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RE: =MtAK= Nex del Vida, Paradoxical AE GD AK!

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11/11/2009 14:34:07   

Hey, I remember you. And now you're like, important, or something. Interesting... But I find this suspicious.
I remember you too! Suspicious? What? Nothing's suspicious. *laughs nervously* <.< >.>

So does this mean you're going to stop supplying me with useful info from AQ for my theories? Or does this just give you the ability to do so without having to make a new post? :P
The latter. This gives me reason to be /more/ active here, not less.



< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/11/2009 19:17:15 >
MQ  Post #: 26
11/11/2009 16:01:20   
Legendary Loremaster

Falerin presents Nex with a carefully crafted and delectable black forest cake with a rich belgian chocolate ganache.
Nex glares at the cake suspiciously.

Falerin dares Nex to accuse this pastry of dissembling.
Nex accuses as dared.

Falerin prepares the reeducation room.
Nex is dragged into the reeducation room screaming, "It was worth it! The truth will be known!"

I'm not much of a cake eater, but that sounds delicious. Why does he get to have it? Not fair! ~Genoclysm
Here, you can have it. I tend to only eat honest desserts... I suppose after the reeducation is finished I'll think differently, though.

One year later.

Nex emerges from the reeducation room and calmly makes his way to the Chestnut Tree Cafe, his eatery of choice. As he sits at the bar, the yellow note playing on the stereo sends a tear down his cheek. He loved the Loremaster.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/11/2009 19:42:41 >
Post #: 27
11/11/2009 16:31:10   
krataa Overlord

Congratulations on the AK-ship!

Why paradoxical?
Because I like paradoxes. Look up my name in Latin and you'll get an even better hint.

What is the average airspeed velocity of a flying anvil?
Well, that all depends on with what force and in what direction it was thrown, along with its mass. Also, it depends on whether it's African or European.

How many moglins does it take to change a light bulb?
Two--one to change the lightbulb, one to heal that one when it burns itself.

That's about it, I wish you the best of luck in carrying out your duties.
Thank you muchly.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/11/2009 19:33:24 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 28
11/11/2009 16:41:16   

Congratulations Nex del Vida...

Do you play AQW??
Nope. Played the beta a bit, then stopped.

Do you like Bananas...
Ripe ones.

Do you like Peanut Butter...
Provided it's the natural kind, not that hydrogenated Skippy crap.

Do you have eat them together???
I may have at some point in the past. As I recall, there's a delicious Jamba Juice shake that combines the two.

Have you heard anything about my home country, Estonia*...
Not much, I'm afraid.

Okei this all for now...

Have nice day then...
Thanks, you too!

*Estonia is land, what got is freedom by singing (Singing Revolution), Estonia is land where is everywere wifi (even in swamps:D:D:D) and Estonia is land where Skype invented...
(This remark is for you ,when you didn't knew enything about Estonia...)
Wow, that's pretty cool! Especially the wi-fi everywhere and Skype bits.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/11/2009 19:40:54 >


Post #: 29
11/11/2009 20:31:23   

Hey Nex! Remember me?


Oh well. (If you're getting a "NPC is ignoring my answers" feeling, well, I think they're funny so I won't bother apologizing :P )
Aww... ah well. Like it or not, I do kind of remember you.

Anyway, congratulation on the AK-ship!
Thank you!

So, now to find some random questions to torture you with... (That's what AK are for, isn't?)
Well, if you guys would stop pestering me, maybe I could get to my real job! Just kidding, I like doing this. Torture away.

Did you know I like parentheses? (Yeah, really...)
I did not know that. But I can see that you do.

What's your stance on coffee?
Black and bitter.

Favorite kind of cookies? (Because I can't be bothered with complete sentences...)
HTTP ones!

Any idea why the points in Tennis go 15-30-40 instead of a more logical 15-30-45, or just 1-2-3?
Bleh, not a huge fan of tennis... no idea.

Is me looking at one of your previous answers and knowing instantly it was base-64 a bad thing or a good thing?
Certainly a good thing--especially if you hang out in S&T.

About ciphers, what do you think happened to the WF quiz prizes?
They were handed out! Check out my default pet. WarpForce Moglin! Were you one of the winners? If you didn't get the prize, PM Fal.

