)
The third one, Rambling Renamon ;)

What if you were to find out that your best friend was actually an alien from another planet, sent to infiltrate Earth and learn all of our weaknesses to support the oncoming invasion?
I might need to sell him out to avoid decaf becoming the normal beverage of choice.

Yay for seven and a half questions. That's it, so I'll
Excellent. I'll bring the cheese.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:30:48 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 63
10/29/2009 18:18:02   

Hai. :o

Joo knu hoo I iz???

Joo do?
Sure, why not :P

Cysero took mah left sock, Zyrain eated mah right! T^T
Wear the socks in the shower, then nobody wants'em ;)

Mah toesies are cold. D:
Feel the wrath of mah slipper!


ArchKnight? THIS IS SPARTA! *kicks into a empty pit of nothing-ness*
Despite popular opinion, kicking him off wasn't a smart move :P


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:32:31 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 64
10/29/2009 18:26:44   

Congratz on the promo LA.
I'll spare you my usual random questions except one.

If you're a coffee ninja does that mean that you grind the beans with your own hands?
Indeed. 'Cause my fists is fast as lightening, and it's a little bit frightening.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:33:15 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 65
10/29/2009 18:30:44   
Sky Ever








I was gonna, but you had things offline to do, then I took a nap :P

Azy :o /snugglehugglesupriseazy

Thankee ^^

I think I already know everything I've to know about you :P
Probably, or close to ;)

Hmm oh wait...Its raccoons, coffee, kittens...

742 Evergreen Terrance, Springfield

Telephone/Cell number?

Yup only those, I don't know :o
And now, you do!

Congratz again, and just so you know this means WORK :D
Yes, work. My mortal enemy ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:37:41 >


DF AQW  Post #: 66
10/29/2009 18:34:37   

Yo! This is future AK/insane mega plumber nuclearboi flashing some amazing questions your way!!!
A what in the who now? o.O

is being a AK awesome?
No more awesome than being anyone else I think. Except with cookies.

Do you need the service of a insanly powerful plumber?
Well, I do know of this insanely blocked drain pipe...

whats your favorite kind of coffee?
Blue Mountain. Hard to get though =/

Is the zardbane too "zardy" for drakath?
Not really my place to say, everyone has their own opinion ^^

Do you think Mario is a good plumber? (hes my arch nemesis...)
A good plumber for sure, but he's a better Koopa Stompa.

Congrats! Truly a great accomplishment.
So they say :P

Want to meet in AQW? Maybe yulgar-3?
One day maybe ^^

See ya on the forums and maybe AQW!
Catch you later.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:43:17 >


nuclearboi...the only mega-awesome super plumber in the world!
AQ  Post #: 67
10/29/2009 18:37:34   
Drakkan Rules

Hey Drakkan Rules (Better known as Drakkan in AQW) here, popping in to say Congratulations on being AK'd. Since I'm not a questiony type of guy, I will not be asking any. (Do I sense less work from me to you =O>). Anyways I say Congratulations once again, and since dinner is almost ready. I shall bid you a goodbye for now.

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 68
10/29/2009 18:38:27   
War Hero

Greetings Lady Azjurai!
Greetings person who is greeting Lady Azjurai

Congrats as always.

Remember me? I'm that guy when you were farming the great pumpkin King at 7:00 am Eastern. The guy who ran away because of school?
It was a good night. Had a real run of luck ;)

Anyways, happen to need a witty, powerful butler anytime soon?
Only if it comes with a monocle and top hat.

Who's your Next Door Cell Neighbor? Evo? He did just becom an Archknight too...
I think the cell next door is where they store fruit. It smells kinda sweet.

$10.00 my post is hijacked by other AKs. >.> <.<
So far, you owe me $10 ;)

Anyways, see ya later, congrats, enjoy the Cell, and enjoy the coffee.
I shall. You enjoy gaming now ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:48:05 >


"Let's go on an Adventure!"

Adventure Quest Worlds Character - War Hero 140
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 69
10/29/2009 19:03:10   

Hai!!1!1!11 (typing fail)

I don't know you!!!!!
Because I am mysterious. Like a book written by a cat.

Do you like coffe dipped Fried twinkies?
I like coffee, not sure about the fried food part..

Do I look good? (me is in siggy)
Lookin' sharp ;)

do you like waffles? Pancakes? French toast?
Pancakes with lots of fruit, and french toast heavy on the cinnamon <3

Do you know wat i'm refferring to above?

I guess that's it, congrats on akship!
Danke` again ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:50:42 >


Post #: 70
10/29/2009 19:42:24   

So it you meh

Everything fine with the shacks?
They're like slippers, but heavier and give me shocks if I leave the house.

Everything could be over rated no? Even coffee.
I'm sure you meant everything except coffee ;)

You know it been a short term before from Helpful to AK?
I am aware of this ^^

Origin's of a Coffee Ninja?
Coffee Dojo on Ninja Mountain.

Under the house who is there?
Cousin Tea and her flower friends.

So Grats on the AK
Thankee ^^

OMG it......

Ohhhhh it was just my mom "-_-"

No mater I GtG stalk a"Certain" person.

P.S read the first letter of each question sideway.


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:52:39 >
DF  Post #: 71
10/29/2009 20:08:44   


Saw you a few rimes in the Q and A :P
I post there sometimes, usually when nobody else is awake ;)

Having fun?
A fair amount, yes ^^

Do you have any pets?
I have a lazy dog.


That's all for now!
Nice and short, I like it!

Confratz again!

'goes to look for celebration banner and cake'
Light on the banner, heavy on the cake :P

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:54:06 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 72
10/29/2009 20:09:44   

Oh teh noes!They captured you?!?!?!
Yup. I was just dancin' and they lured me away with shiny objects.

Well,don't the racoons know about this?
They're organizing a rescue mission as we speak!

You need to lay off the coffee....*Cowars in terror*
@_@ Those words don't make sense when put together like that.

Have fun....erm....Spilling coffee all over your keyboard?
Oddly, I've never spilled a coffee on anything myself ^^

So your lockage-ing catch fraze is...coffee related,correct?
or raccoons. For now. Subject to whimsy, the time of day and what I'm eating.

Have a good day,Miss :)
You too ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:56:51 >
DF  Post #: 73
10/29/2009 20:10:12   

Oh what is this? I never saw this coming.
Being the lazy raccoon that you are, of course.
In any case, on with the questions.


Well, I have none. Saves you the work of answering. :P
I can always bug you in-game :D
In any case, congratulations!

Though you has no questions
I shall answer them
In my new reverse haiku!

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 22:59:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 74
10/29/2009 20:10:15   

Hi :D.

I have lots of questions.

1] how are you :D?
Fat and sassy, as only a raccoon with a hat can be.

that's all
very long right?
So long, I think I aged a year just thinking of answering ;)

Gratz by the way :}
Thanks much ^^


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:00:50 >
AQ  Post #: 75
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