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RE: =MtAK= Lady Azjurai - Coffee Ninja

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10/30/2009 17:54:43   

Hello! ^.^

What are your thoughts on fusion jazz?
That would depend what it's fused with? We could end up with another Jazz Jackrabbit if were not careful >.>

If I were to call you a falsidical quibbler, how would you react?
I would blink twice, drink some coffee and nod.

Would you like this pepperoni-and-raccoon-tail pizza?
Of course. More raccoons means more power!

Do you play a musical instrument? (If so, which one?)
Flute and Drums. Flute since I was 4, drums since I was 10. Wanted to learn the harp too, but finding a teacher for that is hard >.>

Where'd you get that avvy? It's adorable. =3
Friend sent it to me, so no idea where it's from :p

How many questions have I asked you, total?
A lot!

How many people do you think I've killed via cuteness overload with this avvy?
...and carry the 4. According to my calculator (which is broken) 712.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what
The most important thing to remember when stranded is to

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/31/2009 22:25:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 126
10/30/2009 18:16:55   

Hiyas, Lady Azjurai! 'grats on being an Arch Knight!
Many thanks

So, how do you like working with AE?
Nice people, have decent coffee and pretty wallpaper.

Do you ever wonder what it'd be like if you never learned of AE?
Not really. If I'd never known of AE, it wouldn't really worry me because I've never heard of it :P

If you had to choose a side, would you choose Doom, Destiny, or Chaos?
Destiny ^^

Whats your favorite color?

And finally, have you ever made a bid at stealing your left sock back from Cysero? ^_^
Truth be told, he actually managed to steal a sock I was planning to get rid of anyway. It was a blessing in disguise.

Welp, thats all for now. Laterz, Lady Azjurai!! Battleon!

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/31/2009 22:29:06 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 127
10/30/2009 18:48:20   

HEY! Congrats on the AKiness! It had to happen sometime soon...
It was news to me :P

If a raccoon was drowning in coffee, would you, A: Drink the coffee and the raccoon dies. B: Save the raccoon and the coffee evaporates (somehow). BTW, this is EXTRA STRONG coffee.
Save the raccoon then drink the coffee. See, the coffee would then be full of raccoony goodness.

Can't think of anything else, so see you around
Ciao ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 4:14:37 >
Post #: 128
10/30/2009 19:01:30   


Wait, your avvie is a cat girl?
I do believe she is ^^

Do you have plans for life?
I do. But first I need a bathtub, 16 raccoons and a duffel bag of cheese. Then the plan can begin...

Talk about your feelings!
Mostly, they revolve around various hours of the day, and how long until I can get more coffee. Then sometimes I think of raccoons.


You drink coffee?
Of course, it's an ultimate source of good. It's also why I'm so sweet :3

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 4:18:41 >
Post #: 129
10/30/2009 20:46:21   

Congratz on being an AK! Now i got questions.
Thankee ^^

How come no1 hijacked ur MTAK? *flashback to when user became a mod*
They fear the might paw of the raccoon fist ninjas. Fear them but good.

Cookies or cake?
It would depend on the kind. Cookies'n'cream cake?

Where do you like to get ur coffee?
Mmm.. there's a few nice places close to where I live. Mostly though, I prefer to make it myself. As grams always said "If you want it done right, let me do it".

Good, Evil, or coffee?
Coffee. Being as it's a source of ultimate goodness ;)

What are you going to be for Halloween/Mogloween/British potatos?
On Halloween night itself, I never dress up. For me it's a solemn time. The night after though, it's time to let the hair down and party 'till dawn. Which is tonight, oddly enough it starts soon :P

What is the most random thing you can think of right now?
In my mind, I see a picture of a Puffin (a kind of bird) performing the Electric Slide (a dance, if you can call it that).

or ?
The first one?