What do the "Delete" and "Lock" button look like? Are they red and shiny and giant and evil-looking with spikes and all shiny all-over?
Yes! Nah, they look just like yours do... there are just more of them.

Am I out of questions yet?
This is actually your eleventh, so yes, you are.

Anyway, have fun AKing the boards. (No hacking the boards, though, that's bad :P) Try not to go insane too much too soon!
Thanks, I will! And I'll try not to hack too much. I can't make any promises about the insanity, though.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/11/2009 21:21:08 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 30
11/12/2009 0:34:39   

Hey it's my favorite Vida!! Technically my only Vida, but you can still be my favorite, right? Haha, I know this girl named Hope, and I was saying goodbye and I told her she was my favorite Hope and then, reflecting that I didn't know any other Hope's, told her she was my only Hope. My friends and I spend the next twenty minutes cracking up till my mom told us to get in the car, and we sang off-key all the way home. It was awesome!!!!
It's funny because it's a pun! Because Hope is her name, but it's also a noun! Get it? Ha!

Hey, you told me I could chat. I'm chatting!
I'm not complaining.

I was going to make a dumb joke about you being my only Vida, but I can't remember what it translates to (even though you did tell me once) so I didn't. I'll come back and think of something. ^_^
You can do it!

Vida's an AK!!! Yay!!! Prepare for all insanity to break free!!! *dances* *showers confetti* Though now that I think of it, we've lived in total chaos for quite a while, so I dunno if you'll make any difference. What do you think? Are you going to make a difference? *stares accusingly at Vida*
I have a dream... that orange caterpillars are crawling up licorice trees and the seven-eyed sloths gyrate in the blustering fountain! *Read: I'm insane.*

Oh! I remember what Nex del Vida means!!


And I can't think of a good joke. Nevermind.
Aww. I have one! I'm your last life... like in a video game... meh, it's not that good. Never mind.

*is reading past posts to find something to talk about and see Falerin's* *mad laughter* Hahahaha! Wonderful!! I get it, and it's amazing. *high-fives*
1984 win! I'm glad our book conversations helped.

You play D&D?!?! I've always wanted to. But I think my mother objects. (But I also think she changed her mind at some point... or decided I was old enough to make my own bad decisions.) And my friends would laugh and say it's too nerdy. And I don't know anyone who plays it. And so I don't get to play D&D.
Yep! I love DnD. 'Tis an excellent game. Just the old editions though, none of that 4e crap. 1e and 2e are the ones for me.

What does QED mean? Is that an excessively newbish question? I think so... And if the answer is something I don't want to know, just tell me I don't want to know what it means and leave it at that. Got it? Good.
Meh, it's not too newbish unless you're a mathematician. It means "quod erat demonstratum," or "that which was to be proved." ...Oh wait, you said you don't want to know. Too bad.

I'm only at... *counts* three questions! Hah!! Oh. Nevermind. I missed the first three. Now I'm at six.
:P I guess you /aren't/ a mathematician.

What's a Mobius strip? (I think I'm on a roll for newbish questions.) And I would put in your font tags too! If I knew what they were. What are they?? *stares accusingly at Vida again*
This. And my font tags are
[color-696969][i][font="Times New Roman"][/font][/i][/color]


You messed up on this post. You turned half his typing into your typing by your careless forgetting of the / in the coding. Shame shame. *shakes head* I can't believe you.
Oh no! I'll change that immediately.

EDIT: I edited the post, but I can't find the error. Mysterious.

So, I get that the cake is a lie. (Even Falerin's shiny cake.) But is the cake alive?
Lie + v =/= Live. Lie + v = ...meh, I dunno. The answer is no, the cake is not alive. It is entirely inanimate.

Are you collecting cookies? (10) You are!! Do you want another cookie? Oh, sorry! Because of your evil 10-question limit, the last question I asked has been eaten by the black hole of overquestioningness, and I shall have to keep the gooey freshly baked chocolate-HTTP cookies with extra gooshiness that smell like heaven come down to earth and are making me die of starvation just thinking about them... I shall have to keep these overly delicious cookies for myself. Sorry! *nomnomnomnomnom* *runs away*
/me initiates Time Paradox 42 to go back in time, delete question one, and take the cookies

/me noms

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/12/2009 14:28:41 >
AQ DF  Post #: 31
11/12/2009 2:05:51   
A True Hunter


Since your an AK of Specs and Theories, can you predict my future?
I can speculate & theorize about it!

