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RE: =MtAK= Lady Azjurai - Coffee Ninja

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10/29/2009 20:34:55   

Hi, gratz on the "promotion"

Lollypop or chocolate?
Lollypop please. Lemon <3

Cookie or cracker?
Strawberry and white chocolate cookies <3

Milk or water?
Milk. I love the stuff. Always need to buy a lot more just because I keep drinking it >.>

Here is half a question
(Its half of 2+2)
3, if you use the right math ;)

Bye and good luck

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:04:56 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 76
10/29/2009 20:40:47   
Fallen Crest

Hi! And welcome to AK-ship!

1. Waffles < Pancakes; Is that correct?
Pancakes always win. This is a known fact.

2. I turn polar bears white
and I will make you cry.
I make guys have to pee
and girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
and normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
and make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Solve it, and explain why.
Raccoon magic.

3. Answer this:
1. We are given the PDE �2=xx + yy = 0. We must find solutions of the form = xf(), where x/y. We also impose the condition that x − y = 0 along the line x = y. What are the possible values for and what are the corresponding functions f() that solve this PDE?
According to mt broken calculator, the answer is 712.

4. Is this correct: Clicky!
Explain why.

5. This is an example of?: Clicky!
Explain why.
Nuclei images?

6. Is this Non-linear?: Clicky!
Without clicking it, I'll say no.

7. Click this please: Clicky!

Thank's! And Biez!

P.S: Don't worry, these are the same questions i asked User. (Well, 7 out of 20 of them)


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:08:23 >
AQW  Post #: 77
10/29/2009 20:41:10   

Hey! Congratz! Lemme ask you some questions...:

First off, whats your favorite color?
Violet <3

Second, what kind of icecweam is your favorite?
Cherry, or Green Tea. Oddly, not coffee :p

Third, When you saw you became an AK, whats the first thing that popped up in your head?

'I need more coffee for this'

Lastly, whats your favorite smily?

I may be back. Cya!
On another page :p

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:09:44 >


Velmur likes Peace.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 78
10/29/2009 20:50:54   
More than a Game


Hey! Gratz on AKship

I figure that since you're lazy and you have your new AK duties, I should keep it short :P

With that said, thats all. All in luck AKing!! :D

Appreciate the sentiments ;) You keep up the good works too ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:10:39 >
Epic  Post #: 79
10/29/2009 20:57:21   

First, What is your name?
Lady Azjurai :P

Second, What is your quest?
To right wrongs, and triumph over evil.

Third, What is your favourite color?
Violet <3

Fourth, What is the velocity of an unladen swallow?
Before or after a cat catches it?

You know where i got these questions?

If you guess right i'll give you some coffee, if not, i take yours >:D
But, I'm always right :P

Can i steals your AKness?
Then I'll has none o.O

Too lates, i already stoled it >:P
I stoled it back when you was sleepin'.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:12:55 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 80
10/29/2009 21:11:44   

Call me Crazy/Psychic but I was almost certain you would be a AK soon -')
It's my charming nature fuzzy hat ain't it?

Ok moving on to my magical questions ( No they aren't really magic)
But.. I likes magic -_-

*ahem* Why raccoons?
They're raccoons. Do I need a reason? o.O

Whats your 7th favorite color?

That's All!! Aren't you glad it was only 2? (now 3)
I am ^^

By the way, really cute avvy.
~Drac (AQW nickname)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:14:35 >


AQ DF AQW  Post #: 81
10/29/2009 21:30:29   


whats your favorite color?

Ya rly.


If zorbak is ebil, and twilly is a healer, besides weird, what is twig?
Short :P

A,B,C, or Q?
C, it's the first letter of coffee.

if you answered a, the cake is a lie, if you didnt, you dont believe in the power of twig.
Then we're all good ;)

Youre in a room with me, dizzy, user,keevan,1AA,theo,pmk, and cysero, its being filled with water.who do you save?
The bag of coffee in the corner :p

no. you save me. and only me.
Only if you're a bag of coffee.