Well nice asking ya. Don't lock me threads!
Never lock if you follow the forum rules :3

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 4:22:54 >


It took me a long time to think of this signature.
AQ  Post #: 130
10/30/2009 21:15:46   
Solem Stallion

First of all, [yes I know you've been hearing a lot of these!] congratulations on the AKship! Funny! I haven't been seeing your name around the forums until a week ago. Here are my questions! Brace yourself!
It's because like the raccoon ninja, I am small, silent and fuzzy.

  • How did you come up with your name?
    Well, this one time people said to this lady "So, if you ever had a kid what would you call it?" she thought for a while then said "I think I would call him Tidduk"... *rambles* and that my child, is why we no longer give foozeball tables for easter.

  • Why is the font you type in so hard to read?
    I think it's a combo of the color and the font. I've never really found the font so bad.

  • What is your favorite class to play as on AQWorlds?

  • Why is [insert class name] your favorite class to play as?
    Mostly the look ^^ I've always have a thing for steam-punkish looking things.

  • What is a coffee ninja?
    A ninja trained in the Coffee Dojo on Ninja Mountain of course :P

  • How do you like your coffee?
    Dark, no sugar. So strong you can stand a spoon in it.

  • Do you like my user name? [I just got it changed.]

Looks good ;)

Well that's all I got! See you around the forums Lady Azjurai!
Happy trails ^^


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 4:42:27 >


All that glitters. . . .
Post #: 131
10/30/2009 21:29:38   

Hello. ^_^

Congratulatons on being AKed!
Why thank you ^^

Now for a few questions:

Do you like animals?
Of course :3 They're wonderful.

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Three pieces. Then it would sleep.

Do you like the GD?
Indeed I do. There's almost always something going on here ^^

Who captured you? :o
The raccoon king. He used shiny rocks!

Well, that is all. Beware of Coyotes. And Hi-jackers! :D

Beware of hijackels, too. ~Coyote
What about ninjats?

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 4:44:05 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 132
10/30/2009 22:54:38   

Finally. I was wondering when they'd finally 'AK' you.
A fews days back they told me :p

Since you already know I don't like coffee....you can have minez. :D
Free coffee is the best coffee ;)

Now, Question Time:

What is your preference on Bunnies?
Lightly grilled with fresh vegetables.

Describe your personality in three words.
Sassy, Sleepy, Curious

If you were to venture into some unknown world, and had to take a buddy from CyDef....who would that be? ;)
Wouldn't Cysero count then? :P He could build a way back I'm sure ;)

Have you made any AK friends yet? If so, who?
Some ^^ But if I named'em, it'd go to their heads :P

Is Safiria as awesome as I think she is?
She is. Maybe even more so!

Much love Azy,
See you round :3

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 4:48:35 >
DF  Post #: 133
10/30/2009 22:57:58   

hi pwetty. ^^
No way to argue with the truth :P

kung-fu raccoon with coffee mug or super coffee raccoon
Hmm... the first one. Since all raccoons are super, and I assume it drank the coffee from the mug. We'd now have a Hyper-raccoon ninja with king-fu skills thrown in. Awesome.

chicken or duck?
Duck. I don't trust those shifty eyed chickens. You know they're planning something...

white tea or green tea?
Green tea if anything. Sencha and Matcha have wonderful colors and armoas, not to mention refreshing tastes :3

will u be my friend?
I'm a friend to all in need. Like Sailor Moon, only with the talking cat, magic powers and mysterious history.

i saw a squirrel.....he was doing like this >,,> *immitates squirrel*
Stop, it's hammer time!

til 2mmorow my pwetty fwiend

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 4:53:51 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 134
10/30/2009 23:23:01   


do you like shiny rocks? because my last post had lots of mention to them
Shiny rocks are excellent. They can be used to buy coffee, and shinier rocks.

tell me if u can follow this: if a raccoon drank the last of the coffee and you were all out, then it decided to go for a ride on a uniclycle for the excersise, and u got made because the raccoons were gone and there was no coffee left, so u chased the raccoon on a triclycle and ended up at a supermarket in Guantanimo Bay. The weird thing is Guantanimo Bay only sells raccoon flavored coffee, so i woldn't buy it if i were u because if you drank raccoon flavored coffee u would tecnicly be drinking raccoons. So then the raccoon leaves and u follow it to an amusment park where raccoons were banned because of rabis, soi u were banned because u are a raccoon too. Finally you run into me, the insane plumber nuclearboi. I punt a pump into the raccoon and get all the coffee out and u brew it again into perfection so u can finally drink it. Now heres the question. wat color are my eyes?

would u drink raccoon flavored coffee?
Coffee with an all natural 100% raccoon taste? You bet!


< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 5:01:32 >


nuclearboi...the only mega-awesome super plumber in the world!
AQ  Post #: 135
10/30/2009 23:39:42   

Hiya Azj!
Who are you, and why are you standing in my doorway? Oh.. wait.. it's you :p

How's the cell?
Comfy, I have an exercise wheel and a drink bottle!

Only 7 questions?!
I'm not paying much attention to the count anymore.

Wat's your fave type of coffee?
Blue Mountain when I can find it. Gravity or Roasted Addiction if I can't.

How do you think being an AK will impact on your AE life?
I really don't think it will so much. You know me though ^^

I'm too young for coffee! >:O
You can drink *shudder* mocha.

Anyways, I guess this is ma 7th. Bai nao!
Happy sleep-nap times ^^

< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 11/1/2009 5:08:21 >
Post #: 136
10/30/2009 23:40:51   

I'm back! I have a couple more questions. Then I'll stop torturing you. Sooo...

If a raccoon drank coffee, how much would it drink?

How's you AK job right now? Tiring, right?

If you had the chance, would you get a pet raccoon?

Thats it! Cya around the forums! =) Oops... I went over the limit of questions. Sorry!

< Message edited by Velmur -- 10/31/2009 16:59:50 >


Velmur likes Peace.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 137
10/31/2009 0:56:18   
Jonzee Boy

I haz returned, Now let the probing questions begin...

Ninja Coffee Bean or Ninja Raccoon?

If a coffee bean and a raccoon were about to be killed and you could save ONE of them what would you pick....

Lets say if.... a raccoon had de-caf coffee would he react the same to the moglinsters when voltabolt gave them sugar free coffee?

If so how long would it take for them to rule the world?


DF  Post #: 138
10/31/2009 4:19:36   
Kane the Demon Lawyer

Hiya! I iz Kane!

Grats on the AKship!

How's the cell?

Can you explain to me what a coffee ninja is, cuz im baffled. *-*

If i told you I was a member of The Brotherhood of Nod, would you run in fear?

I likes ur editing color, what would u do if User stole it?

Wanna B Buddies? :D

Who put the shackles on ya?

If i created a paradox that destroyed the Space/Time Continueum, how would you react?

I may be back. As of now...May the Force be with you young padawan.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 139
10/31/2009 4:47:56   

pfft only noobs obey 7 question limit.

us hardcore players go buy we do wat we want isnt that true user who wont hijack my post XD

coyote bettah not touch this or i call his font girly >:D
Pfft. It's MANLIER than you are. ~Coyote

no hijackers really this time...kinda sad :(

Boud if u touch mah post u di...wait ur not AK DX

< Message edited by Coyote -- 10/31/2009 11:49:03 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 140
10/31/2009 6:15:06   

I have returned. Hiyas!

BTW, I finally dropped the Toothbrush... guess what you'll be doing after downing those cups of coffee? :P

How is life in the fast lane?

Can I make a @reply in your thread? It'll be the first of its kind ;)

I hope I can because: @pmk138: Win for never being hijacked over here! :D

Post #: 141
10/31/2009 7:34:59   


How you feel when you are ArchKnight of AQW GD?

Are you a boy or a girl in the real life? Dx

Do you like a cake or a cookie?

Your AQWorlds name?

What is your favorite color?

Gz for you. You deserve it.


AQ AQW  Post #: 142
10/31/2009 7:58:35   

Hewwo my Lady.