What is in my future?
Food, water, sleep, and death.

Do you follow Premier League Soccer? If yes, favorite team?
A-nope. I like the, um, "Countryland Ballkickers." Yeah, that's it. That offensive...lineman...is really... goaling.

Favorite music genre?

Favorite thing to do, just to pass the time?
Read, AQ, forums.

How many S&T AKs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Three--one to screw in the lightbulb, one to theorize about what will happen afterwards, and one to merge this joke with all the other lightbulb jokes.

Dragonflies or Zerg?
Dragonflies! /me snugs Eukeh

That's all I'll be asking you today. Good luck with the position, and try to have a little managed fun.
I'll try not to kill /too/ many more polls... :D


< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/12/2009 14:23:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 32
11/12/2009 5:44:25   
I am Moglin!

Hiyas, Nex del Vida
Hey, DragonUltraMaster.

I've seen you pretty much around the forum :P It's nice to see people that I've seen alot take one step further, hehe
Yep, I've seen you around too. It's great to be able to help out in the community.

But to the questions and congratulations-stuff:

So you though you could hide this thread for me? >:P you failed *Yes, that was the first question* :3
Hide? Why would I hide it? <--- I dunno :3 By posting it here, since I'm almost never here xD

Okay bad question, but I won't continue. I'll just make this short and say congratz.
Congratz *to become an AK* and good luck *In the future*



< Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 11/12/2009 16:23:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 33
11/12/2009 23:53:17   


Have you ever suspected this?
What, being an AK? Certainly not! It was a complete surprise.

I know your leaping for joy still...

Who did you think recommended you?
I have my suspicions.

Hope you had cake!!!
Heh. So much of it. *twitch*

Well bye now!

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 14:41:27 >
Post #: 34
11/13/2009 1:05:07   
Still Alive~

Nex! :D
vez! :D

Grats on AKship.

Hmm. Now that you're an Archknight, you'll be busy doing things, correct?
Some of the time.

Does that mean you'll stop asking for Everest and JMill on IRC? :P
I don't recall asking for JMill... but yeah, it probably does mean that. :P

/rickrolls Nex
Nu! /me bans vezha

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 14:42:56 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
11/13/2009 1:38:51   

Hey! I remember you.....time for my Totally Official AK Questionnairre Game Show!
I remember you too! Alright, let's begin!

1.Congratulations on AK-ship(this is still a question)

2.Do you like Cheesecake and/or Waffles?
The former, not so much the latter. I don't eat either very often.

3.Are Yetis real?
I know of one.

4.Who will win:a DeathFrog or a Rat Mutant?
Um... DeathFrog...?

5.Do you like Transformers?


9.THE END, yeah my "questions" were a bit random but its because they test the true power of the ArchKnight!Okay not really, congrats though!
Cool! Thanks! See you later.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 14:45:15 >
DF MQ  Post #: 36
11/13/2009 7:40:15   
Legendary Loremaster


So, I get that the cake is a lie. (Even Falerin's shiny cake.) But is the cake alive?
Lie + v =/= Live. Lie + v = ...meh, I dunno. The answer is no, the cake is not alive. It is entirely inanimate.

Someone failed to complete lesson 12 in reeducation. Falerin prepares the room again.

As Nex is dragged into the reeducation room he screams, "Noooo! I was explaining an error! I can't go back there!"

One year later

Nex emerges, blinking, into the sunlight, a wide and vacant smile on his lips. He staggers to the nearest cake shop and offers the owner ten million dollars in exchange for the deed to the shop. The owner agrees, and Nex installs himself behind the counter, happily selling cakes for the rest of his life.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 14:48:32 >
Post #: 37
11/13/2009 13:00:41   

Hey Nex! You totally deserved this!

How are the chains of AKness?
As said above. Shiny and made of mobius strips.

Does the re-education room hurt?
Oh, no. It's a wonderful place. You should visit sometime! *twitch*

If so, can you tell me how much?
*smiles wistfully* I promise, you'll love it.

Chocolate: Dark, milk or White?
Dark. White chocolate is a misnomer--it isn't made of cacao beans.