HAH. ~Coyote

so, when are you gonna put my sword idea into the game?
Why ask me? o.O

no, i was just kidding.

ok, bai!

Edit: i only have 5 questions. just to let you know.
This is good ^^

< Message edited by Coyote -- 10/29/2009 23:24:25 >


AQ DF  Post #: 82
10/29/2009 21:33:52   

What kind of coffee? French Vanilla rocks.
Blue Mountain when I can get it. Gravity when I can't. Then Roasted Addiction after that.

Do you like fried twinkies in ur coffee?
No, but I m partial to biscotti ^^

Last but not least: Can i be an AK? lol jk. no really, wahst ur idea on ic cream and cake?
Cake is superior. Much more so if it's vanilla cake with strawberry anything.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:23:03 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 83
10/29/2009 21:39:28   
In the shadows...

Hies L. Azjura!

WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS
colors? :o
Why, I would use this!

"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is tis tru?
Or it could be jumping and succeeding ;)

Wy is me askng quezions?
Boredom and a lack of coffee?


Why didn't you use this as your edit color?
I like my purpleish.

How would you feel if some (AQW) AKs hijack your thread?
I'd kinda expect it :p So not a lot

Her ice yore cakey! *Hands the coffee raccoon a cake*
Cake = Win. Coffee = Win. Coffee Cake = Close win (beaten by strawberry and vanilla cakes :P)

KNow tat u have it, do you mind paying for it over there?
Or I could use plan B. *runs from the store*

Thats all for now. See you later.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:27:41 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 84
10/29/2009 21:51:25   
Zeto Z

Hello again
Greetings, again.

If you don't remember(which is likely if you don't remember breakfast) am the guy from the Safria Statue thread
It's a good thread. Post there more, we need ideas ;)

Congratulation on becoming an Archknight and succeeding in the Safira Statue movement.
Thankee ^^ Now we need to finish the 2nd one, and I can move onto my next evil scheme.

Have any plans now that your an Archknight?
Create a false earth from Paper-mache (which we shall call Chia-Earth), then have everyone move there with the offer of free t-shirts.

I've been wondering is your Avatar from an Anime or did you make it?
I'm not really sure myself ^^

Black or Milk Coffee(granted I perfer Green Tea)?
Depends on the time of day. I have a cats tongue though, so usually milk.

Goodbye and Good luck and remember Coffee's caffine can cause brain damage when taken in large amounts, and I would hate for you to be hurt.
Years of consumption have given me a healthy resistance to it's effects ;)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:32:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 85
10/29/2009 21:51:46   

Oh noooo! I missed page 3!!

Look up the Do You Like Waffles song for my other post ^^
The what in the where now?

I like your font by the way. What style is it?
Kristen ITC

Coffee drinking raccoons, or raccoons being nomnomed by coffee?
Coffee drinking raccoons. A staple of the healthy diet.

Fluffy or Raccons? Correction, Fluffy drinking coffee, or raccoons.
Raccoons all the way. Raccoons *are* fluffy, fuzzy and ninjas. Ninjas with top hats.

I wuv you. Then again, I wuv everything ^^.

I would like to say I WILL be back.


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:33:42 >
DF  Post #: 86
10/29/2009 21:57:01   


Answer quick!

a. User vs. raccoon?

b. User on coffee vs raccoon?

c. user vs raccoon on coffee?

d. user on coffee vs raccoon on coffee?

e. coffee vs user?
Coffee of course, it packs a punch ;)

f. coffee vs raccoon?
A double K.O

g. coffee vs raccoon with user?
See above, only Usy down first :P

h. coffee with user vs raccoon?
Usy would drink the coffee, then be defeated by the raccoon. It's the food-chain.

i. user vs coffee with raccoon?
Hyper-raccoon with coffee? That's a level 3 evolution there, make sure you have enough mana.