What's your favorite armor in Aqworlds??

Oh forgot CONGRATZ! one day i see you something like debatable now AK!

wowzer i must be annoying you right now ;)

do you have cookies (if you dont then here) (o.)

ByeZ! thats all for now my Lady!

Oh and if anyone is wondering why im saying my Lady its a proper why to say hi to a rich person! or in this case an AK

< Message edited by Skylinemancer -- 10/31/2009 15:05:46 >


DF MQ  Post #: 143
10/31/2009 8:27:48   

hiyas. imma back for more question

what is the meaning of life? (42...cmon says 42)

do you think im crazy? (you deleted my 2 post for being crazy, so say yes...no srsly..say yes)

ugh...i cant believe im asking this but...*gulp*...do you think 2012 is...*enormous gulp*...d...doomsday? (im a doomknight who afraid of doomsday, roflmao)

have you ever ask zorbak? if yes, what did you ask? do you think he is trustable?

did you do everything in fast motion due to overcaffeinatted? (because i know an overcaffeinated squirrel that do everything in fast motion)

ok that's all ...for now, okthxgby:p

< Message edited by blahblah966 -- 10/31/2009 8:30:24 >
Post #: 144
10/31/2009 10:11:40   

Ciao il mio nome è Syrtees

Good job on becoming AK!

How long has it been since you became one again?

You used to be debatable, what exactly is this supposed to mean?

I'm guessing that you've been introduced to all of you comradery.
It looks like you like Anime, what Anime is your favorite, out of curiosity?

You don't happen to be on twitter do you.

^Not all of those were questions but to be nice I'll end here^
7 was your limit.

Grazie buona

-Both of the posts not in English are in Latin, just in case you were curious about that.


I HAVE A DEVIANTART! (nothing interesting though)
I HAVE A YAHOO! (sirtees@yahoo.com)
I HAVE A FACEBOOK (but don't use it)
Post #: 145
10/31/2009 10:58:13   

I was kinda wondering when you'll become AK. Saw your posts a long time ago and I must say, you deserve it. :)
Well, have fun in your new shiny (supposedly pink) shakles ^_^ Hope they're fluffy! xD
Post #: 146
10/31/2009 11:01:29   

I am back! so, lets begin!

(1) coffee vs. racoons vs. twig?

Twig vs. racoons vs. coffee?

Me with racoons who drank coffee vs. twig?

Twig vs. Me vs. rolith vs. artix vs. you vs. coffee drinking racoons?

Black hole vs. racoons with coffee?

(((2) what does antidisastablishmentanterinisim mean?)))
((( )))*

(3) its begining to look a lot like christmas! what song did i just name?

(4) tomatoes are red, watermelons are blue, roliths a codemonkey and you are ____________________________________________?

(5) if you were stuck on a deserted island for 5 days, and you had no idea where you were, and you could only bring one thing, besides coffee, or racoons, or cofee drinking racoons, what would you bring?

(6) Fedoras or baseball caps?

(7) Good or evil?

(7.5) What would you do if all the racoons in the world-------------------------


*coyote blocking shield
AQ DF  Post #: 147
10/31/2009 12:03:38   

Wow, your slacking! All AKs do this!

Why are you not answering?

I thought you WANTED work, as an AK?

I am enjoying being on almost all pages! Are you?

Does you have MSN?

Does you have YIM?

Does you have a spare car muffler? I accidentally ate my last one x.x

I'll be back

DF  Post #: 148
10/31/2009 12:18:28   


Remeber me from your house when elnaith was there?

Hows it going?


Happy halloween/mogloween!




AQ DF MQ  Post #: 149
10/31/2009 13:46:37   

This can't be. Your an AK.

What does coffee ninja do, as if a ninja isnt fast enough already.

God help those who face the wrath of a caffine filled ninja.

For ever minuite a flame thread is let loose, we take away your coffee for a day.

< Message edited by Lanaya -- 10/31/2009 13:53:03 >
Post #: 150
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