Whispers: When will operation LoreMaster commence? You know, the one which concerns the immediate destruction of the re-education room?
What? Nonsense! The reeducation room is paradise! You obviously need to go there. This is nothing short of insubordination! I'm going to report you to Falerin! *storms off*

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 14:51:43 >
DF  Post #: 38
11/13/2009 13:41:34   
How We Roll Winner

Nex del vida, or as some of us cryptonaughts would call him, Vida vini vici! :D!
Nightwooolf! Long time no see! Well, I guess I just talked to you last night on MSN... but besides that. :P

Congrads on the postion (you know the one between, lore, the sun and mercury)
Wha? Um, thanks.

*Gazes over at the loremaster* I wasn't aware that a loremaster was so interested in speculation and theories contemplation.
Oh yes, he's quite a good speculator. Maybe because he wrote the story and knows what's happening next, hehe.

Anyway, may as well throw a question at you.
/me dodges

In theory would it be such a keen idea if zorbak, lord necromancer of all that is well, ahem, ebil, should he manage to ever get the chance to steal, the loremasters powers, of what consequence or benefit do you suppose the outcome would give?
Pfft. Falerin could demolish Zorbak with less effort than it takes to make a cup of Earl Grey.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 14:54:09 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 39
11/13/2009 15:02:52   

Nex i see u finally became a AK.Not to mention your the first AK i have seen before becoming an Ak
Heh. Thanks.

1. so umz.............................questions

2.do u like your new powers
Love 'em!


4.fav junk food
I try not to eat junk food.

5.who is stronger.hulk or the thing
A mage.

6.guess that's it

uh but now i have 3 aks watching over me in the speculations and theories fourmz
Five, actually--Ultrapowerpie, Genoclysm, Lkeas, Rhowena, and myself. Although the first of those is in AQGD more of the time. Bad moogle.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 18:06:36 >


Post #: 40
11/13/2009 16:10:35   

Z0MG a shiny.....Nex...del....Vida...?! Eh I will just use my poke ball.
Yeah, I don't blame you. Every time you see a Nex del Vida, there's a 1 in 1 chance of it being shiny. I wouldn't bother using a master ball on me.

Hehe jk congrats.

Favorite Band?
Recently I've been enjoying the stylings of Blue October. Other good ones are PlayRadioPlay!, The Shins, and Owl City (although since Fireflies got #1 on iTunes, the latter has been way overplayed.)

Favorite Music Video?
Eh. Don't have one.

How's them shackles?
Shiny. And un-unlockable.

What color are they?

Who is your cellmate/person on the other side of the wall?
Well, in this cell block we have us S&T AKs--Geno, Lkeas, Rhowena, Pie (although he's really more AQGD), and myself.

Want a Lellyna brand cookie? I know someone who knows a guy who knows a taco who knows a guy that knows a guy that can steal some from Razgriz.
Meh, sure.

Well too bad!

Be happy that I spared you O.o
Are they that bad? I guess I should thank you, then.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 18:05:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 41
11/13/2009 21:04:26   

Your cell is a one person? Need a blowtorch? Too bad, joo can't has unless you answuhs mah kestionz.
Arrgh! Gimmeh blowtorch!

First off, *dangles blowtorch in front of Nex's face* how many bats could a wombat bat if a wombat could bat bats?
/me snatches unsuccessfully at blowtorch. Um... as many pigs as a guinea pig could pig if a guinea pig could pig pigs?

Secondly, I OBJECT!

Thirdly, *uses blowtorch to make creme bru le (can't figure out how to do accents, or if I spelled it correctly)* yusah, hash been shtealin' mah cewkies! Why didn't you just ask? *hands a cookie*
/me grabs cookie and stares longingly at the delicious crème brûlée

Furthermore, I am out of random nonsensical questions, which is why you only got one that was actually a question, if your =MtAK= rules allow it, I will be back with some actual questions.
Wait! I want the blowtorch! *wails*

Goodbye, have a wombatastical weekend!

PS: Like my signature?
Only if I get my blowtoooorch! (But yeah, I do like it.)

EDIT: Here is the first part of your blowtorch, have fun assembling it when you get the other parts!* Muahahaha!

*Because I am Evil, and because I can.

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/13/2009 21:25:57 >


Keep Your Friends Close, Your Weapons Closer, and Your Enemies At An Appropriate Striking Distance.