2. thats one question u know that right.
No :P

3. Whats my game name?

4. Who ish your best friend ingame? :P
So many to choose, so I stay silent :P

5. What AK are u chained up with?
That guy with the weird eyes.

6. Or is it a raccoon perhaps?
If only I were so lucky.

7. /me sneakhuggles(sneaksincoffee)attacks!!!!

more laterz :P

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:36:31 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 87
10/29/2009 21:59:56   

wow ur a new arch knight congratz (^ ^
Post #: 88
10/29/2009 22:41:56   

Ok, i came back :D

you had better remember me :3


What happens if you Throw 500 Racoons into a Room full of Nothing but Mirrors?
You would think you have an invincible army of raccoons. You would also be correct.

and what is one of the Mirriors was broken?
You'd still have a mighty raccoon army.

and What if the Mirrior was broken in a Coffee Related Accident?
I'd blame somebody not me :P

do you think that the Paradox Version of yourself likes Squirls and Cocoa?
I think she is evil, and must be eliminated before she can cause a rip in space-time!

oh i forgots to read how many questions im allowed o.o, i guess that means as many as i want! :D
Five :p



i got Writers block T.T

anyway Congratz again :3

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:38:17 >
MQ  Post #: 89
10/29/2009 22:49:55   


wat is the only reason you would give up coffee?
I'm sure even my ghost would drink coffee. So not a lot :p

how do i become a AK?
Well the first step, and most important is that you- Ooooh, shiny rocks! *steals shiny rocks*

I really want to be a AK!!!
Man, I've never seen rocks this shiny.

(i hope coyote doesn't edit this...) is pink a MANLY color?
Why, it's so manly, even LovelySparkles the happy unicorn would agree with it.

See ya in AQW

~Insane Plumber nuclearboi

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:40:17 >


nuclearboi...the only mega-awesome super plumber in the world!
AQ  Post #: 90
10/29/2009 22:53:50   

im backzies :3

1) hows the pwettiest AK to date?
I thought /I/ was the prettiest one! ;_; ~Coyote
You thought wrong! It is I!

2) zorbak, twig, twilly, or quibble
Quibble. He can bring unique future-coffee!

3) pie, cake, or cookies
Cake. Strawberry cake <3

5) did u notice i said 5?

6) this is labeled 6 but its actually 5, do u think mayor McCheese will be a good president?
While I agree with his stance on crime, I think his animosity with the Hamburgler may do more harm than good in the long run.

4) hah its question 6 but labeled 4 :D what brand of coffee do u drink?
Blue Mountain when I can ^^

7) panda's or koala's?
Pandas. Natures 4th place raccoon.

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:42:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 91
10/29/2009 22:58:31   


Congratulations! :3

Have a good time AKing, and enjoy your shiny buttons!

Post #: 92
10/29/2009 22:58:58   

Hello. I'm here to question you again
With MANLY font -- more MANLY than a box
Of fluffy ducks, just as you said. Amen!
(They call me crazy. Crazy -- LIKE A FOX!WAFFLE)

Would you rather be without your eyes
Or would you rather be without an arm?
An arm. I got two of those. But losing both eyes would be a hassle. I couldn't spot raccoon ninjas then.

Is it better to be strong, or wise?
Wisdom. Strength may beat a door down eventually, but a wise man just uses the window.

Is a rat a true case for alarm?
Only if it's cooked badly :P

Now, I'll admit this isn't great -- the rhymes
Are forced, the line contrived. But do you like
This deviation from monot'nous times
Or is it really 'gainst your mind a strike?
Your lyrics both scare and amuse me, much like sea-wombats.

I bet this isn't what you'd call the norm--
Bonus points if you can guess the form!
Can I get bonus points anyway?

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 23:45:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 93
10/30/2009 0:00:26   

Crap, another AK, when will this legions end they invasion?

Oh well, congrats, I know u will become one, always hang around (and do nothing)

Coffee Ninja? Soda War!!!

Ohhh.... Today I got nothing to ask, happy u, because u are lazy

Bye throwing pie!
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 94
10/30/2009 0:29:13   


Seen me around? o_O

Anyway, congrats, i know how many questions you have to go through. XD
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 95
10/30/2009 0:54:58   

congradulalalations!! XD

Messa got a couple Qs XD

number one!) Is being an AK fun? XD
More fun than playing Whack-A-Mole ^^

number two!) ...are---are---are you really a racoon?
Of course, if I wasn't a raccoon could I raid your fridge and suitcase at the same time?