~ Cow Face
DF AQW  Post #: 42
11/14/2009 16:02:59   

*walks out of a Perfectly Normal House* Huh, what...? Well, Hi again...didn't really think I'd come back here (I lie, I did know I was coming back here)
Welcome back!

Sadly, according to your post limits, this second meeting...will most likely be our last...well, what can ya do?
Rules are rules. I would say "I don't make the rules, I just enforce them," but in this case I actually did make the rules. Sorry!

Onward to my last set of probably nonsensical questions...or are they really questions?

1: More of a comment really but:

Pi divided by Infinity does not equal Infinity divided by Pi?
∏/∞ = 0, but ∞/∏ = ∞. 0 =/= ∞. Ha! One-upped you. :D

Ok, so you actually answered this one with logic, but did you really have to rub it in? ._.
Heh, sorry about that. I like math. :P

2: So, what do you think of this Perfectly Normal House?
It seems quite average.

3: Water Perferrence?
Anything not in a plastic water bottle (environmentally unfriendly!)

4: Starting to get tired of everyone trying to catch you?

5: Craziest Theory You've Ever Seen?
Hmm... hard to say. I dunno.

6: If could become any animal...?
Cat, probably. So lithe and quick.

7: 44+901/64*20+(43/1-3*823+40%) = X+Y. Find X and Y to the nearest decimal (I just made this up, so the math *might* be invalid)
Ooh, shiny. Except without even starting it's impossible, since there are two variables. I can tell you what X+Y equals, but there are literally infinite possibilities for what X and Y equal.

8: Book writing, Song writer, Cafe owner, or Assistant Regional CEO. Perferred choice?

Well, it's time for me to get going. See you around sometime maybe *walks back into the Perfectly Normal House*

*Perfectly Normal House lifts off ground via hidden jet thrusters and takes off*
I knew there was something fishy going on!

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/14/2009 21:20:12 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 43
11/15/2009 19:34:11   
goron link8

Hello again bilingual(sp?) Murder of Life
Yeah, you spelled it right. I prefer "Death of Life," but you got it.

i think that was a clever trick half latin half spanish what do you think about your trick?
When I got the name change, I thought it was all Latin. I don't love Spanish, so I certainly wouldn't have picked that if I had known. (Plus it's two-thirds Latin, one-third Spanish.)

guess how i figured it out
(ansewer at bottom after questions)
Latin translator/dictionary. Or you asked someone who knew?

So if you went to a reeducation center for a year and got out how am i talkig to you in under a week?
Falerin's a god, he can do whatever he wants. The time travel fairies work for him.

Why do you love Falerin?
1984 reference.

Why are you selling cakes now?
It's just because they're so honest! Look at them, all astute and truthful. A cake would never lie.

Why don't/did't you just log out to prevent Falerin from bringing you back?

where id you get 10 million dollars?
It... the... I just had it.

If the cake is a lie what is the cookie cake?
*frantically looks around, hoping Falerin didn't hear* But the cake isn't a lie! Why would you ever say such a thing?!
*smacks murder of life aroud with fire punch in order to break Falerin's curse or break Murder of Life so he can be free either way*
Pfft. Nothing short of Admin power could break these chains.

*sees murder of life on the ground burning and bleeding at the same time on the ground*

*pulls at a syreete syringe like they use to revive people in Nazi Zombies*

*sees Nex get back up as he walks back to his shackles*
Yay! I did it. I freed Nex. Take that Falerin!
Even if the chains break, you're never really free.
Are you feeling better Nex?
Nah. Just bruised... and undead.


/me initiates Time Paradox 42 to go back in time, delete question one, and take the cookies

/me noms

was the 42 part a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference?
Of course!

I'm sorry for beating you up so i won't torture you all the way (9 out of ten questions)

I found out that "del vida" wasn't latin so i looked it up and it said something about mexican houses so i tried spanish to english and it worked
According to the translator I used at the time, "Vida" was Latin for "Life." In fact, it's "Vita." Ah well.

*Shield attacks Deathwalker who stumbles backwards*
*jumps into the air sword drawn twirls ad hits the back of his head*
*knocks deathwalker to the ground*
*stab sword thorugh his chest and takes the blowtorch*
*gives blowtorch and mystical portal in case the torch doesn't work to Nex *
[whispers]should you ever need someone in the real world i'll be there.[/whispers]
Thanks! *Fires up blowtorch, only to realize that all the fuel was used for the crème brûlée* Nooo!

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/15/2009 21:13:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 44
11/15/2009 19:48:58   
Ebil Twilly

Ebil Twilly!



A bit better.


I don't know what to put here :P]

I is bringing ze pies for yous!
I've been hankering for a nice pie!

Gift! (wonders if Nex uses for sig O.o)
Pretty cool, but I don't use a sig. The one I have in my profile is for nostalgia only.


P.S. I didn't know Falerin changed his title.
I did. :P

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/15/2009 21:16:47 >
AQ DF  Post #: 45
11/16/2009 21:07:07   


So wait the cells are really real? Uh...congratulations for the...honor...then?
Yeah, they're real. And small. And cold. Thanks!

Ill be sure to try and find some Oxi-Clean or Fabuloso or one of those mats whose names I cannot recall that are sold by that Vince guy that can absorb ANYTHING.

Even your tears.
Oh, thanks. Yeah, these cells don't really have a proper drainage system, and the blood, sweat and tears of all us hard-working AKs sometimes get too close to drowning us for our liking.

Ohkaey on that happy note, congratulations, Im sure youll prove yourself fully worthy in the coming storm :D
Hehe, thanks.

Have fun.
I most certainly shall!


< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/16/2009 21:32:32 >
DF  Post #: 46
11/20/2009 18:58:47   

Hey congratz on being AK.

Now for mah questions

How dem shackles?

Which mods ur cell mate?
Well, Falerin is the warden. The other AKs in my cell block are Rhowena, Genoclysm, Lkeas, and Ultrapowerpie.

Cow or horse?
Meh... cow.

/me hands you spray paint of every color and tells you to color your shackles What do you do?
I strike a fire with my chains and the cell bars, then spray the spray paint at it and use it as an impromptu flamethrower. I am immediately locked in solitary confinement. D:

Favorite food?
Lobster? Crepes suzettes? Galanoth's Dragon Ribs (before I went vegetarian)? Hard to say.

Cranky Small Dude or Hyperactive squirrel?
I have a friend who's basically both. :P

What's a telepathic Orange?
If it's anything like A Clockwork Orange, then it's something I never want to encounter.

Itsy Bitsy Spider is on you roof eating your shingles what do you do?Wait for it to rain.

What do you want for X-mas?
Eh, not much. Money would be nice, hehe.

What are you going to be for Halloween?
Time-travel fairies got you?

Byebye Dont lock me threads!
Can't make any promises!

Woah, fasted answerer i've ever met and i've done a lot of these.

< Message edited by max13 -- 11/21/2009 8:16:35 >
AQ  Post #: 47
11/20/2009 20:00:04   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Hey, Nex del Vida! Congratulations!
Hey, DragonBLade. Thanks!

How are you enjoyin' your first weeks of ArchKnight - ship?
I'm loving it!

A few questions, over some Dragon Meat if you don't mind
Only if you pay!

Are you a DragonLord, DragonMaster, DragonKing, DragonKin, Dracomancer, Dragon, or none of them?
I'm a DragonLord and a Dracomancer, in DF and AQ respectively... none of the others, I'm afraid.

Pie or Cake?

Darkness or Light?

Well, that's about it. Welcome aboard the Ship of the ArchKnights!
Why thank you! But it's more like a prison boat, methinks. :P

< Message edited by Nex del Vida -- 11/20/2009 20:08:56 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 48
11/23/2009 12:30:18   

hey. nice to meet you.
Hey! You too.


your welcome

well we will meet again when you delete my post.
We won't have to if you post well, will we? :P
I think he's referring to a thread that I'm still reluctant to remove, even if it was requested. He shouldn't give up on replies so easily. ~Genoclysm

until next time ...
Until then.

< Message edited by Genoclysm -- 11/23/2009 14:28:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
11/24/2009 13:58:07   


So.... on to the torture questions!

1.Who would win in a fight: Chuck Norris or Winnie the Pooh?

2. Are your cakes real?

3. Err...seen any pigs pigging out lately?

4. Ever been sledding? o.0

Ok, I'm done torturing questioning you.


P.S. Before you go, eat this moglin cake!

< Message edited by sleddyboy3 -- 11/25/2009 14:06:36 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 50
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