One more!

number three!) Can u tell people NOT to look at my sig >.> its revealing... (JK)

i said dont look at it people!!

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/30/2009 1:33:50 >


AQ  Post #: 96
10/30/2009 0:59:11   
Phoenix Angel

Congrats on your AK-ship, may you use it well.

Who teaches the raccoon ninja class and can I join?
The masters of the Coffee Dojo on Ninja Mountain. Sadly, they're not taking minions students at this time.

What coffee brand is the best coffee brand?
Blue Mountain. That's why more than 90% of the crop is sold even before it's planted.

What's the story behind you being an AK, did one leave or something or were you just that able for the job?
They needed a person, I am a person. It was a match made in an incense filled cafe`.

What's you favorite music when battling the Raccoon ninja mafia hordes? (bonus virtual-coffee if you get the Ninja Mafia reference)
I sort of like Inkubus Sukkubus and Nightwish.

And finally, What do you hope to bring to AQW GD?
Coffee, Raccoons and a thirst for world domination little more sanity ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/30/2009 1:37:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 97
10/30/2009 0:59:45   

Well I'm back for round two.

So is your Tagging phrase,"Coffee-Stain'd =P"
I don't really have one. Sheer whimsy refuses to let me settle for one tag-line ;)

So if coffee is life,and raccoons are your future,what does that make frappuchinos and koalas?
Old-school and lazy. Respectively.

If so,what are coyotes compared to raccoons,and if you picked Coyotes,would the world end?
They're like the smaller, not quite as agile and fuzzy 3rd cousins of the Raccoon. It might, but I have doubts.

First of all...does a panda like myself stand a chance?
Not against a raccoon ninja. Or a raccoon student with coffee ;)

Well,have a good night,Miss =P

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/30/2009 1:39:47 >
DF  Post #: 98
10/30/2009 1:22:38   
Fleur Du Mal

Hiyas, wonderful Lady Azjurai and congratulations!

I wish you good mood and patience! =)
Patience is a virtue. One derived from the amount of coffee on hand ;)

So, I'm having hard time here, trying to limit my questions to five. I'll start with one I've been asking a few other AKs as well, hehe.
*gasp!* I gotta win now :P

1)Have you ever fallen in love with a character in a book or in a graphic novel?
Often really. A good sad tale woven into an epic can tie you to a character for a while ^^

2)What is your favourite literature genre?
I would be a Sci-Fi Geek. True Geek. Oh yeah.

3)Could you please describe your favourite strategy when fighting a strong monster (such as Escherion) in a duo in AQW? What classes do you prefer to use, etc?
I'd prefer two of the more defensive-ish classes to all out attacking. Plus the healer/mage combo is always excellent.

4)How would you explain to someone that they cannot get everything they want for doing nothing in return?
Carefully, using small words. Maybe throw in some obscure coffee-related quote for kicks. Likely throw in some easily understood pop culture reference.

5)Arabica or blue mountain?
Blue Mountain whenever I manage to find it. After that, I actually prefer a 1:2 Robusta:Arabica mix, strong and smooth ^^

Thats all!
Have fun and never despair! (which is an odd wish coming from me, but, oh well...)

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/30/2009 1:45:36 >
DF  Post #: 99
10/30/2009 1:26:31   
Apocalyptic Silence

Congratz on AK. ;)
Many thanks.

Instead of boring you with personal questions, what do you think of my font and color?
Good color, reminds me of peaches ^^

What is your opinion on my signature?
It's a true enough statement ;)

Anyways I'm going to let you be, AK's have quite a lot of work to do. ;)
Uh.. yeah.. >.> *rustles paper*

See ya!

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/30/2009 1:46:56 >


"Nine-tenths of wisdom consists in being wise in time."

- Theodore Roosevelt

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